How did the Bible become written in several languages? When did this happen?

How did the Bible become written in several languages? When did this happen?

3/8/2021 0:00:01

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The puzzling question for me was… Why are there more than 40 languages in Europe within a geographical area that does not exceed 5 million km2, even though they are of one ethnicity, while China, which has a geographical area of 9 million, has one language? Just ?

Rather, the most puzzling question was: Why are the languages of European countries identical with the languages of their common religious book that brings them together? How did their common religious book become written in several languages? When did this happen?

If there is a truly religious book among them, and this book has existed from the beginning, then it must be a book written in one language only, and belief in this book realistically imposes on the people of Europe to preserve its main text in its original first language.

But the process of transitioning that book in the first, original language, to the stage of being written in a different language, and this book in the new language becoming a sacred religious book, is considered a very difficult realistic process, and requires great strength to impose the reality of this book in the new language, so what would the matter be like if that were the case? More than 30 languages?! .

Rather, the puzzling thing is how the matter happened in Europe so suddenly, because it is assumed that we are still living in controversy about the matter. If the matter happened in one country in Europe, there is another country with which this matter did not happen, but the strange thing is as if it had happened in… Europe is a general, comprehensive agreement for everyone at the same time to write religious books in any language and adopt them as holy books.

Reading the reality of the Spanish occupation of South America makes us believe that two things were done to the societies of America by the Spaniards: the first was to make them have the same religious belief as the Spaniards, and secondly to make their language the same as the Spanish’s religious book, the Bible, which was written in the Spanish language. Had it not been for the Spaniards’ occupation of America, we would have seen today in South American societies are completely different from today’s reality, societies that have a religion different from that of the Spaniards and speak a language different from Spanish.

Therefore, we believe that when the West went out to occupy the world, the West carried with it two tasks: the first was to replace the beliefs of the occupied peoples with the same belief as the West, and the second was to replace the languages of those peoples with the same languages of the religious book in which the West believes.

Did the beginning of the matter in Europe happen in this way, and there was a force that occupied Europe and imposed on them the Book of the Bible written in several languages, and after the matter was done in Europe, forces were formed, and those forces went out to invade the world, carrying with them the Book of the Bible to change the beliefs of the peoples with the same Its religious belief, and at the same time it wants to spread its languages in which the Book of the Bible was written to protect its colonies from the danger of other competing European powers, or is it the project of a single power that did that work in Europe, and that power still remains to this day and is the one who runs Europe?

The reality that happened all over the world

Britain’s colonies are Christian and English-speaking

France’s colonies are Christian and French-speaking

Portugal’s colonies are Christian and Portuguese-speaking

Spain’s colonies are Christian and Spanish-speaking

But what is strange is that there is a completely different situation from the European situation, as Muslims all over the world believe in a religious book written in the Arabic language…and in reality Muslims speak many languages, including Arabic, but all Muslims possess one book and maintain the The original text of the book and its original language. They never wrote their religious book in their living, circulating languages that differ from the language of their religious book. Rather, they preserved the original text of the book in its original language. Islam did not impose its language on them and did not change their languages with the same original language of the book, just as the West changed the languages of the peoples. Occupied in the same languages as the Bible.

What is the logical reason that made the Muslim peoples preserve the original text in their language and what happened to them did not happen to them in Europe?

Is the reason for Muslim societies continuing to preserve the original text of the religious book in its first language, because those societies originally preserved their first original language, which is in the same language as their religious book before their languages changed, and after the West entered to occupy those societies, it was not able to change their religion, but they were able to change their languages to Languages different from their common, original language. So Muslim societies emerged with languages different from their first language in which the religious book in which they believe was written?

I think yes, and the speech of the religious book to Muslims speaks clearly about this important matter so that people do not go astray, that the tongue of the first man on earth are the names that Allah taught to Adam, and you have a clear case that explains the reasons for the fact that the Iranian language contains 70 percent of Arabic vocabulary.

The discourse on the religious book for Muslims speaks about the project of making a religious book in many languages that resembles the Muslim book, so that the Muslim considers it a book from Allah, and in reality there is no book similar to the Muslim book written in many languages except the Bible book, where it says:

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail. We read it in Arabic for a people who know. * And among them is a faction who twist their tongues with the Book so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. They say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.}

The texts of the Book of the Bible, which the West believes in, speak clearly about this project. There is a text in the Book of the Bible that says: ???? Come, let us go down there to confuse their language, so that some will not understand each other’s language.

Therefore, the languages (Syriac Hebrew and Coptic) in which the Book of the Bible was written and in which minorities in the region believed, did not appear on earth until after the West came out, carrying with it the Book of the Bible written in many languages, to invade and occupy the region, creating societies that believed in this Book in several languages and from Naturally, these societies will believe in the language of this book and will believe that it is their original language later, while they are languages designed by the West. In these artificial languages, he wrote his religious book that he composed, to create many societies that speak many languages in the same languages as his book, but they do not understand each other’s language.

This is the fundamental reason why the Al-Yahoud 100 years ago did not speak the Hebrew language, and it was limited to the language of the religious book, the clergy, and the rituals of the synagogue, and it was not a living language. It is the same reason that made the Coptic language in Misr, which is the language of the Book of the Bible. It is limited to the religious rituals of the church and is not a living language. This is the same reason that made the Syriac language in Syria limited to the religious rituals of the church and is not a living language.

This reason is the same reason that made the West write history with false wording in order to circumvent reality:

When the West said that the creation of the Hebrew language for the Zionist entity was the largest language revival process in history. The formulation of this information is false in order to circumvent the reality that happened, because the truth is that it was the largest language-making process invented by Western scientists and made alive.

When he said that the Al-Nasarah in Misr, who believe in the Book of the Bible in the Coptic language, carried out the largest reform of the Coptic language through the Greek language during the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha. The wording of this information is false in order to circumvent the reality that happened, because the truth is that the Coptic language did not appear in Misr for the first time in history until after Napoleon’s invasion.

This project undertaken by the West in the world is the correct entry point for anyone who wants to understand the reasons for the Syriac wave in Syria and that Syriac is the ancient language of Syria.

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