An ancient history of the region written by Sykes and Picot

An ancient history of the region written by Sykes and Picot


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Does everyone feel that the region in the past was not historically connected while reading the ancient history that the West wrote for us after translating the region’s inscriptions, or am I the only one who feels this way?!

Does everyone feel that every part of the region in the past has a stronger and greater relationship and communication with Greece than its relationship and communication with the rest of the region?

The Greeks are the only ones who lived through the entire history of these ancient inscriptions and wrote about them, while the region does not know each other!!

how ?

The ancient history of the region, written by the West, contains a huge amount of different languages, multiple religions, and many gods. You feel as if the region is drowning in a sea of conflicting and different nations, peoples, and peoples. There is no linguistic relationship, no religious relationship, no commercial relationship, or any relationship between them, completely separate from each other.

This may be reasonable in the eyes of some.

But what is absurd is that all parts of the region are connected to Greece and linked to it culturally, linguistically, and religiously. The ancient languages that the West has familiarized us with contain a huge amount of Greek words, and the names of the ancient gods in the region have Greek names (Isis, Osiris, Istar, Tamos, Adonis, Ceres, …), even the names of Greek kings and historical figures (Ceramis, Darius, Thothmos, Calchamus, …)

It is as if the region was born from the imagination of a Greek goddess. Strict slavery laws were imposed on the region and no one should deviate from them. These laws are as follows:

● The Greeks alone must be contemporary with all the inscriptions of the region and participate in all the history and time of the region, while all the peoples of the region must live in isolation within their geographical surroundings and are prohibited from having any relationship with the rest of the region.

● It is strictly forbidden for every part of the region to believe in their ancient origins that came from another part of the region, and for every part of the region to believe that they descended from the sky or emerged from the earth suddenly like worms (such as the story of the planet Neptu and the space dwellers’ building of the pyramids )

● It is forbidden for residents of any part of the region to give themselves a name of their own or a name shared with another part of the region… The greatest Greek Allah is the one who has the right to use the name.

● It is forbidden for every part of the region to name the local geography in local languages. They must be pure Greek names (Memphis, Heliopolis, Mesopotamia, Anopolis, etc.)

● It is forbidden for any king or ruler to appear in any part of the region and rule the entire region. While time allowed a Greek or Roman king to appear ruling the entire region (Alexander Ptolemy, etc.)

● It is forbidden for one religion to appear in the entire region, and each part of the region must worship different and separate gods, born from the womb of the greatest Greek Allah, and they must have Greek names.

● It is forbidden for one language to appear in the entire region, and every part of the region must have a separate language that is different from each other.

● It is forbidden for written texts specific to a specific part of the region to appear within another part of the region. Rather, it is forbidden to write down texts specific to one part of the region and merge them with other texts specific to another part, while the children of the Greek gods are allowed to merge their language with the languages of the region and to merge their scripts with the scripts of any other part. Part of the region as they wish (Rosetta Stone and others…).

● It is forbidden to communicate between parts of the region, and if it happens, it must take place after informing the Greek Allah and obtaining a permit from him, and the sons of the Greek Allah will write a blog in the archives as a memorial.

● It is forbidden for any part of the region to think about worshiping one Allah. Each part of the region must worship multiple gods, and the greater the number of gods, even if it reaches a thousand, the more this part of the region will obtain the satisfaction of the Greek Allah, the largest, most sublime, and most civilized of all. Bring the earth.

(And the validity of this law is expressed in its presence with us in a speech four years ago by the poet Adonis – even from his name it indicates that he is Greek inside of him and committed in spirit to the laws of the Greek Allah – in which he says: The idea of monotheism is harmful, unlike ancient Greece, which lived a multiplicity of gods, which gave him freedom. Adonis does not know. That there have not existed on the face of the earth since time immemorial a people who worshiped multiple gods except in the imaginary imagination of the Greeks who believed him. He did not understand that the world in ancient times did not run according to corrupt Western theories that painted a picture that man in ancient times went through stages of worshiping gods until he reached monotheism… Man since his appearance. on earth and he believes in a Creator of the universe)

● It is strictly forbidden to create any idea that links the parts of the region to each other. Linguistically, religiously, politically, commercially or culturally.

● It is forbidden for every part of the region to deviate from these laws, and its people, to this day, must abide by the will of the ancestors who worshiped the Greek Allah. Whoever does so will receive great ridicule and be described as retarded and crazy, and will be subjected to Greek punishment by being thrown into the retarded basket.

This is a summary of the laws of the Greek gods who wrote and are still writing the history of the region…and we must adhere to their laws when thinking about or trying to write history.

And these laws….. are the approach that all historians of the region follow when writing history, even historians who believe that they are trying to write a fair history of the region away from the narrative of the West, are still orbiting those strict laws of the greatest, most sublime, and most civilized Greek Allah. .

My language may be condescending towards historians, but it is simply the truth that I see before me. All historians of the region are still within a Greek mythological space, and this space, in my opinion…is nothing but shackles to which the region has been bound since the emergence of Greece in the region’s theatre.

Q: Can you imagine ancient times in a way similar to today’s time? .. Try as much as possible to imagine ancient time as today’s time!

A: Of course, it is very difficult for many….isn’t it?! …And this is magic.

I am an absolute believer… that the difficulty in reading and writing history is not the lack of historical references or the absence of historical documents, but rather the difficulty in methods of thinking only.

The problem is not a lack of books. Even if an entire library were stored in a person’s mind, it would not provide anything new, because the problem is that we have a defect in logical thinking.

Yes….our creative and logical mind… completely destroyed.

Because only through contemplation and logical thinking can one be able to read history and time with extreme accuracy and reveal its secrets without even needing a single book.

Why do I say that?

Because the West is planning a satanic plot for the region and has postponed it for a known time, and until that time the situation of the peoples of the region will be like the situation of the Native Americans.

By Allah, I am honest in every word I say… and these words stem from the fact that I see deliberate and very clear absurdity by the West in writing the history of the region… but blindness is the master of all.

Finally…a message to historians of the region:

Enough Greek sources… when writing history.

They have created for you a fictitious, legendary historical narrative to prevent you from deciphering the inscriptions of the region and from discovering the imaginary time that a cunning, satanic mind in the West was able to design.

The time has come to write a different history. Think, for once, about deciphering the inscriptions of the region yourself, because it will spare you the need for a historical library consisting of twenty floors inside your brain.

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