Identifying the enemy is very important – Yemen is an example

Identifying the enemy is very important - Yemen is an example


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How do you enter a war when you are ignorant of your enemy, his movements, his tools, his means, and his balance of power?

You will fight a great illusion and be defeated. You will fight a gelatinous entity in your mind, and all your field movements will be in vain and confusion that have nothing to do with the battle, and you will exhaust yourself without benefit.

Identifying the enemy is the first point before entering the war. Identifying the enemy well is the first step to victory. Victory cannot be achieved without identifying the enemy. After identifying the enemy, comes the process of understanding the power equation, and victory is not possible without understanding the power equation.

If someone attacks your home and tries to sabotage it, you will respond and you will continue and resist and try to stop the attack by all means, by force and by law and by all means, and the man is still attacking, and a person can stop an attack because he knew that that person was sent by another person, then Your battle was with another person, and with a small step the attack was stopped. This is the meaning of identifying the enemy and understanding the power equation to win the battle.

The first point is to identify the enemy well.

Second point, understanding the power equation.

The third point: understanding the balance of power equation.

The balance of forces that guide the battle, because understanding the equation you can realize the forces on which the attacker is relying and you will know how he will move. This is what we call in our local dialect the back that a person steps on.

In simple and uncomplicated language, in easy colloquial language, far from the language of pretenders of culture and science, which fills consciousness with illusions and sterile intellectual circles.

Saudi Arabia is just an obedient servant. It does not move except by command…a remote control pressured by America.

Israel has a huge Zionist lobby in America that pressures the decision in America.

America is like a big pulley that moves the rest of the other pulleys, and Israel is like the hand of the sandalwood that moves America’s big pulley to move the rest of the pulleys connected to the big pulley, America.

Israel is like the Suez key that operates the American car

In simpler language

Israel puts pressure on America, America moves and asks Saudi Arabia to implement, and Saudi Arabia begins to move to serve America.

Why does Saudi Arabia play this role?

Preserving the throne of Al Saud only, with a great support for the Al Saud family and their throne in exchange for implementing what America wants, and Al Saud realizes that their survival depends on serving the interests of Israel, because opposing Israel’s interests is the downfall of their throne, but rather striving to prove obedience without a request from America as long as It is in the interest of Israel, which has the Zionist lobby that puts pressure on decision-makers in America

America has defined its interests in the region with only two things: the first is oil security and the second is the security of Israel

Now…..what is required of us in Yemen?

We identify the enemy in battle, in order to understand what he wants

We determine the capabilities of us and the enemy, and our weaknesses and ours, and we determine the balance of forces on which the enemy relies, in order to understand how this enemy moves.

We told you without any doubt that Iran deceived Israel by involving it in the Yemen war. The evidence is that Iran broke the nuclear agreement with the major powers, and Israel believed that striking Yemen would fail the nuclear agreement. This agreement, which Israel considers to be the biggest historical mistake and threatens Israel’s existence, and the minister’s statement. After signing the nuclear agreement, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said: The nuclear agreement is a blow to the Zionist project that tried to thwart the agreement.

Saudi intelligence combined with Israeli intelligence two days before the aggression against Yemen, according to Eshki, although he tried to cover up the visit by saying that it was a visit to Palestine and on the grounds of the Center for Strategic Studies that he runs, as he is a former senior officer in the intelligence, and the intelligence is covered by the cover of strategic studies centers to hide its activities and movements.

Now…how do we Yemenis view the battle?

The first point

Identify the enemy

Saudi Arabia is just a dirty dog, just a tool, a dirty servant of America and Israel. It is not the real enemy. It is only a dirty tool to serve America and Israel. The real enemy of Yemen in this battle is Israel and America, because when we understand the enemy, we will know what it wants and why it launched the war. We must understand the reasons for the war, and as we know, America’s interests in the region are the security of oil and the security of Israel, and when Israel presents a vision of its interests, America implements and moves.

We identified the enemy as Israel to understand the nature of the war and what it wants.

