Zarathustra between truth and illusion – 3

Zarathustra between truth and illusion - 3


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In this article, let us mention the most frequently asked questions about the Zoroastrian religion. ● Do Zoroastrians call themselves Magi? Not at all… They do not call themselves Magi, but rather reject this label, and call themselves… followers of the true religion or Zoroastrians. Especially since the modern Avesta texts do not contain this word in a general and clear manner. But the truth is that this word appears in some passages of the books of the Avesta, and it is said that it is fabricated and distorted. For example: 1- In one of the texts of the Avesta, it is stated that the curse of Ahuramazda descends on everyone who mistreats the Magi. 2- There is a text in which the Allah Ahuramazda says to Zoroaster: The man who has a wife is better than the one who lives as a Magus. According to the interpretation of the Avesta, the Magi in this text means one who lives as an ascetic and a celibate. ● Why does the Qur’an call them Magians? The truth is that the word Magi, which appears in the Qur’an only once, does not detail the meaning of the Magi or determine their nature. Therefore, we cannot consider the word Magi in the Qur’an to mean this religion at all. There is a great possibility that someone who wrote history at some point in time tried to drop this term. The designation found in the Qur’an on them, in order to reserve a place for this religion in the time of the Qur’an. Do we force them to be Magi when they are not Magi?!● Is Zoroaster’s name mentioned in Herodotus’ book? At all, the name Zoroaster did not appear in Herodotus’ history. But we believe that it is a Greek name, and it is a reverse translation of the name of King Darius found in Greek and Jewish documents. Dares = Darez (the letter “S” is pronounced “Z” like the word “Caesar” is pronounced “Caesar”) – Darez = Zirad – Zirads = Ziradesh (the letter “S” is pronounced “Shin” in different dialects), the same name as King Corus, which is pronounced Cyrus. – Zeradesh = Zerathustra (ta is a famous addition in the Iranian language) and the reasons for our belief that the name is a reverse translation of King Darius, is because the Greek history that was written about this king says that he was a very religious king and he brought religion in Iran to the height of glory and the height of perfection, and He is considered the first king of the first monotheistic empire in the ancient world. There are historical writings claiming that the name was mentioned in Greek books, but the truth is that it is a lie…. Unless the Vatican produces a new book and gives it the name of a new author and claims that it was written in the first century BC…. then it becomes another topic. ● Was the name of this religion mentioned in Greek writings? not at all . However, the name of the Magi was mentioned in Herodotus’ writings in a conversation about the Persian kings. But Herodotus does not specify the nature of this name. He applies it to those who tried to control the government in Persia and describes them as Magi. According to Herodotus’ history, when the Persian ruler Cambyses was in Misr, the news of the Magi disobeying him came to him. Herodotus wrote on the authority of Darius, who succeeded Cambyses: The Persians drew their swords to fight the Magi, and the Persians celebrated their end, making it a feast for them. The truth is…….. We do not know the word itself from the main Greek source, but according to the Arabic translation, their name is Magi. But the story was mentioned in a purely political topic and does not have a religious nature. In general… Is it reasonable that a people’s religion is a religion and a ruler who professes the same religion persecutes the followers of this religion? ● When did the name Zoroaster first appear? The first appearance of the name Zoroaster came in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh. According to the words of Iranian historian Nasser Bawabir. Ferdowsi is not a historian, but a poet, and his poems are not considered historical documents. For those who do not know Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh, it is poetry that glorifies the history of Persia and the Persian kings and their stories that were mentioned in Greek writings. The names mentioned therein are nothing but an Arabization of Greek names. The Iranian researcher speaks that the beginning of the appearance of this name was at the hands of Ferdowsi, but this name also appeared in the history of al-Tabari and the writings of Ibn al-Nadim…… Of course, we cannot precisely determine the time of those writings until we compare them to the time of the Shahnameh, although the Iranian researcher It is believed that Ibn al-Nadim and Ibn al-Muqaffa are fictitious characters. Therefore, we are certain that the first appearance of the name Zoroaster came during the period of the appearance of Arabic texts that translated Greek books. For those who want to compare Ferdowsi’s personality to another personality, the closest personality to Ferdowsi is Al-Hamdani in Yemen. Ferdowsi’s status in Iran is completely similar to Al-Hamdani’s status in Yemen, and the poetry of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh, which glorifies the kings of Persia, is completely similar to the poems of Al-Hamdani’s damning poem, which glorifies the Himyarite kings in Yemen. The two had a role in creating differences. Ferdowsi created a gap between the Arabs and Iranians, and Al-Hamdani created a gap. Among the Arabs themselves (Al-Qahtanin and Adnanin). The strange thing is that Al-Firdawsi and Al-Hamdani had a sudden appearance in history. The two were familiar with Greek culture.