4- Deconstructing the Zionist time – the time of Persia

4- Deconstructing the Zionist time - the time of Persia


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In the previous article, we talked about the second time… one of the five times that passed through the region… which are:

1- The first time: It is from the beginning of the first civilization in the region and the subsequent civilizations until the appearance of the Phoenix era on the region’s scene.

2- The second time: It is the time of the Phoenix.

3- The third time: It is the time of Persia.

4- The fourth time: It is the time of religions, and by it I mean the time in which the three religions appeared, and it is from the beginning of the narrative of the Jewish religion in 560 BC…. until the end of the strife of the creation of the Holy Qur’an in 860 AD.

5- The fifth time: from approximately 860 AD until today.

In this article we will talk about the third time.

——— The third time ———-

When we look at the third time as shown in the diagram on the picture, we will find that it is a time with a starting point and an end point. The starting point is the end of the time in which the Greek novel talks about the two phoenixes, and the end of this time is the beginning of the religious time.

But this third time has no legitimacy at its beginning. It is supposed to begin with legitimacy and end with legitimacy (real proof, real document). However, no novel is known about a meeting or relationship between Persia and the Phoenix. The historical novel only talks about a meeting between Persia and Greece, and The world of the Phoenix is excluded…. Despite the huge literature that the West produces about the Phoenix, I challenge any historian to publish a book in which he talks about Persia’s relationship with the Phoenix.

Why is there so much doubt about the existence of the third time?

■ Bring me any literary, intellectual, or cognitive urban product that was produced during the era called the Persian Empire, from the era of Cyrus until the time called the Islamic conquest of Persia. I want to read a book that was written by the Persian civilization and in the ancient Persian language. Whether it is a literary, historical, or scientific book.

Nothing…there is nothing

Is it logically possible that during the era of approximately a thousand years of the Persian Empire, no book in the ancient Persian language has reached us except a book on science, art, poetry, or architectural monuments in the region or… Anything, while several books and works were published in Rome and Athens in many fields during that era that was contemporary with Persia?

■ Give me a name for an intellectual, scientific, or literary figure who emerged from within the Persian civilization, which extended for approximately a thousand years from the reign of Cyrus until 600 AD?

Nothing…there is nothing

Is it possible that a time period of approximately 1,000 years in which not even a scientific, literary, or intellectual figure was born, as a natural result of the long period of time that a civilization lived, means great stability and a strong auxiliary factor from which an intellectual, literary, and scientific movement is born? At least one name. ……… In Rome, several intellectual, scientific and literary figures emerged from it during the period that lived with Persia. ……. So how can it be a large empire with such a huge expansion and over a period of 1000 years, and it did not produce even a name? One for an intellectual, scientific or artistic figure…. At least the nature of the conflict with Rome and Athens necessarily requires producing one name for a scientific or cultural figure?

And this is a point that many do not want to comprehend, especially from the group of Youssef Zaydan, who always talks about Zoroaster and the Zoroastrian religion, which is 3,000 years old, and about its impact on Islam. They do not understand when you say to them…… You will not find anything before Islam. There is no mention of the name Zoroaster or the Zoroastrian religion in the inscriptions of Iraq, nor in the inscriptions of Iran, nor in the inscriptions of any place in the region, nor in the writings of Greek historians…so how can some claim that Zoroastrianism is the religion of Persia when it is 3,500 years old?!

The name Zoroaster appeared for the first time in history in approximately the fourth century AH, and the first source that mentioned it was Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh. From that time, the personality of Zarathustra began.

■ Bring me inscriptions in Iran that were written during the era called the Persian Empire from its emergence until 633 AD?

Mere inscriptions of the number of fingers do not amount to forming a clear picture of any political, religious, cultural, or even linguistic aspects.

Is it possible that 1000 years… and no textual records were written that fit this period of time and this huge empire? Iran is supposed to be full and flooded with textual records everywhere that talk about that era and the names of kings and aspects of life. In which ?

The Internet is full of sites containing inscriptions from Iraq, Misr, Syria, and Yemen. Do you know how many clay and stone tablets to date contain written inscriptions that were discovered in Iraq?! Do you know how many inscriptions were discovered in Misr that are said to have continued? Until the Greek era?

Where are the inscriptions of Iran? Ten or even twenty inscriptions do not express in a logical and natural way the era of 1000 years… nor do they present any clear picture of a doctrine, political system, clear language, or social life. How was the history of Iran written over a thousand years? .

What then are the sources of Iranian history? Is it the writings of the Greeks and Romans?

If Greek novels are a historical source, can Greek books that talk about 300 Greek warriors who eliminated a Persian army be considered a source of real history?

The truth is that I cannot consider Greek and Roman historical writings as a historical source because most of them are fictional and fictitious narratives.


What is the origin of the story?

My speech has nothing to do with national or sectarian fanaticism…or trying to undermine the history of others as a matter of historical complexes, as we do not read history in that way. This is not the case at all, these are childish perceptions. We are not teenagers or suffer from historical diseases. On the contrary, I love Iranian culture very much and I love the Iranian people.

