What is the meaning of Mecca being Dirar Mosque?!

What is the meaning of Mecca being Dirar Mosque?!

1/12/2020 0:00:01

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What is the meaning of Mecca being Dirar Mosque?!

There are some people who have become convinced that Mecca is a Dirar Mosque, but it seems that many do not understand the true meaning of it being a Dirar Mosque, and what the consequences of discovering that it is a Dirar Mosque.

Why do we think this?!

Because you are surprised… whoever reaches a firm belief that Mecca is the Dirar Mosque… his awareness will be straightened… and he will stop repeating the issues raised… and he will know the game that the people are inside… and he will realize the way to understand the history and heritage that He reached the Muslim and the Arab…. and he will know the places from which he enters into the dismantling of this heritage and history and the method of dismantling this collective public mind.

in another meaning

When you reach the realization that Mecca is the Dirar Mosque referred to in the Qur’an, this logically means realizing the reality of religion, time, and history that has reached us.

Through the following points:

■ Religion

Is it possible that a messenger from Allah would establish Mecca as a mosque that would harm Muslims and contradict the word of Allah?!


So why did the biography of Ibn Hisham, which reached Muslims, make the Messenger the one who established Mecca as a qibla for Muslims and a place for their pilgrimage?!

How can he be a messenger?

Isn’t the Qur’an the word of Allah? It says:

{And thus We have made you a moderate nation that you may be witnesses over the people and that the Messenger may be a witness over you. We did not make the qiblah which you used to face except that We may distinguish who follows the Messenger from whoever turns on his heels, although it is a grave thing, except for those whom Allah has guided. And Allah is not about to lose your faith. Indeed, Allah is with people, Compassionate and Merciful.}

Doesn’t this speech contradict the story of Ibn Hisham?

In the story of Ibn Hisham

The Messenger other than the Qiblah… for a small tribe whose population reaches the size of a village in the countryside of Misr.

The Messenger changed the direction of the Qiblah… and no one on earth knows this except a group of people numbering fifty thousand people.

The Messenger changed the qiblah… and no one on earth witnessed the change of qiblah except fifty thousand people. A thousand snakes for the rest of the people on earth, except through books written with a modern printer.

in Quran

The Messenger will change the qibla… for a great nation that lives throughout the earth.

The Messenger will change the qiblah… and every human being on earth will bear witness… The Messenger will be a martyr before a large nation on earth, and the people will be witnesses against the rest of the people on earth and against their children and grandchildren… The testimony of the Messenger and the testimony of the people will reach the rest of the people on earth. Lively.

So….the Messenger did not create Mecca…but rather there is an infidel, satanic force that created Mecca for Muslims.

Now, do we have to search for the details of the story of Mecca elsewhere?!

No… because the story of Mecca is fabricated and was originally fabricated to create Mecca in people’s minds.

Now we have the rest of the heritage

Why does the rest of the heritage that has reached us make Mecca the qibla of Muslims and make it the origin of Islam?!

When you know the essence of the issue, you will realize that it is impossible to change the direction of people’s direction without creating new media materials for this position… in order to protect it from falling… and to consolidate people’s new memory with this new site… very large texts must be created surrounding this. The place creates holiness, spirituality, magical images, and many dimensions in the Muslim imagination…so that it will then be difficult for any Muslim to get out of that imagination with which he looks at Mecca.

You will understand this thing well through a quote by a Czech historian and thinker in which he says:

“To liquidate peoples, we begin by erasing their memories, then we destroy their books that contain their culture and history, then someone else comes to write other books for them, give them another culture, and invent another history for them, and then after that the people gradually begin to forget, who he is!, and how. “It was! And the world around him will quickly forget him too.”

This indicates that this heritage was written in one period of time in order to create a huge, huge space for Mecca in the minds of Muslims, so that all of this heritage is the result of Mecca…and then all of this heritage will be the Muslim’s awareness, and these are the texts that will program the minds of Muslims. On the new Islam.

In other words… when you discuss this heritage on the basis that there was a Muslim in the past, and his religious awareness produced this book… then you are wrong… This is a book written by the power that created Mecca… so that the texts of the origins of the Muslims will be and will be used to program the Muslim. And destroying his awareness and making them legal documents for any argument with Muslims, history, and time.

