When did the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah mentioned in the Qur’an appear according to the speech of the Holy Qur’an?!

When did the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah mentioned in the Qur’an appear according to the speech of the Holy Qur’an?!

02/06/2020 00:00

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When did the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah mentioned in the Qur’an appear according to the speech of the Holy Qur’an?!

Or the question in another form: In what period of time did these Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah who are mentioned in the Qur’an appear, according to the natural time that passed on earth according to the speech of the Qur’an? Did they exist in the time of Nouh, or in the time of Ibrahim, or in the time of Ishak, or in the time of Sulaiman, or in the time of Yaacoub or in the time of Youssef?!

Also the question: Did the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah appear sequentially, one after one…that is, the Al-Yahoud appeared first and continued for a long period of time, then the Al-Nasarah appeared after them, and so on?

Also the question: What is the chronological status of Islam among those whom the Qur’an talks about…….. Did Islam, whose adherents carry the Qur’an, appear in this chronological, sequential manner?!

Or the question in another way: Did Muslims come after the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah, or did the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah come after Islam?! .. In other words… Was there only Al-Yahoud living in the whole world, then the Al-Nasarah came and the Earth lived a reality in which there were Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah, then Muslims came and the Earth experienced a history and a reality in which Al-Yahoud, Al-Nasarah and Muslims existed until our present time?!


The answers to these questions from the Qur’an are as follows:

The Qur’an is very clear and unambiguous… it talks about Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah who did not appear on earth until after the Book of Musa… that is, this designation did not exist before Musa, and reality and true history did not know those designations in any period of time. Before Musa, not in the era of Nouh, nor in the era of Ibrahim, nor in the era of Yaacoub, Ishak, Sulaiman, or Youssef…. According to the speech of the Qur’an, the time before Musa was completely devoid of Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah.

For this reason, you will realize and understand the true meaning of the Qur’an’s speech when it says:

{Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but an upright Muslim, and he was not of the polytheists}

In the previous verse, the Qur’an emphasizes clarifying a historical and temporal fact, which is that the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah never appeared in those ancient temporal eras at all, but rather they appeared in modern eras after Musa.

Where does the Holy Qur’an say this fact that Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah appeared in a real historical way after the time of Musa?!

Look at me carefully

{And indeed We gave Musa the Book, after We had destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind and guidance and mercy that they might remember. And We gave Musa the Book, but they disagreed about it. And had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and they are in suspicious doubt concerning it.}

The Qur’an clearly says that Allah gave Musa His Book after the departure of the first ancient nations, so that it might be insight for the people and a guidance and mercy for them. Perhaps the people would regain their first ancient memory… And as it is known that Musa brought the Book of Allah to Pharaoh and his people… But Pharaoh He disbelieved in him and lied about him.

The Qur’an says that Allah gave Musa the Book, but the people of Pharaoh disagreed about the Book of Musa (the Book of Allah)… Had Allah not preceded His word to a known time (the Day of Resurrection), there would have been a wisdom that Allah intended… Its hour would have been determined between them in Their disagreement about the book.

What is the relationship of Pharaoh’s people with the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah?!

Read with me carefully and meditate

{And Al-Yahoud said is not Al-Nasarah on anything and Al-Nasarah said The Al-Yahoud are not upon anything, and they recite the Book. Thus those who do not know say the same as their saying. So Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed about.}

This is the beginning of the disagreement that took place over the Book of Musa (the Book of Allah), and this is the first appearance of the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah in real, natural time.

What is meant by the book here… is the Book of Musa… and the name Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah did not appear until after the Book of Musa… during the recitation of the Book of Musa (the Book of Allah).

what the difference ?!

Difference is separation…and difference is deliberately creating two differences out of one true thing…and these two intentional differences produced Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah.

How did they appear?!

The Qur’an clearly says… that the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah appeared all at once in one time and not sequentially… that is, the Al-Yahoud did not appear first and then after a period of time the Al-Nasarah appeared… rather they appeared one time at the same time… and This is why it is difficult to understand time and history.

The emergence of the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah… was not the result of time and prophets… but rather because of only one event, which was upon the arrival of the Book of Musa… during the recitation of the Book of Musa only… Their recitation of the Book of Musa was created by the Al-Yahoud. And Al-Nasarah.

