Why is the topic of determining the Qiblah and the location of Al-Masjid Al Haram linked to the book?

Why is the topic of determining the Qiblah and the location of Al-Masjid Al Haram linked to the book?

5/1/2021 0:00:01

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Why is the topic of determining the Qiblah and the location of Al-Masjid Al Haram linked to the book?

Because Musa and (the Messenger after Musa) are two Muslim messengers from Allah, and their religion is Islam, and Islam has one house and one Qibla from the first day on earth, and it is natural that the Qibla of Musa will be the same as the Qibla of any messenger after Musa.

If Al-Bayt Al-Haram was in Bakkah from the first day… and the direction of Musa was the houses in Misr… then the first house must be one of those houses in Misr.

So the spot where the houses in Misr are located is Bakkah, and it is natural that one of those houses is Al-Masjid Al Haram and another one of those houses is Al-Aqsa Mosque.

{Glory be to Him who took His servant by night from Al-Masjid Al Haram to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. (1) And We gave Musa the Book and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel. Do you not take a guardian besides me? (2)}

It is natural that the qiblah of people after Musa until today must be the houses in Misr, and the qiblah of any messenger after Musa must be in the houses in Misr.

Unless the slave who was taken on the night journey was Musa or the Messenger, the place of the night journey must have been in the blessed spot in Misr where there are houses (the Mosques of Allah)… among which are Al-Masjid Al Haram and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

But the reality of Muslims today is contradictory to the Qur’an. The qibla of Muslims today is towards one house in Mecca, and there is no other house next to it. Muslims believe that the Messenger was the one who changed the qibla to Mecca (Al-Masjid Al Haram) from a very distant place, which is Jerusalem. Al-Aqsa Mosque ) .

How does this contradictory reality make sense to the readers?!

This is the wrong reality that people have and what the readers are talking about.

Because Allah gave Musa a book, and he disagreed about the book of Musa, this mistaken reality is due to the difference in the book of Musa.

{And We gave Musa the Book, but they disagreed about it, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and they are in doubt about it, doubtful.}

As long as there was a difference in the Book of Allah that He gave to the Muslim Musa, it is natural that guidance is present in the Book of Musa that Allah gave him, and it is natural that fixing the issue of the qibla and the location of Al-Masjid Al Haram is present in the Book of Musa, in which the religion of Allah was found before it was changed and transformed. He was accepted by a corrupting force on earth.

{Glory be to Him who took His servant by night from Al-Masjid Al Haram to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. (1) And We gave Musa the Book and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel. Do you not take a guardian besides me?)

For this reason……… you find that most of the discourse of revelation about the Qibla and Al-Masjid Al Haram is linked to talking about the book, because the book contains all the names of the places and their locations in clear Arabic.

The Qur’an that we have today is the Qur’an of the Book of Musa, because the Book of Musa is a book whose verses have been explained in detail by our Arab readers.

{This Qur’an could not have been fabricated other than Allah, but it is the confirmation of what is before it and the details of the Book, about which there is no doubt, from Allah, the worlds}

{And if We had made it a foreign Qur’an, they would have said, “If only its verses were explained in detail. Are they foreign and Arabic?” Say, “It is for those who believe a guidance and a cure.” And for those who do not believe, there is deafness in their ears, and it is upon them blindness. Those are called from a far place. (44) And indeed We gave Musa the Book, but they differed over it. And had it not been for a word that preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and indeed they are in Doubt is suspicious


What is the importance of the book in knowing Al-Masjid Al Haram?

We say that Al-Masjid Al Haram is in Misr, which is called the Pyramid of Khufu, but here a brother asks: How can Al-Masjid Al Haram be located when its name is the Pyramid of Khufu?

My dear brother… Allah has distinguished us with reason.

It is natural… that the geographical locations, buildings, and things around us do not have names, because they are irrational things, do not call themselves names, and do not have a tongue to tell us their names.

Geographical locations, buildings and things around us get their names in three ways:

1- As for an agreement between us

2- A name that has been my favorite since the beginning, especially in the names of holy places.

3- There is a force that imposed on people the names of things around us.

The third method is the answer to this person’s question.

Many do not realize that we have been subjected to an external occupation by a hostile force, and it was not a normal or natural occupation, but rather a malicious occupation, and it came to us carrying a cunning and diabolical global strategic project, to falsify reality and distort the names of geographical locations and things around us that… We lived with it, installing new names in reality, especially with the names found in the Qur’an or related to religion, because the continued existence of the original names……means the occupation will not continue and its project will end, and it will no longer be possible to dominate and control the people. Apply projects to them.

