Which is the older of the two?

Which is the older of the two?

8/2/2020 0:00:01

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For those who want proof that Al-Masjid Al Haram is in Misr

First, look at the picture carefully and consider the colors in it.

Allah says His house in (Bakkah) in yellow

And who disbelieves in the words of Allah (the color yellow)?!

The word “blasphemy” will be (colored green), and any word that replaces the words of Allah that are (colored yellow) will be (colored green)… because they are words of disbelief.

For this reason….we made the color of the word (Mecca) the same color as the word (Kafr).

So… (Mecca) is blasphemy… and the house in (Mecca)… Al-Masjid Al Haram is not the first house built for the people and it is in (Mecca), nor should it be, and the mosque in (Mecca) is a blasphemous mosque.

Read the speech of the Qur’an carefully and ponder it and see how it matches our words:

{And those who have made a mosque out of harm, disbelief, and division among the believers, and as a shelter for those who waged war against Allah and His Messenger before, and they will swear, “We only desire the best.” Allah bears witness that they are indeed liars. (107) Never stand therein a mosque founded on piety from the first day. It is more deserving that you stand therein. There are men who love to purify themselves. Allah loves. Those who are purified (108) Is he who founded his building on piety from Allah and His satisfaction better, or he who founded his building on the brink of a scorching cliff, so it collapses with him in the fire of Hell? Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. (109) Their structure which they built will remain in doubt in their hearts unless their hearts are cut off. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise ( 110)}

{And it is He who withheld their hands from you, and your hands from them in the interior of Mecca, after He had given you victory over them, and Allah is ever Seeing of what you do. (24) They are the ones who disbelieved and turned you away from Al-Masjid Al Haram.}

Now… Have you made sure and are certain that Mecca is Dirar Mosque?!

So Al-Bayt Al-Haram is definitely not in Mecca, right?!

So where is Bakkah, which contains Al-Bayt Al-Haram and Al-Masjid Al Haram?!

Where will he be?! However, Al Ain says that the house in Misr is older than the house in Saudi Arabia, and it may be Bakkah, but the scientific method refuses to specify options, and limits the choice between two places, as there are many sites that could be Bakkah. Because there may be another building older than the one in Misr.

This is very correct and a scientific approach.. Therefore, we did not put the name of Misr in the same color as the word (Bakkah) in the picture (yellow)?!


Now…………If you want evidence…you only have four types of evidence: (Quran), (Logic and Reason), (Reality), and (Material Evidence)…. Until you reach the place of Al-Bayt Al-Haram.


First…..[The Qur’an is the word of Allah]

1- The story of Ibrahim

{Our Allah, I have settled some of my descendants in an uncultivated valley near Your Al-Bayt Al-Haram, our Allah, so that they may establish prayer.} {Allah, make me an establisher of prayer and of my descendants, our Allah, and accept supplication} {And when We determined for Ibrahim the place of the House that you should not associate anything with Me, and purify My House for those who circle around and those who stand and those who kneel and prostrate.}

2- The story of Musa

{And We revealed to Musa and his brother: “Reside in your people’s homes in Misr, and make your homes a qibla, and establish prayer, and give good news to the believers.}

Now.. Leave aside your beliefs and convictions…….. I have a divine text and I must deal with it as it exists without any deficiency or addition.

Allah tells you that Ibrahim is a Muslim and not a Jew or a Christian, and Musa is a Muslim messenger like Ibrahim… They are all believers in Allah and Muslims, and we do not differentiate between any of His messengers… And any speech from any messenger in the Qur’an is a binding speech to us.. Religion is one with Allah. I finish

It is natural that Ibrahim was a Muslim and the House was the same from the time of Ibrahim until today, and all the messengers had the same direction towards Al-Bayt Al-Haram in Mecca.

Now notice the correspondence between Ibrahim and Musa.

The Holy Mosque

{And when We appointed for Ibrahim the place of the House} = {that you may spend your homes in Misr for your people}

Allah gave His Messenger Ibrahim the place of the house, and it is natural that He meant the house in Mecca, but it is logical that Allah would reveal to His Messenger Musa that his people should settle in the same place where Ibrahim settled.

