Neo-secularism between reality and religious reform

Neo-secularism between reality and religious reform


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In simple language, devoid of flowery words and constructive sentences… in the language of the ordinary citizen, in a face-to-face dialogue with the simple human being… let us speak from an existing reality and not about desires and wishes.

But before speaking, there are words that must be said, even though they are stupid and funny words in the Yemeni environment, because they do not exist at all, and I must start speaking with them and clarify aspects of my personality, because it has become a necessity for many to understand the personality of the speaker before discussing the idea, and I have to go along with it and end any controversy about the character. I am Yemeni and my family is not Hashemite and from an area that is said to be Shafi’i, although the place is inanimate and does not have a religion or sect, but in keeping with the logic of some, knowing that there is no longer Shafi’i or Zaydi in Yemen, but rather there is Wahhabism penetrating everywhere in Yemen ( I know that this logic does not exist in Yemen.

And now…my talk is to the new secularists. The idea of religion cannot be eliminated in any society…because religion represents a primary awareness in society and a strong cultural component. Religion represents a superstructure that precedes existence.

If we look at thought from a certain angle, which is the ground of reference, then we can divide thought into two types: 1- Free thought that is not based on external data, meaning thought that has no prior ground from which to start thinking. This type has no restrictions at all. 2- A thought that is restricted and based on external data, meaning a thought that has a basis from which to start thinking, intellectual construction and development, and because religion cannot be removed from society because it is a deep cultural component in the larger society and represents for society a source of existence, so the second type of Thought is the safest in our societies and is acceptable in modernizing or criticizing wrong practices in the name of religion (I am a realist and part of a society to which I belong).

What is the percentage of supporters of secularism and liberalism in society?

A hundred people, a thousand people, ten thousand…they are very few and distributed here and there and do not constitute a number in front of the broad segment of society.

Then what is secularism?

Many new concepts that are not defined in our society, when they enter us, are distorted and produce a strange, wild thought… a virus… that plays with the cultural and social structures of society, producing a confused society. From Brotherhood thought to communism, to secularism and liberalism. History bears witness to the transformation of the Brotherhood’s ideology into the ideology of Al-Qaeda and ISIS, the transformation of communism into regional tribalism, and now we have secularism. Secularism has now become synonymous with obscenity, immorality, disintegration, and revenge on society, and welcoming a father with blue eyes and blond hair into your homeland, an invader and an occupier. Secularism currently among its elites is copying abroad and pasting at home. Secularism has become for us not a method of thought for reforming society, but rather a state of discontent and constant comparison with the outside. Although secularism does not require deep thought and theorizing, would a liberal be comfortable if we said in the constitution the separation of religion from the state? ..Is this the whole story?! Whoever believes that if we put an article in the constitution separating religion from the state, we will become a secular state like the West day and night, is wrong. My brother, I have not understood the meaning of secularism until today. Let us leave this term (secularism), we will leave the complexities of the term as the claimants of secularism are trying to create it, and we will go to a culture of accepting the other and coexisting with the other, regardless of his belief. That’s all…the culture of accepting others…Do you have any objection to the culture of accepting others?

Now let’s go to the second type of thought… I am not a specialized researcher, but I am an average reader and I have an interest in reading books on thought, and when I say books on thought, I do not mean books of sick and resentful dissatisfaction that see thought as degrading their society, but rather books of thought. He wrote about thought and reality and their reflection on the other. I had a long time with religious thought and during that period I had conclusions and reached them.

I will limit the discussion to Yemen as an example. When I reviewed the Shafi’i and Zaydi religious blasphemy regarding the methods of inferences in each sect, I do not mean to review texts or narratives, but rather the structure of thought and the tools present in every thought. I found that the mind in the Shafi’i does not exist at all, in fact.. The mind does not exist at all, the mind is absent… the mind is not used… it is still on paper, and the human will of the Muslim is completely robbed, responsibility is not complete, and intellectual diligence is over. As for the Zaidi doctrine, the mind has a clear and striking presence, the will is not alienated, and the responsibility is great. This is the truth that I have arrived at, as Zaidi thought has a deep Mu’tazilite heritage. The greatest evidence of the validity of what I have reached is the appearance of the Al-Mutarfiyya group in Yemeni history. It was an intellectual and religious escape, and where? In Yemen, it is unbelievable that this group appeared in Yemen, and religious thought has not reached it currently. That thought could appear in Andalusia or Misr…but in Yemen, which is geographically isolated and not a place for civilizational convergence, is something incredible. It was impossible for the Mutarfiyyah to emerge from Shafi’i thought, but rather it emerged from Zaidi thought. We also have Imam Al-Shawkani, who emerged from Zaidi thought and represented a shift and religious reform before the reform of Muhammad Abdah in Misr. Diligence is working.

Of course…I do not mean in my speech a comparison as a political approach, as some see it, in conjunction with what is happening in the region and Yemen, and this comparison does not mean that Zaidi thought is not subject to criticism…at all, not for these reasons. Also, this comparison should not be read. From reviewing political history, which has nothing to do with it, history that has ended and we cannot judge history, I am faced with only thought, my comparison to my conviction that Zaidi thought can be a solid and strong ground for any religious reform of society. As an external given on which a Muslim’s thought is based in his interaction between his faith and the world, the mind can play its role in modernization and development…a ground on which the mind can dialogue with itself and criticize it in the event of problems.

Knowing that in Yemen…the doctrine of geography is non-existent. A Yemeni can choose any religious concept, and a Yemeni can no longer say that there is a Shafi’i or a Zaydi in Yemen, because there is simply only a Wahhabi spread throughout Yemen and penetrating, and a savage, backward, takfiri Wahhabi. In Wahhabism the mind is forbidden, the unjust ruler is sacred, the will is completely deprived and responsibility is completely non-existent.

And whoever believes that Wahhabism and Salafism are a spontaneous thought in Yemen, he has not yet understood what is happening in Yemen and the region. Wahhabism is a disastrous external political project to alienate Yemen and the countries of the region. Behind it is a political will to spread it. Behind it is 12 million barrels of oil that it supports financially… No. Any country can be invaded before it is invaded intellectually. These are strategic projects by international political powers to infiltrate people in order to conquer them and serve their interests. Wahhabism is a malicious project to create sterile, backward generations separated from reality and who will be dependent and enslaved to outsiders if they wish to pass on their interests in Yemen, interests of fragmentation, destruction, alienation and enslavement in front of the eyes of the people of Yemen while they do not move a finger, because they have become missing all the tools to resist the reality that they face. He works . The events around us that are taking place in Yemen and the region are evidence of the truth of my words.

So…we now have a model

A savage, backward, Zionist Wahhabi model in which reason, will, and responsibility do not exist. Injustice is sacred, and its reference is outside Yemen. We need to create a new model of religious discourse for society to direct Wahhabism and remove the corruption of the Wahhabi model and have its reference at home.



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