The matter is very simple for any satanic force possessing height and power, if it thought of a project to falsify the original names of reality, by giving new names to reality and making them official names in transactions and circulation, so that people’s tongues repeat them constantly…and it is all a matter of time (two generations). Almost) until people’s tongues stop repeating the previous name, then the old original names quickly disappear from their awareness and memory, and the new names take root in their awareness.

This is something that many do not want to comprehend, when we say that the city of (Cairo) was its real, original name was (Misr), before Napoleon’s invasion and the West’s installation of Muhammad Ali Pasha as ruler of Misr.

When the Western occupier came to Misr and the region was an occupier, he came carrying this fraudulent project and giving new names to the world surrounding the people, so that the people would lose the first original names by which they lived, and this work is its job in order to occupy the land and enslave the people, and make… The peoples are subject to the new texts that the occupier brought and in which are the new names that he invented and made into names in reality, so that the peoples are imprisoned within his world that he has drawn and the peoples cannot leave it, to ensure control and control over them.

The occupier began… giving the new names to geographical locations, buildings and things officially, by putting them in huge texts inside the printer’s books that Napoleon came up with… and these new names were adopted in official transactions and documentation. Certificates, newspapers, books, documents, letters, scientific institutions, schools, etc…….. And so people had to repeat them continuously and continuously since childhood, until the names of places were lost from their tongue and memory.

Among this project was the city of (Misr), whose name was changed to the name (Cairo)……and despite the adoption of this new name, Cairo…but the authentic popular memory of the Egyptians continued to repeat the name Misr. On Cairo…….. When you see an Egyptian from the countryside and tell him where you are going, he will tell you: I am going to Misr… and by Misr he means the city of Cairo.

I’ll give you an example

Imagine that one day Yemen decided to change the name of the city (Sanaa) to the name (Cairo), and the new name was adopted in newspapers, transactions, documentation, news, channels, and in books.

Then the people of Yemen will have to… repeat this new name in official conversations, and it is all a matter of time (approximately 70 years), until the name Sana’a becomes a thing of the past… but people’s popular memory will continue to repeat the name ( Sana’a) in their ordinary and informal daily lives.

For example, when a person in Yemen wants to tell his family that he will travel to the city of Cairo in Yemen, he will say: I am traveling to Sanaa.

Now let us assume that ………….. after changing the name of the city (Sanaa) to the name (Cairo), and after approximately seventy years, and we obtained an old book, and we found in it a talk about a city called ( Sana’a ).

The logical question is: Does the author of this old book mean by the city (Sanaa), the city located in Yemen, whose name has now become (Cairo)… Or does he mean another city located in a place other than Yemen, say in Iraq, Syria, or Libya? ?!

This example… is the same thing that happened in reality with the name (Misr), and it is the answer to the question about the name (Khufu’s Pyramid).

Now the natural question that imposes itself: Is (the Pyramid of Khufu) the true and original name of that building located in Misr, or is it a new, false name that was imposed on the people by the occupying power?

The answer: A new, false name that was imposed on people.

How will we be sure?!

You have realistic, logical ways to make sure of this matter.

how ?

When you have something of your own, that is, your property or right alone, and no one else has the same thing as you… then you are the owner of the original and true name for this thing, and the name of this thing will be the official name that any other person will call it, even if it is… He speaks a different language than you.

Example :

1- Your name is (Magdi), and any person, whether Chinese, Indian, French, or English, will call you (Magdi)… with the same pronunciation.

You (the owner) have imposed your original name on any other human being, regardless of their language.

2- The animal (kangaroo) is an animal that does not live with us, and therefore we do not have a name for this animal, but it exists in one place on earth, which is Australia, and the people of Australia call it (kangaroo), so this name imposed itself on us and we have come to call it ( Kangaroo)….with the same original name.

The people of Australia (the owner) have imposed the original name of their animal on any other human being, regardless of their language.

This is the natural, logical thing that will happen in reality, but note with me the unnatural situation that exists in reality that contradicts this sound and natural logic:

The residents of Misr are the “owners” of those buildings in Giza, and they call their building “Pyramid,” and they call that figure next to it “the Sphinx”……assuming that these are the original names for those buildings in their language. Therefore, it is assumed that the names of the Egyptians for these buildings would be the names of any other human being, regardless of their language.

But what is illogical and unrealistic is that the West calls that building owned by the Egyptians by a name different from what the Egyptians called it, which is (Pyramid), and the West also calls that structure owned by the Egyptians by a name different from what the Egyptians called it, which is (Sphynx).