The Al-Yahoud, while reciting the Book of Musa, said something different from what is in the Book of Musa… and the Al-Nasarah, while reciting the Book of Musa, said something else different from what is in the Book of Musa… and each one knows very well that the other’s statement is incorrect and contrary to the Book of Musa.. ….. That is, they deliberately created differences between themselves (unruly among themselves).

Look at me carefully

{And they did not separate except after knowledge had come to them, out of envy among themselves. And had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, for an appointed time, it would have been decided between them. And indeed, those who They repeated the Book after them; there was some doubt about it.}

And they did not differ… that is, they did not differ… from what Musa brought of the truth… except while they knew (knowledge came to them)… out of envy among themselves… intentionally among themselves.

The book here is the book of Musa

So, the Qur’an says… that these two differences were intentional between them and they knew… and the two differences are the result of two different recitations of the Book of Musa and led to the emergence of the name Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah.

And they recite the book

Look at me carefully

{And Al-Yahoud said Uzair, son of Allah, and Al-Nasarah said Massih, son of Allah. That is what they say with their mouths. They are imitating The saying of those who disbelieve Before, Allah fought them. How will they be defeated?

The Al-Yahoud, while reciting a word in the Book of Musa, said, “We will say that this word is Uzair, and he is the son of Allah.” And the Al-Nasarah, while reciting the Book of Musa, said, “We will say that the same word is Christ, and we will say that he is the Son of Allah.” And the Al-Yahoud know that saying The Al-Nasarah are different, and the Al-Nasarah know that what the Al-Yahoud say is incorrect, and they both know that each one’s statement is false….a statement with their mouths while reciting the Book of Musa….and they know that they are covering up the truth found in the Book of Musa.

That is, they said this is falsehood, distortion, and disbelief… out of envy among themselves

Look with me

{And We gave them clear proofs of the matter, but they did not differ except after knowledge had come to them, out of envy among themselves. Indeed, Your Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that in which they differed.}

We gave them clear proofs in the Book of Musa, and they did not differ in the Book of Musa until after knowledge had come to them out of transgression and intentionally among themselves….And Allah will judge (judge) between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed in the Book of Musa.

Read with me and reflect

{That is because Allah sent down the Book with the truth, and those who differ in the Book are in deep discord.}

Allah revealed the Book of Musa with the truth….but they differed from the truth that came to them in the Book of Musa…after Musa.

But what if they don’t differ?!

If they had not disagreed about the Book of Musa, there would not have been such a thing as Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah. If they had not disagreed about the Book of Musa, there would only have been (Islam).

Look at me carefully

{Indeed, the religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then Allah is quick to judge.}

That is, Musa came to the people of Pharaoh with the Book of Allah (Islam)… and they did not differ about the Book of Musa… nor did they make differences, nor did the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah divide among them unless they knew that each one was wrong… after knowledge had come to them.. And this action they carried out intentionally and with transgression… in order to hide the Book of Musa.

That is, the Qur’an clearly and explicitly says…that the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah appeared after the Book of Allah…the Book of the Muslims…which Musa brought…after knowledge came to them from Musa out of envy among themselves. …….. That is, the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah appeared on earth after the time of Muslims on earth.


And this is the reason for the speech of the Qur’an… that they will not be satisfied with the Messenger, because in the first place the truth has come to them and they know the truth and they know that they are upon falsehood, and they did not play with them except intentionally and out of envy among themselves… so no matter how much truth the Messenger came to them, they will not be satisfied. Until he follows their desire (the desire and transgression they have committed).

{And the Al-Yahoud will not be satisfied with you, nor will the Al-Nasarah be satisfied with you until you follow their creed. Say, “Indeed, Allah’s guidance is the guidance. And if you follow their desires.” After the knowledge that has come to you, you have in Allah neither any guardian nor any helper. }

What is the knowledge that came to the Messenger?

It is the same knowledge that came to the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah, and they hid this knowledge and truth and created differences between them intentionally and unjustly.