When we talk about this topic, it is from the standpoint of truth and a sense of the problem of time in the region. Because there are those who do not understand and do not yet feel the meaning of (the captivity of time), and its great danger when used as a weapon to destroy peoples and nations.

I was in a conversation with a friend from Misr on his page, about the history of Misr, in a topic of his that talked about the period of Persian rule of Misr, and I commented on it that there was no evidence that the Persians ruled Misr.

The dialogue developed until it reached a point of mockery of my logic….. Perhaps I thought the issue was just Facebook ramblings or an attempt to write a history based on the mood from a fanatical viewpoint or from an unscientific reformist viewpoint and claims.

I excuse him because I merely presented an incomplete idea that does not answer all the questions that accompany it, and in issues of history it is difficult to find conclusive evidence, but I wanted from my comment to merely present the idea through logical questions that require us to think in search of scientific and logical answers. The topic requires great detail and comprehensive research and should not be reduced to writings and Facebook comments.

But I asked these questions

● Is there an urban trace of the Persians in Misr that dates their presence?


● Is there an ancient Egyptian inscription that talks about the Persian kings who ruled Misr?


So where did the idea of the Persian Empire and the rule of Misr by the Persians come from?

It came from the Greek and Jewish historical narratives only.

Who is Cyrus?

He is the Persian king who eliminated the Babylonian state and liberated the Al-Yahoud from the captivity that occurred to them by King Bukhtenzaz. The Al-Yahoud consider him a prophet, their savior, and a holy figure.

But this name is not mentioned except in the biblical narrative, and in the history of the Greek historian Herodotus.

Regarding the history of Herodotus… we will find that it is very difficult to accept the idea… that Herodotus does not narrate a real history, it seems to me more mythological than real… but because the image of the Greek in our imagination is the image of reason and logic and The historical document that does not admit of doubt makes us accept their narratives without review. For example, Herodotus lists legendary scenarios and events in his history. He says, for example, that Cyrus was the one who opened a sea strait…etc.

As for the book of the Old Testament…when we know that the first compiled copy of the Old Testament was written in Greek…this will make us not rule out that the Greek influence was dominant and its influence reached even in the writing of the Old Testament…and this narrative shaped… The historical imagination of Judaism has become a real, realistic historical narrative.

Because Judaism is considered to be the first religion to appear in the religious era, it is natural for this novel to have its legitimacy from the legitimacy of the time, and because Judaism was spread throughout the region, a process of interaction will take place between the religious imagination and the surrounding environment in which they exist, and it is natural for this to occur. Projecting that ideological myth onto the land in which they live. This projection resulting from the interaction will turn after a period of time into a large historical narrative covering the entire region, and after that the narrative will move from the ideological imagination to the traditional imagination and will be recorded as a historical heritage.

Recently, modern historical writings have been added that were written in the fifth era, as we find that many Jewish historians today write about that character (Cyrus) in many huge books and attribute to him many historical, cultural, civilizational, legal, etc. achievements. These writings will become the history of Iran and the history of the region, while they are writings from a Greek vision and the Old Testament vision, and there is no evidence about them.

But this narrative obtained another legitimacy besides the legitimacy of the Greek narrative and the Old Testament narrative, and this legitimacy came from the fifth era.

Approximately in the nineteenth century.. the West discovered a stone cylinder in Iraq, the size of a water bottle and written in the Akkadian language… and it is now located in the British Museum. This cylinder was called the Cyrus Cylinder because it remembers a person named Cyrus.

Why was it attributed to Cyrus?

Many history researchers in our region have not yet comprehended the idea of Orientalist history in history studies based on the Old Testament Zionist mentality. This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the centrality of the Western mind is still our standard… and this is reflected in any attempt to read history properly, which lacks the confidence of the researcher in his thinking in the face of this large amount of Western studies… and surrenders to the path of Orientalism to give his works a method. Scientific.

As for me…………. I can never understand the reasons for calling that cylinder the Cyrus Cylinder, except that it is in order to prove and confirm the existence of the third and fourth times only and nothing else.

The West did not choose this name for that cylinder spontaneously… it wants to confirm the Old Testament narrative… and prove its truthfulness according to the geography they drew for the Old Testament and projected onto the entire region.

For those who do not know who Cyrus is

As we said, Cyrus (Chorus in Greek writing) was a Persian king who eliminated the Babylonian state and liberated the Al-Yahoud from the captivity that occurred to them by King Bukhtenzare. The Al-Yahoud consider him as their savior and prophet as well… a sacred figure.

But the truth is that you laugh when you see the size and quantity of books that the West writes about that character (Cyrus)… and you feel that there is a process in which there is a kind of neglect and neglect of the minds… Rather, you feel that there was a persistent attempt to hide a fact by covering it with this amount. There are many books that talk about it… and at the same time you do not find the mind of our historians and researchers realizing this or feeling this feeling.

