Who assassinated Ahmed Shah Masoud? What is the connection between his assassination and the events of September 11?

Who assassinated Ahmed Shah Masoud? What is the connection between his assassination and the events of September 11?

8/28/2021 0:00:01

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Who is Ahmed Shah Masoud?

Ahmed Shah Massoud was born in Panjshir, Afghanistan in 1953.

His father, Dost Muhammad Khan, was an army colonel, and his uncle, Abdul Razzaq Khan, was an intelligence officer.

He studied at Al-Istiqlal High School using the French system and mastered French. Then he became an engineering student at Kabul University.

He was a prominent member of the Islamic Society, which was founded by Abdul Rahim Niazi in 1969. He was next to Burhan al-Din Rabbani and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

Masoud later established the organization of the Shura Council of the Nine States, “Shurai Nizar” or “Shura Council of Supervisors,” which also includes Abdullah Abdullah, Muhammad Qasim Fahim, and Yunus Qanooni.

He married the daughter of his bodyguard, known as Uncle Taj al-Din Mohammadi. He has 5 daughters and one son.

Masoud was one of the leaders of the resistance against the Soviet occupation, and played a major role in expelling the Soviets from Afghanistan.

He fortified himself in the Panjshir Valley, which earned him the title “Lion of Panjshir” and the title “Conqueror of Kabul, Amir Sahib.”

He was able to conclude a treaty with the Soviets for a one-year ceasefire in the Panjshir Valley… Masoud took advantage of this truce and headed to other provinces towards the provinces of Badakhshan, Takhar and Baghlan, and opened other new fronts against the Soviets after it was only one front. In Panjshir.

He formed a battalion called the Central Forces, and some Arab mujahideen joined it.

In the early 1990s, Masoud became Minister of Defense and then Vice President Rabbani.

In late 1994, most of the Taliban groups fighting in the battle for control of Kabul were defeated militarily by the forces of the “Islamic State’s Defense Minister” Massoud.

At the beginning of 1995, the Taliban movement began bombing Kabul, but they were defeated by the forces of the Islamic State government led by Massoud.

In 1996, after the collapse of the Rabbani government and the Taliban’s seizure of power in Kabul, Massoud established the “Northern Alliance” against the movement, which was preparing for an attack against the areas remaining under Massoud’s control and the areas under the control of Abdul Rashid Dostum.

The “Northern Alliance” coalition was formed from discordant forces, and included Dostum, Ismail Khan, and Abd Rab al-Rasul Sayyaf. It also included prominent politicians and diplomats such as Abdul Rahim Ghafourzai, Abdullah Abdullah, and Masoud Khalili.

In addition to the Tajik forces (mainly Masoud) and the Uzbek forces of Dostum, the “Northern Alliance” included Hazari soldiers led by Haji Muhammad Muhaqqiq and Pashtun forces led by commanders such as Abdul Haq and Haji Abdul Qadeer.

From 1996 to 2001, the Northern Alliance controlled about 10% of the territory of Afghanistan.

– September 9, 2001, Ahmed Shah Massoud was assassinated, just two days before the September 11, 2001 bombings in the United States.

In 2005, a French court in Paris convicted 4 people on charges of “providing logistical support to Massoud’s killers” and sentenced them to prison terms ranging from two to seven years. The four had been arrested by the French police, after linking papers found with Masoud’s killers and an extremist cell in Brussels headed by Tariq Maroufi, who was sentenced to 6 years in prison in 2003.

In 2011, the investigation file into the assassination of Ahmed Shah Massoud was reopened at the Palace of Justice in Paris after investigators discovered that there was evidence of complicity among members of an Islamic network active in France in helping to carry out the assassination. Eight young men of Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian origins appeared before the judiciary. On charges of providing support to Masoud’s killers, who posed as journalists and the network provided them with forged passports in addition to financial support for the perpetrators of the attack.

It is believed that Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda allied with the Taliban, which was in control of the government at the time, sent two members of the organization and they succeeded in assassinating Masoud in the town of “Khawaja Bahauddin” in the northern Takhar province near Tajikistan when they pretended to be journalists and carried with them a bomb-laden camera. .


Who assassinated Ahmed Shah Masoud? And what is the relationship of his assassination to the events of September?

Weeks ago, the Taliban took control of large parts of Afghanistan and the capital, Kabul, and the son of Ahmed Shah Massoud came out saying that he was ready to negotiate with the Taliban and pardon his father’s blood.

Were the Taliban really behind the assassination of his father?

We believe that the assassination of Ahmed Shah Massoud had nothing to do with the internal war in Afghanistan between the forces of Ahmed Shah Massoud and the Taliban forces. His assassination was very closely linked to the September 11 bombings in New York.

Why ?

for many reasons

– The Taliban did not need to assassinate him, as they controlled a large percentage of the territory of Afghanistan, while the forces of Ahmed Shah Massoud were besieged in areas of 10% of Afghanistan.