Therefore, it is wrong……… to use this heritage to read the context of reality… because it is the heritage of a legitimate production from the foundations of Mecca, and this destruction of the Muslim mind is because of these books written by this force that created Mecca…. That is, Time, history, and Muslims are innocent of this awareness and these stories.

Therefore…..what is the reason for those who believe that Mecca is a mosque to use heritage at all times to criticize it and criticize reality through it?!

People are innocent of this heritage… and this heritage was originally written in order to destroy the societies of the region, and this heritage was not the product of a natural movement that produced this heritage.

in another meaning

There is no longer any logic… after knowing that Mecca is a Dirar Mosque… in criticizing reality through heritage or criticizing heritage as a product of the Muslim mind.

This is a heritage produced by the force that created the Dirar Mosque so that it would be an asset for Muslims and be used as an accusation against them at the same time.

This is a very logical conclusion that anyone who comes to realize that Mecca is a Dirar Mosque.

■ Time and date

When you know that Mecca is the Dirar Mosque… you will logically know the natural and true time on earth

As long as Mecca is Dirar Mosque… this means that the time presented to the people is a lie… This is a time designed in this way as a result of the agreement of that power that created Mecca in order to steal time.

Because logically… no messenger came out in Mecca… while the whole world is now founded on a single time plan based on a Jewish time, a Christian time, and then an Islamic time emerging from Mecca… and thus this arrangement. The timeline was set in order to make Islam the moment of departure from Mecca.

Now, as long as Mecca is Dirar Mosque… and the Qur’an means Mecca is Dirar Mosque… this means that Islam in Mecca is just a game… because the Qur’an was not revealed in Mecca, but rather it will be revealed in another place.

This means that it has become logical to drop this time and not believe that Judaism and Christianity are prior to Islam and the Qur’an…….. That is, Islam is the religion of Ibrahim prior to those religions, and the entire earth was Muslims according to the religion of Ibrahim, then Judaism came and Christianity…and Islam is still waiting for a messenger who will take people out of this game.

This is the temporal logic… which is confirmed by the Qur’an

{Indeed, the religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them, out of envy among themselves, and whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then Allah is swift in reckoning.}

{Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was an upright Muslim, and he was not of the polytheists}

{And strive for the sake of Allah as He deserves His striving. He has chosen you and has not placed upon you any hardship in religion, the religion of your father Ibrahim. He called you Muslims before and in this so that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people. So establish prayer and pay the poor-rate and hold fast to Allah. He is your Master. So what a good Master and what a good Helper.}

That is to say, it is wrong……. after you realize that Mecca is the Dirar Mosque, to continue to have that temporal imagination in your mind, in that chronological order that has reached you.

Because the continuation of this temporal imagination means that you have not yet understood what the meaning of the Dirar Mosque is, because that imagination will always cause you to make mistakes in thinking and analysis and make you never understand the speech of the Qur’an at all.

What is the reason, after realizing that Mecca is a Dirar Mosque, to talk about the words of the Qur’an that are of Syriac origin and that Syriac is of origin….. because the Qur’an that is in your hand is prior to Christianity and Judaism.

What is the reason for the idea of understanding the texts of the Qur’an from the books of the Al-Yahoud and from their interpretations… because their books did not precede the Qur’an, but rather came after the Qur’an… because the Qur’an is news.

Realizing this time… comes directly after realizing that Mecca is the Dirar Mosque… and after that you will know the game of time and the essence of the speech of the Qur’an when it addresses you about the book, and you will know that it is the temporal and legal document of the time.

Realizing this will make you know the truth about the Book of the Al-Yahoud, and you will know why it resembles the Qur’an, but with a foreign tongue and crooked Hebrew… and why the Al-Yahoud did not speak Hebrew, but rather learned it.

You will see the world very clearly and you will be able to see the world clearly and interpret the phenomena around you well

You will also know the history.

Is it possible that people lived for 1400 years without knowing that Mecca was a Dirar Mosque?!


Because such work requires a force that has strong authority… that has very powerful tools for control, control, and the media… and these tools were not available in the past and could not be applied to people in the past.

This work requires an advanced force that has modern tools that are close to today’s tools and is carried out in illiterate communities.

