What is the book – summary of discussion 17

What is the book - summary of discussion 17

7/23/2020 0:00:00

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What is the book in {that book about which there is no doubt}?!

Episode 17


What is the source of that authority that the West had, through which they gained the legal right to translate the Egyptian inscription?

I believe that this great authority is the occupation authority. The operation took place under a great occupation and then under a regime affiliated with it that continued for a long period.

But if we ignore this idea, because today we are discussing the scientific foundations of translation, this will lead us to ask a question:

Was there anyone who could read hieroglyphics in Misr?!

This question is almost always asked indirectly by many: Why is it that only the West can read the region’s inscriptions?

Thinking about the answer to this question will lead us to understand the basis of the idea of translating ancient inscriptions in Misr.

What is the basic idea that the West relied on to convince Misr, the Arabs, and the world of the validity of the translation of Egyptian inscriptions and the logic of its translation? .

The starting point for the West’s translation of inscriptions, especially Egyptian inscriptions, is based on two fundamental ideas:

1 – The language of the Egyptian inscriptions is an extinct language that no one speaks

2 – All the inhabitants of Misr at that time did not know how to read hieroglyphs, nor even any person in the region or on earth who could read Egyptian inscriptions.

And because people cannot read the inscriptions, this means that people need someone to decipher the writing… and it takes a genius person who can decipher those inscriptions… and this genius person is the West.

This is the basic idea

Now…let’s now do a virtual experiment

We have a book written in an ancient script by a people who lived 10,000 years ago and whose language has become extinct, and no one on earth can read this writing…….. So the question is: How will we decipher this ancient writing and be able to read the book and know what the language was like? This people?!

We will do this experiment, and prepare all the tools, then we will see our realistic, correct, logical steps, and we will also see the wrong steps that we avoided, and we will see the result of the experiment… Then we will compare our steps with the steps that the West took… and we will observe. Did the West take the same correct and logical steps as us? We also notice whether the West took the same wrong steps that we avoided, and we watch its result and compare it with our result.

A person named (Abdullah) gave us a book written in an ancient script in an extinct language that no one understands (Arabic), and asked us to decipher this writing. How will we decipher this ancient script?!

■ Regarding the language of writing.

If we assume that we are able to decipher and read that writing, we believe that there is no value to our work because we will not know anything from it. There is no difference between the sounds of animals and our reading of the book. There is no cognitive value that any human being will gain from deciphering and reading that writing. …Because we do not know the language of ancient writing, just unintelligible sounds, we do not know the meanings of the words and sentences inside the book.

The experience will be without any cognitive value… and it is useless to do this experience, and it is not worth the effort, loss, and time to do it, and it is preferable to abandon it.

In this case, we will shorten this effort and effort from the beginning, and compose any imaginary language for it, by giving the letters of the book phonetic values of our invention, then we will create a dictionary and give meanings to all the words of the book, because (Abdullah) will not be able to discover the validity of the translation. .. Because according to experience information, the language is extinct, and the man will not doubt our translation because it is an extinct language, but we must search for a realistic step that confirms to him the logic and validity of our work.

But if we exclude this immoral act, we must adhere to these conditions and we do not care about the benefit or lack of benefit.

We’ll move on to the next step

■ If we think deeply in search of an answer to this problem… we will reach a final and logical answer that it is impossible to translate this ancient writing, and no creature on earth will be able to translate this ancient writing.

Why ?!

Because writing needs a basic condition, which is a living being that reads it, and without this condition it is impossible to read it. A book has a deaf material, and writing has deaf forms that do not speak on their own, and they need a rational living being to pronounce them to show us their phonetic values.

Example… If I put you on an isolated island devoid of any electrical or electronic devices, and I gave you a cassette tape and asked you to search for a way through which you could definitely know the contents of this tape.

I think the answer is impossible.

This is according to the conditions of the experiment… (an extinct language and ancient writing that no one can read).

But if the language of ancient writing is not extinct and is still alive, and we know that it is the language of the book, then there is a possibility of accessing the translation and reading of that ancient writing, but it will require a very arduous and tiring process, through the process of assuming words from this living language and matching them with words. In the book to know the phonetic values of the letters of ancient writing, so that we can finally arrive at reading a sentence with logical meanings, and then all the sentences of the book, so that our reading of the book from beginning to end is correct and free of logical errors in pronunciation and meaning.