Allah granted Musa’ people the houses in Misr.

this means :

A valley without crops = the location of the house = Misr

But Allah gave Ibrahim (one house), but he gave the people of Musa (several houses)… So why this contradiction?!

If you notice… you will find that in Misr there are several houses literally next to each other, as in the Qur’an’s speech, but the speech is not identical when talking about Ibrahim and it talks about one house.

The reason is simple… because Ibrahim is the first beginning, he is the beginning of the first, very ancient time, and he is the one who raised the foundations of the first house found in Bakkah, and he was the first to raise the foundations of the first house of the houses found in Misr, so Allah assigned him a position of his own. Next to the house, but after Ibrahim, Allah allowed other houses to be raised, and because Musa is almost the last messenger directly connected to the Messenger Muhammad in the speech of the Qur’an, therefore Musa came at a very, very late time, and the place in Bakkah now contains several houses.

Therefore, you find that when the Qur’an talks about the time of Ibrahim and his story, the speech only talks about one house, Al-Bayt Al-Haram (Al-Bayt Al-Haram), but as soon as we move to the time of Musa, we find the appearance of several houses and several mosques (Al-Masjid Al Haram and Al-Aqsa Mosque) in the Qur’an’s speech when he talks about Musa .

{Glory be to Him who took His servant by night from Al-Masjid Al Haram to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. (1) And We gave Musa the Book and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel. Do you not take a guardian besides me?)

in another meaning :

In the time of Ibrahim, there was one house (one pyramid) in Misr, and in the time of Musa, there were several houses in Misr (several pyramids).

This thing is the realistic logic that took place on the ground….. The houses in Misr, which are falsely known as the pyramids, were not built at one time and at one time, but rather were built at different times.

Therefore, the Qur’an’s speech is very logical… and speaks with a very sound historical, temporal, and realistic logic.

Now read how this historical and temporal logic matches the Qur’an’s discourse:

{Indeed, the first House established for mankind is the one in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds. (96) In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim.

Now consider the readers’ speech well:

{And when Ibrahim raised the foundations of the House and Ismail, “Our Allah, accept from us. Indeed, You are the Hearer, the Knowing. (127) Our Allah, and make us Muslims to You and from our descendants a nation submissive to You. And show us our rituals and accept our repentance. Indeed, You are the Accepting, the Merciful. (128)}

Make our descendants a Muslim nation… meaning all Muslims are descendants of Ibrahim, and this Muslim nation is from the call of Ibrahim… and Ibrahim is the father of Muslims.

In other words, you are supposed to follow the religion of your first grandfather (Ibrahim).

For this reason… the Qur’an always addresses you about Ibrahim and that he was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but a Muslim, and why does the speech call on you to follow the religion of Ibrahim only, meaning the religion of Muslims today and not the belief, it is the religion of Ibrahim.

Read well

{And strive for the sake of Allah as He deserves His striving. He has chosen you and has not placed upon you any hardship in religion, the religion of your father Ibrahim. He called you Muslims before and in this so that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people. So establish prayer and pay the poor-rate and hold fast to Allah. He is your Master. So what a good Master and what a good Helper.}

The revelation tells you…the religion of your father Ibrahim

And what does he command you?!

(Establish prayer)

See how Ibrahim emphasized establishing prayer

{Our Allah, I have settled some of my descendants in an uncultivated valley near Your Al-Bayt Al-Haram, our Allah (so that they may establish prayer)}

{Allah, make me (the one who establishes prayer) and from my descendants, our Allah, and accept my supplications}

And look at how the revelation’s speech, when it speaks about Ibrahim and the House, always includes the command (Establish prayer)

And how the command (establish prayer) also occurs in the Qur’an’s speech about the houses in Misr and the Qiblah.

{And We revealed to Musa and his brother, “Reside in houses for your people in Misr, and make your homes a qibla, and (establish prayer) and give good news to the believers.}

As long as Ibrahim is your father, you will follow the religion of Ibrahim and his prayers.

