Deconstructing the Zionist time – the time of gaps

Deconstructing the Zionist time - the time of gaps

9/23/2020 0:00:00

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We are now on a boat on the Blue River in period (F2), and we are preparing to enter period (F3).

We will now assume three boats, because there are three streams above the river, and each stream represents the time of each civilization (Misr, Mesopotamia, and Yemen).

In a previous article, we talked about the three time gaps that exist in the history of the region… and we talked about the reasons for them being time gaps.

Now, if we represent the time gaps with three dark caves located along the course of the river of time, and these caves represent the three time gaps for the three religions. (F3 F5 F7)

There are three boats, and each boat has a person on it, and each person has a night camera, and each boat is inside one stream of time (Misr, the Fertile Crescent, and Yemen). Everyone is preparing for a trip that starts from the cave (F3) to (F8), and everyone is a recording camera operator.

We will watch their movement and then we will watch their camera recordings.

We saw the river pulling the boats into the cave (F3) violently. There is a large decline inside the dark cave…. And immediately after the boats leave the cave to the period (F4), he will find that the two people in the boat, Misr and the Crescent, have become in one stream and The course of the river joined the other channel and the color of the river became different, orange. This applies to the course of the Egyptian River and the course of the Al-Hilal Al-Khayb River… except in the course of Yemen, nothing will happen to it.

We now have two streams…the first is orange and the second is the Yemeni stream, and the river’s course becomes stable and flowing until we enter the period (F5), i.e. the second cave…the flow of the river is constant…….and the boats leave. Until (F6)… and the river has become orange and blue… The river continues to push the boats until the period (F7)… The third cave… and after that the boats come out and they are all in one stream.. … three colors…orange, blue and green…..the flight stopped temporarily at the beginning of the period (P8). We took camera recordings of the three people.

What are the notes?

We saw……. that the course of the river to the Yemen is separate until the boat enters the cave (F7)……and after it leaves the cave (F7) until the period (F8) the course of the Yemen River will connect to the rest of the river’s courses.

But when we watched the camera recordings

In (P3)

We found that at the beginning of the cave (F3) the event of the destruction of Babylon and the appearance of a prophet was recorded in the boat of Misr and Mesopotamia, and at the end of the cave it was recorded that a Greek king translated a religious book related to Judaism, and throughout the period of their presence in the cave the era of the Persian Empire was recorded. As for the camera recording of the Yemeni boat, there is no presence of Fares in the recording.

In (F 5).

We found that the boat of Misr and Mesopotamia at the beginning of the cave (F5) recorded the incident of the demolition of the Temple and the birth of a prophet, and at the end of the cave it was recorded that a Greek king wrote and translated a religious book specific to the religion of Christianity.

In (F 7).

We found that at the beginning of the cave (v. 7) the incident of an attempt to demolish the Kaaba and the birth of a prophet was recorded, and at the end of the cave it was recorded that an Arab king discussed a topic related to a religious book for Muslims and caused strife. We found in the recording of the Yemeni boat only the time of Persia.

Each cave begins with a topic about announcing the appearance of a prophet and the destruction of a city, and at the end of each cave a religious book appears, a new religion appears, and a new language appears. But in Al-Kahf (F. 3), Persia appears in the recordings of Misr and Mesopotamia, and in Al-Kahf (F. 7), Persia appears in the recordings of Yemen.

The logical questions are:

■ Why did the camera of the Yemeni boat when it entered the cave (F3) not record the time of Persia, as happened in the cameras of Misr and the Fertile Crescent, and the recording of the time of Persia was postponed until the cave (F7), and why does the time of Persia appear only inside the caves, and why did the time of Persia appear? In (F3), then it disappeared and was interrupted throughout (F4), (F5), and (F6), and returned again to appear in (F7) and inside the cave?

What if…..we repeated the previous experiment, but for one boat, in the course of the Fertile Crescent River, and there was a large mirror on the side of the river along its length, and there was an observer filming a video of the scene of the boat rushing into the cave (F3) ), then comes out of it, then we watch the video clip, we will see two animated scenes inside the video, an animated scene in reality and an animated scene inside the mirror, similar but the details are reversed. We will see a cave in reality and another cave inside the mirror.

This means that the cave (F7) is not real, but rather a reflection of a moving image inside a mirror of a real cave, which is (F3). Or the opposite could be true…that is, (F3) is an imaginary image inside the mirror of the real cave (F7).

■ Why do all three caves begin with the birth of a prophet and the destruction of a city and end with the emergence of a religious book and language and the announcement of the birth of a new religion?! Is it a natural law, so why does the process not occur outside the caves?!

There is something strange about this previous trip we took.

According to current history, at the end of the period (F2) the Phoenicians will have disappeared from the entire earth… and a new people will appear in their place called the Canaanites… but their influence still rules time… as soon as we emerge from the period of the time of the Phoenicians (F2) Until the Blue River becomes governed by Phoenician law… bearing Phoenician touches.

