The Great Strife – Misr did not know a king named Ptolemy

The Great Strife - Misr did not know a king named Ptolemy


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I do not know how the Ministry of Education and Culture in any country allows teaching the people of the country an official, approved national history that talks about a foreign ruler who invaded the country, ruled their country for 250 years, and created aesthetic and romantic aspects for this invasion?!

This is a very wrong behavior… It creates generations that have a tendency to be colonized in their subconscious. Rather, it makes generations mentally, intellectually and psychologically enslaved to foreign products.

How can I accept such a history, when it is a history that others have, and there is not a word of it in my archive?!

It is assumed that any history has a single narrative written by the other, which is not reliable unless we have a narrative like it in our archives that are documented and not fictitious.

This is an intellectual, historical and psychological occupation.


What is the story of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Misr?

A Greek kingdom ruled Misr for 250 years, and we do not know of any material evidence of its existence in the past except historical stories found in the West’s paper archives…just a rock that the West discovered in Misr during their occupation of Misr…and the West told us that the name Ptolemy is engraved inside the stone… as evidence of his presence in the ancient history of Misr.

We will convey some of the history of this kingdom and its kings, all of whom bore the name Ptolemy for 250 years.


■ Ptolemy I Soter (367 BC-283 BC)

The first king of the Ptolemaic Pharaohs and the founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Alexandria. He also lived in the palace of Alexander the Great’s father and was his cousin. He also played a major role in the progress and prosperity of Misr. He was the first to make Egyptians deal with coins instead of barter. He was the first to activate coins and was named the Savior in his honor. From the people of the island of Rhodes, where he saved them from the siege of enemies.

One of Alexander the Great’s generals and Pharaoh of Misr. He took over Misr after the death of Alexander the Great and the division of the empire. He did as Alexander did out of loyalty and faith in the sanctities of the Egyptians, so he was appointed Pharaoh and the Egyptians loved him. (The Egyptians loved him lol)

From a military standpoint

He was one of Misr’s most famous leaders. He was able to invade Palestine and was interested in building the state, so he began creating a huge fleet to protect Misr from dangers. During his reign, the return of Misr as a great power in the world began. Ptolemy I was a brave leader and therefore he was able to invade. He invaded eastern Libya (Cyrenaica) and was able to take the city of Sirin and others


He created new farms, made farming more than once a year, and introduced new animals such as camels and pigs due to the presence of a large number of Greeks in Misr (as the ancient Egyptians considered the pig to be a dirty animal whose meat is not permissible to eat). He also took care of establishing many apiaries to export his honey to China. He worked to pay attention to the industry, especially the linen industry, and he worked to promote trade and mint the first coin. He also invaded Belems (Sudan), Meroe (Sudan), and Axum (Abyssinia-Ethiopia). He decided to invade Himyar (western Yemen), but unfortunately he died before that.

From a religious standpoint

He recognized the Egyptian gods and included Isis among the Greek gods. He respected the customs and traditions of the Egyptians until he became one of them, and the Egyptians loved him and respected him for that, just as they did with his predecessor, Alexander the Great.

■ Ptolemy II Philadelphus

Son of Ptolemy I, he ascended the throne of Misr in 285 BC.

One of his most important works

He built the Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, which was demolished due to an earthquake in 1330.

During his reign, Alexandria reached the height of its greatness. Science and philosophy flourished during his reign. The Library of Alexandria was given great attention and was provided with books from all over the world. The translation of other books into Greek was active.

As for his most famous work…the translation of the Torah into Greek, which was called the Septuagint.

■ After Ptolemy II, many Ptolemies came after him, and the last Ptolemy was in the year 36 BC.


All this kingdom, which existed in Misr for 250 years, its greatest work was the Septuagint translation, which still remains today.

All the works of this state that ruled Misr disappeared from the world. The Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, disappeared due to an earthquake… and the Library of Alexandria disappeared, and all the material monuments that they had built throughout 250 disappeared… and nothing remained. There is no material trace of this kingdom except the book of the Old Testament and five symbols engraved in the Rosetta Stone that confirm this kingdom.

Let’s go to the two remaining monuments of this kingdom

■ What is the Septuagint translation?

The Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Old Testament made in the third century BC.

Ptolemy wanted to include the sacred books of the Al-Yahoud in the Library of Alexandria, and some believe that because of the number of Al-Yahoud who did not know Hebrew, seventy-two rabbis performed the translation. It is symbolized by its Latin number LXX, meaning seventy.

The book of the New Testament was based on the Septuagint version. Knowing that no manuscripts of the Septuagint dating back to BC remain


Now the logical questions:

What is the importance of this event when a Greek ruler asked approximately seventy clerics to write the Old Testament in order to include it in the Library of Alexandria?!

