Reasons for the similarity between predicate hieroglyphs – 2

Reasons for the similarity between predicate hieroglyphs - 2


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Note: I have included in the picture some symbols of the Musnad inscriptions, as an example only………… and not because these are the only identical symbols, because all the letters of the Musnad script have their counterparts in the Egyptian inscriptions.


My hobby of studying and reading, then my approach to work in a cultural institution interested in antiquities, made me realize information about the large extent of antiquities smuggling in Yemen.

All of this made me… interested in antiquities and history in a past period of my life… and I set out to search for antiquities myself and track down the people who acquire antiquities in their areas… I was even trying to track down antiquities dealers in order to… Know their world.

One day, I read an article by an Arab writer who works in a scientific institution in France and he sent a message to the Yemeni government calling on it to stop smuggling antiquities. He said that the volume of antiquities smuggled from Yemen is the largest, which raised the alarm bell for me.

And sound the alarm even more……. Especially because I know that most of the antiquities dealers are Saudi or Emirati diplomats who work in the embassy, and carry diplomatic portfolios, and I was closely informed about this.

Because I believed that every Saudi move in the region is not spontaneous. They are moving in an organized manner targeting something. I do not mean people, I mean officials and state institutions.

The premonition inside me was that there was something they were afraid of and hidden. The issue was not just smuggling, there was something else… My premonition may be true or false, but the premonition continued with me.

Why did a Saudi diplomat smuggle antiquities from an Arab country?

I used to repeat the question to myself or ask it to others, trying to reach a convincing answer…..and this constant obsession made me think about the cognitive value found within the antiquities, so whenever I found a citizen who had ancient inscriptions, I would strive to document and photograph the inscriptions.

I began researching the cognitive value found in the inscriptions.

I started searching for all the translations of the inscriptions, understanding what was inside them, and organizing the information I obtained….but in fact, I had never thought about reading the inscriptions.

But the matter changed one day… when I read a topic about an old inscription and it said that it was the first poem written in Arabic metres, written in the Musnad script… and in the topic were the phonetic values of the inscriptions, and next to them were the inscriptions translated in our language today.

The truth is that I felt very distressed while I was reading the poem in the Himyari language. I even had a severe headache. I felt like I knew this word, but it was very difficult to understand. This is not a natural language. The poem was in the Himyari language. But it had music. A song that is still popular in our heritage to this day, and there are a few words that are still in our dialect, and I do not know whether it was a coincidence or fabricated.

Then I decided to start reading the inscriptions without translations…but the truth is that extreme distress is the result that came to me after reading any inscription in the Himyarite language…very severe distress.

There is something wrong… I am not stupid at all… I must not tire myself.

I completely stopped reading the inscriptions, and began asking myself questions about the language:

Did the tongue of our ancestors who lived on this land have this shape that causes this distress and headache?! .. So how did our tongue change differently?! Is it possible that the vocabulary of our language today was not in their language in ancient times? There is not even a single word from the present time in the language of the ancients?!

I began a journey of searching for the language and searching from reality for answers to every question I encountered about the language…until I reached the stage where I asked the question:

Why aren’t the West’s translations forged… in brief?!

I think that reaching this point……. requires a long time, even though it is a very shortcut… because of the extent of the West’s cognitive and moral authority in our consciousness, and this thing prevents many from even thinking about asking this question. Because he will expose himself to ridicule…and whoever crosses this barrier will have taken the biggest cognitive step in his life.

I started thinking about the issue of translating the Musnad script, and asked a question:

How was the phonetic value of each symbol in the Musnad line determined? What is the rule followed?! .

Of course, perhaps many people do not know, including the Yemenis… that the West has deciphered the Musnad script based on the Ethiopian Ge’ez language… on the basis that this still remains… and it is the language most similar to the ancient Himyarite language, and the secret of the survival of this language. (Ge’ez) until today, is because the Ge’ez wrote their Holy Book in this language (the New Testament), and this is the secret of its survival to this day…. Therefore, you find that Ethiopia today uses a script almost similar to the Musnad script.

If you notice that all the languages in the region, which history claims are languages that preceded Arabic, are written in the Holy Bible (the New Testament), this step exists in all the region…. But the difference between the situation in the region and Yemen is that Syriac and Coptic, It exists according to the Sykes-Picot border law. The Syriacs are present in Iraq and the Levant, and the Copts in Misr. According to this reality, the inscriptions of Syria and Iraq must be based on the Syriac language, and the inscriptions of Misr must be based on the Coptic language. It is not correct to rely on Coptic to decipher the inscriptions of Iraq.. This is the Sykes-Picot law……But the situation in Yemen is the only one that deviated from the Sykes-Picot law……and the Yemeni inscriptions were based on a reality outside the borders of Sykes. Picot, and Sykes-Picot agreed to this departure from his law in a strange and strange way.