If you search the Internet, you will find that many Western historians today, especially those from a Jewish background, write huge and many works about that character (Cyrus) and attribute to him many historical, cultural, civilizational, legal, etc. achievements, and there are long articles on the Internet. About the character of Cyrus under very large headlines, and among those titles (Cyrus who changed ancient history).

I feel as if it was an attempt at extrapolation and a lick on the brain.

Did you know that, to date, there is no material or archaeological evidence except one piece of evidence the size of a water cylinder that confirms this man and his huge and great works and achievements?!

Imagine with me… a cylinder the size of a water bottle is evidence of a great era, but rather evidence that confirms and proves all those huge achievements of Cyrus. Have you begun to understand this matter?

But….. Suppose we are convinced of the story of that cylinder.

● Pay careful attention to the name Cyrus (Korus in Greek). You will find it to be a name with a purely Greek pronunciation. A Greek name that gives us a high probability that it is a Greek product within their linguistic system.

What is the importance of this observation?

The truth is that you are surprised by the historical novel of Greece when it mentions the names of characters, the names of geographical locations, or the names of cities. You will find them all in Greek pronunciation… and not only like that, but you do not transfer them by their conventional name, but rather mention them by completely different names, and you do not understand the reason. .

For example, when the Greek novel talks about the geography of Misr, you find it mentioning Greek and very strange names, and you do not feel that they are names that belong to Misr and its heritage. After the West recently deciphered the hieroglyphic writing, we found a different language and a completely different phonetic pronunciation from the names and pronunciation of the Greek novel that was written about Geography of Misr. The Greek novel mentions a city in Misr called (Heliopolis, Memphis), and I think that some will not find it difficult to confirm that it is a Greek name and a purely Greek pronunciation.

The truth is not Misr, but even when I read the history of another place. After I read the Greek novel about a place, I feel as if I am entering a different world and a different time that has no connection to reality today. For example, when I read some descriptions of the geography of Yemen from Greek sources, I felt that I did not belong to Yemen. If I had not lived in Yemen and understood the depth and connection of names in the geography of Yemen to ancient times, I would have come to the conviction that Yemen was a Greek land and its original inhabitants were Greek.

Were they translating names with meanings from within their language? For example, if there was a character named (Jamila), we would find her in a Greek novel as (Peuphilius), or were they translating texts in the region in the wrong way, or were they deliberately writing a false historical narrative for political purposes?

● Note with me the name (Fares). You will also find that it is a purely Greek word. The letter fa (f), as we knew in the previous article, is an old definite article in the ancient Greek language, and the letter se (s) is a general feature in the Greek language.

You can find this formula in many Greek names.



Fils – Figs (Palestine)


Note: Even the name Palestine is a Greek name, and it was not known by this name in ancient times, and the region did not know this name, and it does not appear in the historical sources that we have, but rather the West dropped it on a part of the Levant to fit the Zionist narrative.


But after we enter the Roman era after the end of the Greek era, we will find that the Greek formula changes, and the letter (f) is replaced by another letter as a definite article, which is the letter (b) in the Latin language.

Phenic = Ponic

Persia = pars

Fils – fig = plus – fig

It is even now pronounced in European languages today in the same Latin form and not in the Greek form… while we still pronounce it in the same Greek form even today, and this indicates that much of our historical heritage was not documented as much as it was the result of a Greek narration.

The important question:

Was our situation in the past only an exact copy of our situation today? The West today is the one writing our history after deciphering our inscriptions, and our task is limited to translating what the West wrote. Was this the case in the past, and are most of the Arab historical novels that established the Arab historical imagination not Except translations from Greek sources?!

The name (Fares) is a pure Greek name…and it increases our probability that we are facing a pure Greek product within their linguistic system.

But what is the origin of the word knight?

● Note with me regarding the name (Kors), does not the name (Horus) resemble the name that the Greeks mentioned as an Egyptian Allah who is in the form of a falcon?!

Is it possible to say that (Kors) is nothing but (Horus), but it is a different translation that came at a later time?

This may be logical….. Since this Allah, according to the Greek narrative, was sacred to the Egyptians, it is natural for him to rule Misr, and the Greeks embodied him in reality in a historical narrative, and the conflict was nothing but a conflict between Misr and Greece….. .. Between the character of Horus in Misr and the character of Alexander in Greece, it seems logical, especially since you find in Egyptian inscriptions drawings of Horus riding a horse-drawn chariot and fighting.

But there is a note: When we talked in the first article about the three gaps that exist in the fourth time, which begins with the appearance of each prophet and ends at the time of the conversation about the writing of the Holy Bible.

If we tried to compress time between the first and second gaps, then all the points of the two gaps would apply, so we would be faced with one prophet, only one book, and one place.

Chorus = Horus = Christ

Doesn’t the previous equation attract any attention to you?

Doesn’t this equation agree with many historical writings that talk about the similarity and identity between the character of Horus, which we learned about after the West was able to decipher the hieroglyphic script, and the character of Christ?! … When you search the Internet, you will find writings that talk about the fact that Christ is an exact copy of Horus in very many details, even at birth.

