What is the truth about the Holocaust?

What is the truth about the Holocaust?


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The plundering Western powers cannot pass a political project without creating historical injustice and establishing moral borders as a necessary introduction before the process of passing projects and creating geographical borders.

What are oppression and moral limits?

A while ago, I watched a video of a Zionist professor and uploaded it to my page, and I will attach a link to the article in which he talks about the basic strengths that protected Israel’s security. He talked about two types of forces: moral strength and material strength, and about material strength, he talked about Israel’s relationship with America, and about The moral force that fortified and protected Israel spoke about the Holocaust and the criminalization of anti-Semitism as mental concepts and that they have the greatest role in protecting Israel. Indeed, the man is very correct in what he says, as the Holocaust and the criminalization of anti-Semitism served as a strong protection wall for Israel internationally.

The Holocaust was the legitimacy for the establishment and establishment of Israel as an international grievance that they raised in the face of everyone around the world to justify the establishment of Israel and raise it as an argument and legitimacy for the establishment. A huge memorial was built to be a moral symbolism that would be celebrated annually as an indirect message to renew the survival of Israel. Were it not for the fear of Denunciation and astonishment that Israel made Holocaust Day the national holiday for the founding of Israel.

There are some in our region who have not yet understood the idea that Zionism and the forces of the plundering West that founded Israel had a great interest in creating hostility towards the Al-Yahoud and killing Al-Yahoud in Europe, and they were very happy with the wave of hatred towards the Al-Yahoud, but they financed it and helped in the killings of the Al-Yahoud for two reasons: The first is to push the Al-Yahoud to flee the West and head towards the next new homeland, Israel. Israel wants a people to survive, and there is no solution but to push the Al-Yahoud to immigrate to Israel by any means and convince them that they have no homeland except Israel, where they will enjoy safety, to ensure the continuation of the Western project (Israel), and the second is to create Historical oppression that establishes their legitimate right before the world. Whenever Israel’s existence is criticized, the Israelis, through the media, revive the memory of the Holocaust, just like the process of trading in human bones.

If the West was the one who burned the Al-Yahoud of Europe, then what do we have to do with their problem?

There is an important observation that the Zionist West deliberately exaggerates and exaggerates the Holocaust in order to exaggerate injustice and exaggerate moral limits, and this is what we are seeing now in the events taking place in the region.

What the plundering international powers did when the Zionist entity was established was repeated many times in other regions of the world.

In Yugoslavia, for example, the plundering forces used the same technique that they did before the establishment of the Zionist entity and created moral borders before the division of Yugoslavia. The moral borders cannot be removed and will be the strongest borders that prevent any attempt to remove geographical borders.

Yugoslavia was nothing but a thorn within Europe, and the issue of its elimination became subject to the will of NATO and America after the fall of the Soviet Union. Its motives were not an ethnic or religious war, but the West wanted it that way and portrayed it that way. In the beginning, agents affiliated with them carried out ethnic massacres and attributed to the Serbs and Croats in order to push the war towards this ethnic trend, and the crisis developed and the Western powers and the United Nations deliberately did not move and were very slow in order to increase crimes in order to increase the strength and durability of the new moral borders.

We should also not forget that these massacres were exaggerated (exaggerated) as happened in the Holocaust.

Imagine if Yugoslavia was divided without those moral borders, what would prevent governments and peoples from returning to unity again?!

Indeed, a huge memorial was built in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the victims of ethnic cleansing, and every year the Bosnians celebrate this painful anniversary. The Bosnians have become sensitive and angry towards those who try to reread the story of the massacres or reduce them, and I believe that there is a law that criminalizes the reduction of these crimes.

This technology is still in use today, and there are attempts by Western plundering powers to implement it in the region from Iraq to Syria, Yemen, etc.

In Iraq, for example, this technique is implemented, where the process of creating oppression takes place in order to create moral boundaries before establishing the geographical borders of Kurdistan… The Western plundering powers pushed and financed ISIS to carry out sabotage and crimes in the areas of Iraq from the Yazidi sect, and then pushed Barzani’s forces to go to fight ISIS and The truth is that there were handover operations from ISIS, for the sake of creating liberation at the hands of Barzani’s forces and also expanding into several regions.

Barzani built a memorial in the Kurdistan region for his forces that liberated areas from ISIS, and a memorial to the tragedy of the Yazidis, as a symbol of the legitimacy and right of Barzani to embrace the oppression of the Yazidis and their liberated lands.

I do not forget an important point, which is the extent of the exaggerations that are published about ISIS crimes, for the sake of the myth of oppression, including an exaggeration of the rape of a Yazidi girl by 180 people from ISIS.

The strange thing is that an Iraqi Yazidi citizen decided to travel to Israel to talk about her tragedies and the tragedies of her sect. What is strange is that she has not yet realized that ISIS is in the service of Israel, and in order for her to go to Israel to talk about her tragedies as part of a propaganda campaign that supports the establishment of Kurdistan, a lot of people have not realized either. Of the Iraqi Yazidis and Kurds who fill Israel’s Facebook pages with comments full of support, love and adoration for Israel, they were and still are under the threat of a Zionist project of devastation, destruction, displacement and media guidance to bring them to this awareness of love, support and adoration for Israel and Hatred for the Palestinians at the same time as a step ahead of the Kurdistan state project, Israel’s support for its establishment, and no one’s objection to Israel. These people do not realize that Kurdistan is the alternative project after the fall of the ISIS project.

What is most strange… is that many Iraqis who hate ISIS and love Israel have not yet read the history of the Zionist entity, until they realize that the project to establish Israel was completely similar to the project to establish ISIS today… So who wants to go back to the past and see directly the way the entity was established? All the Zionists have to do is watch ISIS. ISIS is an exact copy of Israel in everything, in the legitimacy of its founding, the ideology for which it fought, the means and tools of work, financial support, and the forces that stood behind the two projects.



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