Why was Mecca unable to export its food to the people as it was able to export Islam to them?

Why was Mecca unable to export its food to the people as it was able to export Islam to them?


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As it is known that the story of Mecca is the foundation of Islam that was exported to the whole world, and as it is known that this story took place in a desert land (a non-agricultural place), and only the date tree is known for cultivation, and when you consider the nature of the food that he ate The characters of this story will find that there is almost no (milk, dates, and camel meat), and the story is almost devoid of bread, pies, and pastries as food on its characters’ table.

This means that it is logical that the story of Mecca will also spread its table to all Muslims, but what is illogical is that most Muslim societies on earth do not have the Mecca table present significantly in their food.

So… why was Mecca unable to export its table to the people as it was able to export Islam to them, and why did the Muslims accept the story of Mecca and not accept its table, but rather they all agreed on one table, or who made the Muslims choose one table among themselves that was different from the table of Mecca?

I mean, for example

Have you noticed that bread is noticeably absent from the Chinese table, but what is strange is that the Chinese Muslim has bread noticeably present in his food.

So….who made the Chinese Muslim care about bread even though he lives within a culture in which bread is absent in its food and the source of their Islam, Mecca, is also absent in bread?

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