The Holy Quran – Abel and Cain is a false story

The Holy Quran - Abel and Cain is a false story


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I do not want to retell the text of the story from the Old Testament book and interpret the story from the heritage books that reached Muslims and review the contradictions and problems found in it…. We wrote it in a previous article.

Therefore, I will take another path to clarify the nature of this story, in order to confirm and consolidate the correct picture, so that we can read the Qur’an from the true ground from which the text of the Qur’an emerged.

But two steps must be taken:

The first… We must clarify the rule or approach that we will follow

Truth = the Holy Quran + reality + logical scientific thinking.

The reality here… will be relying on the dialects of the residents of the region to understand the meanings of the vocabulary of the Qur’an, and not relying on the dictionaries printed by the Ottoman printing press……. because the Qur’an was revealed in the language of the residents of the region.

The second……… Three things must be corrected before understanding this story and arriving at the answer… and these things are…. time, the second person form, his role in the story, and the concept of the news.

I do not want to re-explain these things, because we have explained them in previous articles, and I do not want to copy and paste them, so as not to prolong the topic, but I will summarize the explanation in points.


■ The text of the Qur’an preceded all texts in time, and all other texts came after it.

The sacred text is the word of Allah…and Allah is the first before all else. The sacred texts are new texts that do not resemble any other text or words……..a precedent for all texts…they are texts that reached the believer for the first time. A new and fresh time…. and not subject to alteration, change or modification. They are fixed sacred texts that were revealed as they are… and the meaning can only be understood from the text itself, and they are ancient texts at the same time, because they are the word of Allah and The word of Allah is ahead of time.

This fact is very important for understanding the lines of the Qur’an.

Because, in my opinion… the Muslim’s continuation of the temporal imagination that was implanted in his mind by the heritage and history books that reached him… is the primary reason for his difficulty in understanding the meanings of the lines of the Holy Qur’an, and it is the fundamental reason for the great influence of the heritage books and other texts. On the mind of a Muslim.

Why ?!

Because when a Muslim reads the Qur’an in general… he reads it while possessing an artificial and unreal temporal imagination… and in this imagination there is a time prior to the text of the Qur’an… and he proceeds from it in understanding. The Quran.

For example

● When a Muslim reads the story of the two sons of Adam from the Qur’an… and because the Muslim has a firm divine belief that Judaism is a religion brought by Allah, and he gave them a book called the Torah, and it contains the story of Abel and Cain and the sheep and fruits.

Then the scenario of the story that preceded the text of the Qur’an will be in a position that imposes its authority very strongly over the text of the Qur’an within the mind of the Muslim… and makes the Muslim imagine the story and think about it with the same images, meanings and concepts that came in the previous scenario while reading the Qur’an.

This is the reason for the strong influence from all aspects of the story of the two sons of Adam found in the Old Testament on the Muslim mind.


● When a Muslim reads the story of the two sons of Adam from the Qur’an… and because the Muslim has a firm divine belief that Judaism is a religion brought by Allah, and he gave them a book called the Torah, and it contains the story of Abel and Cain and the sheep and fruits.

Then the Muslim will strongly draw in his imagination an ancient world that preceded the text of the Qur’an… and within this world there must be societies that were aware of this story, that is, they had an established culture that preceded the text of the Qur’an with this story and its details.

Then any other text that talks about the story of the two sons of Adam other than the text of the Qur’an… will be in a position that imposes its authority in the Muslim’s consciousness… unless this text preceded the Qur’an or came after the Qur’an.

Because belief in the existence of a text prior to the text of the Qur’an requires belief and belief in the existence of an ancient culture that has knowledge of this story, and then there is no objection in the mind of a Muslim to adopting the interpretations of the Qur’an, adopting them, and believing in them, because it is certain that they emerged from an awareness that preceded the text of the Qur’an, realizing and He has the details of that story…it is not new.

This is the fundamental reason for the strong and great influence of all the books of interpretations of the Qur’an that arrived from the Ottoman printer on the Muslim mind.

Now, if we conduct a hypothetical experiment, and imagine that the world today does not exist in the Jewish religion at all, nor does its book exist, and in the world there has never been a religion called Judaism, only Muslims exist and they carry with them the Holy Qur’an.