● What is the nature of this religion? I believe that Zoroastrianism is a new philosophy to create faith for a new society, because if it were an ancient religion, the previous religion would have continued and Zoroaster would have been a teacher within the previous religion. Persian society worshiped Ahuramazda, according to what was reported in history. According to written history, Zoroaster saw that the history of the world was represented in the conflict between the good represented by the Allah “Ahuramazda” and the evil represented by the Allah “Ahraman”, and Ahuramazda could not be responsible for evil. Because evil is an essence, just like goodness, and these two forces are two aspects of the one primary entity. Therefore, after death there must be another life, after the one Allah triumphs over evil, then the dead are resurrected, and people live again. The philosophical inferences for metaphysical issues, rather than submission and faith, indicate the existence of an ancient context. According to official history, Zoroaster’s cousin advised Zoroaster to invite the learned members of his people to his teachings; Because his new teachings are difficult for uneducated people to understand. See… how the novel further confirms that the subject is a difficult philosophy that requires educated people, not the general public.————- ——–Now let us ask questions that have not been asked before. Why do we believe that this religion is a new industry? There are many reasons that lead us to this belief: 1- Because there is a clear national and ethnic tendency and characteristic in it, and this point is not paid attention to by many, in understanding the nature of religions, because we fully believe that the first existential truth and belief in it is impossible for it to bear a national or ethnic character. …It is as if existence only concerns a specific people. Ancient truth cannot reach this classification awareness. This is a very modern awareness, and this means that there was a political project that began to think according to a national logic and political boundaries, and it was behind the creation of this religion in order to Be a historical and political representative of a geographical space. See, for example…according to history ——————— Zarathustra remained on Mount Sabalan, clarifying his thoughts, which came out very slowly, as if it were a faltering birth, while he was standing on the mountain. He saw a light shining above him, and behold, Vahumana, the archangel, had come to lead Zoroaster to heaven to have the honor of meeting the Allah, and to listen to his assignment of the matter of prophecy. He declared the matter, and then said: I will descend to the people, and lead my people in the name of Ahuramazda from darkness to light. From misery to happiness, and from evil to good.———————Zoroaster will descend to the people to lead his people… and not lead the people in general. Zoroaster is busy with his people and not with all people. For Zoroaster, the struggle between good and evil is confined within the borders of his people. The structure of this religion is not missionary, but rather a national, ethnic religion rather than a religion that represents reality for all people. This procedure was deliberate by the founder of the religion, to preserve the path of this religion within the goal of the political project intended for it, so you find the reflection of this structure overwhelming its followers. For example, the followers of Zoroastrianism in India… are viewed more as an ethnicity than as a religion… and the Zoroastrians in India and Iran call themselves Parsin, meaning Persians… on the basis that they are the official representatives of an ancient historical era in Persia. Does this mean that a Zoroastrian in Iran is a Persian, while a Muslim in Iran is not a Persian?! This observation… is found in all religions in the region, which according to Roman times are said to have preceded Islam in appearance and existence. A Christian in Misr calls himself a Copt. The Christian in Syria and Iraq calls himself Syriac or Assyrian, and all the names for these religious groups, including Zoroastrian (Persian), come from the historical narrative of Greece. Almost this structure that exists in Zoroastrianism is the same as that found in Judaism… the national structure. 