A cuneiform tablet that changed the history of mathematics

A cuneiform tablet that changed the history of mathematics


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This news was around July 2018 and spread in the media and on social networking sites. Many accounts published it on their pages, and even the Arab science and history pages on Facebook published it.

I followed some of everyone’s comments on this news, and they are all comments that restore the glories and great history that everyone has lost today. Of course, this is a general situation that everyone notices when discussing such topics and news.

A person’s Facebook account published the news, and then he slept with pride and greatness, and woke up in the morning and thought of nothing but glorious history.

But……. Did he research this discovery and want to know this new science and these geometric tables written by our ancestors? …….No…he only loves history…haunted by pride…he doesn’t want anything from history except how great his grandfather was…he doesn’t want knowledge…and he doesn’t want to know Its historical, cognitive, cultural, scientific and social context to know reality.

I hope that there is a doctor in mathematics, a research teacher, or an interested person in mathematics who raises such questions about the nature of science and about the method. I hope that those with scientific specializations will have a role in reviewing such discoveries that the West makes to our ears from time to time.

Of course…the news is very beautiful…and it fascinates people…and I would be in a bad position in front of many and in a position of hatred and hatred towards the history of our ancestors…if I said that this discovery is false. The issue is systematic and not spontaneous.

Bring the tables..and bring the clay tablet……..and bring the method you arrived at to discover this science and those tables?! … Doesn’t exist…. It’s just news and someone shows up in front of the camera a picture of a clay tablet and keeps it inside a box… Then he tells you a new flag inside a clay tablet.

Now the West is writing a beautiful history for us… a charming and beautiful picture… We found that we were the first to invent a new science before everyone else.

This charming and charming image… It is impossible for anyone to doubt it, because we only doubt the image that we do not like. As for this image, what need does the West have to lie to us… It will be recorded in our history for sure… and it will be difficult Erase this charming image from our minds or question it… and it is difficult to even think about searching for the truth… and if a single person thinks so, he will be subject to ridicule and may become an infidel in his society.

They exploit the feeling of helplessness that looms over our societies and play with it… This is the truth… Look at the wording of the news:

– A tablet that changes the history of mathematics

– A new flag that preceded Greece

– A unique method

-Extreme genius

Such a method of presenting history that the West offers us… has only one function… which is to prevent us from thinking about writing our history ourselves… and to prevent our societies from emerging in them a new and serious awareness that thinks about re-deciphering our inscriptions and knowing their true history.

This method…is almost the same…in which our history was written in ancient times. The mesmerizing and enchanting image of the Islamic conquests is still in the Muslim’s consciousness… that image that inspired the Muslim and accepted it… after he was fascinated by it because it was a heroic history and glories… then it became real history… and prevented the Muslim from asking realistic questions about it. While its real function was to erase real time and replace it with an illusion, even if someone tried to erase it, they might be described as disbelievers.

They are a temptation, so do not disbelieve

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