What is the origin of the Al-Yahoud and where did they come from?

What is the origin of the Al-Yahoud and where did they come from?

4/19/2021 0:00:01

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If we are certain and certain, absolutely and conclusively, that the Torah is an ancient book and is not the name of a religious book, and that the Qur’an was written in the script of the Torah…then the important question is why do the Al-Yahoud claim that their book is the Torah? What is the origin of their book? And what is the origin of the Al-Yahoud?

Logic says… that the reason the Al-Yahoud claim that their book is the Torah… is because Judaism is a project creation of an ancient power that created it, and it is the one that wrote for it an imaginary history and an imaginary time… and it is the one that falsified the minds of the people, and there is no Any historical origin for the Old Testament at all, because that force was the one who wrote this book after borrowing religious texts from an original holy book specific to an authentic nation, in order to give it a religious origin and a religious and historical connection to the region, to install a false and imaginary world in the region and the world, Religiously, temporally and historically, and to penetrate the region after this force was able to hide the truth.

As for the origin of the Al-Yahoud… they have no origin at all

And this is the logical reason… which explains the reason for the large number of books that talk about many and many origins of the Al-Yahoud and their lack of agreement on an origin, and the inability of researchers to know and determine the origin of the Al-Yahoud and they do not have convincing evidence… because they In fact, they think within a virtual world created by this force, because the Al-Yahoud, with certainty, their origin is the project of an ancient power. They emerged from the consciousness of a power…this is their origin.

It is certain that Judaism ………….. began raising children after they were kidnapped or taken from different places, and they were raised on the teachings of the Jewish religion and made them keep a religious book as their Holy Book from Jehovah. …….. Then they were published, and after generations and years, a religion was embodied in reality…. carrying a religious book, a second language, an imaginary history, and an imaginary time.

They create societies and religions, they create a new world, they create human societies, whose religious, intellectual and linguistic circles were designed by satanic human minds. They are the masters of religions and the societies they lead.

The Al-Yahoud were present in the region for three goals. The first goal was to confirm the distortion of the meanings of the Qur’an in reality, that is, to embody the illusion in the minds of Muslims. As for the second goal, they were on a media mission inside the region…. To falsify the geography of the region, by creating new geographical names similar to its book, and repeating false information and entrenching it in society. The third goal is to multiply the number of Al-Yahoud in the region.

The force that created the Al-Yahoud and worked to spread them in the region for a long time…is the same force that gathered their numbers after it carried out the process of breeding them from everywhere and placing them in our land in Palestine.

This logic.

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