For this reason, a station was placed for Ibrahim at the House…the station of Ibrahim

The Maqam was given this name because it is part of the establishment of prayer, meaning a place was marked to indicate the location of the house and the place of performing the prayer.

Read the two verses carefully:

{And they took the place of Ibrahim as a place of prayer}

{And establish prayer} = {And take the place of Ibrahim as a place of prayer}

Maqam and prayer place…they are one thing…the name of the place where the believers will perform prayers.

When the Qur’an spoke about Ibrahim and the House, the phrase (Establish prayer) was mentioned…… And when the Qur’an spoke about Musa and the Houses in Misr, the phrase (Establish prayer) was mentioned.

At the houses in Misr… establish prayer

And by the houses in Misr…the place of Ibrahim

The word (maqam) comes from the verb (establish)

The Maqam of Ibrahim…is the place of prayer…that is, perform prayer in the houses in Misr near the Maqam of Ibrahim.

The place of the house in the story of Ibrahim is the same as Misr in the story of Musa

one place

Now see the reality

In Misr, in the area called (Giza), there are several houses falsely called (pyramids), and next to them is a statue of a man (the Sphinx), and you do not know what it is or why it exists.

Of course, according to the words of the West, who translated the inscriptions of Misr and visited them, they told people that they were buildings built by Egyptian kings (Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure).

If we agreed with their words… from the door of my face with the liar to the door of his house

But what is strange and illogical… What is the benefit of that statue located next to the pyramids when it is not a statue of a king who built one of those pyramids?!

At least… the logic in which those pyramids were built, according to the story of the West, dictates that this model be a model of King Khufu, or a model of King Khafre, or King Menkaure, since these kings love boasting and greatness, and they built those huge buildings in order to They brag in front of their people.

But the object is called (the Sphinx) or (the Sphinx) according to the story of Greek history.

Ok, why is this model not present at the rest of the pyramids? There are many pyramids in Misr, why is there one?!

The answer: This prominent and clear figure (the Sphinx) is (the shrine of Ibrahim).

{Indeed, the first House established for mankind is the one in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds. (96) In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim.

Clear verses…. (the station of Ibrahim)

A shrine that cannot be mistaken by the eye or the mind…. This is the first house (false pyramid) built among the houses (pyramids) found in Misr, and the owner of the shrine (Ibrahim) is the one who raised the foundations of the first house that was placed for people on earth in (Bakkah). .. In a valley without crops.

Note this certain and certain information. It was circumvented by the West who forged Egyptian inscriptions, until they made the residents of Misr and the region believe, while they were confident of themselves, that the house located in the Saqqara region in Misr was the first pyramid built in Misr.

So far…everything is fine

What is the meaning of (clear verses)?

There is a brother from Misr, who always repeats the sentence that there is a missing letter, and he is determined and insists that the sentence is {in it are clear signs and the station of Ibrahim} and he cannot get out of this idea.

According to his logic… the house contains two things:

(Clear verses) and (the station of Ibrahim)

Ok, so what are the clear verses?!

If there had been clear verses, there would not have been a need to address the position of Ibrahim, to specify the location of Al-Bayt Al-Haram in Mecca… And if clear verses had been something that our brother from Misr had in mind, then it would be a general, non-specific word, and people would not have disagreed about it.

Therefore, we say to him that (and perhaps Allah will guide him):

Clear verses = the station of Ibrahim

What is the meaning of verses?!

Read the readers’ letter

{And when Ibrahim raised the foundations of the House and Ismail, “Our Allah, accept from us. Indeed, You are the Hearer, the Knowing. (127) Our Allah, and make us Muslims to You and from our descendants a nation submissive to You. Show us our rituals and turn to us. Indeed, You are the Most Merciful. (128) Our Allah, and send among them a Messenger from among themselves who will recite to them Your verses and teach them the Book and the Wisdom and purify them. Indeed, You are the Mighty, the Wise (129)}

Note the following

– When the Qur’an spoke about Ibrahim and the House, the speech was linked to the sentence: {Our Allah, and send among them a messenger of their own who will recite to them Your verses and teach them the Book}.