Now…what do you think would happen to a Muslim if we carried out the following actions within this experiment:

– If someone were to direct a cartoon series that told an ordinary story about a man named Adam who lived in a village, and he had two sons, one named Abel and the other named Cain, and the two decided to thank Allah, so one of them offered rams and the other offered fruits, and lightning struck. From the sky and just hit the sheep, so the brother who owned the fruits hated his brother and decided to kill him, then a crow came and watched him bury another crow, so he regretted killing his brother and burying him.

I think that the story will be met with strong and great disapproval and rejection by Muslims, because the director of the cartoon series tried to write a story similar to a sacred text to him, and every Muslim will say: I ask forgiveness from Allah Almighty. This director is trying to mock the word of Allah in an indirect way, by making a story with events. It is similar to a story in the Qur’an.

– If someone wrote a book explaining the entire Qur’an, and mentioned in his interpretation of the story of the two sons of Adam, that Adam had four sons and their names were Abel, Cain, Seth, and Israel… and the story of the two sons of Adam in the Qur’an occurred between Abel and Cain. .

I think that the Muslim will strongly reject this interpretation and will consider it a distortion of the Qur’an, and every Muslim will say: This is a distortion of the Qur’an. If these were their names, Allah would have mentioned them in writing. So where did the author invent these names, and how did he know that these are their names, and how does he claim that they are four and The Qur’an says there are only two.

For this reason related to time and after this experience, I believe that it can be said, in a logical, practical, scientific and realistic manner, that the Muslim currently does not carry with him the Holy Qur’an… or in other words, the texts of the Holy Qur’an have no meaning and have no meaning. It has value for the Muslim…or in short, the Holy Qur’an does not exist on earth at all…the word of Allah does not exist for the Muslim…it is hidden.

Because the Muslim only reads the Old Testament and the heritage books, and they are the ones who impose their divine authority on the Muslim and they are the ones who shape his perceptions, thinking, outlook, and logic, and have made the Muslim a follower of those texts, and not a master over them…..while the word of Allah It is completely abolished and does not exist in the Muslim mind, and the Muslim does not follow the word of Allah at all. The word of Allah is no longer the master of the Muslim, but rather the words of the Book of the Old Testament are the master of the Muslim.

{And recite to them the story of the two sons of Adam in truth, when they offered an offering, and it was accepted from one of them, but it was not accepted from the other. He said, “I will kill you.” He said, “Allah only accepts from the righteous.” (27) If you extend your hand to me to kill me, I will not extend my hand to you to kill you. Indeed, I fear Allah, Allah of the worlds. (28) I want to You will bear my sin and your sin, and you will be among the companions of the Fire, and that is the recompense of the wrongdoers. (29) So his soul tempted him to kill his brother, so he killed him and became one of the losers. (30) Then Allah sent a crow searching the earth to show him how to cover up his brother’s bad. (31) For this reason We decreed for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul for other than for manslaughter or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed all of mankind, and whoever saves a life, it is as if he had saved all of mankind. And indeed Our messengers came to them with clear proofs. Then many of them after that are transgressors in the land.

Are there in the previous text the names of Cain and Abel, or sheep, or fruits, or fire, or a crow burying a crow?


The text is very clear…it does not talk about the names of Abel and Cain, and it does not talk about a farmer and a shepherd, and it does not talk about fruits and sheep and sheep, and it does not talk about fire, and it does not talk about two sisters. He does not talk about two crows and one of them buried the other.

So…’s all illusions


■ The relationship of the addressee to the story

{And recite to them the truth about the two sons of Adam}

Who is the address in the story?!

The discourse in the story for a Muslim is the Messenger’s, but since the Qur’an is a divine revelation, and this revelation has reached you in the same form that it reached the Messenger, then logically you are also a participant in the process, and you have a role in understanding the story…….. Otherwise, the revelation would have been indispensable to this formula.

Why is he addressing him and what is the importance?!

– If the speech in the Qur’an was for the Messenger, in order to inform his people of the same wording of the text found in the Qur’an, there would be no need for this formula found in the Qur’an… because the Messenger would give his people the Qur’an.

