Real history – the religion and language of the first man who appeared in Misr

Real history - the religion and language of the first man who appeared in Misr

01/06/2021 00:00

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■ If the first man lived in Misr, then the obvious and natural question that imposes itself is: What was the language and religion of the first man who lived in Misr?

This natural and intuitive question is the main and fundamental reason why the West produced all these human sciences, Darwin’s theory, and the world of dinosaurs, in order to prevent the human mind from accessing this information and from arriving at the answer to this natural and intuitive question.

■ So the logical question is: How can we obtain confirmed information about the first man in Misr so that we know his religion and language?

This logical question is the main and fundamental reason that made Napoleon begin the occupation of the region by invading Misr in order to forge the ancient writing found in Misr, which contains information about the first man on earth about his religion and language, so no one can answer this question.

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This truth that took place on earth and was recorded in the first book on earth… is the reason for which the printer was invented and banned from the world for a period of time as a state, and it did not come out to the people until a period after its invention and after the West occupied the countries of the world.

Before the printer was produced, the West spent a long period of time writing a historical and intellectual project, a new historical narrative of the world that was magical and fictitious, and formulating the theory of evolution and rooting it scientifically so that the human sciences that would be brought out to the people and placed in the people’s education curricula would be based on it.

Therefore, you find that all the human sciences, Darwin’s theory, and the story of the dinosaurs came out at once, after the translation of ancient writing in Misr, and the truth was not a coincidence, but rather they are sciences and theories that were prepared in advance, and they were taken out and printed for the people to be in the educational curricula. For people after translating ancient writing in Misr.

In other words… these human sciences, Darwin’s theory, and the world of dinosaurs are purely Western sciences, they are sciences with a function to serve politics and are not sciences with a scientific function at all, a mind-washing project, to create a human being on Earth who possesses a new, false, non-innate consciousness, who responds and He interacts with, supports and endorses the West’s colonial projects.

The question: Why is the West undertaking this project, when politics does not need all this falsity, as the West can obtain money and remain strong without this falsity?!

The truth is that the cultural structure upon which the West was founded is based on foundations of arrogance, disbelief, and a severe view of superiority toward the rest of the world.

This is what you notice clearly in the history of the West’s movements in the world when it left Europe to occupy the countries of the world. You will find that it practiced heinous acts against the inhabitants of the countries it occupied, and practiced against them oppression, killing, slaughter, humiliation, enslavement, arrogance, and extermination, and in a way Unnatural and illogical.

It is logical that the West can carry out heinous acts against people who came to occupy their countries and have committed heinous acts against them, and this action will be a matter of punishment, but for a Westerner to go to countries where there are people who are different from them and are peaceful and practice this brutality and heinousness against them, it is an order. It is unnatural and has no logical explanation, except that the West is arrogant and has come out with a doctrine that despises other peoples and wants to exterminate them.

You can verify this from their intellectual production, which the West established during the period of world occupation.

Aren’t these barbaric acts of murder and bloodshed, in addition to this cultural structure in the West, which is based on the foundations of arrogance, arrogance, and contempt of others, and in addition to these false human sciences, which have the function of mentally washing people, completely similar to Shaytan?

■ Shaytan is a jinn… one who causes corruption and sheds blood.

Don’t the jinn practice corruption and bloodshed, and don’t the West practice corruption and bloodshed?

■ Shaytan was created from fire…. [He said: I am better than him]

Isn’t Shaytan arrogant and disbelieving and arrogant over Adam, and aren’t the West arrogant and arrogant over the rest of the peoples of the world?!

■ Shaytan is one of the theorists… [He said: I will mislead them all]

Didn’t Shaytan disbelieve and say, “I will seduce them all and the descendants of Adam,” and haven’t the West spread to the world through their printers human sciences, false theories, and fake history to brainwash people’s minds?!

Realistic question:

Are the West the jinn… the offspring of Shaytan, and they have disbelieved in the Book of Allah found in Misr and falsified the reading of the Book, and were arrogant in the truth and arrogant towards the people and created a fake history for the people to enchant the people, and printed false sciences and theories to wash the minds of the people? !

Is Shaytan’s project to seduce them all, this fake history, these human sciences, these false theories, and the world of dinosaurs?! …..Has the West become superior to the rest of the people and disbelieved and does not want it and the rest of the people to be of the same origin?!

{And when Your Allah said to the angels, “Indeed, I will place a caliph on earth,” they said, “Will you place therein someone who will spread corruption therein and shed blood while we glorify Your praise and sanctify You?” He said, “Indeed, I know what you do not know.”}

{And when We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” so they prostrated, except for Iblis. He said, “Should I prostrate to Him whom I created of clay?” (61) He said, “Have you seen this whom you have honored over me? If you delay it until the Day of Resurrection, I will certainly afflict you with his offspring, except for a few.”