2- You find that at the beginning of the establishment of religion, politics intervened in the writing of the Holy Bible…and this observation is not paid attention to by many, as many religions find that a political decision is behind the publication of the Holy Bible. The Persian ruler in the story is the one who is credited with publishing the first copy of the Avesta, and Zarathustra still exists. 3- This religion has no ancient temples at all that indicate the antiquity of this religion. The oldest and most famous temple exists in India, which is the Temple of Vahram. It is a building that does not appear from its appearance to be more than 400 years old. Therefore, history writers try to claim that their temples were demolished in the Islamic era in order to provide a logical explanation for the lack of ancient temples for them. But what is strange is that the temples of Zoroastrians who profess a monotheistic religion were demolished by Muslims who subscribe to monotheistic worship, while the temples of ancient religions in the non-monotheistic region that believe in multiple gods have remained to this day and have not been demolished by Muslims. Such as the temples of Misr, Yemen, etc. What about the Kaaba of Zoroaster in Iran? A fictitious story. This building, which is in the form of a shop or house room and can accommodate five people, was recently called the Kaaba of Zoroaster, and it was not known by this name at all. According to official sources, it is said that the name is 400 years old, and it exists. In a very remote and desolate area that does not indicate that it is a population center at all, but rather in a mountainous area. But…if we accept for the sake of argument that that small room was a Zoroastrian temple, then the argument that their temples were demolished will be invalidated, as evidenced by the survival of this temple to this day. ● So what is the origin of the Zoroastrian religion? According to history….. Zoroaster’s teachings reached all parts of Iran and to Greece and India. Notice with me… Why India and Greece specifically? It is natural that the religion will spread in Iran because it is the religion of ancient Persia, but why India and Greece as well and not other regions? Logic says that if religion spreads, it will spread in the regions neighboring Iran, so why would it make a big leap to Greece, which is very far away, because it is supposed to spread in our region, which was controlled by Persia in the past. Then why will it spread in India and Greece, when the nature of the religion is nationalistic, and this is what we see in this religion? The story exposes itself… because this religion is originally an Indian creation according to a Greek philosophy, or more precisely, a mixture between Hinduism and Greek, a marriage between Sanskrit and Greek, or in simpler terms this religion appeared from the beginning in India and moved to Iran and Not the opposite . Why? There is no suitable place to create a new religion easily and simply except India…and the size of the religions and languages existing in India makes it fertile ground for conducting laboratory experiments to create religions and languages. When you read the novel of this religion, you find it a mixture between a Greek and an Indian world…strangely….the only case in India that you find is a marriage between Indian and Greek. You find the name of the Allah Ahuramazda a distortion of the name of Hormuz, the Allah of wisdom and the messenger of Allah, in Greek writings. The name Zoroaster is nothing but a corruption of the name of the faithful king Darius, which was mentioned in Greek sources, but with a reverse translation of the letters. Also, according to history, the first language of the Bible was the Avesta, which is a language close to Sanskrit and is the language of the book of Hinduism, and because Sanskrit is an ancient and very difficult language, the writer of this religion’s novel created a convincing story about the disappearance of the ancient Persian language, and the Sassanid king was forced to compile The book has been translated into Middle Persian. Here, a more accessible language was created to represent the pre-modern Iranian language so that it would be the language of the book. Why do we believe that this religion was founded from the beginning in India and not in Iran? For two reasons: First, the existence of the oldest temple of the religion in India. Second, which is the most important and strongest reason, which is the number of followers of this religion in India, which is the largest number of any place in the world. Why ? Let me explain to you a point that many do not pay attention to. When you read the history of religions and the history of the region in general, you find the finger of blame pointing towards Islam as being behind the decrease in the number of followers of other religions. This trick always deceives fools and gullible people when understanding history and reality, and this trick is the first reason why the mind is always unable to explain time and history, even though reality provides conclusive answers… but that trick is always the reason. When we look at the history of Christianity, we find that Christian