The formula in the Qur’an would be as follows:

{We recite to you the truth about the two sons of Adam}

Especially since the same formula is found in the Qur’an

{We recite to you from the news of Musa Pharaon with the truth for a people who believe}

{We tell you the best stories}

– If the speech in the Qur’an was for the Messenger, in order for him to go to the Al-Yahoud in order to tell them the same wording of the text found in the book of the Old Testament (Cain and Abel) that reached the Muslim from the heritage books, there would be no need for this text of the Qur’an to exist in its entirety, because the story In the book of the Al-Yahoud, it is sufficient as long as it is from Allah, or the revelation would have been supposed to narrate to the Messenger the story of the two sons of Adam, and that their names were Cain and Abel, and that one of them offered a sheep and the other offered fruits, just as the revelation narrated it in the past to the Al-Yahoud with that scenario.. Or when there was a need for the presence of a Messenger for Islam, because his role in this story is a messenger to confirm the texts of the Al-Yahoud, or it would be more correct to say that he is a messenger for the Al-Yahoud and not a messenger for the Muslims, because his heavenly message that he brought from Allah is intended to give the texts of the Old Testament book legitimacy. Holy heavenly.

Of course… in the first point, we discussed the concept of time and its relationship to the text of the Qur’an… and that the text of the Qur’an is the first and all other texts came after it… and this thing will make it logical for us not to re-present this hypothesis… ..But I deliberately repeated it to further clarify the contradiction in the heritage books.

– If we were certain and certain that the Qur’an is the first text chronologically, and it is indeed the first and there is no text that precedes it… and the speech in the Qur’an was for the Messenger to recite this news……. and we understood well through our previous explanation….. That the Messenger will not recite to his people the same text of the Qur’an, nor will they recite the story of Cain and Abel… So……. what will the Messenger recite to his people other than the text of the Qur’an?!

Here we will address the last point


■ The concept of news

{And recite to them the truth about the two sons of Adam}

– If we were certain and certain that the Qur’an is the first text chronologically, and it is actually the first and there is no text that precedes it… and the speech in the Qur’an was for the Messenger to recite this news to his people… and we realized well through our previous explanation, that the Messenger He will not recite to his people the same text of the Qur’an, nor will they recite the story of Cain and Abel… logically, the Messenger will recite another story to his people.

– If the story of the sons of Adam, according to the story that has reached us, was talking about the first birth of the sons of Adam……. the revelation would have been recited to him without that formula (recite to them) and with all its details… because the Messenger does not know anything because it is an ancient event. And his knowledge is with Allah.. The Messenger is supposed to be just a listener and nothing more and conveys to his people the story of the beginning of the first family, but as long as the Messenger is participating in the process…….. then the Messenger has knowledge of the story, and has a role in clarifying it. .

– If the story had been about Adam’s first birth…then the revelation would have read it to the people in the plural form, so that it would have told them about the story of the first family on earth.

– If the story had been about the first birth of Adam… the revelation would have been recited to the people in detail without needing the role of the Messenger, in order to clarify the impact of this story and its relationship to today… because it is an ancient unseen… and neither the Messenger nor we know. Its details.

Does the Qur’an talk about Adam’s two sons…the first two children born to Adam?


The meaning is clear… my son Adam only… neither Abel, nor Cain, nor Seth. You are the son of Adam… and I am the son of Adam… and we are all sons of Adam, or sons of Adam.

Doesn’t the Qur’an, in its address to the people, say: O children of Adam, do not worship Shaytan…. So is it addressing the people or the first born of Adam?!

So… when the Qur’an says, “My son Adam… it means two sons of Adam… two people… two human beings.

Do the verses talk about a story that happened in the past before the revelation of the Qur’an?


The story is a news………………a prophecy

{And recite to them the truth about the two sons of Adam}

As long as the story is a prophecy…then it is certain that it occurred during the period of time between the revelation of the Qur’an and until today…that is, the story does not talk about the first two births of Adam.

As long as the story is called (Nabaa)… I think the topic is clear and the answer is very easy:

The revelation addresses the Messenger after this news reaches him, to recite it to his people.




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