Did the Phoenicians design this time, but what is strange is that throughout these periods of time they no longer exist? Did they design this stream and then leave?! Or has the time of the region since ancient times been proceeding in this same way… that is, it leaves a point and then returns to it to begin another new time?!

When we left the period (F2), we no longer felt the time of the Phoenix or did not feel any effect they had on us, but after we enter the next period of the time of the Phoenix (F2), we will feel the presence of a great influence on us, and what is strange is that their influence exists while they no longer have any. Existence on earth.

We were surprised in (F2) that we did not see any live birth of the phoenix according to the history of Herodotus, but it seems that we are entering into periods of time in which we will see the birth of the legendary phoenix. We will enter the legendary time.

Why ?

Do you not find a similarity between the story of the birth of the mythical phoenix and the story of the birth and appearance of the prophets in the fourth time, which consists of five time periods (F3, F4, F5, F6, F7).

– Don’t you find a connection between the story of the mythical phoenix, burning itself, destroying its nest, and emerging from under the ashes as a new bird, and the connection between the appearance of a prophet in the fourth time and the destruction and devastation of a place, the fire of Babylon, the destruction of the Temple, and the attempt to demolish the Kaaba?

– Don’t you find a relationship between the age of the phoenix and the period of time between the birth of one prophet and another prophet, which is approximately 500 years…? Rather, don’t you find that the length of time between the appearance of the first prophet and the last prophet in time? Fourth, is 1000 years approximately the same age as a phoenix?

It was as if the mythical phoenix was the one who drew the time periods (F3, F4, F5, F6, F7). Or as if it were a legend who drew these periods carefully, or as if it was a mathematical law who drew the five time periods with great care, or as if it were two hands, a ruler and a pen who drew these periods with great precision.

Coincidence, spontaneity, and randomness never draw this precise plan… There is awareness behind this plan.

Phoenix Pies are born at the beginning of the time periods (F3 F5 F7)

F3 – F5 = approximately 500 years

F5 – F7 = approximately 500 years

F4 = F6 = approximately 260 years

This makes us ask many questions?

Were there really Phoenicians waiting for the return of the phoenix, and they left our real world to live inside a special cartoon series for children before they saw the return of this bird? Or was it that the Phoenicians’ sole historical mission was to chart a specific course of time and then leave this world?

But what is strange is that although this time carries the spirit of the Phoenix, they did not draw it themselves, but rather it was drawn by the Romans, who were in historical hostility with the Phoenix, and they were the only ones who told us about the world of the Phoenix?

Or is the truth that a human group was waiting for a prophecy to come out and not a bird to show them some truth, but there are those who transformed this story about the prophet and the place, into the story of a mythical bird that goes to its nesting place every five hundred years or a thousand years, in order to introduce thinking into the spaces of symbols. And the shapes and their meanings to make Tehan, by fabricating the story of a mythical bird that contains symbols identical to the story of the Prophet and its symbols, in order to make Tehan?

Note: The Phoenix plane was named (Nebo) according to modern Western translations of Egyptian inscriptions.

Since it is a time that bears the features of the mythical phoenix, can this precise plan, which is impossible to have been drawn by spontaneity, be explained except by the fact that it is a mythical, superstitious time that is not real or realistic?


After the end of the trip… I don’t care now… except a point.

The flow of the river Blue Time… throughout the day’s journey… begins with a free fall of the two streams of Misr and the Fertile Crescent… at an angle of 90 degrees… while the third stream does not suffer a fall… then the river flows steadily, forming two streams… At the end of the journey, one of the streams (the Yemen stream) occurs in free fall… and then it becomes one stream.

I finish


Now…what did we find during our trip? ?!

We have found a time full of similar and identical time periods, and on the river of time there are… strange historical gaps, and by the gap we mean a period of time for which there is no document confirming it… caves… Rather, what is strange is that the length of the caves is identical and reaches… To approximately 300 years.

And every cave… is a gap… that begins with the date of the beginning of the appearance of a prophet and the destruction of a city or a center, and ends with the date of writing the religious book or controversy over the religious book.

● The Al-Yahoud have three gaps:

1- The first foundational gap, which begins with the appearance of the Persian king and prophet Cyrus, who saved them from captivity, and ends at the time of the beginning of the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament, which is approximately 300 years.

2- The second gap is the same as the Christian gap. The Al-Yahoud do not have a complete historical narrative that talks about the beginnings of Christianity and the time from the birth of Christ until the Conference of Nicaea.

3- The third gap is the same as the gap in Islam. The Al-Yahoud do not have a complete historical narrative that talks about the beginnings of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, and even the event of the creation of the Qur’an.