So… realistically, we cannot read this book, nor can we decipher its ancient writing… and the experiment has ended up to this point.

But wait………the author of the experiment said: It is permissible in the experiment to use any hypothetical work that is unrealistic but reliable.

As long as we are allowed to perform even unrealistic actions and tools…to solve this realistic and logical impossibility that prevents any creature on earth from reading these inscriptions, we need the presence of a rational and reliable living being who provides us with a correct reading of the inscriptions in a direct way.

As we said, this being does not exist…there is no creature on earth that can read…and because it is permissible in the experiment to use any unrealistic work…we will make a time machine…and enter the Allah of time. We go to the past and take the person who wrote this reliable book, bring him to the future and make him read this book in front of us.

But we have to be careful. We must not bring anyone else. We must bring the owner of the book because he may be a stranger and a visitor to that country. Because this writing will not be his official writing. He cannot read this writing. Also, there may be someone inside. This experience is an enemy of ours, and the Allah of Time entered with us, and sent a person from his side from the present to the past in the time of the author of the book…and we waited in the past until we carried out the experiment and traveled from the present to the past, and we took him and we We do not know, and when we brought him, he deceived us into thinking that he was giving us a correct reading, while it was fake.

This is one of the conditions of the experiment…to make our work and steps very reliable.

This method and idea is considered a very correct and logical method, and its logic depends on the conditions set by Abdullah, who allowed the use of unrealistic tools in order to reach a final and certain solution to this problem.

Now….what will be the mission of this person we have brought into the future?

The man’s task is to take two steps:

Pointing with a finger to every word in the book, then reading it to us directly at the same moment… so that we know all the phonetic values of the letters of the writing… the task is completed.

Now….we will be able to read the book…but we will not understand the meanings of the words and sentences inside the book….because it is an extinct language.

Now the very important question:

Can we implement this unrealistic work (a time machine) indirectly, that is, we create a simulation (of a time machine)… so that it is a realistic simulation that can be done in reality?! .

Or is it possible to search for a realistic step that can be taken realistically that is completely similar to the “time machine” step that we took that made us able to decipher ancient writing?

Yes… it can be implemented… through another intermediate language and writing that simulates a rational organism.

how ?

If we return to our hypothetical experiment… and Abdullah has decided to prevent us from using that unrealistic condition that he had allowed… because solving the problem will become very easy, and the prize he will award is large, and he asked us to search for… A realistic step.

But we were greedy for the big prize… so we entered the (time machine) without the experimenter knowing and went to the past… but we did not bring the man who owned the book from the past, and we stayed in the past for a period of time with the owner of the book, and we learned how to read from him. We learned ancient writing and its language, and we realized the general meaning that the man talks about in his book.

So that we do not return to the present and that Abdullah does not discover that we have gone to the past, we have to make an identical copy of the book…. Why?

Because if we return to the present from the past and we know how to read writing and decipher ancient writing… and we begin to read the ancient book directly and pronounce the letters of the writing, the experimenter will doubt, because there must be a scientific reason that made us able to read the book and decipher its writing. Easily and simply, because the reality says that there is no one who can read the book at the present time, and whoever can read the book and decipher its ancient written letters, must have been able to do this after effort and not that easily, and after presenting convincing scientific and logical methods to convince us. .

– But what is the benefit of making a copy of the book?!

If we made a copy of the book in the same font in which the book to be deciphered is written… then logically and naturally we would not have done any work. We can do this step in the present without needing to travel to the past.

So what will this version be like?

We will write an identical copy of the book, but in a different font than the old book, and we will say that the owner of the book wrote it.

– But the person with the experience will doubt… because he wants us to decipher a book in one specific handwriting, and it is illogical that the owner of the book in the past wrote the book in two handwriting?!

It is true………the experimenter gave us one book in a specific old script, and it is illogical to convince the experimenter of this version without him doubting, because it is not possible for a person to write one book in two different versions of the script…so it is not possible to have A society that writes in two handwriting at the same time.

The copy will become suspicious, because it is illogical, and the experimenter will know that we used the time machine in the experiment, and it is not permissible.

We will say to the person with the experience… that this copy was written by a visiting person from a far away place who came to visit the author of the book, and he is from a different country whose people wrote in a different script. He wrote this copy after he read the book and admired it, so he decided to make a copy of the book for him to read. The population of his country.

