Real History – Why are the inscriptions of Misr the first book on Earth?

Real History - Why are the inscriptions of Misr the first book on Earth?

12/08/2020 00:00

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The Phoenicians were the first to invent writing, and the first written letter appeared in Sumer.

These two pieces of information are very popular among many researchers and ordinary people in the region, especially among our people in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, who are now studying this information in their educational curricula, because the Levant and the Phoenician coast are the official representatives of the Phoenicians mentioned in history, and the Sumer civilization appeared. In southern Iraq.

But there is a question that arises: Was this information presented for discussion and scientific and logical thinking that gave it such popularity among people and researchers?!

The truth is that the first person to tell people these two pieces of information was not Lebanese, Syrian, or Iraqi, but rather the West. They are the only ones who wrote and told us all of our history.

Also the truth… is that we have a sick culture that the West has planted in us because of this history that presents to us, the disease of loving only boasting and not loving knowledge, the disease of self-inflation through the information that the West issues to us, which contains the phrase (the first garden in history, the first Surgery, the first translator in history, the first king in history, the oldest inscriptions, the oldest mummy, the first writing, etc.).

People love such stories and bragging about inflation and tumors, and I do not think that there is a researcher who has presented this information for serious scientific discussion.

So let us discuss this information and think about it scientifically and logically.

We are almost 200 years ago, and we do not know a people known as the Phoenicians or the Sumer civilization. You did not find any researcher or intellectual 100 years ago who knew anything about the Phoenicians or Sumer.

Let us agree with this history that was written about the Phoenix and the Sumerian civilization… and ask scientific and logical questions and points.

● Did the Phoenicians call themselves the Phoenicians, or did the Greeks give them this name? .

The Greeks named the people in the region as the Phoenicians.

So the natural question is: What did the Phoenicians call themselves?!

We don’t know at all.

So the logical question is: How can the Phoenicians be a normal people when he taught the people how to write and did not write down his real name for us, did not teach us his real name, and left the task of teaching the people their name to the Greeks?!

● When did the name Phoenicians first appear and what are the sources of the history of this people?!

The first official appearance of the word Phoenicians in history came from the history of Herodotus in 450 BC… and most of the sources for the history of the Phoenicians were written by the Greeks… especially because there is a scarcity of inscriptions and writings that are said to be of the Phoenicians found in the region, and many of the inscriptions, most of which speak About offerings and vows.

How is it possible that a people invented writing and taught the Greeks to write, and did not leave us a written archive that matches their invention of writing?

● Where did the Phoenicians live?

The answer is in the Levant. Then this people expanded and settled throughout the Mediterranean basin and made it a pure Phoenician lake.

But the logical question is: Misr is located on the Mediterranean basin, so was Misr also Phoenician and were its people included in the name Phoenicians?!

The answer…no

Because Misr is Pharaonic…that is, they worship Amun, Ra, Isis, and Osiris, while the Phoenician people worship Baal, Adonis, and Ishtar.

But Herodotus (the father of history) in his history… never talks about the phoenix bird of the Phoenicians except in Misr, and he talks about the hadiths of the Egyptians and their sanctity of the phoenix (the bird of the Phoenix people)…. This is not the only phoenix bird there is. It nests next to the frankincense trees (south of the island). It returns to this nest every period of time, and the Egyptians wait for its return every 500 years.

So how can the Phoenicians have their home in the Levant and sanctify a bird whose nest is next to frankincense (myrrh) trees, which do not grow in the Levant, and whose nest is supposed to be next to olive trees? Herodotus even mentions that the Phoenicians came from across the Red Sea (where frankincense trees grow). How could the first talk about their sacred bird (the phoenix) be in Misr and not in Baalbek, Damascus, etc.?

I know that I am talking about a naive, childish cartoon history, but assuming that we believe in this history, from which the information emerged that the Phoenicians were the ones who invented writing.


Logically, the south of the peninsula and Misr are also within the Phoenician world, which the Greek means… So, the large geographical area……. from the south of the peninsula to the Levant, Misr, and North Africa… is the Phoenician world.