● As for Al-Nasarah, they have two gaps:

1- The first foundational gap, which begins with the birth of Christ, ends at the time of the writing of the New Testament

2- The second gap: Al-Nasarah do not have a complete historical account of the beginnings of Islam, the conquests, and even the event of the creation of the Qur’an.

● As for Muslims, they have one gap:

1- The foundational gap that begins from the birth of the Prophet Muhammad until the event of the creation of the Qur’an, which is approximately 300 years.

This history is not normal at all… Why?

■ Approximately 300 years without recording a complete historical novel, then another 300 years, then another 300 years approximately, for a total of approximately 900 years during 1400 years without recording.


■ It may seem logical and natural, and it can happen…in the presence of gaps in the history of religions and peoples, perhaps due to factors within the structure of culture…subjective factors…that is, we may accept the existence One gap for any people….but it is illogical for a regime to have three or two gaps, specific to other systems, and their length of time is the same.

I mean, the first gap for the Al-Yahoud… is due to an internal factor linked to the Jewish religious system… but the second and third gap for Judaism is linked to two other objective systems… that is, not internal… so how did the gap between Christianity and Islam reach Judaism… ……Christianity and Islam are objective systems, not subjective ones, that is, they must be under the supervision of Judaism…but they have their gaps.

In other words… if we consider Judaism as a system… but because of what happened to it, it had a gap of its own lasting approximately 300 years, and then the gap disappeared, then it would be logical… that the factor that caused the gap had It disappeared, but another gap appears within the system, specific to another system that is not related to it, and its duration is 300 years. Let us assume that another cause caused it, then the gap disappears and the two previous causes that led to the occurrence of the two gaps disappear… Then another gap appears, specific to a third, unrelated system. It is 300 years old.

Something that the mind of a rational person would never accept.

■ It is true that there are three gaps within history……..but the truth is that it is 6 gaps………because if you want to address the reason for the gap that exists in Islam, you also need to address the reason for its existence in Judaism and Christianity. That is, you need three processors, not one.


The illogicality of this history, in addition to the illogicality of the flow of the blue river of time that we explained previously, makes us search for an explanation, solutions, and reforms.

I find that the illogicality of the course of time is very similar to the illogicality of history that was written, and therefore I believe that searching for a solution in the course of the river of time will directly reverse and correct the illogicality of history.

I also believe that….we can explain a gap in history….but 6 time gaps….it is very difficult…because if I want to explain the gap in Islam, I also need an explanation. The existence of the same gap in Christianity and Judaism…that is, I need 3 treatments for one gap, and I need to explain the Christian gap in Christianity itself and in Judaism…that is, I need two treatments for one gap. I need an explanation of the Judaism gap… and one treatment for it.

That is, we need 6 explanations…….and 6 treatments.

I don’t think this is a coincidence or normal.. What is the cause of this problem?

Or why do religions share gaps, and why is there a gap at all?

We are faced with two possibilities:

● The first possibility… is that it is a natural matter that falls within a religious treatment of time… and we are faced with a similar temporal awareness, as if it were an established culture, with one way of dealing with the concept of time. But if this is the case, then what is the relationship between the birth of one religion’s time and the time of another religion? If the gap concerns a specific religion based on an internal treatment, it is assumed that this treatment will not have an impact on the rest of the religions. For example, at the moment of the emergence of Islam, the rest will have an integrated official narrative. Around him.. but there is no.

This observation…indicates that we live in one time, and that our time is not separated from the time of the other at all…the time of the region is linked to the time of the West and is not separate from the time of the West… ….evidence that we still adopt the Gregorian calendar as a documented time reference.

Here we pause for a moment…and remember the concept of time in our consciousness.

Time in religious consciousness… is like a sweeping torrent… it begins at a point and ends at a point. This is the course of time in religious consciousness.

But the danger in time according to the religious conception… and it relates to the time periods above the river… where?

The problem is related to the concept of prophets.

how ?

Because, very simply…the concept of time in the mind of the believer is also linked and united to the concept of the prophets….. We imagine time, as we said, as a sweeping flow in periods of time…but it places within each period the prophets…the prophets in our imagination are successive periods of time according to a fixed plan for the prophets…from Adam, then Nouh, and so on. .

And here is the problem…. Why?

Because people’s perception of time according to the plan is… a time that is born from a time… that is, every color is born from a color that preceded it… and this is because of the concept of the prophets, and the confusion between time and history… and what is true is that time is one. ..And history is independent.

● As for the second possibility…which may seem a little strange, it is that the three religions split and separated at the same time.

how ?

Meaning…….. according to the diagram drawn in the picture, we will compress the three times into only one time… and it has one gap, so that we get rid of those similar gaps that have approximately the same time length.

– Is it reasonable……. to combine six time periods into two time periods……. so that we have one gap (the general cave) and a time period?!

