Guantanamo prison and Decisive Storm

Guantanamo prison and Decisive Storm


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A Yemeni returnee from Guantanamo: Decisive Storm made us happy in detention.

Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper


I spoke in an article after the Al-Ardi terrorist crime, I talked about the story of Guantánamo prison, and in my article I mentioned that this prison is a large washing and training center. The mission of this prison is to produce leaders and soldiers to defend America’s interests.

The media of America and its allies played a major role in showing the ugliness of the prison, the tragedy of the people there, and the legendary stories about American soldiers turning into Muslims after they saw the extent of these people’s faith, and how they endured pain for the sake of their faith and their unshakable faith. How were they able to win the people’s sympathy for the Guantánamo prisoners, and how did they form a public opinion about the necessity of these prisoners returning to their countries of origin and demanding them and the necessity of embracing them and where are their human rights? Al Jazeera played a major role in this propaganda after a journalist from Al Jazeera was arrested and Al Jazeera launched a major campaign to release him, and after his release from prison, Al Jazeera conducted an influential interview with him in which he showed the extent of the ugliness and faith that these people have. Then Al Jazeera conducted an interview with an American soldier who was working in the Guantánamo detention center, and he decided to surrender after he was astonished by The extent of the detainees’ love and reverence for their book, the Qur’an, and he decided to find out what this book was and what constituted his conversion to Islam.

Two days ago, there was news about Saudi Arabia receiving Yemeni detainees in Guantánamo prison. The question that many did not seriously try to ask or search for an answer to is (why is Saudi Arabia, at this particular time, receiving Yemeni detainees in Guantánamo? Since when has Saudi Arabia been interested in Yemenis and offering… They have medical care. Where is Saudi Arabia among the Yemenis on the border who are being bombed now, for example? Indeed, where is Saudi Arabia among the wounded of the resistance that works for it in Yemen in terms of this attention and care? Then why specifically are they detained in American prisons on charges of terrorism?)

As I said and I continue to say and repeat, Guantánamo prison is a major center for brainwashing, to train soldiers to serve the interests of America and its allies in the world, and these prisoners received by Saudi Arabia will go to Yemen, specifically the south, to fight on the side of the Al-Saud project, and to serve the interests of the Al-Saud. .




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