Real History – The Island of Malta

Real History - The Island of Malta

01/08/2021 00:00

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The Republic of Malta is a European country located in the Mediterranean Sea, with an area of approximately 316 km2.

Geography: Malta is made up of three islands

Its capital: Valletta

Population: approximately 400 thousand people.

Its official languages: Maltese and English

Its official religion: Catholic Christianity

Independence: It gained independence from Britain in 1964 AD, and joined Europe in 2004 AD.

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This is the official information about Malta, but what about its ancient history?!

Despite its small area and its proximity to Italy, which makes it difficult to separate its history from Italy, and it is difficult to highlight a specificity different from Italy…but history tries to show a separate history.

■■■ Ancient History ■■■

When the Phoenicians appeared, and due to the nature of their maritime commercial activity, they landed in Malta and lived there, but after the fall of Phenicia, it came under the rule of Carthage.

But after a while, the residents of Malta rebelled against Carthage and pledged their allegiance to the Roman Empire.

From 117 AD – 390 AD… Malta was a subsidiary of Western Rome

From 390 AD – 870 AD… Malta was a subsidiary of Eastern Rome (Byzantium).

1045 AD Malta fell into the hands of Muslims

1095 AD Malta fell into the hands of the Normans, led by Roger II, and its Christian population welcomed him. He was the one who designed the flag of Malta that is still used until now, and Malta became part of the Norman Kingdom.

Malta participated in the Crusades

1194 AD… King Frederick II ascended, who was a king who admired Arab and Islamic culture, and encouraged its study and translation. Sicily and Malta became an important center for the transmission of Islamic civilization to Europe.

1292 – 1405 Malta became part of the Aragon Kingdom

■■■ Contemporary history ■■■

When Napoleon and his army were sailing with a huge fleet to occupy Misr and the region, Napoleon landed in occupied Malta and stayed there for approximately 8 weeks and placed a garrison there.

According to history, after the invasion of Misr, Napoleon addressed the Muslims in Misr and told them to win their love, that he had been able to eliminate the Knights Templar in Malta.

After Napoleon’s defeat by Britain, Britain occupied Malta, and continued to occupy Malta until 1964 AD.

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What interests me now is the subject of the Maltese language?

The heritage that reached us and we were told that it was written more than 1000 years ago speaks of an Arabic proverb that says:

[Like the muezzin in Malta]

This proverb is said to someone who speaks something clearly and no one understands it.

Why Malta specifically?

Because the residents of Malta speak clear Arabic, but they do not understand if someone gives the call to prayer in Malta and they will not understand the meaning.

If we believe the heritage books and their age… they tell us a proverb that describes a reality that exists in Malta and is approximately 1000 years old.

For almost more than 1000 years, this has been the language of the people of Malta.

Many Arabic speakers do not know that if they think about visiting Malta, they do not need a translator to understand their language.

In the Maltese language, most of its vocabulary is Arabic, and its speech structure follows the same recognized Arabic rules, which do not require study.

What does the West say about the Maltese language?

The West says that it is a Semitic language…but it says that 60 percent of the Latin vocabulary is from Italian, English, and French…and the rest is Arabic vocabulary.

Western scholars say that it is a language of the origins of the Sicilian language, while others believe that it is one of the Punic (Phoenician) languages.

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The West… tried to write a history to provide an explanation of the language of the people of Malta, to hide this new reality in Malta, but ran into problems.

how ?

1- There is a problem with the origins of the language… so the West invented a story about the origins of the Maltese language… like the story of the Asian-African languages, and the story of the Punic origins.

He got into trouble

If the language of Malta is Semitic… according to the classifications of Western scholars, then how did he classify it into an Asian-African language, when we know that by Semitic the West means languages from Asia?

2- There is a problem in interpreting the history of this language in it… because the population of Malta is Christian, because the narrative of the Islamic conquests was written for people to explain any Arab and Islamic presence on the land, and the idea will be difficult to convince people about the reasons for their Arabic language because they are Al-Nasarah.

He invented a history about the Phoenicians who inhabited the island and the story of Punic Carthage…. and produced a typographical history claiming that they were Italian and Greek figures who visited the island and talked about their language and that it was (Punic) and wrote a dictionary for it.

Then he tried to make a history about a German king who ruled Sicily. He admired Islamic civilization and ordered it to be studied and translated, so that it would be the easy and quick answer to explain any Islamic influence on the reality of Sicily and Malta.

The West got into trouble

The Romans ruled the island for about 1,400 years, and the island is under the authority of Rome and its inhabitants are Al-Nasarah. This age is sufficient to completely change the reality of the island. If Britain occupied the island for 140 years, and made the second language there English, then how about the age of 1,400 years for a Christian population within the framework of the state’s dealings? The official language is in Latin and a language that is not oriental.