Are we facing one novel, but with different scenarios, for only one character, which is the phoenix mentioned in Greek novels and heritage books, which returns to its nest every 500 years and burns itself to be born again?

– Cyrus (Chorus) burns Babylon – The Phoenix burns his nest

– Christ is crucified, dies, and will return again. – The phoenix dies and another bird is born

{When Allah said, O Issa son of Maryam, remember My blessing upon you and upon your mother, when I supported you with the Holy Spirit, so that you could speak to people in the cradle and at old age, and when I taught you the Book and the Wisdom, the Torah, and the Enjil , and when you created from clay the shape of a bird, with My Permission, and you breathed into it, and it became a bird, with My Permission.} [Al-Maeda: 110]

Notice… how even the Qur’anic text also talks about birds when talking about Christ.

There is an old story from the Yemeni heritage…that talks about a bird called (Qawr). This bird has many stories in many areas of Yemen and it speaks to people. Many examples are said on the tongue of this bird, and perhaps these The story of this bird will reveal to us the true character of Cyrus in a greater way. …But I will leave it for another article.

But what if……. We tried the same previous equation by matching geography. Cyrus’ homeland is Persia and Christ’s homeland is Jerusalem, but as we know, the letter Ya and M (yum) can be considered redundant, just like the name Ibrahim, which is also pronounced Ibrahim. .

Therefore, we believe that the name Ursalim is nothing but Urs

Fars = Urs

As we said, the letter (F) is a definite article in the Greek language, and therefore Persia is (Ars).

2 – Ares (Orus) = Orus = Horus

I think the equation almost applies perfectly to a large extent

But what if we introduced the geography of Horus into the previous equation…..would there be compatibility? For Horus, we will have a place called Heliopolis, as Greek sources mention it as his place of worship in the city of Heliopolis.

Heliopolis = Jerusalem

City of Paul = Urs (City of Christ)

The city of Paul… Doesn’t the name (Paul) remind you of the name of the Apostle Paul, who is the second most important figure in the Christian religion? Some even consider him the true founder of the Christian religion.

This leads us to a dangerous question: Were the Greeks at that time translating a text in the region… and it was not a contemporary history, and we only re-translated it, and we believe today that its time was at the moment of its translation. Is our history a history of translations only? Wasn’t it contemporary history?!

● Is the name Cyrus actually present in the inscription, or is it an Orientalist invention, and if so, is it what is meant in the Old Testament?

Because you find it very difficult on the Internet to find the original text of this cylinder, even the British Museum’s page about that cylinder has been canceled, and on the Wikipedia website we find that the original text of the cylinder is written “No copyrights” written on it.

But when you read its translation, it talks about Merodach, an ancient Babylonian Allah, and we know from the numerous discovered Babylonian inscriptions that the name Marduk was frequently found alongside many characters, but there is no mention of the presence of the name Kors. So you wonder, is it possible that we cannot find any mention of that person who changed the world except in one stone cylinder, which is only the size of a Pepsi-Cola cylinder?

There are many huge inscriptions in Iraq, Misr and Yemen, and many personalities, kings and heroes are mentioned in them, and the inscriptions that talk about them are very many, so why do we not find the West writing such huge volumes about them, why Horus in particular, who only has a small cylinder?

Doesn’t this raise your suspicions?

● Can a cylinder the size of a water bottle be made into evidence of that huge history?

Because it is not reasonable for me to write a paragraph on a piece of paper that contains several sentences, including that I owned the earth, and after three thousand years, that piece of paper turns into huge volumes of history and becomes evidence that I ruled the world.

Let’s assume it’s actually true

● We have many huge inscriptions in the Akkadian language that are more than 2000 years old BC… If the cylinder was in the Akkadian language and script, why do we not find his name mentioned in other tablets except in only one cylinder?

Now……let’s think logically

When we look at the third time, we will find that we believed in its existence and entered into it from its end point and not from its beginning point… because we relied on two central points in its legitimacy, and this legitimacy exists at the end of time:

The historical narrative of Greece, and the historical narrative of the Old Testament.

Our reliance and surrender to that historical centrality prevented us from seeing the gross historical errors, and prevented us from asking logical questions about them.

If we carefully examine this legitimacy, we will find that we are faced with two historical narratives:

The first novel does not carry any religious character. It appears before us as an observer’s novel only that carries the quality of documentation, and it is the Greek novel. As for the second novel, it carries a sacred religious aspect and is the Old Testament novel. However, a pairing occurred between the two novels that laid the foundations for the birth of a history that became the beginning of the third time, and That pairing started from the common point between the two novels.

What is the common point?

The common point between the two novels is the character of Chorus, the encounter between Greece and the East… Athens’ wars with Persia.

Yes, the true beginning is from here… The Greek narrative mentions that character, and the Old Testament narrative also mentions it… This meeting established the legitimacy and reality of the Third Age, and accordingly, any attempt… For some, the re-reading of history must begin and focus on this point.