– But how can a visitor be from a different people when he writes in a different script and in one language, the same language as the author of the book?!

True…so we will write an identical copy of the book in meaning only…but in a different language and in a different font…then the person who experienced it will not doubt…and the idea is logical…

– But the matter is illogical……. How can you make a copy of a book in a modern script and in your current language, because the appearance of your language in the past indicates that there is a society like the current society that can read this ancient writing, and writing a copy in your current script will raise suspicion That you have traveled through time and know how to read, and you want to deceive me with this copy because it is written in a modern script?!

True……..but we will make a copy in a language different from the language of the book and from our language, and in a font different from our current script……..and we will tell him that it is an ancient language, but we know how to read it because it is easier.

– But what is the benefit of this version?!

So that we can convince the experimenter of our success, by carrying out a matching process between the phonetic letters of the words of our copy with the letters of the old writing words in the book.

– But there will be no correspondence between any word written in a different language and script with another word written in a different language and a different script?!

Rather, there will be a match… There will be a match between the book and our copy in the proper names… because we have read the book and know that the book talks about the names of people, and it is natural that the way the names are written differs from one script to another… but the way of pronunciation The names are the same, no matter how different the language or different script.

– But how will the experimenter be sure that a word in the old book is identical to a word in your copy?!

We will write our copy in exactly the same way as writing the book and in the same way. Every page of the old book corresponds to a page in our copy, and every line of the old book corresponds to a line in our copy.

We found an important note in the old book. It contains a mark placed next to the scientific name. This mark will be clear. After that, we will read to the experimenter a sheet of paper from our copy that contains the scientific name written in the old book. After that, we will perform in front of the experimenter the process of matching the letters. The word for the name found in the old book, with the phonetic letters of the word found in our copy.

Thus, the experimenter will be convinced of our scientific and logical step.

– But all of this is useless, because how will the experimenter be convinced that our copy is actually an identical copy of the book on the subject? Also, if the copy was written, it would appear modern while we have an old book?

Very true… But we will not write our version in the present… Rather, we will write it in the past when we travel in time to the past… and with the same material with which the old book was written… and we paste the version we wrote into the old book, and leave Our copy is in the past…. and we ride the Allah of Time and return to the present…. but to one day before the time of the experiment, that is, one day before the discovery of the ancient book by the experimenter, and it is certain that the experimenter will discover the next day. The old book is attached to our copy, and the features and characteristics of the old thing will appear on our copy.

And we will get the precious prize…. It is true that we deceived the experimenter because we used a forbidden method (the Allah of Time)… But we will never deceive the experimenter and we will translate the book for him very correctly, translate the meanings for him and make him read the book in the original language. In which the book was written.


And from here came the cunning idea of Rosetta Stone. The stone was able to create a realistic simulation of the role of a living organism, which is needed in a reality that is devoid of anyone who can read inscriptions, and it reads ancient inscriptions directly.

how ?!

As we talked about in our experience..

The West has completely and identically followed all the steps we took when we wanted to deceive the experimenter… because it is impossible, as we said, to carry out this simulation of the time machine by placing copies unless we wanted to deceive and did not commit to not using the time machine.

But the West, with this step they wanted to deceive?! And who is Abdullah in the West’s experience?! ..Are we Abdullah?!

The West made an identical copy of the book in meaning… and made it in a different script and in a different language (Greek), and made the copy with the same material as the book, and made it stuck to the book in one stone, so that we can be confident that it is a single copy of the subject of the book. …and that it is only one age old…and that that language (Greek) was contemporary with the time of the author of the book when he wrote the book.

Then the West convinced the experimenter of the idea of matching in names, and because the hieroglyphs contain circular frames… The West convinced the experimenter that the frames contain the names of kings, and because the Greek text contains the name of a Greek king… so the matching was achieved… and The West began by matching the phonemes of the word Ptolemy in its Greek version, with the symbols of the word found within the frame in the hieroglyphics.

But there is a very important observation… In our work, our steps were within an imaginative, hypothetical experiment that cannot be conducted in reality. It is not possible to bypass the laws of time, and there is no realistic time Allah, so the logical question is:

In our previous example, we reached the step of making the copy, when we used that imaginary default condition… which is a condition that cannot be achieved realistically… so the copy cannot appear realistically.