But even if the operation is completed successfully, we will face a new problem resulting from the operation… which is the explanation for the existence of that resulting gap… This is true… but we will have gotten rid of five gaps. Then we will be able to explain this resulting gap using many logical concepts.

The merger process requires making assumptions to explain the illogicality:

As long as the length of all the time gaps is the same, and the characteristics of the gaps are very similar…. So what if there was only one gap, what if all religions emerged in one time period?!

How will we merge the gaps into one gap?!

If we imagine…….the time periods in the blue river of time are like the rings of a spring…and the river is the spring…what if we compress the course of the river of time so that the time periods become close together as if they were a period? One…and the gaps become close together as if they were one gap?!

This work……… will get us one time gap and one normal time period.

It will solve many problems for us…and it will address the unnatural course of time and unnatural history…and it will address the problem of time related to prophecy….and we will also solve…the problem of the image of multiple times that… It reproduces, because time is not divided… and we have made it one time… multi-historical… that is, a separate history.

And then he will be with us… the number of time periods over the Blue River… 5 time periods…. F1, F2, F3, F4, F5.


The result will be… according to the diagram at the bottom of the picture and what is written next to it (treatment).


Now what if we took the trip on the three boats from period (F2) again

When the three streams of the river enter the cave, the night recording cameras will record the beginning of the cave, with the appearance of a prophet and the destruction of a place, and ending with the appearance of a religious book and a language. The time of Persia will appear in the cave to everyone… and the speed of the river will be the same in all the streams… and the level of the river will be the same in all the streams… starting at an angle of 90 and after that the level will become one and stable at The length of the river… and all the sewage will flow into one general stream specific to the region.

The beginning of the gap

One appearance by (Cors, Issa, and Muhammad)

And one ruin (Babylon, Jerusalem, and Mecca)

inside the gap

One time for (Persia, Greece and Rome)

End of the gap

The appearance of one religious book (the Qur’an and the Old Testament)

Language appears once (Arabic and Hebrew)

The Appearance of Kings (Ptolemy, Constantine, Haroun and Al-Mamun)

Now…note with me…this important point.

At the end of the gap, there is a great match, but there is only a slight difference in the order… As for the events, they are identical

When we leave the cave………..we will encounter kings who performed similar deeds…famous kings…….whose names were associated with sacred religious books….and they cared about culture……. They translated many books.

Also, when you come out of the cave…. we will have in our hands… two holy books…. very similar in topics……… that is, they deal with the same topics, they deal with the same religious stories…… and If one of them exceeds the other with its historical stories….. The first book is an Arabic Qur’an and the second book is a Hebrew book.

Even the names of the languages are similar but not identical

Arabic = Hebrew

Why, after we left the cave, did we obtain two sacred texts… in two different languages… and from one Allah?!

So is the origin of the story and history… a very old sacred religious text that was translated and a new, different text was extracted from it… and time was planned in this way in people’s consciousness… so that no one could… Reach him?!

And is the origin of the story and history… Who is the original and true owner of the time periods that precede the new time gap (the general cave)… i.e. (F1) and (F2)?!

And because in the past… we made the course of every civilization depend on the basis of working with inscriptions… For example, we made the course of Misr’s time end with the entry of Ptolemy… because at that time Misr abandoned hieroglyphic writing, and the time The Fertile Crescent ends with Kors because he is the last king mentioned in the cuneiform inscriptions, and we made the course of the time of Yemen end with Abraha, because there is an inscription in the Musnad that talks about him.

And since we do this…it will make the three streams descend at the beginning of the general cave into the time gap…and then disappear…until they are all united into one stream after leaving the general cave. . And the hour of its emergence is united in one stream… carrying two languages… so the important question:

Is the origin of the story……….the original language and the truth in which these ancient inscriptions were written?! ………And was this time planned to paint this picture in people’s imaginations……so that they would be unable to understand the true original language of these ancient inscriptions?!

And since… all ancient inscriptions disappear within the time gap, then after the gap……. religious books, religions, and translations appear… Are these religious books that… What appeared after the gap had emerged from these ancient inscriptions?!

Or the question in another way….. Are these ancient inscriptions essentially sacred religious books?!

Rather, the most important question is… Is the role of the general cave to carry out a comprehensive washing process of the river of time within intense darkness, until a new time emerges with a new color in the consciousness of those on the boat of time?!

But how do we explain this gap?!

First, we have to ask a question… What does the gap even mean?

The gap is nothing but a memory missing from the brain, and we have a gap of 300 years. Since people and nations also possess a collective memory, can we search from our reality for an era in our history? …….. linked to a memory event… and has this length?!

I think yes and easily……but we will postpone the discussion about it after we finish discussing and addressing the errors in the course of the river of time. We will postpone it after drawing the correct plan for the river of time and history.

He follows

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