The Holy Qur’an – but it resembled to them – Issa Yasouaa Jesus

The Holy Qur’an - but it resembled to them - Issa Yasouaa Jesus


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Does the West believe in Yasouaa or Jesus?!

If this character were real and this story actually happened according to the Roman calendar, his name here would be Yasouaa and his name there in the West would be Yasouaa as well…but here they have Yasouaa and there they have Jesus.

The name never changes and no person has two different names, especially if he is a famous person. This is an abnormal, unrealistic and illogical situation

This confirms

The whole topic is essentially an imaginary textual and paper novel… extracted from various translations.

This story was created after the West completely hid the original book after falsifying the region’s inscriptions after their wave of occupation of the region. Because this ancient book is the one that most of the region’s residents carry for the correct reading of the Qur’an in an Arabic language, and this Qur’an (a news from the ancient book) and what is contained in it are the names of Issa and Maryam, not Yasouaa found in modern papers (Yasouaa is a distorted translation and reversed from left to right, as is the custom in the West).

They have likened to you the ancient, original story of Issa and his mother, the original and true text of which is found in the original, ancient book, to the story of the character Jesus, or Yasouaa, who was crucified by an ancient Western state in order to monopolize the truth of this new story for them and attribute it to themselves, and that they are the true owners of this story, and This work was done after they hid the book and forged it.

This textual story found in the printer’s books, in which they likened the very ancient character of Issa and his mother to the modern character of Jesus and Yasouaa, and was placed in fictitious calendars, is the reason for the occupation and theft of the time, history, and language of the region.

This is the whole story.

{And their saying, “Indeed, We killed the Massih, Issa Ibn Maryam, the Messenger of Allah.” And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them. And those who differ concerning it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except following conjecture, and they did not kill him for certain.}

And they did not kill him for sure……… Rather, they killed the son of Maryam, who was mentioned in the book of the ancient world, hypothetically within a new imaginary novel.

They killed him inside a new imaginary novel, a figment of their imagination, that was unrealistic and unoriginal, similar to an old, original novel mentioned in the book.

A new imaginary novel that is not real, in which the original, old [Issa] is transformed into a new character bearing two new names, namely (Yasouaa and Jessu).

If the name of Issa mentioned in the book was (Hessa), today you would be reading about the same character as (Yasouaa and Jesus).

A new imaginary, unreal novel, in which the original, ancient function of Issa, which was a real reality in the ancient world, was transformed from merely the function of a messenger for an ancient religion to the function of a son of Allah for a fresh, modern religion.

A new world, foreign and distorted, and an imitation of a single, original, ancient world that preceded it, a religion, a book, a language, a history, and a time.

It is the project that the West came up with…the project of erasing the real ancient world with an imaginary, non-Arab modern world distorted by the legitimacy of the fake, fake calendar that made them ancient in the land. It is an occupation strategy for the original ancient world with a forged and imitated modern world.

The game is modern

{And mention in the Book Maryam ¤ a book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know ¤ the tongue of the one to whom they adhere is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue ¤ do you hope that they will believe in you, when a group of them used to hear the word of Allah and then distort it after they had understood it while they knew ¤ and among them is a group who twist their tongues with the Book So that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say a lie about Allah, while they know it. So because they broke their covenant, We cursed them and made their hearts hard. They distorted the words from their proper places, and they forgot a portion of what they were reminded of, and you still emerge as a traitor among them. So as for those who were given His book is in his right hand, and he says, “Ha’um, read my two books.” And as for the one who was given his book in his left hand, he says, “I wish I had not been given his book.”

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