To the historian Ahmed Al-Dabash – The book of the Al-Yahoud is not the Torah

To the historian Ahmed Al-Dabash - The book of the Al-Yahoud is not the Torah


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Oh Ahmed Al-Dabash… when will you stop, son of Jerusalem (Ahmed Al-Dabash), and I don’t want to say, son of Palestine, because I never acknowledge this name… because it is a name imposed on us by the Western occupation and it was taken from the book of the Covenant. The old one, when will you stop repeating the name of the Torah on the book of the Al-Yahoud?

Because your insistence on calling the book of the Al-Yahoud “the Torah” is a very big contribution on your part to confirming the fictitious Western Zionist historical narrative for the region, for Jerusalem, and for your homeland.

The book of the Al-Yahoud is called the Old Testament, not the Torah, and the Torah has no relation to the Al-Yahoud, neither remotely nor remotely, because the Torah is the lines of the Book of Allah and what is read is the Holy Qur’an.

The Holy Qur’an is the Qur’an of the Torah… truly and with certainty.

This simple and easy truth of the Torah, which was deliberately hidden from everyone because of the heritage books written by the Turkish era in our region in order to implant it in the minds of the people of the region… reveals to you everything that happened to the region… and it is The truth that can easily bring people out of darkness and illusion into the light

Forgive and excuse me

I do not play a directing role…but I deliberately use this method to be like a voice that carries out brainstorming…and prevents information from being forgotten and prevents it from being neglected when thinking.

What is the problem of many researchers – personal opinion?!

● I believe that the difficulty in reading and writing history is not always in the historical references or the lack of historical documents, but rather in the methods of thinking only.

The problem is not a lack of books…. Even if you find an entire library stored in a person’s mind, it will not provide anything new, because the problem is that we have a defect in logical thinking.

Yes….the creative and logical mind…..completely destructive.

Because only through contemplation and logical thinking can one be able to read history and time with extreme accuracy and reveal its secrets without even needing a single book.

● Also… I find that many researchers search through all the books in libraries, but they forget the non-fiction book

Relying on history books to study reality is a big mistake that many make… because reality is also an open, natural book, and the importance of a book on reality is that its information is accurate, concrete and tangible, while books are an unnatural industry… and the percentage of error This is great when trying to understand the truth, because in addition to those books, you need a document that confirms the time and authenticity of those books.

Relying on books to read current phenomena afflicts a person with a mental disability that prevents him from understanding reality, because when you rely on ancient books to explain a phenomenon that exists today in reality… you move the phenomenon from the field of reality to the field of texts, so the mind turns from a reader of reality to A reader of texts, and from a master of reality to a follower of texts, and the interpretation of reality becomes within the field of interpretation of texts, so the dispute over understanding the phenomenon turns from a dispute over the interpretation of a reality to a dispute over the texts themselves and their interpretations, so reality disappears completely between interpretations and interpretations of historical texts.



It is not possible to build a residential house on weak foundations… because the entire building will collapse. Likewise, it is not possible to build correct knowledge by relying on incorrect, fictitious, or unreliable information.

If we build an intellectual conception without undertaking an integrated construction process that starts from 100% certain and confirmed basic information… all of our cognitive construction will be an imaginary construction… our mind will live in an imaginary, false building.

How do we research the Torah and apply this name without researching the meaning and truth of this word?

Understanding the truth and meaning of the Torah will be correct and accurate when researching the book of natural reality and using sound logical thinking.

We must search for it ourselves and reach certainty. Otherwise, our knowledge structure will be entirely an illusion.

For a Muslim, his first reference is the Holy Qur’an, because the Holy Qur’an is the first book he read and that told him this information.

Therefore, it is logical…that the beginning will be knowing the meanings of that information from the Qur’an…and if our Qur’an names one thing, in the definition form, by the name of the book, and next to this thing is the word Torah and Enjil , then it is logical that it will be the lines of the book.

Reason and logic say… that if humans in ancient times thought about writing, the first way of writing they would do was pictorial writing, through graphic images… graphic pictorial shapes… on stones.

Reason and logic say…that the beginning of human writing will be pictorial writing…on stone or clay tablets.

Man will begin writing with pictorial symbols. Then his writing system develops based on this pictorial writing.

Reason and logic say………that a person will write his beliefs in the first writing he writes……..and that writing will, after a long time, be the legacy of a large nation that they will preserve.

Also, reason and logic say…that the first writing that man will write will be sacred writing…because it is the first written form and it contains his beliefs…and its impact will be continuous.

Reason and logic say… that today’s doctrine is linked to the first written form written in the region… within it is the belief of a large nation to this day.

So……. reason and logic say:

That the first written form found in the region was the book referred to in the Holy Qur’an… and upon careful observation of the inscriptions of the region and the relationship between them, the natural mind says:

There is no writing in the form of pictures in the region except in Misr… pictorial writing.

When we review it, we will find an important note

As we know, any language is made up of a number of phonetic letters, say 25, 30, or 35 symbols…and each symbol has a written form, and the texts of that language are written in these forms.

But if we found written texts consisting of more than 20 thousand pictorial symbols and in a different and open system, that is, capable of expansion?! ….Is it logical to believe that this pictorial writing expresses ordinary texts, or is there something different behind it? .

If they were ordinary language texts… they would have been satisfied with 35 pictorial forms for writing their texts, 35 expressing the outputs of 35 phonetic letters… But what is the benefit of the rest of the other written forms, what do they express, and what is their function?!

So….we are not facing ordinary texts….we are facing a completely different writing system…not an ordinary system, and within it are extraordinary texts…but texts related to a religious and sacred aspect.

So… reason and logic say… that the Egyptian inscriptions are sacred writing… and it is certain that they are the intended book in the Holy Qur’an.

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know, a bringer of good tidings and a warner. But most of them turn away, so they do not listen.}

This is the truth of the historical Torah…which was deliberately hidden in the methods of thinking and research for the sake of the success of the entire Western, satanic, Zionist project against the region and its peoples. And this is the Torah that was falsely and deliberately named by the West as hieroglyphics, and was completely hidden after that. If a new memory is created for the region and it contains an imaginary history and time, a new memory in which the name of the Torah is made the name of the book of the Al-Yahoud, which contains stories similar to the Qur’an but distorted and in a foreign language, so that you believe that it is a book from Allah and came out of the core of the region and that it is what is meant by the Torah. Mentioned in the Qur’an…..and most people do not know.

{And among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.}

{And Al-Yahoud said is not Al-Nasarah on anything, and Al-Nasarah said The Al-Yahoud are not upon anything, and they recite the Book. Thus those who do not know say the same as their saying. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed about.}

O son of Jerusalem

We are thinking within a completely imaginary temporal and historical terrain written by the West and their agents.

They have devised a plan so that the mountains will move away from it.

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