The Emirati-Saudi conflict in Yemen

The Emirati-Saudi conflict in Yemen


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The UAE and Saudi Arabia are in a conflict inside Yemen.

Any international coalition that occurs, all countries agree on the first mission to overthrow the regime, and then conflict operations begin between the coalition forces over the cake. For example, the factions of terrorist armed groups in Syria were fighting among themselves, and many believe that one of them is affiliated with the regime under the pretext of conflict. The truth is that Qatar and Saudi Arabia, their factions were struggling and fighting, the same thing is happening in Libya, and the statements of former Qatari Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim to The Times newspaper confirm this.

Regarding Yemen, from the beginning of the aggression, everyone was laughing at the idea that the UAE and Saudi Arabia were fighting inside Yemen, and the conflict was actually the bombings of UAE camps and Al-Qaeda operations against UAE agents, and the most recent events was the dismissal of the so-called Prime Minister of Bahah, who received dissatisfaction with the UAE, the second day. Bahaj issued a letter rejecting the dismissal and accusing Hadi of overthrowing legitimacy, and on the third day, Bahaj called for a conference for the south. Yesterday, the UAE called on America to intervene to eliminate Al-Qaeda in Yemen, even though since the beginning of the aggression they have been saying that Al-Qaeda has followed Ali Saleh (note that Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for a bombing of Bahah’s residence in Aden months ago). The UAE cannot, through the coalition, strike Al-Qaeda because it belongs to Saudi Arabia and is managed by Saudi Arabia, and the UAE knows this.

Didn’t they form a large international coalition against Yemen? Why can’t this coalition strike Al-Qaeda instead of the UAE asking America to help it in the Al-Qaeda war? Al-Qaeda is one of Saudi Arabia’s most important tools in Yemen.

What is the story of the UAE and Saudi Arabia in the region?

The Emirates is Britain’s agent in the region, and the evidence is all of the Emirates’ huge investments in Britain, and the shares of huge companies they have in Britain, and the management system in the Emirates is British…. Saudi Arabia is America’s agent in the region, and the evidence is all of Saudi Arabia’s investments in America, and today’s news is that Saudi Arabia threatens America with withdrawing its assets from America due to Congress’ decision to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for the events of September. (Perhaps America is close to abandoning Saudi Arabia as its agent in the region.) The UAE has a project to divide Yemen into two countries, Saudi Arabia has a project to divide Yemen into five countries, so the UAE is the one raising the rhetoric of secession and unifying the south for the sake of secession. Saudi Arabia does not want secession into two countries, it wants to divide five countries.

Why ?

The UAE is negotiating secession with leaders from Yemen in the south, or is trying to create new southern symbols for the secession demand (inviting Bahaj to a conference for the south), and the price of secession will be Aden, that is, suppressing the port of Aden and not operating it so that it can be a vital, strategic port in the world, because it is afraid of Aden. To pull the rug over it and its ports, to the point that it instigated supervision contracts for Aden and deliberately extinguished the port of Aden, and after 2011, contracts with the Dubai Ports Company were cancelled.

The UAE is also afraid of the idea of extending oil pipelines through Yemen, because there will also be a huge port for exporting oil, and this point is behind the coup attempt that the UAE planned in the Sultanate of Oman in 2011, which was declared by the Omani media and accused the UAE of orchestrating that attempt.

As for Saudi Arabia, it wants to get rid of Iran’s strongest card, which is the Strait of Hormuz, through which a large percentage of the world’s oil passes, and it wants to convert the sea corridor into a land pipeline through Yemen and through Hadhramaut (note: Hadhramaut, Shabwa, Ma’rib, and Al-Jawf are large estimates with the presence of huge reserves). Of oil and gas), Saudi Arabia’s ambitions for Hadramaut are long-standing. The important thing is that it is impossible to pass the pipeline through Yemen and Yemen is one country, because the pipeline requires protection and they want to protect it themselves and create bases of course American. Also, if Yemen is a unified country and the pipeline passes through it, it will give Yemen A great power. Yemen had pulled Iran’s strong card for itself, and this means that when Yemen negotiates and intervenes in any political issues it has or in the region, it will give it very strong negotiating conditions in which it will win, meaning that Yemen will become strong and they do not want that. The solution is division. Yemen, when divided by their own means, can decide the fate of Hadhramaut and its dependence on Saudi Arabia, especially since the major financial and businessmen in Saudi Arabia are from Hadhramaut (a project that Saudi Arabia was preparing regarding Hadhramaut). If Saudi Arabia supported the separation into two states, it would not have Hadhramaut alone, and if it backed down Regarding the idea of Hadhramaut, it will not allow the pipeline to pass through Hadhramaut in the presence of a state in the south, because it is the south that will snatch Iran’s card for it and will be the strongest in any political negotiations or political positions, except internal or external. Al-Qaeda is the one who runs and supervises Hadhramaut and has not been subjected to any harm. Bombing or attack by the coalition. Hadhramaut will be a state in the idea of Al Saud and will declare subordination to Al Saud.

Has Saudi Arabia failed to manage America’s interests in the region?


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