The problem in this third time is that we accepted the other’s narrative easily, and then instead of searching for proof of the two narratives…to move on to the next era, the West preceded us and carried out the task for us, saving us the trouble of searching, and presenting us with evidence in a ready-made form and we accepted it.

We made three mistakes.

1- The first mistake is to rely on the other’s narration for us as correct evidence.

How can someone else’s story about you be accepted as the correct official story? This is a major historical and national crime, a crime against societies and peoples that no naive mind would commit.

Because the Greek narrative, which is an ancient historical narrative, cannot be taken as such without investigation… and it came from a consciousness that does not view the region as belonging to it… it is the narrative of greedy external forces, so if the matter is normal For some.

We will ask an important question: Can you accept America’s or Britain’s version of the events currently taking place in the region?

As for the Old Testament narrative… If we are now witnessing a colonial project within the region represented by Israel, presented carrying the Old Testament narrative… a false Zionist narrative as a legitimacy for its presence and expansion, then how can you accept that narrative?!

2- The second mistake is not searching for evidence ourselves of the authenticity of these two narrations.

If we have made the first mistake, we should at least search for ourselves to confirm these two narrations.

3- The third mistake is our acceptance of the evidence presented by the other and accepting its logic.

If we had fallen into the second mistake, we would have been supposed to not accept the other’s evidence. How can we accept evidence that came to us easily and from the author of the novel? Indeed, how can we accept that evidence without thinking about its logic and science?!

The West has provided us with a single cuneiform inscription proving the existence of Chorus and Darius, and it has provided us with a hieroglyphic inscription that quickly proves the rule of Greece…but that speed led it to commit many disastrous mistakes.

What are these grave mistakes?

Let’s do a comprehensive overview of the topic

The nineteenth century was characterized by two things:

1- The West’s discovery of new worlds and new and ancient times when the West began to decipher writing and inscriptions in the region and the rest of the world… as an orientalist colonial need rather than a purely scientific need… so it presented to us our ancient inscriptions in pieces and Ready.

2- The project of a state for the Al-Yahoud in Palestine was re-introduced after its failure during the Frankish wars called the Crusades. It was proposed by Napoleon to make it a tool to serve France and its interests in a way that would ensure the survival of its influence.

But the project was not completed and was postponed until the twentieth century by Britain.

We talked in advance about the common point between the historical narrative of Greece and the Old Testament… which is the process of marriage that took place between the two historical narratives, the marriage between the ordinary Greek narrative and the religious narrative of the Old Testament… which gave marriage legitimacy to give birth to a character. Cyrus as a real fact and the history accompanying it.

Now let’s imagine the scene

■ In the nineteenth century, with the beginning of the era of explorations of ancient inscriptions, the West was able to give this marriage between the Greek narrative and the Old Testament narrative another legitimacy, which is the material, archaeological legitimacy on the ground…… so the matter turned into an absolute reality that does not accept discussion.

The West hastened to distribute that Greek novel throughout the geography of the region in order to establish and establish it officially, scientifically, and materially until it became the basis for the structure of the historical novel to be brought to the region.

■ Because Cyrus was a Persian ruler and he destroyed Babylon….. So the West went to Iraq and discovered an inscription in which the name of Cyrus was mentioned and written in the Akkadian language. He went to Iran and found the inscription of Darius in the ancient Persian language, even though it was a cuneiform inscription, but he told us Because it is a new language for those inscriptions (an ancient Persian language), and because the Greek historian’s account says that Cyrus occupied Misr, so the West went to Misr and found inscriptions proving the rule of Greece after the expulsion of the Persians, until the names of the rulers of Persia began to be written in hieroglyphs in the current Egyptian history books within A series of rulers of Misr… Rather, he created a chronological series of the rulers of Misr, including the kings of Persia, and wrote their names in hieroglyphics.

Although the West preceded us first in providing evidence, the quick steps it took to confirm that legitimate marriage between the Greek narrative and the Old Testament narrative in a material way, made it commit many gross and illogical mistakes, which led to the creation of a great historical chaos, and we do not realize it. .

Let’s think about the issue from a certain angle

● The official history talks about Cyrus and that he died in the year (529 BC), and as for the Greek historian Herodotus, who lived between (484 BC – 425 BC) and the time difference between the two reaches approximately one hundred years, but despite this Herodotus talks about Cyrus, but at the same time Herodotus does not mention any biography in his history about the Al-Yahoud, the Jewish religion, or the Babylonian captivity. Indeed, there is no mention of the Al-Yahoud in the writings of Greece and Rome until after the Septuagint translation of the Torah.

Is it possible that a hundred years after the death of Cyrus, Herodotus does not know anything about the Al-Yahoud?!

There may have been a mistake committed by Herodotus in his omission to mention the Al-Yahoud.