literature contains a huge amount of stories of Rome’s persecution of Al-Nasarah, but you find that history focuses on making Al-Nasarah glorify and venerate Rome despite the ugliness of its actions. For example, the official historian of the Coptic Church says that a million Egyptian Al-Nasarah were killed by Rome, but he demands Believers pray to the Roman Empire to serve the Allah. But when they read the history writings that they wrote themselves about a Muslim who killed a Christian, they do not sleep at night and hatred and hatred live within them, and the reason is the way history is written, which tries to portray the Muslim in a way that does not belong to him… but rather from a lower world. They tried to create this trick with Zoroastrianism as well, although history says that the Greeks were the ones who eliminated their state and burned all their heritage, but they admire and love Greece, and because today’s reality says that Islam is the religion of Iran, this means that Islam came and crushed them. And here is the trick. When you read the official history writings of the Zoroastrians, you find that they deliberately say that they immigrated to India because of the entry of Islam into Iran, due to the lack of a suitable environment for living. This is also the reason for the small number of Zoroastrians in Iran because the Muslims considered them infidels, so they decided to leave for India. But the strange thing is that the Zoroastrians did not immigrate to India or anywhere when they were invaded by the huge army of Alexander the Great. They only immigrated when Islam came. They decided to leave Iran because Islam was presented to them. Of course…. a lie. Let us agree with this logic. Why did they not immigrate to a place other than India?! We have a similar situation with them, namely the Al-Yahoud. According to existing history, they immigrated to every place and were present alongside the Muslims. So why was the Zoroastrians’ migration limited to India only? . Let us agree that this history is correct and believe in this story, and that they immigrated because of Islam. But if 10,000 people had immigrated from Iran to India 1,400 years ago, their number today would have reached more than 20 million people, while the reality today is much less than that number, as their number according to the 2011 census amounts to 60,000 people in India only. I think that their population in India exposes the whole story, as their population in India is greater than in any other place, and since India was the place of their migration because it was safer for them, then it is not possible to believe that there were factors in India that were the same as the factors in Iran that led to the… Their number reaches this small number. 60 thousand Zoroastrians in India. What is strange and strange is that the number of Muslims in India exceeds the number of Zoroastrians, even though Islam arrived in India after the arrival of the Zoroastrians. 200 million Muslims in India. What is strange is that they did not immigrate from India and their environment has become like the environment of Iran, filled with Muslims. Rather, they have not been subjected to persecution. Muslims in India as well as in Iran. The number of Muslims in India is more than 200 million people. Is it possible that 1400 years is the required and reasonable period to make the number of Zoroastrians in India equal to only 60 thousand people?! Is it possible that 200 million Muslims are the product of a time period of up to 1,400 years in India? The story is different. See also: The number of Zoroastrians in the whole world reaches only 180,000, 60,000 in India, 20,000 in Iran, 5,000 in Pakistan, 20,000 in America, etc. Is it possible that a religion was widespread in All of Iran, and it is 3,500 years old. It was a deep and rooted religion in all parts of Iran, and it reached India and Greece. The number of its adherents today is about 180 thousand people?! What can further confirm this result conclusively? We have a situation quite similar to that of Zoroastrianism, which is Judaism. – Two religions, both of a national and ethnic nature – Zoroastrianism and Judaism are approximately the same chronological age. Zoroaster died in 550 BC, and Cyrus liberated the Al-Yahoud from captivity in 538 BC. – Zoroastrians were present in all parts of Iran, and Al-Yahoud were present in all parts of Iran. Palestine . The area of Iran is dozens of times larger than Palestine. The number of Zoroastrians is logically larger than the number of Al-Yahoud. – According to the fictitious history presented to us, the Al-Yahoud were subjected to captivity and persecution throughout time more than the Zoroastrians, and the Zoroastrians were subjected to persecution as well. So it is very logical……. to believe and assert that this identity between Judaism and Zoroastrianism in time, situation and circumstances will lead to identical results between the two religions at the present time. But the current results are not completely identical… The number of Al-Yahoud in the world today, according to