Why were the Al-Yahoud in the region so skilled at crafts?

Why were the Al-Yahoud in the region so skilled at crafts?


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Do you remember the question that we asked a while ago in the context of our talk about the true history of Judaism and Christianity in the region, when we asked the question: Why were the Al-Yahoud and Armenians distinguished in manual labor, or in other words, they were skilled in crafts and handicrafts, in all parts of the region, from Yemen? Until Morocco?

Our answer was…… It is impossible for this manual skill to exist as a natural economic context linked to a specific religion, unless the matter had appeared for them for the first time in an organized, methodical and arranged manner as a project linked to these religions, in order to create an economic activity to ensure the survival of society. Religious, and in view of the difficulty of mass conversion to religion and when observing the situation of Judaism and Christianity, which constitute a religious minority in the region, there is no realistic logical explanation to explain this connection between these religious minorities who believe in the Book of the Bible and handicrafts, except the presence of a Western political force that has emerged. During the period of Napoleon’s invasion, it created a religious society that believed in the Book of the Bible, by taking a large number of children and isolating them in closed places far from people, raising them in a new religious belief linked to the institution of the cleric, and teaching them handicrafts until they became skilled in them to create economic activity. It ensures the survival of the community, and when the children grew up, married, and had children, they passed on their new religion and their skills in manual labor to their children, and after that the new religious community began to emerge, continue, and maintain itself economically.

Now…look at the image of the article and read the history in it. You will find this history confirms the veracity of our logical and realistic analysis.

Is this date real?

Yes, it is true, but the wording is false and fallacious…just like the rest of the false wordings that we talked about in previous articles, especially in the articles that talked about the history and works of Muhammad Ali Pasha.

how ?

The history that was written says:

* Muhammad Ali Pasha was the first ruler to rebuild churches in Misr after the Mamluks banned the construction of churches.

[Rebuild the churches]…wrong wording

Because….. Muhammad Ali Pasha was the first ruler throughout the history of Misr to build a church in Misr. The first church throughout the history of Misr was built during his reign.

* Muhammad Ali Pasha ordered the Pope of the Church to reform the Coptic calendar

[Repair the calendar]…wrong wording

Because…….. The Coptic calendar did not appear for the first time throughout the history of Misr except during the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha.

* Muhammad Ali Pasha, the Pope of the Church, ordered the reform of the Coptic language

[Reforming the Coptic language]…wrong wording

Because…..the Coptic language did not appear for the first time in Misr throughout history except during the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha.

Now…read the wording of this date in the picture

* Muhammad Ali Pasha thought about reforming the lives of street children

[Reforming street children]…wrong wording

A Western power took a large number of children and placed them in isolated places to create a new religious society in Misr.

* Muhammad Ali Pasha, commander of the army, Suleiman Al-Fransawi

[Muhammad Ali Pasha ordered the commander of the French army]…wrong wording

Because….the French were the ones who ordered their representative in Misr, Muhammad Ali Pasha, to take children and two French craftsmen taught and trained them in handicraft work.

This is the true, realistic history of religious minorities in Misr and throughout the region.

And to be more certain…as it is known that the Armenian minority were also skilled in handicrafts like the Jewish minority.

Now…….. If you research the beginning of the presence of Armenians in the region, you will find that the official history says that they immigrated to the region to escape the Turkish massacres, and the truth is that it is also a false formulation, because it was not an immigration, but only a resettlement project for them. …But if you see the pictures that were taken of them at the beginning of their entry into the region, you will find that most of the pictures documenting the beginning of their entry were of very large numbers of children and very young people, heading towards Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Misr.

It was a Western project…to isolate large numbers of children, raise them on a new religious faith, and teach them skills and handicrafts so that they could ensure, through economic activity, the survival and continuation of this new society.

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