Why seventy men? Is the topic that difficult?! …….Does translating a clear religious text for a religious group that reads it and has clerics and whose language is still in use require so many people?

Then…is it not logical for the prophets to write their books themselves? Why did Cyrus not write the book by virtue of his being a prophet and king of the Al-Yahoud, or ordering it to be written or by any Persian king by virtue of the fact that they were credited with liberating the Al-Yahoud from captivity at that time, but the strange thing is…. ….The Greeks, enemies of Persia, were the ones entrusted with the task of writing the Old Testament?!

Why does the Greek ruler only care about Judaism, and where are the other languages and religions?!

Even the Coptic language, according to what Western books say, was the language of Misr at that time…but what is strange is that it did not receive any attention from the Greek king who ruled them, who wanted to make Misr at the height of its glory, and did not think about collecting it while he lived among them. He did not even think about collecting the Coptic faith at that time or care about it?

The story was trying to make Judaism, its book, and its language the dominant one at that time…or the religion, language, and book that appeared in global history and still remains today. Even though we are in a geographical space limited to Misr.

There is another point… according to history books, one of the reasons for the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament… is that the Al-Yahoud found it difficult to learn Hebrew.

strange and weird

How is their language when they don’t know it? Did they speak a different language at that time other than the language of the Old Testament? Why?

There is a more important point

If Judaism is truly an authentic religion specific to a group that has an authentic book, is it possible that their Holy Book was the first copy of it in the language of another people (Greek)… Indeed, is it reasonable that their Holy Book came into existence as a result of a political decision of a foreign ruler? ?!

It is supposed that a Jewish cleric or a Jewish prophet is the one who writes the book of the Al-Yahoud (their highest sacred text). Even a Jewish political ruler, but what is illogical is that it is the order of a foreign political ruler.

Is it possible that an original religious book, an inheritance and a sacred text of the Hessians, appears as a result of a translation process? What is the birth of the Greek language into their original language and not vice versa?

Is it possible that they did not have a holy book and then discovered their book through another foreign language?!

Is it possible that the appearance of the Book of the Al-Yahoud is the result of a conversion process, and not as it is without translation from another language?

Then where did the Al-Yahoud live, why did the operation take place in Misr, why did the operation not take place in their original homeland?!

Then, hadn’t Cyrus liberated them from Babylonian captivity 200 years before Ptolemy, and returned them to their homeland of Palestine, so why did the operation not take place in Palestine for 200 years, and did it not take place inside their holy place, their temple in Jerusalem?!

Why did the Al-Yahoud need 200 years after their liberation from captivity for a Greek ruler to write their book for them, and why did they exist in Misr, even though it was not their land, and they needed to go to Misr so that a foreign ruler could write their holy book for them?!

If Ptolemy the father and his son recognized the Egyptian gods and included Isis among the Greek gods. They respected the religion of the Egyptians.

The logical question is:

If the Greek ruler, who ruled over a long and broad people and had a religion of his own, recognized it and included it with the Greek gods as evidence of their veneration and reverence, and they loved science and culture, then it would have been better for them to translate the inscriptions of ancient Misr. (Hieroglyphs) which contain the Egyptians’ belief and were included in the Library of Alexandria, to save us the sacrifice of the West’s translation of Egyptian inscriptions, and the fatigue of Champollion.

Is it possible…. that a Greek ruler was interested in translating a holy book for a small group far from Misr and not a resident of Misr, and forgot to translate the book of the population of Misr over whom he ruled, and who exalted the religion of Misr and included its gods with the gods of the Greeks?

Is it possible that the most famous work of a Greek ruler is translating the book of a small group, and that he forgets to translate the writing of the large people he rules?!


The story that has reached us talks about a Greek ruler who translated the book of the Al-Yahoud in Misr. But throughout the presence of these rulers in Misr for a period of 250 years, we do not notice in the pictures found in all written history any reference to the inscriptions of Misr…the current decor of Misr today…with its temples, pyramids, mummified coffins, and completely disappeared papyri.

Decor that does not belong to today’s reality

But there is another note… We did not find this Greek ruler and other rulers… any reference, detail, or clarification of the inscriptions of Misr. Or they say that they write using Egyptian inscriptions.

But as soon as we ride a time machine and travel to the future… 2000 years later… we find the West finding the Rosetta Stone, and claiming that the stone has the name of King Ptolemy written on it.

Throughout the 250 years of the Ptolemaic rule, no indication appeared that they were writing in Egyptian script, but after 2000 years we discover that Ptolemy wrote his name in one stone to immortalize his name.

One stone…evidence of the existence of Ptolemy and his kingdom, which lasted 250 years.

