9- Deconstructing the Zionist time – an image of the first time

9- Deconstructing the Zionist time - an image of the first time


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In the previous article (Part One), we began our talk about the first time, specifically about the course of the First Time, and in this article (Part Two), we will talk about the image of the First Time.

——- First time picture ————

What is the image of the first time in our imagination…or what does the image of the first time that the West painted for us look like?

In short…they are explosions suddenly and in one moment.

■ Such as a person suddenly opening his mobile phone… on news about several sudden explosions in a city.

■ Like a person suddenly waking up from sleep…to find himself in a room with several people speaking in languages that he does not understand or know.

■ Like a person walking alone on a narrow road, and suddenly a number of people come out to him from a side road, and shout at the top of their voices in his direction: Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

■ Like a chimpanzee, he poured a can of liquid colors all at once onto the floor of a room full of white drawing boards… and then the paintings were displayed in an art gallery.

This is how I see the picture…. Why?

I will focus on the geographical triangle…the Fertile Crescent – Misr – Yemen.

Suddenly we woke up… and there are several civilizations in Iraq and the Levant, and there is a civilization in Misr, and there is a civilization in Yemen… and they are similar in temporal appearance over the course of time… but no Do you know a logical explanation for the reasons for this sudden appearance… Suddenly, without any introduction or logical context… Suddenly, we found the first time filled with several civilizations, and each civilization had a language, religion, and… writing .

not only this

Rather, one second after this sudden explosion, there were sudden explosions within each explosion. The Fertile Crescent, after the sudden appearance…….there was another sudden appearance within it of several civilizations, the Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Ugartic, etc., a sudden appearance. For several languages and for several religions… etc., and in Yemen also the same thing happened, a sudden appearance followed in a fraction of a second by another sudden appearance of civilizations… Saba Qataban Ma’in Awsan… a sudden appearance of several religions and several languages.

As for Misr… its situation is different… it is the same along the time line.

Now let us put each part of the picture that we draw for the first time into points… until we finally collect them all in the form of one complete picture.

● The beginning is several sudden explosions at the same time… and I will call it the mother explosion… and within each mother explosion, several other rapid and successive explosions occurred… and I will call it the son explosion.

● Every explosion…has a special universe.

● Every explosion, whether it is the mother or the son, contains within it a language and religion of its own.

This is approximately the beginning of the appearance of the image of the first time, but is this beginning correct?! …or in other words….Do these first parts of the picture make sense? …We will leave the discussion of this question to the next articles.

As we mentioned in the previous article, Egyptian time is the time that charted the course of the region’s first time, by virtue of the fact that Misr is the first place for which the West draws a chronological chart for the kings who ruled Misr, because time is not divided… Time there is time here, time pervades the entire region. But the whole world.

However, despite the fact that Egyptian time was the one that charted the course of the first time in the region, according to the discoveries of the West, the time of Iraq and the Levant is considered the first explosion that occurred in the region… the first explosions… in the first fraction of a second.

Why ?

Because the first discovery that occurred in the Fertile Crescent… are the clay tablets that talk about the story of the Great Flood… and because the story of the Great Flood is mentioned in the Old Testament… and in the religious imagination it seems to be the beginning of time, so the connection between the time of the Fertile Crescent and The beginning of time……… Time in the Old Testament became the standard time reference for the image of the beginning of the explosion of the Fertile Crescent.

And the universe stopped, which was caused by the explosion of the Fertile Crescent… with the emergence of Greece with the story of the discovery of a cylinder that talks about a Persian king named Cyrus, who waged wars with Greece… and this is approximately the time in which the Jewish novel appeared.

It is true that the explosions are sudden and close in time, and the difference between them is fractions of a second… because it depends on the age of civilizations… which have close ages… but the Egyptian time carries the features of modernity to a greater extent in our imagination.


1- Because the first discovery that occurred in Misr was not, like the Fertile Crescent, linked to the Old Testament narrative… and it was not linked to the beginning of the explosion, but rather to the end of the explosion… and this gave Egyptian time a modern image in the imagination… because the first… Discoveries in Misr were the Rosetta Stone, which talks about a Greek ruler who was in Misr…and because the Greeks in our temporal imagination appear to be from a relatively recent time…there was a connection between the time of Misr and the modern time…and in this time the universe that The explosion caused by Misr has stopped. This is approximately the same time after which the narrative of the Jewish religion appeared.

2- Also, as in the case of the Fertile Crescent period, our imagination does not have a fixed picture about the beginning of the explosion in Misr…that is, the beginning of the explosion in Misr…does not have any other time reference with which we can draw a picture of the beginning of the explosion…despite the small time difference. Between the two explosions of the Fertile Crescent and Misr… so that we can research the flood to have a standard reference to rely on… except that the flood was not mentioned in the history of Misr.

As for Yemen, the explosion occurred suddenly at an unclear point in time, and there is no other time reference that can be measured against except the reference of the time of Misr, the Fertile Crescent, or the reference of a religious story, but the West, according to the timeline it established for the kings of Yemen, placed the beginning of the explosion approximately at Point 2000 BC.

As for the end of the universe caused by the explosion in Yemen, it is linked to another time reference that was relied upon, which is the reference of the time of the narrative of Islam, the story of Saif bin Dhi Yazan, the Ethiopians, Persia, and Rome, and the inscription of Abraha, the discoverer, which confirms that reference.

Let’s put the above into points

● The explosion occurred in Misr at an unclear point in time, and the universe caused by this explosion stopped with the emergence of (Greece, Persia, and Judaism).