official statistics, is 15 million people, while the number of Zoroastrians in the world is only 180,000. Is this logical?! Of course not… The belief that Islam is behind the deficiency Their number is a trick that those who write history always deliberately create, in order to prevent people from understanding the true story of history, and the fact that Islam is the oldest religion on earth. The established fact is that 180,000 people is the number of followers of a religion whose real age does not exceed 400 years by much, but an imaginary history has been attributed to it in order to confirm another imaginary history and be a legitimate representative of an imaginary time. He also attributed to the Jewish religion a completely fictitious history in order for it to be a legitimate representative of a political project. ● A written note: Note with me: – The name Vesta…. This name is also pronounced as pistak, and the reason is because the name Vesta is in the Greek tongue, but it is pronounced in the Latin tongue as pistak. – Just like the word Vahram, which means fire in Sanskrit, but it is also pronounced “Bahram”…. Therefore, you find fire temples in India pronounced “Vahram”…….. but it is pronounced “Bahram” according to Western translations of Iranian inscriptions… and There were priests, according to history, called Bahram. The same thing applies to the Fahlawi language, which is also pronounced Pahlavi. Fahlawi is in the Greek language and Pahlavi is in the Latin language. Just like the name Fares, which is pronounced Pars, the word Fares is a name in the Greek tongue, while Pars is in the Latin tongue. Although I believe that it is not a tongue, but rather translations… The original pronunciation was with the letter Fa, but the translators used to write with the letter Ba… because the letter Fa is closely related to the letter Ba, Ph = P. This observation confirms to us that we are entering into a translation and authorship project. ● There remains the strange point related to this religion, which many never pay attention to. Do you not notice that Zoroastrianism, which according to the history presented to us is considered one of the ancient religions and which is said to date back to the time of 550 BC? In fact, some researchers date its time back to an even earlier time, it was contemporary with the religions of the ancient region, from the religions of Mesopotamia and the religion of Misr. The religion of Yemen, but what is strange is that it has remained until today while the rest of the religions of the region have completely disappeared from existence. Does it make sense ? Supposedly… today we find in Misr, where Egyptians still embrace the religion of ancient Misr, the worship of Amun, Aten, and Isis, and there are still people in Iraq and the Levant to this day who embrace the ancient religion of the Fertile Crescent, and the worship of Ishtar, Adonis, Tammuz, and Enlil, such as The situation of Zoroastrians in Iran. Why ? Because it is assumed that believing in the existence of those who still believe to this day in Amun, Aten, Ishtar, Tammuz in Misr, and the Fertile Crescent would be more logical and natural than the worship of Ahuramazda, and would be more likely than Zoroastrianism, because there are huge documents and texts that confirm how deep and deeply rooted this is. Religion in the Fertile Crescent and Misr, which was contemporary with the time of the worship of Ahuramazda in Iran. Is it possible that the Zoroastrians are the only ones in the region who have been able to preserve their religion since that time, and their religion does not have sufficient documents and inscriptions, such as the inscriptions of Yemen, Misr, and the Fertile Crescent, which confirm the presence of those religions and the extent of their depth and roots in those countries?! Is it possible? !● But what about the inscriptions in Iran that talk about Horamazda and Zoroastrianism? The answer to this question requires a detailed explanation of the story of the Book of Avesta, the story of ancient Iranian religions, the story of ancient Iranian languages, and the story of Iranian inscriptions. But before that, this topic needs to present a simple summary of Iran’s ancient history written in official sources, so that the picture becomes clear and we can understand the story from its roots. —————————- According to current official sources, Iran passed through several countries in the past, the most famous of which were four countries (eras): 1 – The Achaemenid state, 230 years 2 – The Hellenic state, 150 years 3 – The Parthian state, 470 years 4 – The Sasanian state, 400 years ————————— ————–1- The Achaemenid State (560 BC – 333 BC) (approximately 230 years)■ The Achaemenids are a Persian royal family, one of the ancient Iranian peoples, who was the last wave of The waves of Indo-European (Aryan) peoples that invaded the lands of Iran at the beginning of the first millennium BC. The Achaemenid dynasty, whose origin is unknown, appeared at the beginning of the seventh century BC. It established an empire in Persia in 560 BC. This state seized