The strange thing is… he is a Greek ruler… and his language is Greek… and the Greeks called the Egyptian inscriptions sacred writing (hieroglyphics)… but they never cared about including this sacred writing in the Library of Alexandria… just as they included the Jewish Bible in the Library of Alexandria!!

Even more strange

That the number of Al-Yahoud today is 7 million, and if we calculated their number 2000 years ago, it would be much less than this number. I will be generous with them, and let us assume that it is 50 thousand, which is the number of two small villages in any countryside in the region, but the Greek ruler was interested in translating the book Three Villages and He forgot to translate the book People’s Kamel?


■ Ptolemy in the Rosetta Stone

Is it possible that a Greek kingdom ruled Misr and made it at the height of its power and prosperity, leaving only seven symbols of the name of a ruler written in broken stone?!

They are illusion and magic

The magical and illusory world is an illogical and unreal world, full of events that do not belong to reality.

Because the whole story is one invasion that took place in Misr by a Western ruler… and for this invasion a fictitious story was invented, full of good things and appetizers and identical to the real invasion… and a fictitious time and a fictitious historical narrative were created for it, so that they would make it a book. Fake and distorted, it has historical and temporal precedence…to make it a real origin from the region and make the adherents of this book holders of historical legitimacy.

Because reason and logic say: Since the book of the Old Testament, which the West believes in and which they brought to us, claims that they have a historical right to our land, and in their book there is the name of King Ramesses, who made Champollion blossom in his genius, and claims that it is the name of an ancient Egyptian king, The book of the Old Testament was written during the time period in which the West occupied Misr and they deciphered and translated the inscriptions in Misr…the Torah (hieroglyphics falsely).

They invented the character of a fictitious king named (Ptolemy) and claimed that this king’s name was found in an inscription on a stone tablet in Misr.

Ptolemy literally means magic (Ptolemy = magic), then they fabricated a fictitious time around a Greek ruler named (Ptolemy) and wrote a fictitious history for him, and claimed that he had occupied Misr in ancient times, and that in Misr he had summoned seventy men to translate the book of the Old Testament concerning the Al-Yahoud. To the Greek language.

The truth is… there is no Ptolemy… it is all an illusionary, magical world.

All of this history was…as part of the plan to invade and occupy Misr and the region, which was carried out by Napoleon and his soldiers…to create an imaginary time and an imaginary history for the region, and the Ottomans will publish it in order to replace the memory of the region with a new, imaginary memory and eliminate… The book in Misr and its forgery….so that they can defeat the Muslim population of the region………..and steal from them time, the book, and the truth…after they were able to create a new memory for themselves whose center is Mecca, which is in the hands of the Bedouins. .

They wrote a book of their own authorship… and created a fictitious time and a fictitious history for it, and they were able to make Asian tribes embrace this book… and they made the Ottomans settle them in the region over a period of time in order to make this book a time document for forgery. The region, and keeping the inscriptions in Misr, falsifies the legitimacy of the existence of this book, which carries an imaginary history and an imaginary time, and is believed by a group with no known origin as a fact that exists in history and occurred.


Why did they create this imaginary history and imaginary time?

Q: What is the name of the Egyptian inscriptions?

A: Holy writing

Q: What is the current sacred speech that is widespread and dominant in the region?

A: The Holy Quran

So….with us in the region is a Holy Book, and we also have a Holy Qur’an (the Qur’an is reading a book)

Holy Quran = Holy Writing

The Holy Qur’an is the reading of the sacred writing, the Qur’an is the true and sacred reading of the Holy Book.

{That is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for the righteous. A Book whose verses are explained in detail, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know. Bringing good tidings and a warner. But most of them turn away, so they do not listen.}

{And when Allah took a covenant from those who were given the Book that you will make it clear to the people and do not conceal it. Then they threw it behind their backs and bought it for a small price. Evil is what they buy. So woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say, “This is from Allah” so that they may buy it for a small price. So woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.}

{And those who disbelieved said, “Do not listen to this Qur’an, and distort it in order that you may overcome. Do you hope that they will believe in you?” And a group of them used to hear the words of Allah, then they distorted it after they had understood it, while they knew.)

{And among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.}


They have bewitched the whole world…these demons

{And they plotted their plot, and with Allah is their plot, even if it was their plot, the mountains would move away from it. (46) So do not think that Allah will break His promise to His messengers. Indeed, Allah is Mighty, Possessor of Vengeance.}

Now…let us write the name of Pharaoh according to the false translation of the West, and then read it according to the correct, original reading of the Egyptian inscriptions, to know the true personality of Pharaoh, who made the people into sects and summoned magicians.

{And We revealed to Musa: Throw down your staff, and behold, it caught what they were conceiving. So the truth was established and what they were doing was nullified.}

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