(He recites Your verses) and (he teaches them the Book)

– When the Qur’an spoke about the first verse that was written in Bakkah, the speech was linked to the sentence: {A guidance for the worlds, in which are clear signs.}

(For the worlds) and (clear signs)

what is the story ?

Because the revelation speaks about the verses of the Book… and the Book is… the book whose verses have been explained in detail by our Arab readers… and which the West has forged.

There is a verse in the book about the position of Ibrahim… Yes

When the speech of revelation speaks about Al-Bayt Al-Haram and says: {And whoever disbelieves, Allah is free of all worlds}…..what is meant by disbelief and what is the relationship of the House to disbelief?!

How does a person become a disbeliever in reality? Does he prevent people from this place? Does he declare a disbeliever by the language of the people who call that object (the shrine of Ibrahim) and call it (the Sphinx)?!

Yes, it changes people’s original tongue

how ?!

This reality that exists around people…its names were put by the original, natural language that has existed since ancient times…and these people have a religion even today, and this religion is the inheritance of their ancient ancestors (the first centuries). …..And their ancestors wrote the names of places in ancient documents in their original tongue.

{And We gave Musa the Book after We had destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind and guidance and mercy so that they might remember.}

Therefore, when the revelation speaks about disbelief… it is talking about disbelief in the book that contains the rites and rituals of their religion, and the original names of things and places around them.

For this very important reason, the Qur’an begins his speech with:

{That book no doubt guidance for the righteous} .

And when the speech of revelation says:

{Indeed, the first House established for mankind is the one in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds. (96) In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim.

And whoever disbelieves in the verses of the Book (among which is the station of Ibrahim), then Allah is Self-sufficient of the worlds (those who know the Book and know how to read it in the original tongue in which it was revealed, which is the Arabic tongue).

How is disbelief accomplished?

By forging the book and hiding it from people

{And when Allah took a covenant from those who were given the Book that you will make it clear to the people and do not conceal it, so they threw it behind their backs and bought it for a small price, so evil is what they bought.}

Therefore, when the speech of revelation speaks… clear signs, the station of Ibrahim… he is talking about the verses of the Book… a guidance for the worlds.

Who are the worlds?

Who teach the book

Read the letter of revelation

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail. We recite it in Arabic for a people who know. The tongue of the one to whom they turn is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.}

The people who know = the worlds

An Arabic book talks about a place called (Bakkah) in which there are clear verses about the shrine of Ibrahim, and there are people who know how to read the name of that place (the two worlds).

The book talks about a place in reality called (the place of Ibrahim), and at the same time it talks about verses in the book called (the place of Ibrahim).

How can a book talk about something in a book and in reality at the same time?

Because the book is written with pictorial symbols of things from reality (verses), and the book is read in an Arabic tongue, and people’s ancestors used to speak in a clear Arabic tongue.

Re-read the speech of revelation about the first verse revealed to the people, until you are sure that the speech speaks about verses found in the book.

{Indeed, the first House established for mankind is that which is in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds. (96) In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim. And whoever enters it will be safe. And for Allah is the obligation of the people to make the Hajj to the House, whoever is able to make a way to it, and whoever disbelieves, then Allah is of no need of the worlds. (97) Say, O People of the Book, why do you disbelieve in signs? Allah Allah is a witness to what you do (98) Say, “O People of the Book, why do you turn away from the path of Allah from those who believe? You seek it crookedly while you are witnesses, and Allah is not unaware of what you do. (99) O you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Book, they will turn you back into disbelief after you have believed. (100) }

– Say, O People of the Book, why do you disbelieve in the verses of Allah in His Book? (Among those verses is…the station of Ibrahim.)

He talks about disbelief in the verses of the Book (the station of Ibrahim).

– Say, “O People of the Book, why do you turn away from the path of Allah?”

He talks about how they keep people away from where Al-Bayt Al-Haram actually is

He talks about two identical worlds (book and reality)

This is evidence from the Qur’an… that the Qur’an is hovering around Misr… and that there is a cry in Misr.

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