Read with me and reflect

{And We did not send down the Book to you except that you might make clear to them that in which they differed, and as guidance and mercy for a people who believe.}

It is the same book that was given to Musa, and they concealed the truth in it, and they created differences in the book and divided deliberately after they distorted the book of Musa, knowing that they were wrong, but for the sake of concealing the book of Musa and sedition of the people.

That is, the Messenger Muhammad… the Book was revealed to him (the same Book of Musa) in order to clarify the things about which they differed, intentionally and unjustly, in the Book of Musa that came to them.

What is the issue of the Book of Musa and how will Allah judge between them on the Day of Resurrection?!

Read with me carefully

{And We sent down to you the Book with the truth, confirming what was before it of the Book and dominating it, so judge between them according to what Allah has revealed, and do not follow their inclinations beyond the truth that has come to you. And thus We sent it down as an Arabic ruling. And if you follow their inclinations after the knowledge that has come to you, you will have no guardian or protector in the presence of Allah. }

We have sent down to you the Book with the truth that Musa brought, confirming His Book in which they differed…. And do not follow their desires after knowledge and the truth have come to you.

But what is the nature of the ruling that Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection through His Messenger?!

An Arab ruling….. Because Musa came to Pharaoh and his people with a purely Arabic book, an Arabic book, so they hid it, and they created differences among themselves and divided the people into religions that carried books that Allah had not revealed, and they wrote them intentionally and ungratefully among themselves in many languages.

Read with me carefully

{And before it was the Book of Musa, a guide and a mercy. And this is a Book confirming the Arabic language, to warn those who do wrong and to give good news to the doers of good. And We have sent down to you the Book with the truth, confirming what is between His hands are from the Book and He has dominion over it, so judge between them according to what Allah has revealed, and do not follow their desires beyond the truth that has come to you. And thus We have sent it down. An Arab ruling, and if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you will have no guardian or protector from Allah.

An Arabic ruling and authenticating the Book of Musa in an Arabic language…….. It is the truth that Musa brought to Pharaoh and his people……. The truth… The Arabic ruling for the book that they distorted and forged out of envy among themselves…. …Then they hid it and then created all these religions on earth to hide the truth of time and the true history on earth.

What does this mean ?!

The people were of only one religion, which is Islam, and the religion of Ibrahim, Muslim, and the tongue of the first man was Arabic, which is the tongue of the first book… But they tempted the people and created all these religions and differences out of hatred among themselves.

{And people were only one nation, so they differed, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them regarding what they differed about.}

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed, and none differed in it except those who were given it, after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed to the truth in what they differed in, by His permission, and Allah guides whom He wills. To a straight path}

What is the conclusion?!

The Prophet Muhammad’s message was not to destroy idols, according to what reached the Muslims in the story of Mecca, nor was his message to bring a new religion………because the Prophet Muhammad was supposed to come to a Muslim people who were in error because their book had been deliberately hidden.. Let them recite to them the Book of Musa, which was hidden from the people, so that they would be certain that they were Muslims from eternity and that it was their first nature… The message of the Prophet Muhammad is the Book of Musa that was forged and because of which they tempted the people and created for them all these differences intentionally and out of spite among themselves… And returning the people to the real Sacred Mosque after the Pharaohs created all these fake religions and made the Dirar Mosque a new qibla to harm the Muslims.

The Prophet Muhammad came to the people to recite the first original book from which the Muslims memorized the Noble Qur’an (the Great News)… so that they would be certain that Islam was their first nature since time immemorial…. and to remove them from the game of the Pharaoh’s family after they created for the Muslims a new religion and a new Sacred Mosque. A new Qiblah in Mecca (Dirar Mosque).

{And when it is recited to them, they say, “We believe in it. Indeed, it is the truth from our Allah. Indeed, we were Muslims before it.”}

How is this possible?!

Because the Holy Qur’an is nothing but a piece of information from the Book… a prophecy… the revelation of the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad.

What are they wondering about the great news? Those who are different about it. No, they will know. Then no, they will know. The Hour has approached and the moon has been split open. And if they see what they show, they turn away and say it is continuous magic. And they lie and follow their own desires, and every matter is settled. And indeed the news has come to them. There is nothing in it that is offensive. ¤ Great wisdom, so vows are of no use. ¤ So turn away from them on the day the caller calls for something reprehensible.

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