● We have to search for the name of the Al-Yahoud in the Cyrus inscription that the West presented to us, but when we read the inscription we do not find any mention of the Al-Yahoud or features about Judaism. Perhaps there is a mistake… and the Darius inscription could mention them, and Darius is the Persian ruler who came after Cyrus. ….But when we go to the inscription of Darius, on which there are also drawings of all the peoples ruled by the empire of Persia and Darius, you will find that there is no mention of the Al-Yahoud or even a reference to them in the text.

Is it possible that this major event is according to the Old Testament narrative about Cyrus liberating the Al-Yahoud from Babylonian captivity after the destruction of Babylon, and we do not find any mention of this event in the inscriptions of the achievements of Cyrus or his successors?

● Now let us see clearly the mistakes the West has made.

1- The West discovered in Iraq an inscription written in the ancient Akkadian language, which is a stone cylinder the size of a water bottle. The inscription is written in cuneiform. He provided us with a ready-made translation that talks about the gods Marduk and Cyrus. He called it the Cyrus Cylinder, and kept the inscription in Britain.

The West found itself facing a problem, which is the Akkadian language, which is the most abundant inscription in Iraq. It was unable to attribute the inscription to a different language, which is the Persian language, because it would raise the question: Where are the rest of the other Persian inscriptions in Iraq? Why is there only one inscription in Persian in Iraq?

The topic would raise questions and doubts, so he gave up on the problem of the language of the inscription and made it Akkadian, but at the same time he kept the inscription in his museums.

But according to the classification of Western Orientalism, the Akkadian language is a Semitic language and the closest to Arabic, and because the Persian language according to Western Orientalism is an Indo-European language, this matter will cause a problem… Why did Cyrus not write his inscription in Persian? And where is the Persian language and where are the rest of the inscriptions of Cyrus’ successors?

2- So the West decided to go to Iran… in order to further confirm its story in the original homeland of the empire. He found one inscription, but he was confused by the inscriptions, as they were heavy in size and carved on rock and could not be moved or hidden. Then he encountered the presence of cuneiform inscriptions.

So the West is faced with a very difficult problem. The inscriptions cannot be transferred and hidden. There is also a problem with the inscriptions remaining in the Akkadian language, because when they are translated according to the interpretations and translations of the West, they must be the same as the translations of the inscriptions found in Iraq.

And so that one day the inscription will not be matched with the rest of Iraq’s inscriptions and the Cyrus Cylinder inscription. Come up with a new trick for us.

So he invented a new language for us and called it the Old Persian language. He created a new language with cuneiform letters and changed the letters in it in a way that resulted in the name of Darius, the ruler who came after Cyrus. He invented a language for those inscriptions and called it the Old Persian language with cuneiform letters, but in an altered way. About the cuneiform letters found in Iraq and provided us with a translation ready for engraving.

So we now have two languages in two cuneiform scripts… a Persian language in a cuneiform script, and an Akkadian language in a cuneiform script as well.

Because the Western translation was based on producing the name Darius, it is natural that it will be difficult for the West to pin the name of the Al-Yahoud on the inscription, because the inscription relies on the presence of the name Darius to prove the rule of Persia.

But this matter put the West in another problem, which is the lack of many inscriptions in Iran, and it will make us ask the question: Where are the rest of the Persian language inscriptions that date back to that era? Five inscriptions cannot explain any features of a separate language or any political or religious manifestations. Or cultural.

3- As for Misr, in order to prove the existence of Persia and the rule of Misr, he carried out the matter from the beginning.

The West’s mission in Misr was difficult because Misr’s inscriptions were very numerous and very clear, and it was not possible to find cuneiform inscriptions… many hieroglyphic inscriptions and some inscriptions of what is called Phoenician writing.

Then a problem will arise before them. How can the rule of the Persians be proven with inscriptions, because there are no Persian or Akkadian inscriptions to prove the existence of the Persians through cuneiform writing? It will be difficult because there are no cuneiform inscriptions, and if they exist and are attributed to the ancient Persian language, the matter will be exposed to everyone, because it will raise The strangeness of the presence of a single cuneiform inscription confirms the presence of Persia in Misr, and raises a logical question: where are the rest of the cuneiform inscriptions?

If they… prove the existence of the Persians through what is called an invented Phoenician script, it will be difficult… because what is called the Phoenician script is clear and it is not possible to invent a name for it, even if it were invented. One of them is through a process of switching letters. This would be a matter of ridicule, because we have an ancient Persian language written in cuneiform script, to which the inscription of Darius is attributed, and we will have one language with two different scripts.

It would be funny, because the Persians write their language everywhere in different letters………….. It is also difficult to prove the rule of the Persians through hieroglyphic writing, because the inscriptions of Misr are huge and will be revealed.

But the West created the idea for us that the presence of the Persians would be facilitated by Greece, because the Greeks ruled Misr after eliminating the rule of the Persians. The task of proving Greek rule is an easy process. This has been previously proven by the Rosetta Stone, which is the greatest evidence…..and this has already been proven, as you find that the current and officially approved Egyptian history books and references speak of this as an absolute truth, so we find in the series of kings who ruled Misr names The kings of Persia and Greece. Not only that, but the names of the kings of Persia and Greece were written in hieroglyphs, to give them an ancient Egyptian dimension and character, despite the absence of any hieroglyphic inscriptions inscribed on these kings, except for Ptolemy, who is mentioned in the Rosetta Stone.

