The world system – what is the democratic system?

The world system - what is the democratic system?


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After the complex and flowery language spoken by so-called intellectuals and elites has proven its failure and inability to understand reality and its transformation into a language for drawing illusions and repressed desires only, let us speak in a simple and logical language, the language of the ordinary person who has not been afflicted with intellectual obstacles as a result of grammar. Misconceptions and dull education.

The democratic system in the West and the global system.

On the day the Republican Palace fell into the hands of Ansar Allah and they descended on Aden, I was certain that Ansar Allah was trying to pull Yemen out of its quagmire and redraw Yemen’s international path, and Yemen would change the map of the world and even the balance of global powers. Many people mocked and laughed at this logic, especially the neo-secularists and those claiming socialism.

Why did you say this?

Let us understand the meaning of the word system…the system, whatever its type, is a natural system, or an administrative, social, or political system, and whether it is a good or bad system, it is governed by laws that preserve it.. I mean, the family is a social system with laws, the father has a role, the mother and the children. Thus, rain is a natural system.

We live within a global system, meaning that countries live within an organized and arranged balance of power. The interests of every country are arranged and stable, regardless of whether the system is good or bad.

When a disturbance occurs at a point within the system, it will be reflected in the rest of the points within the system, and the rest of the points will be disturbed and change their locations for a certain time, until the system returns to stability in a new way. When a malfunction occurs within the system, it will cause the system to shake.

Let us give an example of this: a natural system that went wrong, and we recall the story of China during the period of the Chinese revolution and agricultural reform. China attempted to eliminate a type of bird that devours part of the agricultural crop, and a large percentage of it was eliminated. But this led to There was a great famine in China due to the spread of an insect that destroyed crops, and the spread of that insect was due to the elimination of birds because they were devouring those insects. Here there was an imbalance in the natural balance and it led to turmoil

Let us give a political example of the Yemeni case… Yemen is like any country that lives within a global system governed by balances. When Yemen tries to leave its position, this will cause vibration in all points within the system. Either Yemen is returned to its position to maintain the balance and stability of the system, or… A new arrangement of points will be formed in a new system.

But what does this have to do with the issue of democracy in the West?

Here’s the important point

How can the global system be preserved and stabilized, as long as the points that live within it are governed by freedom of choice through something called (democracy)?

Meaning, why does there not occur a disturbance in the global system with changes in the presidency and government in countries?

What prevents countries from changing their positions after every free election?

Let’s present all logically possible possibilities

1- There are no free elections, and they are a lie and fraud for a fixed decision-making center that is satisfied with its position in the global system, and elections are only a formality.

2- There are real free elections, but there is national security and a fixed foreign policy that never changes when the government or president changes, and it is satisfied with its position in the system.

Let us rule out the first possibility because it is the weakest

In March 2015, the aggression against Yemen began by Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia failed to resolve the battle, and the war began to turn back on Saudi Arabia. America refused to renew the mutual defense treaty with Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia needs joint defense with other powers.

Let’s go to the beginning of 2015. Britain made a comprehensive change to its national security strategy, and this matter did not attract much attention, because changing the concept of national security and its strategy is extremely dangerous, meaning that Britain is on the verge of a shift in its position within the global system and thus a shift in its policy. And in determining the enemy stage.

Britain holds a referendum on staying in Europe and votes to leave. The striking and clear presence of Britain in the Yemeni file begins, and the large presence of Saudi Arabia in Britain also begins, and Saudi Arabia begins investing 70 billion there, opening mosques in Britain, and visits of officials and religious sheikhs there.

The important point is that Britain holds a vote and the people decide to leave Europe after changing its national security concept and after America refrained from renewing joint defense with Saudi Arabia.

Is it just a coincidence or is it the divine will of Saudi Arabia to make the British people vote to leave Europe so that Britain can start betting on Saudi Arabia, as the British newspapers said that Britain is betting on a losing horse (Saudi Arabia)????

We remember the statement of the British Prime Minister when she said: There is no turning back from leaving Britain. (What if the people want to vote again and return… where is democracy?)

And not only that

But after Britain’s exit and the anger of Europe and Germany over this step, Americans vote for Trump, which increases the chances of Europe’s disintegration.

Are there really fair elections in the West, or do they have a rigged electoral system… very smart… in which the decision centers make formal changes every period to the governments and choose the speeches that suit the people… in the process of formal change… Just to eliminate boredom, boredom, and routine among their people and inspire hope that they are participating in the process of change and renewal.

Let’s think in simple language




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