While the West showed us an identical copy…so how did the West travel to the past and do the same steps as us and make its copy attached to the book? Did it create a time Allah while we do not know?!

It is impossible for there to be a time Allah…and it is impossible that the West traveled to the past, and therefore the West never traveled, and the West did not send any of them to the past as its representative to rule Misr (Ptolemy), and their representative did not write Ptolemy The Greek wrote the stone in the past, and he did not rule Misr and did not know Misr, because the truth is that the West wrote the stone recently and convinced the experimenter that it was from the past and that he had a representative on his behalf who lived in Misr in the past.

The West was able to convince Abdullah of this copy, because of a fundamental idea: the material of the book (stone) and the method of writing, which was an ancient process of writing, namely engraving on stone, which suggested to the experimenter that it was from a very ancient time.

The West was able to create a time machine in this way by making its version appear ancient, and also when it composed an imaginary, hypothetical, unrealistic story like our previous experience, about the kings of Greece who ruled Misr in ancient times, and during a period of rule they wrote this stone… and made this story Fiction is a real historical subject taught in schools and universities. The experimenter was convinced by this story and thought it was realistic, and was deceived.

Thus, the impossibility of deciphering and reading ancient inscriptions was solved through the trick of the intermediate language.

Although we are certain that the stone is fake… but if we assume that the West actually had a time machine… and they took this step, we trust that they will only deceive us to get the prize and will never deceive us with the translation. The West’s work seems kind of… What makes sense and he was very careful with the same concern as we were.

But then the West committed another trick, also by Champollbon… Because Champollion then needed many stones with the same Rosetta Stone, and because they were not available, he resorted to matching ancient writing on stone with copies found on printer paper, and the conditions that were not met were It was available in our experience, which requires the same material as the book or the Rosetta Stone.

He carried out a matching process between two documents of different ages. He matched a document written on ancient stone with a document written on modern printed paper.

The fundamental reasons that led to the second trick being passed are two things:

1- Not knowing the age of documents.

It is never scientifically or logically correct to match writing in an ancient document with writing found in a modern document.

Or in other words, the two documents must be of the same age.

This is the main entrance and because of which the West made the Rosetta Stone, and made this noise… in order to give his work a scientific approach, because in this way he gave his Greek document (the Greek text) in which his words are found, an age identical to his age. Hieroglyphs, or in other words, he made his language have the same age as hieroglyphs.

2- Not realizing the advantage of Egyptian writing that is not available in other writings.

Egyptian writing has the advantage that it carries two values, which are (a phonetic value and a meaning value), unlike other writings that carry one value, which is a phonetic value.

There is no difference between the phonetic value and the meaning value, they are one and the same thing… The meaning and the spoken word in Egyptian inscriptions are one thing.

The meaning is identical to what is spoken directly in the Egyptian inscriptions in one language, and without the need for intermediate language meanings to confirm the meaning of the symbols of the Egyptian inscriptions.

– For example, Champollion, in the Rosetta Stone, made a match between the hieroglyphic symbols with their corresponding phonetic values in the Greek letters (not the meaning).

symbol = audio output

n = n

– But in the other stone piece that he obtained from Misr, Champollion carried out the process of matching the single symbol in the hieroglyphs with the meaning.

code = meaning

Here is the point that many must realize, that the inscriptions of Misr are different from any writing, as they carry two values, not one value: the symbol carries two values. (Phonological value and meaning value)

Although… the symbol = the spoken word = the meaning

For example, the symbol (image of a human eye)

Voice (spoken) = star

And the meaning = star

Symbol (★) = star (meaning) = star (pronunciation)

The West would not have needed all that extreme difficulty and long time to find out the phonetic values of the symbols if it were really truthful… because their phonetic value is the meaning represented by the symbol in the Jebetic language, which it claimed was the language of the inscriptions.

We believe that he will reach it very easily from the beginning if he is truly honest, without the need to make a fake stone (the Rosetta Stone), without the need to tell the story of Champollion and design a statue of him inside the University of Paris, and without the need to make a calendar for Muslims in Misr who carry… They had Quran readers with them, and made their calendar come after the calendar of the Copts, who carried with them the book of the Old Testament in the Jebeti language.

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