How to Understand Politics of Germany after Brexit

How to Understand Politics of Germany after Brexit


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Germany between Brexit and EU

Befor talking about Germany and its real position about Brexit, let us explain some points about Europe from geopolitical outlook and browse shortcut parts of its history .

Europe is a small continent, and has many small countries .

since ancient time the biggest problem has been standing up to Europe is littleness of natural purses, Europe is so poor in natural purses, and this why most Europian publics went out Europe and looked for purses and colonized many lands.

Since Rome empire to Crusades to Colonialism time till right now and the real purpose of Europe is looking for natural purses. Even the Crusades was not religion wars, the real goal of Cursades was Economic, looking for purses, and the particularists in history realize well about the first speech of Orban pope who started the Cursades and talked about poorness and smallness of land and how the middle east is rich in every thing even its Sun is more different from Europian Sun .

The second problem in Europe is that Europe has many many Nations that depend on languages. British, Germans, Spanishs, Frenchs, Hollandians, Italians, Greeks, …., and this problem can create the struggles easily between the nations around purses in Europe or out of Europe.

From history we know about the struggles between Spanishes and Portugueses around the purses of world, and how the pope solved that struggle when he divided the World between Spain and Portugal, the West was for Spain and The East was for Portugal. All the wars that happened in Europe between 1500 – 1945 was for purses .

Even the frist world war and the second world war were because of purses and colonizations in world, Germany wanted to obtain its serving from Britain and France , and after Britain and France won the frist world war, they divided the Middle east in agreement called sykes Picot Agreement,

and They Prevented Germany to obtain anything and forced it in very bad position, poorness and corruption were in Gramany , and that bad position for Germany created rich land for rising of Hitlar who rejected that bad position of Germany and announced the second world war .

Germany lost the second world war again , but the winners decided not repeating the previous error in order to prevent any future war from coming . They made Marchal plan and connected between the economies of winners with economies of losers without dividding the power and colonizations with losers, just they dividded the power between the winners.

In history there were many tries to make union in Europe. and all those tries were false. Rome empire tried, Church tried, Napoleon tried and Hitlar tried.

The most important thing was the reason  of failling Europian Union was that Europe has many nations .

Right Now there is a try called Europian Union EU, and Germany has the most responsibility of this try, so the biggest danger is standing out this Union is the national thought in Europe , specially rising of rights parties in Europe.

Britain is not goos with Germany, even if Germany tries hidding this.if you carefully focus on items of German media and compare them with items of British media, you will find a hidden war.

When Britain goes out Europe, it will mean that Britain takes courage any country to do that same step. more than it , Britain made Brexit because of refugees, and we know the problem of refugees is the first matter in Europe now .also it means that Britain is an egoist and a greed and doesnt want to share purses in world with all countries . also Brexit was not because EU , Britain did that in order to go to Middle East lonely and recovering its old power.

I know you will say: but the British public that did this step by votting and this is a declare for the public and we have to respect .

i must say it was a fake, the democratic system is a big fake , and it is just a system to make people feeling that they make politics and sharing in creating the role and not feelling boring . why ?

let us read the sequence of events carefully. before Briexit, in beginning of 2015, Britain changed the national scurity, and this is very important event that most people dont know what it does mean, it is a big thing in any country, and means that Britain will do a big inverse in its politics, and getting ready doing a big step . Exactly Brexit is for Israel and Saudi Arabia and middle east . this is the truth because America is moving back from Middle East and will deposit its heritage, and Britain wants that heritage .

Note: do you remember a declaration of Nitinyaho when he said that Holocost was not Hitlar’s idea, it was islamic idea for Shiakh Alhussainy from Palastine . do you remember what was Mircal’s reply?. Mircal was clever and understanded the hidden message behind of that declaration, she said: dont play with history and we know well who did that .

how do you understand that declaration?, and did anyone ask why this declaration these days ?. and why did Mircal reply like that although it was supposed that she would been happy cause it will be an improve that Germany is washing one’s hands about Holocost and have to stop the considerations to Israel.

it is a very strange and dangerous declaration that has come from israel. it is the first time that israel says that .

this wicked declaration was guided to the german public and other publics to increase publicity of right parties after this absolution about Holocost , that means right people dont stand that crime, so it will guide them to wrong enemy ( islam and refueegs) to be the banner for their electioneerings, and increasing thier lucks in elections.

So it is an advantage for Israel when Britain goes out EU and comes back to Middle East after retreat of America from Middle East, and makes military agreement with Saudi Arabic to protect . because Saudia Arabia is a director of Israel’s project in Middle East.

So it is an advantage for Britain, Israel and Saudi Arabia to dismantle EU .

Note: do you remember declarations of republican party in America through the electioneering about the refueegs and muslims, Trump , it was the first time in american history, they intimidate the valuables that American based on .

have you ask yourself why? .

Well, they didnot mean that declarations, in other words those declarations were not for american public, they were outwards to Europe purposely. they want to increase publicity of right parties in Europe. How?

When the biggest power in world and the when the mother of democracy and human rights in the world embrace like these declarations, so that will mean giving other people the courage to embrace like these declarations, and breaking up the wall that prevent anyone from saying like these declarations.

America want to rise the right parties in Europe because America lost alot to protect NATO and now want to earn .

How about Turkey?

Also Turkey is redounding in dismantling EU by exploitation of refueegs, and wants not to solve the Syria’s war for keeping going flow of refueegs to Europe, and this is the reason of angry German diplomacy with Turkey . cause the refueegs is the first banner of right parties in Europe .

There is still the important point we have to explain well about the terrorisom in Europe.

We are still remembering the events terrorism that happened in Europe, in France, Bulgim and Germany. and most people havent understood the truth behind those events .

Who stands behind the terror events of Paris, Brussels, Germany and soon in European countries ?

please click below link and  read this article :

Now I think we can go to the real German position about Brexit and Europe Union. and understand some German politics in these days . and we can draw the lines of German politics .

Germany cant live without Europe Union. Europe Union was German idea. Germany holds the most loads to make this Union going on and wining . Germany is afraid alot of any thing trying failing this Union.

if the Union failed so that will mean the struggles will come back and many Europian countries will not live in this high level, specially Germany doesnt have power around world like Britain or France, it doesnt have colonizations. Yes Britain can live without Union, Maybe France also, but not Germany . So the enemy of Germany is anything that is trying dismantling EU .

weakness of Germany is found in three points :

1- Germany doesnt have strong power around the world like America, Britain, France .

2- Germany doesnt have nuclear weapon.

3- Germany doesnt have veto.

How can Germany fix these three things ?

and the most problems that stand up Germany are :

1- Germany is carrying weight keeping EU.

2- Stoping Right parties and its speechs.

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