The important thing is that this thing required a journey of research and logical thinking… until I came to realize the extent of the falsity of this act carried out by the West and the extent of their game, and how everyone accepted this ridiculous act… and we will put it in a separate research.

The important thing is… I have reached the stage of starting the task of deciphering the inscriptions myself.


I began to create a picture of the problem from all aspects, and to dismantle the problem into its basic roots. The problem was limited to three roots:

The written part, the phonetic part, the part associated with who wrote the script

Then I asked all the questions in search of answers:

What is the meaning of writing, why did humans write, and what is the meaning of those symbols? And why were they drawn in this way? On what basis was it designed like this? …..And were they symbols that were designed spontaneously, randomly, or according to rules? ….And is there a relationship between the symbol and the phonetic value?!

This mission did not prevent me from asking some questions to historians, researchers, and readers of the Musnad line from reality. Perhaps there is someone who will give me a key or have an idea that I do not have. But the truth was that most of the answers were unconvincing, and indicated a lack of real understanding of the essence of the question.

The truth is… I researched and was arriving at logical answers to some questions… until one day I reached an advanced stage in asking two questions:

– Why did the person who wrote the Musnad line write this symbol inside the red rectangle in this way? Was he unable to make the two lines straight? It would be easier and better for him? .

Unless there was an authority over the writer of the Musnad handwriting who forced him to put the two lines in italics and not straight.

– When I examined the line of the datum, I saw the presence of two symbols, and there are also the same two symbols, but in an upside-down position (rotation at an angle of 180).

So I asked myself: Why did I find this situation in only two symbols, and the process was not performed on half of the symbols of the Musnad script…that is, that half of the symbols of the Musnad script were in certain shapes, and the other half inverted those shapes?!

These questions made me go directly to another logical question:

On what basis did the ancient inhabitants of Yemen write these inscriptions? What is the criterion that made them adopt these symbols in their writing?!

Why is it logical?

Because if there was no standard…or reference for the inscriptions, and the process took place spontaneously and randomly…then the phenomenon of the heart would not have been limited to only two symbols, and the process would have been completed on half of the symbols of the Musnad script.

This indicates……….that there is a precise standard adopted in the design of these forms, or a previous reference in the design process… Rather, it indicates that there is a sanctity that imposed these written forms.

The logical result is: Without a doubt……. There was a law imposed on whoever designed the Musnad script, and he followed it in setting the symbols of the Musnad script.

If there is a law… then I have to search for it, and the search process requires me to think about two possibilities:

1- The first possibility……. is that the law is linked to an authority that exists with the maker of the script himself… that is, an external authority

2- The second possibility……. is that the law is linked to an authority that exists within the line itself… that is, an internal authority

Research into the first possibility… will lead us to assume that the first person to draw the line had a law… by which he drew those lines… but if we try to find this law… we will not find a law or equation by which the line follows, in terms of its angle and… Its rotation and number of lines.

As for the second possibility……. the existence of authority within the script itself, this would make us assume the existence of an older script, and that it gained its authority from this ancient script.

And if we try to investigate this possibility… we will find that the Musnad script went through three stages… according to discoveries… and a chronological order was established… and we cannot be certain about the ordering process.

But if we adopt this chronological order, and look at all the stages, we will find that they are similar and there is no fundamental difference in the topic, exactly the same lines, and this makes us ask the question again:

If we accept the logic of these time stages established by the West, then we have the right to ask the same question as in the first stage: On what basis were the forms of the first stage adopted, what is the standard, because the two symbols are also present in the first stage?!

All we have left is this convincing and logical possibility, which is the existence of a law of authority within the line itself.

But the research process will not lead us to any results, because there must be an older written form, but in a very different form. In other words, if we represent the Musnad line with an electronic pen, then there must have been an ink pen before it, from which the form was taken.

With simple thinking… the search process will never reach any real result… because these are the shapes found in the inscriptions… and no other inscriptions with a different design have appeared.

But what if the researcher left the very narrow, artificial, and completely unscientific confines of Sykes-Picot, in search of that ink pen?!

It is certain that we will find the ink pen… and we will reach the law that exists within the structure of the script itself… which imposed these written forms in the Musnad script… and it is the very logical and final law……. and No question will be left unanswered.

This ink pen is found in Misr.


Now… let’s forget all of the above… as if we didn’t know anything, and someone gave me this picture… and asked me the question:

What is the meaning of this similarity and identity, between the hieroglyphics and the predicate, a similarity, between two writings separated by a great distance?!


■ In the beginning….. I will ask myself a logical question: Who took from the other? Did the population of Misr take from the population of Yemen, or vice versa?! Or the question in another way: Were the hieroglyphics taken from the Musnad, or vice versa?