Just like the power of a state in the face of tribes that live by common sense anywhere on earth.

Also, the history that reached us made Mecca the axis and center of Islam… So how could the center be when it was the Dirar Mosque, when the Messenger of the Qur’an did not establish Mecca and no messenger came from Mecca… So how was this history that reached us written, with those mini-states and disputes? ?!

Same idea as before

It is not possible to create Mecca without creating a historical origin for it, to give it a deep dimension in history in the Muslim imagination, and that it is behind the formation of this world, and from it disputes emerged, and peoples were founded from it that reached the farthest corners of the world.

It is the same idea as the Czech historian’s previous idea

“To liquidate peoples, we begin by erasing their memories, then we destroy their books that contain their culture and history, then someone else comes to write other books for them, give them another culture, and invent another history for them, and then after that the people gradually begin to forget, who he is!, and how. “It was! And the world around him will quickly forget him too.”

Does this mean that this history is real, but include Mecca?!

No… This history is made up of the imagination of writers only to give the place a historical dimension that has passed through eras of time, and to give the world an ancient context with that story.

It is logical that realizing the truth about Mecca and that it is the Dirar Mosque… will make you realize the truth about history.

Then… what is the reason for reading history, or speaking seriously about the stories of the dispute with Mecca, the stories of the conquests, and the stories of those states that passed through the region?

What is the reason for using this history to understand reality, or dealing with it to read and understand reality? It is all an imaginary world with no truth.

What is the reason for using this history to understand reality?

What is the reason for talking about the Jewish structure in order to understand history and reality… or talking about minorities and their imaginary historical oppression by flipping through history books?!


When you realize the true meaning of Mecca being the Dirar Mosque…it will lead you logically and naturally to realize the truth of the heritage, time and history that has reached you.

And when you realize the truth about the heritage, time, and history that has reached you……. Believe me, you will come to realize when the game has been played against us.

You will know that the game is relatively recent, and you will know the function of the printer that entered the region after being banned for about 200 years.

Then you will see the world around you very clearly, you will think carefully about everything around you, and you will know the mistakes made by the force that designed Mecca.

Then you will know all the reasons around you…and you will be certain of Allah and the truth.

You will know why Mecca looks modern and everything is modern and the Kaaba has cement stones.

And you will know why the Al-Yahoud are a minority and it was difficult for them to understand the language of their religious book……..And you will know why all the minorities in the region claim very ancient origins in the land and that their history is not at all proportional to their size…..And you will know why. The Al-Yahoud did not find anything on the ground or any temple…..and you will know how to solve all the intellectual issues related to language, history, time, and religions in the region.

You will know the truth about the entire Greek world and where all the texts of that world come from………..and you will know the truth about the history that the West extracts from the inscriptions of the region and exports to us, which links it to the Greek world.

You will know the truth about the Zionist entity, the truth about Al Saud, and the truth about the West in the region, and you will see them all very clearly in the Qur’an.

You will know that the entire Earth knew only one religion and one Allah, which is Allah…before the launch of this project on Earth.

You will know Shaytan’s project on earth… very clearly.

{And when your Allah said to the angels, “Indeed, I will place a caliph on earth,” they said, “Will you place therein someone who will spread corruption therein and shed blood while we glorify Your praise and sanctify You?” He said, “Indeed, I know what you do not know.” (30) And He taught Adam all the names, then presented them to the angels, and said, “Inform me of the names of these, if you are truthful.” (31) They said, Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. (32) He said, “O Adam, inform them of their names.” And when he informed them of their names, He said, “Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth, and I know what you reveal and what you conceal?” (33) And when We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” so they prostrated, except for Iblis. He refused and was arrogant and was one of the disbelievers.}

{He said, “Then get out of it, for you are accursed.” (77) And my curse is upon you until the Day of Judgment. (78) Allah said, “Then wait for me until the Day they are resurrected.” (79) He said, “For you are one of those who are waiting.” (80) Until the Day of the appointed time. (83) He said, “The truth, and the truth, I say. (84) I will fill Hell with you and those who follow you, all of them. (85) Say, ‘I do not ask you for any reward, and I am not of those who disdain.’ (86) It is only a reminder to the worlds. (87) And you will know his report after a while. (88) }

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