The perpetrators of the operation were not from inside Afghanistan and were not from the Taliban. The assassination operation was carried out by a team that came from outside Afghanistan, and the operation was large and indicates great external planning and coordination between institutions in foreign countries, and such support cannot be provided to the Taliban.

– Throughout the Taliban’s war with Ahmed Shah Massoud, the Taliban did not think of assassinating him with such a high-level planned operation, and it proved how quick and easy it was…… So why did the Taliban not carry out such an operation before, why did they delay such an operation? ?! .

– Also, the question that imposes…. Why was it a coincidence that his assassination took place two days before the events of September 11, which was America’s pretext for invading Afghanistan?!

This coincidence…is the real gateway to understanding the reason for the assassination and the party behind the assassination.

how ?

In April 2001, approximately 5 months before the New York bombings, Ahmed Shah Massoud made his first visit to Paris and delivered a famous speech in Brussels within the European Union Parliament, in which he called on the European Union to help the Afghan people in eliminating the Taliban, and in which he warned the West. A major terrorist act will target the West, after obtaining secret information indicating that Al-Qaeda, supported by the Taliban, is planning to carry out a major terrorist act in the West.

There we stop.

If you entered the American pages and groups on social networking sites that talk about September 11, and asked there who did that work?! ..You will quickly find the answer: internal work carried out by George Bush and people in the American decision-making center.

Yes, September 11 was carried out by America, a very clear act that was not mixed with a single shred of doubt, and if you searched for the story of the third tower in New York that was forgotten by the American media, which fell on that day and no plane crashed into it, you would know the whole game.

Ahmed Shah Massoud talked about a major terrorist act that would take place in the West, but he did not specify its nature and time. He said that Al-Qaeda, supported by the Taliban, was planning it.

Logical questions:

How did Ahmed Shah Massoud know that a major terrorist act would occur in the West 5 months before it occurred?

Why did Ahmed Shah Massoud lie and claim that the action would be planned by Al-Qaeda, while the September events were the work of America itself?

How is it possible that a person like Ahmed Shah Massoud was able to successfully obtain very dangerous information that no one had access to, not even the West itself? This indicates that he has elements that have infiltrated the leaders of Al-Qaeda and are bringing him all the secret information….. But this same person completely failed to obtain information from Al-Qaeda about their planning to assassinate him?!

A person living in Afghanistan, whose security is penetrated from all sides and angles… is able to successfully obtain dangerous information about an operation targeting the West, while the American intelligence services present in his country, surrounded by a very large security fence on all sides, fail to obtain that information?

A person living in Afghanistan, whose security is infiltrated from all sides and angles, is able to successfully obtain dangerous information about an operation targeting the West by an organization present in Afghanistan, and he goes to the West and warns them about it…….while the European intelligence services present in Countries surrounded by a very large security fence on all sides and angles were unable to obtain information about an operation aimed at assassinating him by organizations living in Europe, and did not go to him and warn him, and he is her close friend?

One of two… Either Ahmed Shah Massoud was among the team of Western leaders who carried out the events of September 11, or he was not part of the team, but the West laughed at him and extracted a statement accusing Al-Qaeda so that it would be a legitimate instrument that would help them globally as a legitimacy for the invasion. Afghanistan.

how ?

By reading the man’s history, he was a well-known figure who had a heroic history in fighting the Soviets, and was loved by a large segment of Afghans, even if he was in a war with the Taliban.

In April 2001…the Taliban was in control of Kabul and approximately 80% of Afghanistan, while Ahmed Shah Massoud and his coalition were trapped in a small area in Afghanistan.

It seems that Ahmed Shah Massoud… decided to seek foreign assistance, and this is evidenced by his first visit to Paris, and his meeting with leaders of European countries.

The West agreed to help him and asked him, through Western channels, when giving his speech, to tell the whole world that Al-Qaeda is a terrorist and is planning to carry out a terrorist operation targeting the West… out of propaganda war against the Taliban and nothing more, and to distort its image. So that he is supported globally in his war against the Taliban, and so that the West’s assistance to him is legitimate and globally accepted.

The man agreed………and when he gave his speech in Brussels, he spoke that the Taliban had distorted the image of Islam and was supporting Al-Qaeda, which was planning terrorist attacks in the West.

He won the love of the West, especially France, which began to open reliable channels of communication with him.

Now suppose the following:

What if Ahmed Shah Massoud had not been assassinated, and the events of September 11 occurred, and America and the West said that Al-Qaeda was behind the operation, what would be Ahmed Shah Massoud’s position?

We have two possibilities:

The first is that Ahmed Shah did not give that speech in Brussels, and because the world’s view of the Taliban was bad at that time, but that view did not exist towards Ahmed Shah, and with that view Ahmed Shah Massoud would fight the American presence in Afghanistan and gain sympathy. Afghans and the world.

Second… Ahmed Shah Masoud delivered the speech in Brussels.