The two names are different:

The name (Haram) is different from the name (Pyramid)….in pronunciation

The name (Sphinx) is different from the name (Sphynx)… in pronunciation

The strange thing is….the inhabitants of Misr (the owner) of those buildings were not able to impose the original names of those things that no one else owns, namely (the Pyramid, the Sphinx) on other peoples and on their languages.

Even if we assume that the language of the ancient Egyptians was different according to Western translations, the matter is the same, as their ancient nomenclature established by Champollion did not impose itself on any other people on earth.

Because according to Western translations of ancient Egyptian inscriptions, the ancient Egyptians called (the pyramid) by the name (Mur) and the name of the Sphinx was (Sishbet), but they were not able to impose their names on the Greeks who were contemporary with the Egyptians and did not call it by the same name as the Egyptian. Rather, the Greeks called it That hologram is called (Sphynx).

What is the reason that prevented the imposition of the names of ancient and modern Egyptians on the West?!

The reason is simple… because (the West) was the one who occupied Misr and the region, and therefore the occupation reversed logic. Instead of the Egyptians imposing their original names for those buildings on the West, the West imposed false names on those buildings owned by the Egyptians, and imposed them on The inhabitants of Misr, the region, and the world, and made its false names official names, through printer’s books, transactions, documentation, letters, etc., until they became the names circulating in the tongue of all people.

Now……. If this same situation as before happened with us, and we found two different names in pronunciation for something, we have two possibilities:

Or are both the names of the owner and the other fake, or is there one name among them that is original and the other is fake or fabricated?

In our case, all four names are fabricated and fake (the Sphinx Pyramid).

Why ?!

If we return to our previous example (about the story of changing the name of the city of Sanaa), and we ask an important question: If the name of the city of Sanaa was changed to Cairo, then after a hundred years, how will I be sure that its name (Sanaa) was on the people’s lips a hundred years ago and not Cairo? !

This question is the same question that we must ask in our case, and the question is: What is the original name of that building and that statue that existed in Misr before the Western invaders entered, and how can I be sure that it had names different from the current names?!

In our previous example (about changing the name of Sanaa), we found an old book by an author mentioning a city in Yemen called (Sanaa), and we also in the case of (the Pyramid and the Sphinx) need an old book, proving the existence of original designations before those false designations imposed by the occupier.

This is the scientific and logical evidence, and it is the essence of the main discourse of the Qur’an on the issue of the Qibla and Al-Masjid Al Haram and the connection of the discourse to the context of talking about the book.

how ?

When the speech of revelation talks about the first verse that was created for people and says: {In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim. Whoever disbelieves, then Allah is Free of all worlds}.

The logical question is: What is meant by disbelief and what is its relationship to a building? ….And how can a person declare disbelief with a building? Does he declare disbelief with the words of the people, or does he divert people from reality?!

Yes, he disbelieves in the knowledge that is in the book, the written document in which the name of this building and the name of its location are recorded.

How can he disbelieve?!

This reality around people contains things and geographical locations, and it was created by the original, natural language that created this reality. These people have a religion, and this religion is the inheritance of their ancient ancestors (the first centuries), and their ancestors wrote all the names of places in documents. Old writing in their original tongue.

The first, original, endowmental names for geographical locations, buildings, and sacred objects, which were established from the first day on earth. We will find these names in the old book…in which is the ancient memory of the people and recorded in it is their original memory before the occupier and invader entered.

{And We gave Musa the Book after We had destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind and guidance and mercy so that they might remember.}

Guidance for the people…that they may remember (memory).

But there is a difference in this old book… and it is natural that the difference in the book will change people’s language and make their tongue repeat false names for the things around them… and this explains the reason for all this confusion.

{And We gave Musa the Book, but they disagreed about it, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and they are in doubt about it, doubtful.}

They disbelieved in the Book.

Therefore, when the revelation speaks about disbelief… it is talking about disbelief in the Book (the ancient book in the example of Sana’a) and the rituals, ceremonies, and names of things found in it according to the religion of the people.

For this very important reason, the Qur’an begins his speech with:

{That book no doubt guidance for the righteous} .

And when the speech of revelation says:

{Indeed, the first House established for mankind is that which is in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds. (96) In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim. And whoever enters it will be safe. And for Allah is the obligation of the people to make the Hajj to the House, whoever is able to make a way to it, and whoever disbelieves, then Allah is of no need of the worlds. (97) Say, O People of the Book, why do you disbelieve in signs? Allah Allah is a witness to what you do (98) Say, “O People of the Book, why do you turn away from the path of Allah from the believers? You seek it crookedly while you are witnesses, and Allah is not unaware of what you do.” (99) O you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Book, they will turn you back into disbelief after you have believed.}

By the phrase (and whoever disbelieves), he means… falsifying the book or hiding it from people.

