Freemasonry – Is there an ancient secret entity in the world?

Freemasonry - Is there an ancient secret entity in the world?

11/14/2018 0:00:01

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Freemasonry…an ancient secret entity…an ancient institution, a fixed center, an ancient conscious memory, or a very old archive that a specific group accesses from time to time.

I cannot be certain about the name or the form of the entity, but what I have now come to realize with absolute certainty is the existence of an ancient, fixed, organized institutional consciousness that moves throughout history and is responsible for many events in history.

Some may say… that it is merely a cognitive structure of a collective consciousness, which imparts its influence over time on reality, and this is what makes some believe in the existence of a fixed entity.

The truth is, I used to believe in this idea, and that it was just an intellectual structure that resulted in the same actions. Greed, evil, lying, etc., resulted in the same events, etc.

I was making fun of the idea of Freemasonry, but my outlook began to change when I began to observe and contemplate the evil that the West has been doing throughout history for many centuries… and I ask many questions about the reasons for its presence in the West and not others… Never normal.

I started by contemplating this evil… but I did not completely resolve the issue in my mind… and I began to review everything… trying to search for an answer that would explain this savage spirit that exists in the West… until I arrived at the thing. That settled the issue once and for all in my mind.


Has any of you asked yourself the question: Why is the world we live in approximately 1,800 years old? Why did the entire world form approximately 1800 years ago? .. Why doesn’t our world today begin its age 4000 years ago? As if man in his current form, science, and writing existed approximately 1800 years ago?

Don’t you feel as if history moved from one era to a completely different era, or a division occurred in history… through a big leap?

Try to ponder this question and feel it well.

From my personal perception… the whole world started from the white dot in the white square, and that white dot contains the oldest book written on Earth, until the world reached a certain point in time and a force appeared in it that shaped the world. New until today and it is the black box.

That power is the one who planned the whole world in the (Black Square), it is the one who engineered the world today, the builders of the world today, the free builders.

The black square is their creation, all history and time are inside the black square of their creation, and all the people in the black square are inside a circle of consciousness created by this force, and they cannot get out of the black square, they are imprisoned inside the square, and everyone who tries to get out of the black square It is strongly prevented by this force.

This prevention is carried out in a moral and material way…the moral through history, knowledge, science, theories and history, and the material through killing, destruction and material construction.

Only the head of the pyramid of that power is aware of what is outside the black square, and it lives on the edge separating the white and black square at the top of the pyramid and is the one who monitors the scene from the top of the pyramid.

how ?

I believe that the project of creating this dividing line, between the real ancient world and the current new world, began specifically when the Romans attempted to translate an ancient book that was present in the region, and this book appeared in the first white dot, and this book was the one that designed the entire world in The white box, this book contains all the memory of the world contained in the white box.

But this book was completely hidden… and the process of hiding it was followed by a project to erase the knowledge of memory in the region in many ways, falsifying and fabricating an imaginary history and creating materialism, so that the mind would not be able to pay attention to it, even with a thought, and after it was hidden, it was replaced with a serious book. A different book written by the Romans themselves is called the Old Testament, and this new book (the Old Testament) has no close or distant relation to the hidden book, neither in terms of content, nor meaning, nor topics, nor language. Rather, it is written by that power and does not There is no single truth in it. An old, new, and imaginary world has been drawn that does not belong at all to the white square and never happened at all.

And this book (the Old Testament)… is the one that drew the religious, historical and temporal awareness in the Black Square, because all the history of the region was linked to the Old Testament book as the first reference in everything, a book that made the people inside the Black Square see the ancient world not in its image. Never the real one… if it were a dark glass through which people saw a dark, unreal world.

Even the religious and temporal awareness in the region was drawn by the Old Testament writers, and it is not the religious and temporal awareness that was unified in the white box.

Everything is fake and fake in the black box.

It is certain that there are very many points of truth within the black box, but they are dispersed and not arranged according to cognitive sentences that lead to a definitive and certain meaning, and also those points are surrounded by a large amount of falsity and illusion.

The only thing in the black box, which is arranged according to cognitive sentences that give a definitive and certain meaning, is the Holy Qur’an, which is located in point (b) in the black box.

Because this point (B)… came out of point (A)… it came out of the world of the white square.

But the problem….. is that point (b) is surrounded by a huge amount of false information, false history, false convictions, and illusions… which prevent any safe person from reaching the intended meaning of those cognitively ranked sentences found in the Qur’an….. Awareness is completely false when reading the Qur’an.

Because the importance of this point (b):

● Point (B) wants to drag you to the white square.

● Point (B) wants to show you point (A)… It wants to give you tangible physical evidence that will enable you to move to the white box.

● Point (B) wants to take you out of the world of darkness (black square) and move you to the world of light (white square).