But perhaps the wording of the question will cause sensitivity among those with swollen selves who are immersed in the Sykes-Picot mentality… And I will pose the question in another, third way:

Which one is the oldest, and which is the newest?

I think that the answer will be wrong for many, and the answer will be based on the same idea of the development of the telephone…. In the beginning, it was a telephone that had a screen with simple lines, then it turned into a telephone that had a screen that contained drawings, and that the datum was the oldest, and the hieroglyphics were the newest.

But the opposite is true

Hieroglyphics were the first, and the predicate came after them.

We will put the reasons in another article, so that the article does not take too long.

Now… I have a fact… that the hieroglyphics are the oldest and the predicates are the newest.

■ I see that the symbols are identical…and since the predicate comes after the hieroglyphs, logically they are one line, but the second is developed from the first. I think the name of both lines is the same.

Logical question:

Why was the datum not called the later hieroglyphics….or called the advanced hieroglyphs, or called the demotic?!, or why were the hieroglyphs not called the first datum script?!

But the most important question is:

If someone placed in front of me the Musnad script and the Demotic script… and the Demotic script is the script that was among the scripts found in the Rosetta Stone, and the West said that this script was the script of man in Misr at a late stage, after he abandoned hieroglyphs, and The West was able to decipher hieroglyphics with the help of this script.

Then this person asked me a logical question: Which line among these two lines… came out of the hieroglyphic line, or the question in another way: What is the line that represents the true son of the hieroglyph?!

I will answer it quickly: the Musnad line.

Is it possible that a person from a distant place was committed to the letters of writing in Misr and had a keen interest in writing symbols in the same form and great care in writing them… while the Egyptian person, after the hieroglyphics, invented another writing, containing strange symbols, which are not present in his original book? ……… That is, it has no basis in the writing of the ancestors, and he did not take great care in writing it. He lived for a long time on this script, but he left only one stone with demotic writing on it?!

But the logical question:

The wooden coffin engraved with Musnad script, which contained the mummy of a Yemeni person who was said to have worked as a trader in materials used in temple rituals. It was discovered in one of the tombs of the temple of the Allah Osiris, next to the pyramid of Saqqara in Misr, and it is displayed in the Cairo Museum. It was said that he died during the reign of Ptolemy in Misr. That is, in the same period in which Ptolemy wrote the Stone. Rashid, written in three writings: hieroglyphics, demotic, and Greek… through which the West was able to decipher the inscriptions of Misr.

Why was the Musnad script not considered by Western scholars as an advanced stage of the hieroglyphic script when it was the book of man in Misr, despite the clear identity between the two…and the reliance on it in deciphering the hieroglyphics, and they went to rely on the demotic script? That it was human writing in Misr, even though it contains symbols that are not found in hieroglyphs, and there is no extreme care in it as in the Musnad. ?!

■ Al-Musnad is found in Yemen… and the hieroglyphs are found in Misr, and there are no political borders between them. Rather, there is distance and a sea separating the two places.

Is it possible that the people of Yemen endure the trouble and inconvenience of traveling to Misr, in order to obtain from it very easy and simple written symbols?!

Is it difficult for ancient people in Yemen to invent and create their own writing with completely new and different symbols, and write their local script with it?! ………. What is the strong authority that made people in Yemen not invent their own symbols, and import a script from outside its borders?! …Although the topic is very easy and not complicated.

This work ……. indicates that the world is very ancient ……. and was easily connected and knew no border space ……. and there was a globalized, connected world and ancient man in Yemen saw the hieroglyphs as its sacred book, and this book had cognitive, sacred, and religious authority for it……Misr was a center linked to ancient man in Yemen, otherwise he would not have traveled all this distance to take these symbols from it.

This indicates that man in Yemen and man in Misr had one religious and cognitive space.

But the logical question:

Why are the names of the hats of the ancient Yemeni religion completely different from the names of the hats of the ancient Egyptian religion, according to the history provided to us by the West?!

■ I will ask myself a logician: If a person in Yemen had endured the trouble of traveling in order to search for written symbols from Egyptian writing, then the question is:

Did man in Yemen take the form from Egyptian writing only, or did he take the form along with the phonetic value?!

I think it is… it is unreasonable that this authority imposed on people in Yemen not to invent symbols of their own, and made them take them from Misr… so they take the symbols randomly, according to a logic based on the phrase “symbols only… what is important” We write. Because if it were just symbols, he would have invented symbols for himself… and the matter is not difficult… but his insistence on not inventing symbols… and then going to take the symbols for his writing from Misr… it is logical that man in… Yemen will take both.

Logically ……. will take the symbol along with its sound value.

But the logical question:

Why is the phonetic value of predicate symbols different from the phonetic value of hieroglyphic symbols……. The shapes are identical, but the phonetic values are not identical at all, according to Western translations?!