But you find it to be an illogical world… Misr worships Amun, Ra, and Isis, and its language is Egyptian, and Iraq worships Tammuz and Marduk, and its language is Sumerian. Babaya of the Levant, North Africa worships Baal, and its language is Phoenician, and the south of the peninsula worships Am, Sin, and Maqa and their language is Sabaean. There is no logical consistency between Greece’s talk about the Phoenix and the realistic logic that will produce it, and the current history that is taught about ancient civilizations in the region.

It is inconceivable that this space from the south of the peninsula to the Levant, Misr, and even North Africa, which was described by a distinct name (Finqin), did not have a single language and belief at that time? …It is logically assumed that this world has one language and one belief… since the Greeks call them Phoenicians… they are one world… one cultural, linguistic and religious structure… as long as they have a constant One of their own (sacred bird and one name), they are one structure

● When the Greeks came for the first time and learned from the Phoenicians how to write, did they write their writings on stones?!


How is it possible that a people wrote writings on stones in a primitive manner, and they taught the Greeks how to write, and then we find the Greeks writing on paper in a modern way?

Anyone who has modern paper to write on never needs to go to a primitive people who write on stones to learn how to write from them.

Who wrote the history of Sumer?!

The West… was the first to tell the Iraqis about the Sumer civilization.

The logical question is: If the West was the one who wrote the history of the Phoenix and said that it was the first to invent writing, then how can the West contradict itself and tell you that the first written letter appeared in Sumer?

If the first written letter appeared in Sumer, then the West is supposed to say that the Sumerians were the first to invent writing and from whom the Greeks learned to write.

If the first written letter appeared in Sumer, why did this letter not spread and people write with it?!

He took from them the Babylonians

But the Babylonians are in a vicinity close to Sumer, and it does not require a trick in creating names, to show the difference and influence. The Sumerian letter is supposed to spread in Greece and or India, but it was limited to Iraq only.


Now…let’s discuss the topic of writing.

What does it mean that the Phoenicians were the first to invent writing, and what does it mean that the first letter appeared in Sumer?

● Does this information mean that a people decided one day to write, while the rest of the other peoples existed on earth and never thought of inventing writing?!

● Then what does it mean for a people to invent writing or create the first letter? Is it so difficult for any people on Earth to invent writing, and then the Phoenicians come and invent writing, or the Sumerians create the first letter, and the rest of the world is stupid and cannot?!

What is the true meaning of the word invention?!

● When the Phoenicians decided to invent writing, and when the Sumerians decided to create the first written letter, the question is: Did all the Phoenician or Sonrian people suddenly and one day decide to invent writing, or did one person among this Phoenician or Sumerian people invent writing?

I think the logical thing is a person.

But how will his invention oblige the rest of the people to adopt his writing? The issue requires a great authority within this people to oblige the people to this writing and adopt it?! But what is the nature of this authority?! .

Authority of government or authority of religion?! .

But why would they invent or create writing?!

Is it because the people read and write, or because the ruler writes texts that glorify him, and the people must learn to read and write so that they can read texts that glorify the king?

So what is the reason for writing? The king will be able to glorify himself through pulpits.

I think that the writing will be for a religious issue more than a political issue.

● On what basis would this person invent writing in ancient times if he were the first to invent writing?!

What would the idea of writing be like in a world that does not know the concept of writing, does not know how to write, and for the first time decided to invent writing?!

Will he think of inventing symbols and every symbol has a sound?!

This method is modern, difficult, and not easy, and the first inventor within a nation would not think of this idea. The closest and easiest idea is writing via pictures.

Why ?!

Because people will be able to read easily, because the picture will be able to anyone among that people, to read and write easily, because the pictures will be the names of things in the people’s tongue, and anyone will be able to read, because they express phonetic values in the people’s tongue.

This is the realistic, logical way that any person who did not know how to write in ancient times would think…writing through pictures…even if we believed that someone would invent writing.

Illustrated writing will be the meaning of the first person who invented writing.

● Now the logical question: Is the writing that is said to be Phoenician or cuneiform writing pictorial?!