a large area that included western Anatolia, Babylon, Iran, Palestine, and Misr. ■ Wars (with Athens). This era was famous for the Median wars between the Persians on the one hand and the Greek cities on the other. ■ The capital of the state (Persepolis) ■ Its first king (Cyrus Cyrus) ■ The most famous kings of this era (Cyrus Cambyses, Darius, and Ardashir) the greatest kings This period is the cycle of (Cyrus) (579 BC – 530 BC), who is known as (Cyrus). He founded the Persian Empire in the year and one of his actions invaded Babylon in the year (538 BC) and the Al-Yahoud were liberated there from Babylonian captivity. ■ Religion (worship of the Allah Ahuramazda) Darius I is known to have been a very religious king who brought religion in Iran to the peak of glory and the pinnacle of perfection. He is considered the first king of the first monotheistic empire in the ancient world. ■ Language (Old Persian – Avesta – Elamite – Babylonian) The Achaemenid documents were written on the rock in three languages: – Old Persian (Avesta) – Elamite language – Babylonian language ■ Written script (Cuneiform – Pahlavi Aramaic) Research suggests that the ancient Persian language was Written in ancient Aramaic script, while the ancient Persian language recorded by the inscriptions on the rocks was written in cuneiform letters. ■ Cultural influence (a mixture of Persian, Egyptian, and Babylonian) The urban designs and reliefs were a mixture of Egyptian, Babylonian, and Asian Minor art. ■ The last king of this era was Darius III (336 BC – 330 BC). Darius III was the grandson of Darius II. (380 BC – 330 BC). His original name is Artashta and the Greeks call him Kodomanos. He was the last king of the Achaemenid period in Persia and ruled from 336 BC until 330 BC. Artashta adopted Dariush’s name as the referee’s name. ■ It fell at the hands of Alexander the Great in the year (330 BC or 333 BC). Alexander went out with an army of 35,000 soldiers to invade Iran, and initially headed towards the Syrian coast, and there he met the Persian army and was able to eliminate the Persian army on the Syrian coast, so Darius decided The third was to escape, and Alexander marched his army down the coast, until he reached the heart of Misr and returned again to the Syrian coast, and from there his army made its way to Mesopotamia, and there Alexander met a Persian army numbering ten times his army, that is, 350 thousand soldiers, and he was able to His defeat forced Darius III to flee again. Then he headed to Babylon, captured it, and was received as a conqueror. Alexander headed to the city of Persepolis and burned and destroyed it in qisas for Persia’s burning of Athens. Then Alexander went out to chase Darius III, until he reached the Alborz Mountains, where he found Darius murdered by his followers. 2- The Greek state had two eras 1 – The first era Alexander (333 BC – 323 BC) (10 years) 2 – The second era The Seleucids (321 BC – 170 BC) (150 years) The first era (led by Alexander) The first era occurred After the fall of the Achaemenid capital at the hands of Alexander. Alexander rarely controlled the conditions of his kingdom, and he was driven by a desire to know the end of the world, so Alexander headed to areas that were unknown to the Greeks. Alexander’s exploratory journey had a scientific and cultural nature, as he kept accurate records during his journey, in which he recorded information about itineraries, distances, and the peoples he met, and recorded information about plants and animals, and sent them to Greece. Alexander married Roxana, daughter of the King of Balkh (Bactria), then continued his journey until he crossed the Indus River, and there his army refused to continue marching with him because they had been absent from their homeland for 7 years. So he returned with his army to Persepolis and took the contents of Cyrus’ tomb, and headed to Susa, where he began implementing his idea, which aims to create a single state for the world in which Greek culture would be united with Persian culture on the basis of equality between them, and he imbued the East with Greek culture, establishing Greek colonies, and encouraging 10 A thousand of his soldiers agreed to marry Persian women. ■ The cultural impact (Greek) ■ The most famous king of the era (Alexander the Macedonian) ■ It ended due to the death of Alexander (323 BC) When Alexander was less than 33 years old, he suddenly suffered from a severe fever while he was in Babylon at that time, and he died in the year (323 BC). M ) . After Alexander’s death, the large area that Alexander had conquered fell into the hands of his army commanders, and it turned into many large, divided states. The Second Era: The Seleucid State (321 BC – 160 BC) (150 years) ■ Because of Alexander’s death, the Macedonian Empire disintegrated and turned into mini-states, and there a state emerged that took the city of Seleucid as their capital and they ruled Iran, but after a while they moved the capital to Antioch and Therefore, the affairs of Iran were neglected and their influence there diminished, so local states were established