But when looking at the Rosetta Stone, which is written in three letters: hieroglyphics, demotic, and Greek, this inscription confirms that when the Greeks came to Misr and ruled Misr after eliminating the Persian rule of Misr, the Egyptians at that time wrote in hieroglyphs……… …This logically means that when the Persians ruled Misr, the Egyptians were writing in hieroglyphics.

This matter left the West facing a difficult problem. If the Persians ruled Misr when the Egyptians were writing in hieroglyphics… where are the hieroglyphic inscriptions about the rule of the Persians then for Misr… Why do we not find a stone written in three lines? Hieroglyphics, demotic, and cuneiform?!

This story created by the West, from Iran to Iraq to Misr, led the West into grave mistakes:

Imagine how this story made the Persians and Greeks live in more than five languages and five scripts.

The funny thing is that the Persians used three languages and three scripts in their dealings… and one of them made me laugh at this point by saying: History says that in the era of the Persian Empire, transactions within it were in three languages.

These words are not spontaneous, but deliberate… because the West has become aware of this loophole, and you can be sure of the loophole that the West tried not to draw attention to… when reading most of the historical references that talk about the history of Persia, You will find that it mentions a historical fact that says that the Persians dealt with three languages…and when you read about the history of Iran, you will find that the great historians must always mention that fact.

But to me it’s funny.

●Old Persian language in cuneiform script (confirmed by the inscription of Darius in Iran)

●Akkadian language in cuneiform script (confirmed by the Cyrus inscription in Iraq)

●Aramaic language (confirmed by the Al-Yahoud who were liberated by Cyrus).

They wrote in three scripts: Iranian cuneiform, Iraqi cuneiform, and Aramaic. What is the reason, then, for writing in three languages and three scripts? ……. Why did we not find Persian inscriptions in Misr then?

And don’t tell me that they might have written it in hieroglyphs because that would be more ridiculous…because the Persians would have four languages and four scripts.

A very sarcastic cartoon movie.


But there is a very important note that everyone should pay attention to:

Notice how Western Orientalist science names the language of the Darius inscription in addition to three other inscriptions in Iran in the ancient Persian language. You are very surprised by the naming. Why?

Because, despite the scarcity of inscriptions in the ancient Persian language, which are as many as the number of fingers, and through which we cannot find a clear language and confirm it… but Western Orientalism deliberately insists on calling it the ancient Persian language, while the Akkadian language that fills Its inscriptions are Iraq……the Orientalist science of the West does not call it in the ancient Arabic language. Because, as we currently know, the Akkadian language is the language closest in its pronunciation to the Arabic language. It is also surprising why the Aramaic language is not called the ancient Arabic language?

The West calls it an ancient Persian language to give a link and an ancient historical context to the Persian language until today… while it deliberately cuts off the historical context of the Arabic language today by naming the ancient languages with many different names… to cut off the imagination of the people currently between Arabic and the past.

Rather, Persian is classified as an Indo-European language, while Akkadian is classified as a Semitic language….. This cuts off any communication link between Iran and the region. Rather, the Iranians feel that Arabic is an alien language to them through the trick of the ancient Persian language, which is not one of the Semitic languages.

I believe that this is not science and is not a scientific method at all. I call this a process of intellectual washing and belittling of minds.


Let us return to the topic, but from another angle

● Why is the evidence that confirms the West’s story a single inscription?

– Cyrus was confirmed through one inscription

Darius was confirmed by one inscription

– And Greece through one inscription

● Is it possible that this long period of time only produced one inscription for us? Is it possible that those empires produced only one inscription for us?

● Why does coincidence always happen with the West and always at the beginning of the matter… at the beginning of the step… Why did the coincidence not come to them after a long time had passed in which knowledge would be more solid and experience would be greater?

●Why does coincidence happen only once (one inscription) and it is with the West and in favor of the West’s narrative and not with us or in our favor?

● Why don’t another coincidence happen to us…and we discover the same inscriptions that the West found, despite the fact that nearly 200 years have passed since the West deciphered the region’s inscriptions?

● Why do we feel that our inscriptions always stand on the side of the West?

● Why has the name of any prophet found in the narration of the Qur’an not yet appeared in the inscriptions of the region, despite the long period of research and huge discoveries, while the matter was achieved quickly and easily in the narration of the Old Testament in the character of the Jewish prophet (Cyrus)? Indeed, to date, no historical figure from the region’s heritage has appeared in the region’s inscriptions?

● Why is all the evidence that confirms the West’s story always available to the West and kept in it, as if it keeps our history in its prison?

– Cyrus Cylinder in Britain

– Rosetta Stone in Britain

● Is it possible that during the period of Persian rule, no inscriptions were written that fit this period of time and this huge empire?!