Then Ahmed Shah Massoud will know that the operation was carried out by the West, for the purpose of invading Afghanistan, and he will make statements to the media, saying that he accused Al-Qaeda because he had been asked of him by the West, as a matter of media war, and it will be exposed, and his statement will be a global condemnation, and the game will be exposed and a revolution will be established. In the West against the leaders of America, Europe, etc., and will fight the American presence as well.

So what is the work?

Extract universal recognition from him, then assassinate him

And this is what happened

Who assassinated him?

French and Belgian intelligence services

Why ?

The operation’s implementation requires the presence of a reliable statement from him, so that Ahmed Shah Massoud agrees to conduct the interview, and this confidence would not have occurred unless there were permits from the channels of trust that Ahmed Shah Massoud had agreed upon with France.

Therefore…the French and Belgian intelligence services chose soldiers to carry out this operation and they deliberately gave them an Arab body, so that the subject would suggest that it had a connection to Al-Qaeda. They gave them false Belgian passports and made them impersonate journalists and gave them a statement to a reliable channel that Ahmed would deal with with confidence. He agreed to conduct an interview, and they prepared for them a large film camera of French manufacture, but it was mined.

They set off for Afghanistan to carry out the operation… and in the beginning, a few days before that, they held meetings with Afghan leaders in order to reassure the victim more. When his turn came, he agreed, and the operation was completed.

Now think with me……… Two people carrying forged Belgian passports, a French camera with explosives inside, journalists’ cards, and a forged statement from a media network.

the question :

– How did they leave the airports of Belgium and France with a bomb-laden camera?

– Did you know that Brussels, the headquarters of NATO, is the largest city in the world filled with intelligence personnel, and every inch of it is under surveillance, from small to large, so how is it possible that a cell affiliated with Al-Qaeda terrorist lives there freely without anyone discovering them?

– Did you know that it is very difficult to produce a forged passport in a non-European country, so how can tramps produce forged passports in a European country like Belgium?

This was an operation carried out by French and Belgian intelligence

America and NATO had decided to occupy Afghanistan, because there was something very important strategically needed by the West, which was Caspian Sea oil and other things.

With evidence

1- France, Belgium and Britain were the ones who opened investigations into the assassination of Ahmed Shah Masoud on an ongoing basis, and they tried by all means to fabricate false accusations against Islamic societies in the West, in order to cover up through them the intelligence operation they had carried out… and in order to avert the eyes of public opinion. In Afghanistan and the world, about the governments of those countries.

2- The European Commissioner for Financial and Economic Affairs, in his comment on the Taliban’s control of Afghanistan in August 2021, and the withdrawal of American and NATO forces from it, said:

“The most important military mission in NATO’s history ended in a catastrophic manner, and that this defeat will have a very significant geopolitical impact.”

This means that before the events of September, Europe and America viewed Afghanistan as a site of very great geopolitical importance, a matter of life and death, and they were seeking by all means, means, and strength to invade Afghanistan, but they needed a global justification of a very large size to give them the legitimacy of the invasion. Afghanistan.

This immoral justification was September 11… which American and Western stations broadcast live to all audiences around the world.

3- Five months before the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, France did the same thing with Shah Massoud’s son that it did with his father.

– Five months before the events of September 11, 2001… Ahmed Shah Massoud visited Paris.

what is the occasion ?

. Cooperating with it in eliminating the Taliban.

. Delivering a speech in Brussels about the Taliban and that Al-Qaeda is planning to carry out a terrorist operation in the West.

– Five months before the Taliban took control in August 2021… France sent a message to the son of Ahmed Shah Massoud, and he agreed to the visit.

what is the occasion ?

On the occasion of France’s honoring of his father, who was assassinated, France named a street in Paris after him, and created a memorial plaque for him in the Champs-Élysées Square.

The French President met the son at the Republican Palace, and gave him a gift consisting of a picture of his father drawn by a French artist.

. The son also gave a speech in the Champs-Élysées square in front of French and Zionist President Bernard Levy, and some Afghan leaders spoke about his father and Afghanistan.

All these actions by France are nothing but an attempt to show the extent of its love for his father, who was assassinated by the French intelligence services, and to extinguish any shred of doubt seeping into the hearts of his son and the Afghans that it is behind this operation, which clearly points the finger of blame at the French intelligence.

Now, the son of Ahmed Shah Massoud is trying to lead a resistance against the Taliban after the Zionist, the master of destruction and evil, Bernard Levy, went to him and wrote a letter to France saying: Do not abandon us in fighting the Taliban.

France has betrayed the father in favor of very great ambitions in Afghanistan. Will it also betray the son and give her the same thing his father gave her 20 years ago?

It seems that the son of Ahmed Shah Massoud is a very dreamer, and lives in the world of utopia and romance. He has little political experience, his sense of security is very weak, and his analysis of international issues is from the perspective of a teenager, and France is aware of these types of personalities.

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