Complex and flowery language is the fashion of neo-secularists

Complex and flowery language is the fashion of neo-secularists


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I wanted to write an important article for discussion about it, about the democratic system in the West in conjunction with the election of Trump as President of America, the failure of the expectations and polls of observers and centers about this election, and the shock in many countries due to its unexpected results. I tried to write an important note as an introduction before getting into the heart of the topic. The note was long, so I decided to make it an article due to its importance.

Is it now necessary for us to write and speak away from complex, flowery academic language?

This language, which imposed its influence on consciousness and proved its failure to read reality, turned consciousness into a very hard solid mass, based on foundations of illusions that have no relation to reality.

This is the language that has pulled the sound and simple consciousness to a low and besieged place, surrendering to a strong authority that is higher than it, and imposing itself on it in the name of the language of the intellectual.

This language, which has become similar to the language of religion in its capabilities and influence, because it has become a destination for the benefit of politics due to the strength of its influence in what serves politics, and the destination of everyone who believes that it serves culture (religion) and is essentially spreading sterility in society, and it has pulpits (such as the pulpits of mosques). From channels, newspapers, and intellectuals (religious sheikhs).

The strength of the influence of the language of the intellectual has become like the strength of the influence of the language of the sheikh of religion.

All you have to do is say words and accompany them with a religious text (the Qur’an or Hadith) to impose its strong influence and influence on the recipient. The same situation applies to the language of the intellectual. All you have to do is say elegant and complex words and accompany them with a text by a writer, thinker, or theory to impose strong influence. And its power over the recipient. Just as the cleric enjoys a status in society, the man of complex culture also enjoys a status.

As for religious discourse, there is no longer a critical problem. It has undergone intellectual reform and libraries are filled with criticism of religious discourse in order to reform it. It has become clear where the problems and mistakes are, but this complex discourse has not yet undergone reform, and there is rarely talk about criticizing this discourse.

Understanding the historicity of the religious text, the cultural and linguistic context, the temporal and spatial circumstances, and the surrounding circumstances represent the most important problems of the religious mind in understanding religion and its texts. Likewise, these are the same problems faced by speakers of this complex language.

Just because you speak that language, your words become useful, logical, and correct, and bear the characteristic of modernity and culture. This language is very widespread among neo-seculars, university students, and those holding academic degrees. Rather, it has become the current fashion trend.

Why don’t we speak in a simple language that the average person can understand?

The simple language linked to reality, which has the most sense of reality and the greatest ability to describe the tangible reality around us well, which is able to see reality clearly, is the language that has been excluded from our reality and has been replaced by the complex language that tries to take the lead on the platform of consciousness to describe illusions that are not connected to reality and But it describes an imaginary world that stems from the speaker’s feeling and emotion, who dreams of living in a world far from lived reality. How can we describe a reality and understand it without a language that has a sense of reality that is well connected to it, except by first leaving the complex language and going to the simple, logical language.

Getting out of the complex language that we memorize and repeat but do not feel, and try to think with it and describe a reality that we do not find in front of us, because it is a complex language that is not well understood. It makes us escape into ourselves and summon our emotions, believing that it fits and agrees with that language…so it describes a world. It has nothing to do with reality…it only describes desires and wishes within us…a strange world…in which the mind is imprisoned between walls of illusions…it is difficult for it to escape.

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