Scientific thinking between Einstein and Poincaré

Scientific thinking between Einstein and Poincaré


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Why Einstein and Poincaré?

I chose these two characters not because the first is a physicist and the second is a mathematician, as a kind of integrated relationship between physics and mathematics, or considering that Poincaré was the one who presented scientific production that paved the way for Einstein in his formulation of the theory of relativity. Through my humble and simple reading of science and the biographies of scientists, I chose These two characters are because I found them to be the most prominent when talking about thinking among scientists, and their scientific history is richer in formal thinking, which played a role in formulating many of their theories and revolutions in the field of science, especially since the two worlds have become a subject of study for brain and psychological scientists to understand the reasons that distinguished Their minds.

What is formal thinking?

Einstein once spoke about the reasons that lead people towards art and science, which are to move away from ordinary life with its harshness and desolation. He likened these people to city dwellers who go to the top of high mountains where the air is pure and their eyes move freely throughout the wide space, with a wide view, and Everything becomes present before their eyes.

What did Einstein mean when he said that the eye has a wide view of everything?

In one of his lectures entitled (What is a mathematical invention), Poincaré spoke about the urgent need to think through images. The scientist Poincaré meant those sensory images that were glowing in his mind and that made him feel the presence of mathematical proofs embodied in front of him and inside his mind, flashing and disappearing. They flash and disappear. These are the images that Bonkariya talked about and attributed to them the reason for formulating many of his theories and mathematical proofs. He described himself as a person who can think through sensory images, and they are what lead him to mathematical invention.

Figurative thinking is an advanced stage of human thinking, different from the normal thinking process that depends on language and vocabulary.

Figurative thinking is a process similar to a child trying to solve a jigsaw game to get the real picture. In this process, the picture becomes richer and richer in information, as it contains shape, color, movement, texture, taste, smell, and sound, so that it becomes embodied in front of the person and in him. Inside his mind, there is an image that is richer in information and details until it becomes as if it is part of the embodied reality around us, a real image, richer in details and information, clearer, freer, and more flexible.

It is the wide view from the top of the mountain that Einstein talked about, it is the freedom that is granted to the eye when viewing existence embodied in front of you.

How do you climb that mountain?

Perceiving the whole of a particular subject in one glance…. This is the sentence that Poincaré spoke in his definition of formal thinking, as if he were talking about Galileo seeing through his telescope the moons of Jupiter with one glance.

One of the young scientists presented a paper to Einstein to express his opinion on it. The young man, who was working as a teacher at a university, talked about the necessity of teaching the theory of knowledge, the history of science, and the philosophy of science to the students of the physics department. Einstein agreed with the scientist’s paper, and Einstein spoke in his response to the scientist. He was even more astonished by the scholars, because they did not have a sober atonement, likening them to someone who saw separate trees but never saw a forest. (Einstein was talking about the view from the top of the mountain)

Einstein was very interested in ways of thinking and simplifying science, and it represented a very important topic for him. He was interested in developing children’s knowledge in order to make them understand the concept of time. Thinking was an obsession for him, and the ways of thinking in which ideas are transformed into sensory images, and how These images are arranged in the form of an organized series, like a thread that organizes them. Einstein called that thread that organizes sensory images in the mind the concept, and he defined formal thinking as a process carried out by means of concepts (organized threads).


Son of the sun



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