Iran is supposed to be full and flooded with inscriptions everywhere that talk about that era, the names of the kings, and aspects of life there. Where are the inscriptions of Iran? Five inscriptions?! Let us say ten or even twenty or 100 inscriptions that do not express in a logical and natural manner that era, and do not present any clear picture of a doctrine, political system, clear language, or social life. Or a clear history. How was the history of Iran written? What then are the sources of Iranian history?

● Although the Greek story says that the Persians were contemporary with Greece, came into contact with them, and formed an empire, you do not find any literary, cultural, or historical production in that period, while Greece is abundant in production.

● Notice carefully a point that many people do not notice.

Did you not notice that Herodotus, in which he spoke about the history of Cyrus, Misr, and the region, was writing on paper or perhaps leather, while we are still writing inscriptions on stone and have not moved to the age of paper?

A question that needs an honest answer… Doesn’t this thing surprise you?!

At a time when we write down our history through writings on stones, the Greeks are the only ones who write down on paper and leather… and it is as if we were living in a very primitive and stupid world… and as if we were in a world different from the world of the Greeks and we knew nothing about paper or… Leather.

If the ancient Egyptians wrote on papyrus… how come we do not see any evidence of papers or skins from our writings? There are supposed to be books written in cuneiform on paper. But it’s all on clay.

● Why do we not find, until today… paper or leather books from the era of Cyrus, written in cuneiform script and in the Persian or Akkadian language, confirming the existence of that character and that third time?


Let’s put the above in order

We entered this time (the third time) from its end and not from its beginning, because this time does not have the legitimacy of its existence at its beginning. We do not have any historical document other than the Greek narrative linking the Phoenicians and Persia, while at the end of this time other documents appeared other than the documents. The Greek confirms the legitimacy of this time… but only from its end:

– The presence of the name of the Persian king (Cyrus), which the Greek historical narrative talks about in the book of the Old Testament, where the Al-Yahoud consider Cyrus as a king and prophet who saved them from Babylonian captivity.

– The West discovered one inscription written in cuneiform script in the Akkadian language that talks about a person named Cyrus. This inscription is found in Britain under the name of the Cyrus Cylinder.


– The discovery of an inscription in Iran in cuneiform script that talks about Darius, who came after Cyrus and whose name appears in the historical Greek novel.

But these documents also do not have strong legitimacy for several reasons:

1- It is not possible to rely on the Old Testament book to prove the existence of Cyrus, because it cannot be excluded that the presence of the name Cyrus in the Old Testament came from the influence of Greece’s historical narrative, because as everyone knows, the writing of the Old Testament came by political order of a Greek ruler, and in fact the first copy From the Old Testament, it was written in the Greek language…….. Therefore, the book of the Old Testament is still a Greek document and is included in the original Greek narrative and not the narrative of another party.

2- Herodotus’s account of Persia with Athens does not contain any talk about the religion of the Al-Yahoud or the incident of Cyrus saving the Al-Yahoud from captivity.

2- As for the discovered inscriptions, they raise very great doubt about their authenticity due to their lack of logic, because is it possible that during that long and eventful period, only a cylinder the size of a water bottle with the name of Cyrus was produced, and the inscription does not speak at all about the Al-Yahoud or their liberation from captivity? Rather, he talks about different topics, even the inscription of Darius is written in cuneiform, but he does not talk about something called the Al-Yahoud.


This journey into the third time and the questions and observations that we found… are very important… and will help us understand and comprehend many things:

● Understanding the reasons that made an Iranian historian with a nationalist and fanatical orientation publish a book a while ago entitled (Two Centuries of Silence) that talks about the historical obliteration of the Persian civilization after the entry of Islam.

Perhaps this historian’s nationalistic fanaticism prevented him from thinking logically and from asking those previous questions in his mind until he began to comprehend the idea that he might be living within an imaginary time that had no reality in reality…just stories that reside in the imagination and never happened. Like the cartoon stories we watch on TV

● Understanding the reasons that made another Iranian historian say that Iran has not yet written its true history, and it is all history written by the West according to the Old Testament narrative.

● Understand and comprehend the reasons for Israel issuing a currency bearing a picture of Trump and an imaginary picture of King Cyrus?! ……..And why was the character of Cyrus in particular chosen without others……and that this symbolic step is nothing but another confirmation of that time?!.

Finally… I will convey to you a small excerpt from a talk by Iranian historian and thinker Nasser Porbirar:

“There are no – neither from a geographical nor historical perspective – a people who were later known as the Achaemenids, as we do not find any historical precedent among them, neither in Iran nor in Mesopotamia. This confusion afflicts all historians because the emergence of Cyrus (Koros) was a sudden emergence and occurred overnight. Overnight. The only ancient source about Cyrus that explicitly mentions his name is the Torah, where we see in this book the first features of the appearance of Cyrus. Other than that, there is no document about this person. There was movement in Mesopotamia and Iran until Cyrus came (Chorus) Suddenly, after that, we see silence prevailing between the two rivers and Iran.”

This is simply the summary of the third time

I finish

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