This is evidenced by the fact that the context of the speech speaks about those who obtained the Book and disbelieved in its verses, and it speaks that those who obtained the Book want to turn the believers back into disbelief.

{And when Allah took a covenant from those who were given the Book that you will make it clear to the people and do not conceal it, so they threw it behind their backs and bought it for a small price, so evil is what they bought.}

And when the speech of revelation speaks… about (whoever disbelieves), Allah is self-sufficient.

He means the scholars…those who know the Book

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail by our readers in Arabic for a people who know}

A people who know = the worlds

A book consisting of verses that are read in an Arabic tongue, and there are people who know (the scholars) that they are read in an Arabic tongue, but they read them in a foreign tongue (falsifying the reading of the book), and this book is the book of Musa, whose original Arabic reading they falsified into a foreign reading.

{And if We had made it a foreign Qur’an, they would have said, “If only its verses were explained in detail. Are they foreign and Arabic?” Say, “It is for those who believe a guidance and a cure.” And for those who do not believe, there is deafness in their ears, and it is upon them blindness. Those are called from a far place. (44) And indeed We gave Musa the Book, but they differed over it. And had it not been for a word that preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and indeed they are in Doubt is suspicious


When the speech talks about things that exist in reality, it talks at the same time about the original names of those things that exist in the book.

how ?

Because it is a book that talks about things in a book and reality at the same time, because the book is written with pictorial symbols of things in reality (verses).

Al-Masjid Al Haram has a pictorial icon in the Book (verse), and the Maqam Ibrahim has a pictorial icon in the Book (verse), and the verses are read in clear Arabic.

■ Therefore, when the speech talks about the first house created for people, he says: {In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim}:

– Say, O People of the Book, why do you disbelieve in the verses of Allah in His Book? (The verses = the place of Ibrahim + Al-Bayt Al-Haram)

He talks about those who disbelieve in the verses found in the Book (what is Al-Bayt Al-Haram and what is the place of Ibrahim).

– Say, “O People of the Book, why do you turn away from the path of Allah?”

He talks about their repelling people from the location of Al-Bayt Al-Haram and the shrine of Ibrahim in reality.

■ And when the speech talks about the direction of the Qiblah towards Al-Masjid Al Haram, he says: {And those who were given the Book would know that it is the truth} {And if you brought to those who were given the Book every sign} {Those to whom We have given the Book recognize it as they recognize their children}

{We may see the turning of your face in the sky. We will certainly turn you to a direction that pleases you. So turn your face toward Al-Masjid Al Haram, and wherever you are, turn your faces toward it. Indeed, those who were given the Book know that it is the truth from their Allah, and Allah is not unaware of what they do. (144) And if you brought to those who were given the Book every sign, they would not follow your direction, nor are you. Follow their qiblah, and some of them do not follow the qiblah of others. And if you were to follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, then you would certainly be among the wrongdoers. (145) To whom We have given the book recognize it as they recognize their own children. Indeed, a group of them conceal the truth while they know it. (146)}

Those who were given the Book know how to read the Book and read the verses of the Book that were written in clear Arabic…. And because they know how to read, they know the location of Al-Masjid Al Haram in reality, just as they know their children in reality… but they concealed the truth while they knew.

The book is made up of clear and clear pictorial icons (clear verses), and among those verses is (the verse of Al-Masjid Al Haram – the verse of the shrine of Ibrahim), and at the same time these verses exist in reality.

Therefore, the speech talks about two identical worlds (book and reality).

Now, what is the relationship of the Messenger’s revelation speech about the Qibla and Al-Masjid Al Haram to the subject of those who were given the Book?

Look at the image of the article carefully, so you can better understand what we mean.

I believe that the issue has been resolved once and for all… We have an ancient written document, which contains clear pictures of material things around us… And all we have to do is search for the sign of (the pyramid) and the sign of (the Sphinx). And we read their original names in the book before the West occupied Misr and the region, before they were published by the printer, and before they translated the Egyptian inscriptions, and we see whether the names are in a clear Arabic tongue or foreign names, as the West told us through its false translations?

Is this the conclusive and final material evidence you want?!

{And before it is the Book of Musa, a guide and a mercy, and this is a confirming Book in an Arabic tongue, to warn those who do wrong and to bring good news to the doers of good.}

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