● The explosion of the Fertile Crescent occurred at the point of the Flood according to the reference of the time of the Old Testament… and the universe caused by this explosion stopped with the emergence of (Greece, Persia, and Judaism).

● The explosion in Yemen occurred at an unclear point in time, and the universe caused by this explosion stopped with the emergence of (Rome, Persia, and Islam).


There is an important point that we forgot to mention.

● What is the basis upon which we determined the beginning and end of the explosions to draw a picture of the first time?

We rely on the reference of textual records… and by records I mean… written inscriptions… meaning we believe that the form of writing is our reference that created the image of the first time, which is:

Cuneiform inscriptions, hieroglyphic inscriptions, and Musnad inscriptions.

In other words… if a person in the first time wrote another inscription different from those three inscriptions, he will not be a reference in our drawing of the picture of the first time… even if the text talks about the same topics as the other inscriptions.

That is, we are drawing a picture of the first time… based on the shape of the three inscriptions only.

● When the mother explosion occurred in the Fertile Crescent, one characteristic appeared to us, which is the cuneiform writing, and several explosions of the daughter type occurred within it… and they are in order:

Sumerian (4500 BC)




● In Misr, the mother explosion occurred, and the hieroglyphic script appeared to us, but no other explosions occurred inside it…it was one explosion.

● In Yemen, the mother explosion occurred, and the Musnad line appeared to us, and several explosions occurred within it from the sons:




Two poles




The picture of religions and beliefs in the first era is as follows:

■ The mother explosion in the Fertile Crescent resulted in a space consisting of approximately more than 1,000 gods… The mother explosion was followed by explosions of the daughter type… which resulted in several sub-spaces… each space taking its share of worship and deities. It was as follows:

Sumerian (Enki, Inanna, and Enlil)

Akkadian (Inanna and Enlil)

Babylonian (Marduk, Sin, Tammuz, Ishtar, Shamash)

Assyrian (Assyria, Ishtar, and Shamash)

The form of religion in the Fertile Crescent

It clearly appears as if it came out of the imagination of goddesses who love poetry and story scenarios. The doctrine is embodied as a large theater and the goddesses act on stage in poetic theatrical roles that identify with natural phenomena and are interspersed with a tragic conflict.

■ The mother explosion in Misr resulted in a space containing a large number of gods, and because no other explosions occurred within the space of the explosion of nations, the gods of Misr were almost a unit along the line of time. Until the middle of Misr’s first time, a doctrinal shift occurred with the monotheism of the gods (the Aten). But it ended and the previous gods returned, according to the writings of the West. Before the end of the explosion in Misr, the Egyptians worshiped 300 gods.

Among the most famous gods of Misr (Amun, Geb, Atum, Nut, Thoth, Osiris, Isis, and Horus)

Religion in Misr is a mixture of poetry and rigor… and the doctrine seems more closely linked to the story of a serious, real, and epic struggle between the gods, and this struggle is what created the meaning of life.

■ As for Yemen, after the major explosion, a space was formed containing a not-so-large number of gods. The share of each special space of child-type explosions that took place within it… was as follows:

Moeen (uncle and friend)

Sheba (Athtar and Al-Maqqa)

Hadhramaut (Sin)

Himyar (Heavenly and Compassionate)

Religion in Yemen seems more distant from the mythology of the religions of Misr and the Fertile Crescent… it does not carry all those stories and legends… it seems more strict… and far from the poetic spirit. It has no notions about the beginning of creation, etc. But at the end of the explosion in Yemen, Yemen reached divine monotheism by worshiping (the heavenly one).


● The religion in the Fertile Crescent believed in multiple gods, and every civilization worshiped natural phenomena and believed in multiple gods, and the worship was…..multiple gods and they disappeared in favor of multiple other gods as we progressed in the time line of the Fertile Crescent.

● As for religion in Misr, it believed in multiple gods and worshiped natural phenomena. It reached monotheism of the gods approximately in the middle of the Egyptian time line, then returned again to multiple gods until the end of the explosion… and worship was almost the same throughout the course of Egyptian time.

● As for religion in Yemen, it believed in a multiplicity of gods, and worship was disappearing in favor of other gods as we progressed in time… until it reached the unification of the gods at the end of time.


As for the image of language in the first time

The language in the Fertile Crescent throughout the course of time was as follows:

Sumerian language

Akkadian language

Babylonian language

Assyrian language

As for Misr… the language was along its own path of time:

Egyptian language

As for Yemen… the language was along its own path of time:

Rhombic language

Sabaean language

Himyarite language

● The language was within the Fertile Crescent along the path of time, in a changing movement……the emergence and disappearance of one language in favor of another until the language reached the end of its path of time to the Assyrian language.

● In Misr, the language was along the path of time, in constant, unchanging movement… one language until the end of its path of time.

● In Yemen, the language was along the path of time… in a changing movement… the emergence and disappearance of one language in favor of another language… until it reached the end of its time path to the Himyarite language.


As for the image of political rule in the first time

● In the Fertile Crescent and throughout the course of time, there were multiple, successive states, and each state inherited the previous state……and in multiple geographical locations and not fixed centrally.

● In Misr, along the course of time, it began with political unity as a single state and was in constant movement until the end of its course of time.

● In Yemen, political rule existed along the course of time… successive states or simultaneously with each other… and in multiple geographical locations, not fixed, until it reached, at the end of its time course, political unity during the era of the Himyarite state.

Here I believe that this is the general framework of the picture of the first time that the West painted for us.


Here we have finished talking about the first time, and we have also finished talking about all the times of the region. In the next article, we will begin with the most important chapter in our journey, which is addressing the time that was drawn for us many centuries ago and redrawing the map of the region’s time.

He follows



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