● Point (B) wants to take you out of your religious awareness that is drawn in the black square and move you to the natural awareness in the white square.

● Point (b) wants to take you out of the imaginary history that was written in the black box and move you to the white box, so that you realize the real history that took place.

● Point (B) wants to take you out of the imaginary time that was drawn in the black square and move you to the natural time in the white square so that you can realize the time that the pain took place in order to feel as if the time happened yesterday.

● Point (B) wants to move you to the white square in order to place you at the top of the pyramid so that you can see clearly those Satanic spirits that designed the world today and watch their movements throughout history.

● Point (B) wants to move you to the white square, so that you can be at the top of the mountain so that you can see clearly the owners of the elephant, the worshipers of the calf, and the people of deception, so that you can clearly see their cunning from which mountains will move away.

● Point (b) wants to move you to the white box, so that you realize well how false and lying (the Old Testament book) is, and that it is merely a political project to falsify the world.

● Point (b) wants to move you to the white box, so that you can understand the meanings of the Qur’an and understand well the true meaning of the stories of the prophets mentioned in the Qur’an.

● Point (b) wants to move you to the white box, so that you realize well the extent of the falsehood and falsehood of the stories of the prophets mentioned in the Book of the Old Testament, and that their purpose and intent is to falsify the Qur’an. This work can only be done by the spirit of Shaytan, who is well aware that the prophecies of the Qur’an are true. And he wanted to fake it.

● Point (B) wants to move you to the white square, so that you can see Israel’s project in the region, and that it is coming to you the day after tomorrow.

● Point (B) is a prophecy, which emerged from the spirit of the book found in Point (A), and it informed us of today’s time and sent us something that dispels the darkness of the black square world.


That power that shaped today’s world still has a legitimate heir today.

Why ?

I used to believe that evil is a single act in any place, and that falsehood produces falsehood, and forgery produces another falsehood…but in truth, I asked myself: Is it possible that all this time, not a single truth can emerge and no one discover it? ?

But from personal experience.

When I thought about an important question about something and came to a logical answer through a logical comparison with something else close to it and similar to it, and when I went to the place where this thing was located, I found that it contained a different, great reality, and there was an awareness that realized that there was Who will reach this result? But a different reality occurred… and there was awareness of planning over a long period of time. For fear of that comparison.

Awareness imposes a different reality, and different information that contradicts logic, so that no one can reach the final answer.

coincidence ?

I don’t think so, because it has been repeated often throughout history, and it is repeated today through the amount of information found in official references.

I began to search for small threads that could have a significant impact in revealing the truth, which I believe if we assumed the absence of force, attention would not be paid to it. But I discovered that there is a large volume of organized information about that thread, and in a very exaggerated way. It forces the person to ignore those small clues.

I said to myself… It seems I have exaggerated… The truth is like this.

But I asked myself: What if this exaggeration was artificial and intentional?

One tiny thread…the size of a small mosquito…surrounded by a huge amount of information.

After researching, I found that there were very big stories…that happened around these threads, followed by murder incidents under mysterious and unnatural circumstances. This observation made me regain my self-confidence and that I am right in my questions and answers.

Indeed, there is an awareness that is heir to that power that shaped today’s world, or a cognitive structure that has built the world in a fraudulent and wrong way and is afraid of the collapse of this building, and will destroy any attempt by anyone to get out of this building, by any means, whether moral (trick, cunning, and deception). Forgery, deception, and the creation of a fake history), or it was material (murder, destruction, and material creation).

I became absolutely certain that the killing incidents that took place behind those threads were nothing but the stories of the Messengers of the Children of Israel.

{Have Musa’s hadith reached you?}



Why does this force do this?

All this world that was drawn by that power… in order to prevent any human attempt to reach that hidden book or realize that it exists. This power is among its secrets that only the top of the pyramid knows. It is the truth of that hidden book, and the fact that it is the Book of the Covenant. The old is an imaginary, fake book created by them, in order to build a new, different world on the ruins of that hidden book.

All history, information, and the first texts that were written in the past, at the beginning of this time, in order to falsify the mind and hide any indication, even a very small hint, that points to the truth of the hidden book.

All the history that is written today about the ancient past is made in order to hide any single reference or piece of information that could alert minds or bring them to the truth of an existence that is hidden from the world and has been replaced by a fake, fictitious book.

Even from the name of their book…the Old Testament…it is evident that they wanted to erase a real and natural ancient world, and replace it with a different, false and imaginary ancient world, and all of this in order to rely on it to build a new world, so that they could overcome that amount of falsehood. The illusion of drawing a new world in which they are the masters and the rest of the world are their slaves, in which they absorb the blood and sweat of the peoples and in which they worship Shaytan.

But Allah refuses except to perfect His light, even if the disbelievers hate it.

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