{And when We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” so they prostrated, except Iblis. He was of the jinn and disobeyed the command of his Allah. Will you then take him and his descendants as allies besides me, and they are to you a wretched enemy of the wrongdoers in exchange? (50) I did not make them witness to the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor to the creation of themselves, and I would not take those who go astray as a support. (51)}

{Say: It is great news. (67) You turn away from it. (68) I had no knowledge of the highest assembly when they disputed. (69) Indeed, it is revealed to me, but I am only a clear warner. (70) When Your Allah said to the angels, “Indeed, I am creating human beings from clay.” (71) So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of My spirit, then fall down in prostration to him (72) Then the angels prostrated, all of them together (73) except Iblis. He was arrogant and was one of the disbelievers (74) He said, “O Iblis, what prevented you from prostrating to what I created with my own hand? Were you arrogant or were you among the high ones?” (75) He said, “I am better than him.” You created me from fire and created him from clay. (76) He said, “Then come out of it, for you are accursed. (77) And my curse is upon you until the Day of Judgment. (78) Allah said, ‘Then wait for me until the day they are resurrected.’ (79) He said, ‘You are one of those who will wait.’ (80) Until the Day of the Known Time. (81) He said. So, by Your might, I will mislead them all (82) Except Your sincere servants among them (83) He said, “Then the truth and the truth I say (84) I will fill Hell with you and those of them who follow you, all of them (85) Say, ‘I do not ask of you any reward for it, and I am not of those who presume.’ (86) Indeed, it is only a reminder to the worlds (87) And you will know his news after a while (88)}

{And on the Day when He will gather them all together, O company of the jinn, you have become numerous among mankind, and their guardians among mankind will say, “Our Allah, let us enjoy one another and let us reach our term which You have appointed for us.” He will say, “Hell is your abode, wherein you will abide except as Allah wills. Indeed, your Allah is All-Wise, All-Knowing.” (128) And thus We will make some of the wrongdoers one another because of what they used to earn. 129) O community of jinn and mankind, did not messengers from among you come to you narrating to you My verses and warning you of the meeting of this day of yours? They said, “We bear witness against ourselves,” and the life of this world deceived them, and they bore witness against themselves that they were disbelievers. (130) That is, if it were not Your Allah, who will destroy towns with injustice while their people are heedless.

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Now the logical question: Why does the West not want you to know the religion and language of the first man?!

In the beginning… let me tell you what the Western humanities say in the answer to this question.

■ Regarding religion

Western science makes religion a developmental issue. The first man was a slave to what he believed, ghosts, then natural phenomena. Ancient man invented various gods until he reached such a current religious formula in the world.

Western sciences also make the origin of religion magic. The first man worshiped magic and sorcery and made it a religion, and thus religion developed from the first idea of magic.

■ Regarding language

Western science also makes human language an evolutionary process. The first man did not have a language, and he learned from animals the sounds they make, and began to speak like animal sounds until he was able to form words and a language to communicate with, and so on.

Western theories are divided into two types:

1- The first type… theories that follow Darwin’s theory of explaining language… but they do not believe in the existence of a single common language from which the world’s languages emerged… Every language developed itself from the first animal origins.

2- The second type… Theories that say that when the first man developed a language for himself from the sounds of animals, he reached the first language, and all the languages on Earth emerged from that language, and the scholars of these theories try to reach that language by guessing by studying languages and Searching for common roots in languages of words and grammar.

All Western human sciences, in dealing with the subject of the first religion and the first language, share one point:

The religion of the first man has disappeared from the earth, and the language of the first man has disappeared from the earth.

Conclusion….. The religion and language of the first humans no longer exist on Earth at the present time.

The logical question: Why does the West not want people to realize an important piece of information, which is that the language of the first man still remains today, and the religion of the first man still remains today?

■ So that no one can explain these religions that exist on earth, their reality and their origins, which were created by the West during its departure to occupy the world before the appearance of the printing press, so that the West continues in its game of controlling people through religions.

■ And no one can interpret these languages on earth. No human being can understand the game of linguistic identities created by the West. It is not possible for a Muslim to understand the language of ancient writings.

■ And so that no one can know the game that is now being played in the region by the West.

■ And so that no one can know the game of the Jewish religion and the Christian religion… and that they are religions of political manufacture only, and so that no one can know the true origins of the Al-Yahoud since they are a resettlement project for Turkish gypsy tribes that were persuaded In the Bible in Hebrew.

■ And so that no one can know the game of the Bible and why it is written in many languages. And so that no one can know the truth about the languages in which this book was written and their true origins, such as (Hebrew, Syriac), and that they are languages designed by Western scholars.

■ And so that no one knows the game of the Zionist entity in the region, its true role, and its goals… so that it does not fall completely and cannot remain with all people.

■ And so that no one knows the game (Mecca) in the land that was created for Muslims, and its true role and the role of those in charge of it (Al Saud) within Shaytan’s project on earth, so that no Muslim will know that (Mecca) is the Dirar Mosque and not Al-Masjid Al Haram And so that the Muslim does not know the truth of the current Islamic doctrines that divided them and their original origin.

So that Mecca does not fall and the House of Saud does not fall… so that the great role that Mecca and the House of Saud play in Shaytan’s plan will fall.

■ And so that Muslims do not know the location of (Bakka), the place of the first house established for the people, nor do they know the true location of Al-Masjid Al Haram.

■ So that no one will know about Shaytan’s plan that took place on earth and corrupted the earth (he will mislead them all), so that people will not regain their health and proper awareness, and after that Shaytan’s projects will not be possible for them to succeed.

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{And We gave Musa the Book after We had destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind and guidance and mercy that they might remember. And We gave Musa the Book, but they disagreed about it, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and they are in doubt about it, doubtful.}

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail: We read in Arabic for a people who know. But the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic. The tongue of the one to whom they turn is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.}

{The religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves}

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