Who is ISIS and why did it suddenly appear?

Who is ISIS and why did it suddenly appear?


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Some are still under the influence of hypnosis that prevents them from understanding and assimilating the truth about ISIS and its goal, despite the picture being revealed from time to time until it has become very clear today. Therefore, repeated questions about ISIS must be completely separated, and it will be in the form of a dialogue with a hypnotist.

Question: Who is ISIS?

It is just the name of an imaginary entity, and they are fighters and mercenaries coming from outside and inside the region. Organized under the leadership of foreign intelligence officers to carry out tasks for the benefit of a joint security project in the region between foreign intelligence services.

In other words… international intelligence services agreed on a joint project called ISIS, in order to implement it in the region for the sake of a common interest between the countries to which those intelligence services belong.

Question: Why did ISIS suddenly appear?

Any country in the world can obtain its interests anywhere if there is legitimacy for it, especially if it has the power to do so.

In Syria, the media directed by the oil countries and the West were able to convince the world that there is a popular revolution in Syria and that the Syrian government and Assad are killing the Syrian people. They gained international and local sympathy and the legitimacy to protect the Syrian people and the victory for democracy and the will of people searching for freedom. They opened the borders to let fighters in from everywhere, through Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon. They formed organizations and supported them with money and weapons and called them representatives of the Syrian people fighting the murderous and dictatorial Syrian regime. Its goal is to overthrow the Syrian state and destroy it with the legitimacy and approval of local and foreign public opinion.

Syria has stood firm thanks to its smart policy, and the Syrian army has made progress in defeating these organizations, and they continue to bring in mercenaries, fighters, and financial and weapons support in a battle of attrition until the regime falls…the battle of the long breath.

America is at the head of the project to bring down Syria

Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the rest of the countries pressured America to intervene militarily and impose a no-fly zone to bring down Syria. The Iraq scenario will be repeated, and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states will cover the war budget.

Suddenly, a new Iranian president who was in charge of the nuclear file stepped up as an indication of the intention of a final settlement of the nuclear file. Contact took place between Iran and America for the first time, and part of the agreement between Iran and America was to make the solution to the Syrian crisis political and not military.

Through nuclear negotiations with America, Iran was able to put pressure on America through an agreement to give up the nuclear deal in exchange for stopping the Zionist lobby’s pressure on the decision in America.

Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Europe were angry at this matter, and Saudi Arabia despaired of putting pressure on the American administration, so it turned to other places in order to overthrow Syria. It went to Russia and offered it a big deal in exchange for abandoning the Syrian regime. Russia rejected the deal, so Saudi Arabia took a step. Reducing the price of oil and it failed, then in cooperation with European countries they created a revolution in Ukraine, and Ukraine represents a strategic depth for Russia, and Ukraine’s goal was, in order to make a barter with Russia, Ukraine in exchange for Russia.

All attempts failed, and all they had left was to announce the establishment of ISIS.

Question: What is the benefit of declaring ISIS if they had organizations fighting on their behalf from the beginning?

Good question.

If Syria does not fall, it means the exposure of their destructive project…the collapse of the conspiracy, and the matter will repercussive on all the countries that worked to bring down Syria. The matter is dangerous and an existential issue for them, so they must use all means to bring down Syria and extract all the cards they have up their sleeve.

The appearance of ISIS in this way, with the religious celebration, the inauguration of a caliph, and his ascending to the pulpit of the Mosul Mosque with that dignity that reminds us of Islamic films, and then his sermon announcing the establishment of ISIS, is in order to create a deep religious character for the project, and to highlight the idea of the Islamic caliphate, which represents the greatest goal in the Muslim mind, as it is The idea of a virtuous city is in the minds of religious people, the state that every Muslim dreams of after long decades of Wahhabi and Brotherhood washing, and they gave the name Abu Bakr to their caliph, to remind Muslims of the successor of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, and that it is a state identical to the first time, all of this in order to give legitimacy to the movement before the masses and At the same time, it attracts more brainwashed fighters from all over the world. The project needs fighters with beliefs, who fight blindly and ferociously until the death. It is not possible for a fighter to fight without a belief, and if he fights, his fight will be unheroic and fruitless. And you remember how ISIS called for it in its messages. Its statements are that Muslims everywhere wanted to immigrate to the new state and how they released video clips of burning passports to prove that the issue has become life or death for the sake of this dream. As for the other organizations and their names, they will declare their allegiance to ISIS in a formal way to give momentum and indicate that everyone They sacrificed everything for this dream. After all this explanation, let us address Saudi Arabia’s logic: Saudi Arabia says that ISIS is Iranian…but Saudi Arabia says that Iraq and Syria are in the hands of Iran, so how does Iran fight itself? .

Saudi Arabia says that it is fighting the Iranian ISIS and that ISIS is its enemy, Saudi Arabia… So why all this noise and anger from Saudi Arabia during the liberation of Mosul and Aleppo from the Iranian ISIS, whose enemy is Saudi Arabia? .



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