We said that the reason Israel launched the war on Yemen was to thwart the nuclear agreement between Iran and America. Iran deceived Israel and implicated it in Yemen and signed the agreement. So the war on Yemen was for the sake of thwarting the nuclear agreement and not for legitimacy, because Israel was afraid for its project in Yemen by dividing the Bab al-Mandab Strait. Israel believed that Yemen had been handed over to Iran through a secret agreement with America.

The second point

Understand the enemy’s capabilities

After we have identified the enemy, we will realize the enemy’s capabilities in its battle in Yemen, and accordingly, Yemen is fighting Saudi Arabia and its coalition, with Israel and America behind it, and because the battle is military, media, economic, diplomatic, and political, we must understand that the enemy’s capabilities are from the above, meaning that Israel will move militarily, medially, economically and politically to serve Saudi Arabia in its battle

Israel will lobby for arms deals with Saudi Arabia. Israel will lobby organizations, the United Nations, etc….

The third point

Understanding the balance of power equation

In Yemen, we have to understand the balance of global powers, so that we can arrange the balance in a way that makes us able to withdraw the forces that the enemy is relying on, or create forces with which we can create a balance to reward other powers for pressure, as we said, America in the region for two things: oil and Israel’s security, but America It says through its president after his rise that his mission is to reduce public debt and head to the Pacific Ocean and Africa.

Can this statement be relied upon as fact?

Indeed, we are seeing America withdrawing from the region and heading to another place in the Pacific Ocean, Africa and South America. It began to penetrate into Africa and concluded security and joint defense agreements there. It went to Cuba and concluded an agreement with Iran and refused to renew a joint defense agreement with Saudi Arabia.

The important question: How is withdrawal done? Does withdrawal mean that America will abandon its interests?

Certainly not, but it will negotiate with other powers over other interests elsewhere in exchange for surrendering its interests in the region to them.

We said previously that any country in the world other than the major powers moves according to two models. The first is balancing interests, which is what Yemen and other countries like Syria, Misr, and others follow, or blind dependence, and this model is followed by Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and Bahrain. As for the major powers, they move according to Two models: either hegemony or partnership, in order to preserve their interests.

Now definitely

America withdraws and hands over its legacy to other powers in exchange for other interests, and Britain’s exit from Europe is only confirmed evidence that Britain aspires to restore its legacy in the region. This means that America is taking the final touches to ensure surrender with the powers or abandon the legacy. America gave up Libya to France in exchange for Tunisia, then France deceived and brought Britain into Libya, and Britain now had a clear voice in the Syria file, and a quartet of American, British, Saudi, and Emirati committees regarding the Yemen file.

Yemen ?

We said that America will withdraw and abandon Saudi Arabia in favor of Britain. This means that Britain will sign a joint defense with Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia will begin transferring its money and investments to Britain. Britain will be a protector and Saudi Arabia will be an arm of Britain. The Emirates will move from Britain to America and the Emirates’ investments will begin to be transferred to America.

Tours by Saudi officials to Britain began, Saudi investments began amounting to sixty billion dollars, and a campaign began to build mosques there with Saudi funds. The Imam of the Mosque is touring extensively in Britain and providing support to the Islamic religious centers there.

Will Saudi Arabia’s policy change after its move to Britain, especially its policy towards Yemen?

No, because Britain has interests in Yemen and still sees it from its previous legacy, specifically Aden, and Israel will also move to Britain, because Israel will not be able to move in the region and maintain its interests except through Saudi Arabia, and the evidence is that Zionist banks have begun to move to Britain, meaning soon. Britain will sign a joint defense with Saudi Arabia

Yemen is in the balance of global power.

Yemen had international security cover to maintain its stability in the world:

The first cover is France, which won the concession for oil and gas exploration.

The second cover is Britain, which was granted the concession to operate the port of Aden through its agent, the Emirates.


Why has France not been present since the beginning of the crisis in Yemen?

I believe that America negotiated with France over Libyan oil in exchange for abandoning the Yemen and Tunisia file, as evidenced by the fact that Saleh sent a special envoy to Gaddafi at the time of the intensification of the Libyan crisis and before the fall of Tripoli.

Now there is a Quartet committee without France to discuss the Yemeni file, which means that America will hand over Yemen to Britain, and they are now discussing the arrangement of interests between the two sides for the handover.



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