So, the information that the Phoenicians invented writing and that they were the ones who taught the Greeks to write… and the information that the first written letter appeared in Sumer… is incorrect and false information, and has no basis in truth… historical illusions. Imaginary.

The truth is…..that these ideas about the Phoenix and Sumer are nothing but a clever and cunning formulation, an attempt by the writer of this history to circumvent real information that took place on earth.

how ?

■ If we assume that there are people who actually invented writing, and we take a look at the region that Greece talked about (the south of the peninsula, the Levant, Iraq, Misr, and North Africa), then the logical question is: Where would the first place in which the Phoenicians were present be within this region? The geographical area that Greece spoke about according to the previous logic that we reached?!

Logically, the first place for the presence of this people would be Misr…because there is pictorial writing in Misr, and it is, or writing in the region, the first invention of writing.

■ Now, how would you explain the presence of these other writings in the region?!

A logical question……….but what if those ancient writings were originally writings that emerged from the first book, and they were simplified writings but in one language, meaning that they took simplified written forms and emerged from their first written invention ( The first written form) found in Misr.

These various ancient writings in the region were written in different and distant time periods, after a long journey of migration and settlement of this people in the land, and a need for simpler and easier writings.

Accordingly, the doctrine and language of this people are the same, but they are advanced writings from their first written invention.

■ But why did the people not continue writing with the same first written invention in every place they immigrated to?!

What if that first writing was sacred and became a ritual that required good preservation…and it became sacred because it contained their first nature from which they emerged.

Then it will become very logical…that this people will write many writings belonging to the first book in the vicinity of that first concentrated invention, and that first written invention will be a public endowment and must be preserved.

Then we will understand well the Qur’anic discourse that exists among this people, and the true dimension of the discourse present in their Qur’an when it tells them about that book and its importance, the first book of people’s first memory, i.e. their first nature, the book written in their first language, Arabic, and which contains their first religion (Allah) and What the West understands and teaches today:

{That is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for the righteous. And indeed We gave Musa the Book, after We had destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind, and guidance and mercy, so that they may remember. Indeed, the religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves. A Book whose verses are detailed as a Qur’an. Arabic for a people who know. The tongue of the one to whom they refer is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.

Rather, does it not seem that this book… contains the first names of the beginning of man… the names that (Adam) learned, (Adam) who (Shaytan) refused to obey Allah by prostrating to him, the first names that were the beginning of the tongue of the earth… And the West tried, through a ruse, to fabricate fictitious stories about (the Phoenicians and Sumer) and to fill them in a fictitious calendar and make them the origin of the people, so that the mind of (the children of Adam) would not be able to understand the origin of the story.

{And He taught Adam all the names, then presented them to the angels and said, “Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful.” (31) They said, “Glory be to You. We have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.” (32) He said, “O Adam, inform them of their names.” And when he informed them of their names, He said, “Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of the heavens?” And the earth, and I know best what you reveal and what you conceal. (33) And when We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” so they prostrated, except for Iblis. He refused and was arrogant, and was of the disbelievers. (34) And We said, “O Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat from it abundantly wherever you wish, but do not approach this tree, lest you become of the wrongdoers.” (35) So Shaytan caused them to slip away. Then he brought them out from the state they were in. And We said, “Go down, some of you enemies of one another, and you will have on earth a dwelling place and enjoyment for a while.”

{And they followed what the devils recited to Sulaiman’s kingdom, and Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic. A book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know. The tongue of the one to whom they insist is foreign, and this is an embellished Arabic tongue.}

This is the true story that actually happened.

While the story of the Phoenicians and the story of Sumer… are magical imaginary stories that the printer wrote, and the real goal of writing them is to circumvent the idea of what is the first book written by the first man on earth, before whom there was no human on earth. And there was no human being beside him on earth, somewhere on earth, and from that place he spread and settled the entire earth, in order to prevent people from reaching him and realizing the origin of the game that is taking place now in the region and the world… Shaytan’s game… Game (Mecca, the Jewish religion, and the Book of the Al-Yahoud)

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed, and none differed in it except those who were given it, after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed to the truth to the truth, with His permission, Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path. }

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