there and Iran became prepared for the emergence of new rulers. The Seleucids are a Hellenistic dynasty whose name goes back to the founder of the ruling family of the Seleucid state, Seleucus I Nicator, one of the leaders of the army of Alexander the Great. This state formed one of the states of the kings of the Alexander sects, which arose after the death of Alexander the Great, and during the third and second centuries BC it ruled the West Asia region, and extended from Syria and Thrace in the west and even India in the east. The Seleucids played a major role in the interaction of Greek civilization and Eastern civilizations. The Seleucids are often mentioned by Western historians as enemies of Rome, during what was known as the Roman-Syrian War in the period between (192 – 188 BC) led by Antiochus III the Great. Seleucus I Al-Mansur was one of the Taifa kings who came together After the death of Alexander the Great in the Treaty of Triparadisus at the Orontes River in Syria in 321 BC. To share the empire, Seleucus I obtained the governorship of Babylon, but he soon turned to Ptolemy I following the attack launched by the leader Antigonus I Monophthalmos in the year (316 BC) on the eastern Fertile Crescent, but he returned in the year 312 BC. The beginning of Seleucid rule was officially announced, and this was followed in the year 305 BC. By calling himself a king like the rest of the Taifa kings, he made Seleucia on the Tigris the capital of his rule, and continued a series of battles in the east of the empire. After peace, he abandoned areas close to India in favor of the Mauryan state. After the death of Antiochus III (187 BC), the annexed territories became independent. During his reign, the borders of the Seleucid state were limited to the Fertile Crescent and western Iran, and a ruling dynasty in Persia began to impose itself on Iran (the Parthians). ■ The capital of the state (Seleucus of Medina) ■ The most famous king of the era (Selocus) ■ The cultural impact (Greek) ■ The rule of the Seleucids in Iran ended at the hands of the Parthians (150 BC) 4 – The Parthian state (247 BC – 224 AD) (470 Approximately one year)■ They were from the Saka tribes that were spread in the eastern Caspian Sea. They controlled the Barathu region, which was affiliated with the Achaemenid state. Their rise was after the elimination of the Seleucids. After the victories of King Mithridates (Mehrdad I), the Parthians considered themselves the political heirs of the Achaemenids. Although the Parthians ruled for a long time, the information about them is not as rich as the information about the Achaemenids, perhaps because they were Turanians, as if for this reason the Persian stories did not concern them as much as they did about the Persian families. After mentioning their kings, Al-Firdawsi says: “Their origin and branch were short, so he did not tell the people of experience about their history. I have only heard of them by name, nor have I seen them in the Book of Kings.”■ Wars (with Rome) The Parthians fought wars for 3 centuries with Rome. ■ The capital of the state was Ctesiphon (Mada’in) ■ Its first king (Arshak) ■ Its most famous kings were Arshak Phraates and Mithridates (Mehrdad) ■ Religion (a reconciliation between Hellenism and Zoroastrianism) They chose the Zoroastrian religion in the first century AD, as the official religion of the country, and the first interpretation of the Avesta was prepared. By order of the Parthian king. ■ Language (Greek as an official language in the beginning – Aramaic – Pahlavi) The Parthians chose the Greek language as an official language in the beginning. Although the Parthians spoke an intermediate Persian language, very close to the language that was spoken during the reign of the Achaemenids. ■ Written script (Aramaic Pahlavi) The Parthians used to write in the Aramaic script, which is called the (Pahlavi) script, and there are many inscriptions on the rock written in the Pahlavi script, but the disadvantages of this script are that they are primitive scripts that make reading these inscriptions difficult and complicated. ■ Cultural influence (a mixture of Persian and Greek) The Parthians left behind inscriptions in the Sajestan region, most of which are Greek, and most of the antiquities bear a Hellenistic (Greek) character and are found in western Iran. The Parthians were influenced by Greek civilization. Therefore, their civilization was a mixture of Persian and Greek, to the point that one of its kings called himself (the lover of the Greeks). ■ The last king of this state, Artabanus (Artabun) (214 AD – 224 AD) ■ This state fell at the hands of the Sassanid king Ardashir (224 AD) 5 – The state of the Sassanids (224 AD – 633 AD) (approximately 400 years) ■ The name Sassanids is due to the priest Sasan, who The grandfather of the first Sasanian king was Ardashir I. Sasanian is the name used for the Second Persian Empire. The Sasanian dynasty was founded by King Ardashir I after the defeat of the last Parthian king, Artabanus IV. The Sassanians linked their lineage to the Achaemenids to express