■ When a person in Yemen takes the symbol with its phonetic value, this means that he could read hieroglyphics, and the opposite is true that the ancient person in Misr could read the Musnad very easily, as they are all symbols from writing and he knew the phonetic value of each symbol.

This means… that the tongue is one… the language is one.

But the logical question:

Why is the ancient Yemeni language completely different from the ancient Egyptian language, according to Western translations?!

Why does the West insist… on saying that the wooden coffin engraved with Musnad script, which contained the mummy of a Yemeni merchant, and which is displayed in the Cairo Museum… had other Yemeni men write Musnad script on it, because He wanted his body to be honored with the writing and language of his country.

Although the writing of the country of this Yemeni merchant… came from Misr, and the ancient Egyptian man could write in the Musnad script without the need for another Yemeni to write in the Musnad script on the coffin, and he could write in the language of this Yemeni merchant. .

Why is the writing on the coffin in Musnad script made by the West as a tribute to the Yemeni merchant…and not because it is writing like the rest of the hieroglyphics found on top of the coffins?!

It is illogical that this Yemeni merchant… traveled to Misr carrying with him the coffin of a grave, and it is a coincidence that there is another Yemeni writing in his country’s script… unless it was a death there… and then he was mummified. A coffin was made and Musnad script was engraved on it in the same way that was done previously, and it was buried inside a cemetery.

The issue has nothing to do with the merchant’s desire to write his country’s script, or to honor him in the tombs of the Allah Osiris in Misr… they are an illusion.

It is certain that this scenario was written in this way…… that no one would believe that the Musnad is nothing but the advanced stage of hieroglyphics, and that it is the script that has become used in Misr as well….meaning that society has moved from The stage of hieroglyphs to the predicate… and the hieroglyphs became like a stop-gap thing… and this coffin was designed in an era in which hieroglyphs were no longer the writing of man in Misr… but rather society had moved to a time completely different from the world that wrote the hieroglyphs.

■ When I see this similarity, it will make me ask a question: Why did people in Yemen content themselves with taking approximately 28 letters, and not all the symbols, because the number of symbols in Egyptian writing is so many?!

Logically… the matter would be due to the writing system between the two. The inscriptions of Misr, since they are ancient, are certain to be linked to writing done in a different, ancient system, while the inscriptions of Yemen are with a different, new writing system.

■ I now fully realize that the Musnad line has emerged from the hieroglyphic line, and this means something important chronologically:

There cannot be a temporal convergence of events between the two lines. In other words…an event cannot be recorded at the same time within the two lines.

In other words, if a hieroglyphic script records an event, it is not possible for the same event to be recorded in the predicate. If it happened, it is clear fraud.

■ These previous meanings that we have reached will lead us to reach several facts.

1- It is not possible for any inscriptions to appear in Yemen that contain symbols without a reference to them in the Musnad script. Any inscriptions that contain symbols different from the Musnad symbols. If inscriptions appear different from the Musnad script, they are forged, invented, and have no truth.

Also… It is true that the Musnad reference is hieroglyphs, but no inscriptions older than the Musnad or newer than the Musnad cannot appear in Yemen, which contain written symbols that have a reference in hieroglyphs and are completely different from the Musnad script. If it appears, it is forged and invented recently.

Because the Musnad is the first reference in Yemen….and all the scripts that will come after the Musnad script will be referred to as the Musnad script.

I mean, in brief… If a Westerner tells you that they discovered inscriptions in Yemen that are different from the Musnad script, and he tells you a long and broad history of a new people and an ancient civilization that carries a language, religion, etc…. then do not believe his words, because the inscriptions It will be fake and he made it himself.

Indeed, this applies to the surrounding area of Misr as well. Any place where inscriptions containing symbols appear without a reference to them in the inscriptions of Misr is a definite game of forgery.

I know that today you can create any written symbols and any shapes you want, but as for the ancient time, the reference for writing is writing in Misr only, and it is not possible for a book to exist in ancient times without the reference for writing in Misr.

This creates an accurate scientific standard for you… It refutes many of the myths and historical falsifications carried out by the Zionist project in the region, and it refutes many of the myths easily and with great consistency, about the existence of Hebrew writing or Tivenagh and other ancient things….. … They are all written with strange symbols and have no basis in Egyptian inscriptions… This indicates that they are a modern invention.

2- Writing in the past is only one invention… meaning that the book was one in the past… or in other words… in ancient times… man began from one book. He was everyone’s reference.

3- An ancient script cannot suddenly appear… and if it suddenly appears, it is a modern invention.

■ Finally…there is an important note…there is a strong insistence on drawing some of the symbols of the Musnad script after a 90 degree rotation from what is in the Egyptian inscriptions.

I think…we are facing a time scale.

how ?

For an upcoming article



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