Also, the presence of a Christian German king who lived for 40 years could not make profound Arab and Islamic influences in the course of 40 years. I do not think that the Christian king would force the Christian population of Malta to call the day of fasting in their religion “Ramadan” and call Allah “Allah.” .

This history, which was written for Malta in order to hide its reality after a new reality was created there, can provide you with a real answer about the history that took place on the land.

For example:

The Maltese speaks a language that we do not call Arabic. Rather, its name is the Maltese language, but his religious book is in Latin.

A strange religious reality in Malta…but the reality of Al-Nasarah in the region is similar to it in its strangeness, and even more so.

how ?

The Christian in Syria speaks Arabic, but his religious book is in Syriac… and the Christian in Misr speaks Arabic, but his religious book is in Coptic.

A strange reality for Christianity in Malta and the region.

In another way… The Englishman and the Frenchman have the same religion as the Maltese, which is Christianity… but they recite their prayers in church in English and French, while the Maltese, Syrian, and Egyptian do not recite their prayers in their language, but in Greek, Latin, and Syriac. And the jabbatiya.

what is the secrete ?

Arabic is the ancient reality of Malta before the invasion and occupation of Napoleon and Britain (the West), which created this modern religious and linguistic reality in Malta… and this ancient reality of the island is not intended to continue, so the Church imposed on them the Book of the Bible in Latin.

Also, Arabic is the real, ancient, natural reality of the region before Napoleon and Britain occupied the region, which created this new religious and linguistic reality in the region, and this reality is not intended to continue, so the church imposed on them the Bible in Syriac and Jibti in order to convince them that they were the languages of the ancient world before Islamic expansions .

This is the conclusion

What is the story of the Maltese language?

The Maltese language does not need all this difficulty in understanding its origins and history, but because of this modern global reality that created countries and designed a new history for them, it made people believe that the world was in the same new global state.

The language of Malta… is an Arabic dialect, but the reality of the occupation and independence from it imposed on it the form of an independent state that needed to establish a language and call it Maltese. British scholars helped them establish the language and develop a linguistic dictionary for it.

An Arabic dialect is an extension of the dialect of Tunisia, Algeria and Libya, and it does not require difficulty to realize this. The small distance that separates Malta from the African mainland…does not require us to believe that a new language will be formed. Rather, it is a linguistic extension of the populations in Tunisia and Algeria. And Libya, and the origin of the language is of the same origin as the language of the African mainland.

It also does not require us to write a Punic or Phoenician history, or that a German king ruled that island and created Arab and Islamic influence on it…. The reality of Malta is the same as the reality of Tunisia, Libya, and Algeria… There is no separation.. but the West made it a state and He created a history for it and called it a language.


When studying a phenomenon to find out its origins, we must start from the idea of ridding the phenomenon of all innovations in it.

For example, if you want to study the Maltese language, you must first rid it of all English and French vocabulary that has been introduced to it since the occupation period.

Or in other words… you must study the names of ancient things in human reality, and study the structures of sentences.

Means ..

What do the Maltese call the numbers? Because the numbers are ancient names that a person cannot do without.

What do the Maltese call fire, water, man, woman… because they are ancient names that people cannot do without.

And so on

And when we go to Malta…we will find that the names of the numbers are Arabic, and the names of ancient things are mostly Arabic (fire, house, oven, etc.).

Indeed, many of the examples in Malta are Arab examples that are common and well-known in the region… Example (a dog is lying down, do not stop it).

Even the name of the plant (sesame), which they told us that the conquerors transmitted to all peoples through dictionary books, the Maltese do not call it (sesame), but rather (jalglan), with the same name in Tunisia and Yemen.

What is even more strange… is that the rituals of their Christian religion have strange names and terminology from the Qur’an.

The day of fasting is called (Ramadan)

And they say to the Allah (Allah) and not (Jud)

what is the secrete ?

Try to understand this equation well, to know the occupier and his project.

The Englishman speaks English, but his book (the Bible) is English

The Frenchman speaks French, but his book (The Bible) is French

The Maltese speaks Arabic, but his Bible is Latin

The Syrian speaks Arabic, but his book (The Bible) is Syriac

The Egyptian speaks Arabic, but his Bible is written in Arabic

This is a religious reality… imposed by an occupier in Malta, Misr and Syria… and this occupier (France and Britain) is the creator of this religion… and he is also the author of the book (The Bible).

The truth….. Napoleon and Britain (the authors of the Bible and the creators of the Christian religion) changed the first religion of the inhabitants of Malta and also changed their first language, after their occupation of the island.

The traces of that fact remained visible, no matter how much the West tried to hide that ancient reality by writing this history, after France and Britain hid the book (the oldest book on Earth) in which the nature and tongue of the first man on Earth were recorded…….. Then they wrote the Book of the Bible to be published on earth so that it would be the new religion of the people, and the languages of that book would be the languages of man on earth.

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