their originality and as a legitimate political heir to the country, and their state was established after the elimination of the Parthians. ■ Wars (with Rome and Byzantium) Throughout their rule, the Sassanids fought wars with Rome and Byzantium ■ The capital of the state (Istakhr in Persepolis, then Al-Mada’in) Istakhr was the capital of the country, then it moved to Al-Mada’in, and it is now an Iraqi city located a few kilometers southeast of Baghdad. It was built Al-Mada’in is near the historic city of Al-Mada’in, the capital of the Persian Sassanians, Ctesiphon and Seleucia. As for Ctesiphon, it was called Tyssiphon in Pahlavi Persian. While Seleucia was built close to Tsiphon. That’s why it was called Al-Mada’in because it includes several cities. ■ Its first king (Ardashir) ■ Its most famous kings (Kisro I, Yazdger, and Ardashir). Thirty-four kings ruled this empire, and one of the greatest kings of this state was Khosrow I Ibn Qubad (531 AD – 578 AD), who is known as (Ansharvan). He carried out reforms An agriculturalist in Persia, he encouraged education, and translated books from Greek and Sanskrit into the Pahlavi language. Among his works was sending a war fleet to Yemen and liberating it from the Abyssinian occupation in the year 535 AD. Religion (Zoroastrianism – Manichaeism – Christianity – Judaism) Zoroastrianism was the official religion of the state, and there was a head who was the highest religion, followed by a large number of priests, and he was called The priest in Mobdan resides in every city. Their mission was to organize the sacred fire temples, so each village had its own fire, and the fire was called (Fahram). In the year 224 AD, King Ardashir made Zoroastrianism the official religion of the country. He worked to revive Zoroastrianism when he gathered a number of scholars and clerics and asked them to revive the teachings of the Zoroastrian religion. Based on the king’s directives, seven senior clerics, after a comprehensive exploration of all of Persia, collected, through oral narration, what remained preserved in the chests. They were able to find some scattered parts of the Book of the Avesta, so they compiled what they were sure was correct and put it in a book, which was approved by scholars and translated into the Pahlavi language. The Avesta was written many times in this era, and Shapur wrote it in a special script known as the Avesta script, and Khosrau I prepared a new interpretation of the Avesta. Although the state religion was Zoroastrianism, other religions made their way. During the reign of Shapur, Mani called for a doctrine mixed between Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Judaism. ■ Language (Pahlavi language) The Intermediate Persian language (Pahlavi) was the language of the Sassanian era, until it began to approach its current modern form. ■ The written script (Pahlavi Aramaic) The Persian language was written in the complex Pahlavi script, and therefore the language was named after this script (the Pahlavi language) ■ The cultural impact (a local character) ■ The last king of this state, Yazdgir III (631 AD – 636 AD), was Yazdgir III, who was The grandson of the king of the Sassanid state, Khosrau II, who was killed by his son, the Sassanian king Qubadh II. Yazdgerd was one of those who escaped from the sword of his uncle Shiroyeh when he killed his brothers and their sons, and a companion of his fled with him to some outskirts. ■ The Sassanian state fell at the hands of the Arab conquerors. In the late sixth century, Khosrau II was able to seize Damascus and Jerusalem and advance towards Constantinople, but the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius moved and crossed Mesopotamia until he reached Cities, and the matter ended with the signing of a peace treaty between Persia and Byzantium after being exhausted. Shortly after that treaty, the Sassanid state fell at the hands of the Arab conquerors led by Saad bin Abi Waqqas (633 AD or 636 AD), when the Arab Muslims advanced to Al-Mada’in and defeated the Persian army led by Rustam. After that, the conquerors headed to the capital of the first state, Istakhar, which It is 5 kilometers away from the city of Persepolis, and they destroyed and burned it. After the victory of the Arab Muslim armies in the Battle of Al-Mada’in, Yazdgerd III fled to Helwan, then to Isfahan. When the Muslims were victorious in the Battle of Nahavand, he fled to Istakhar. After the conquest of Isfahan, one of the leaders of the conquests went to chase Yazdgerd, so he did not He can afford it. Yazdger lived the last ten years on the run, and Yazdger was killed in the city of Merv by a miller. It is said that the miller offered him food and he ate, and brought him a drink to drink and he became drunk. When evening came, he took out his crown and placed it on his head. The miller saw it and was greedy for it, so he went for a mill and threw it on him. When he killed him, he took his crown and clothes and threw them into the water. He was 28 years old when he was killed. He follows ..

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