What was the first language of the European population before these modern languages?

What was the first language of the European population before these modern languages?

4/30/2021 0:00:01

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What was the first language of the European population before these modern languages?

If you contemplate the reality of Europe, you will find that it contains one human group

One human race

One religion

One religious book

One connected land

Language is not one


Although the inhabitants of Europe are of one human race, have one religion, believe in one religious book, and live in one land connected to each other…and this logically imposes that they have one common language among them…but what is strange is The strange thing is that some of them do not understand the language of others.

For example

Germany is right next to the Netherlands, and the distance between them is small. The Germans and the Dutch are of the same race, which is the Caucasian race. They both have one religion, which is Christianity, and they believe in one religious book, which is the Bible. They have one connected land and are not separated by natural barriers. Harsh and difficult prevent easy communication, but the Germans do not understand the Dutch language and the Dutch do not understand the German language.

This does not apply to Germany and the Netherlands only, but also to Spain and Portugal, as an example of two neighboring countries. In fact, it applies to all countries in Europe, which are approximately more than 30 countries and have more than 30 languages.

I wonder what is the reason?

It is certain that this situation in Europe is not the result of a spontaneous natural movement that took place in reality, but rather it is the result of unnatural external engineering carried out on them by a force in Europe.

If you carefully consider this one case in Europe, which is devoid of its language unity, it will appear to you that the people of Europe believe in one religious book, but the truth is that the Bible that the West believes in is not one religious book, because it is a book written in many different languages, and This is the real reason for this large number of languages in Europe, even though they have one circumstance.

Yes…the real reason is their religious book (the Bible) written in several languages, which confused their first language, and replaced it with engineered languages, and it is what created the linguistic reality of Europe.

If the Bible was a true and original religious book in a true original language, the natural reality for all of Europe would be only one language.

But because it is an unoriginal and incorrect book, and it did not come from a natural source, but rather came from a political project to change a natural reality, it is natural that the Book of the Bible will reveal to us the essence of its true function, through reading what this book contains, which is to change our nature. People on earth religiously and linguistically.

Read this text until you see the true function of the Bible book:

“Come, let us go down there to confuse their language, so that they do not hear one another’s language.”

The Book of the Bible – Genesis Part


Now look closely and focus carefully and notice……. how this same force that engineered Europe linguistically through the Bible, wants to apply this same linguistic engineering and through the Bible as well, but on our region, which is inhabited by people of one origin and who live… On one continuous land and they have one religion and one religious book.

This force has planted a political entity, the Zionist entity affiliated with it, in our region of Palestine, and created for this entity a people who believe in the Book of the Bible written in the Hebrew language, and at the same time there is in Syria, which is connected to Palestine and is very close, there is also a community that believes in the Book of the Bible written in the Syriac language. The same religion as Europe, but what is strange is that this society does not understand the Hebrew language, and the people in the Zionist entity also do not understand the Syriac language, even though the distance between Palestine and Syria is very small and the two countries are connected geographically and there are no harsh and difficult natural barriers separating them. Although both societies believe in one religious book, which is the Book of the Bible.

Not only that, but there is another community close to Syria and Palestine and connected to them geographically, located in Misr, and it also believes in the Book of the Bible, but it is written in another different language, which is the Jebetic language, and follows the same religion as the inhabitants of Europe, but this community in Misr does not understand the Syriac language. The one in Syria does not understand the Hebrew language that is in Palestine, and vice versa. Society in Palestine does not understand the Jepti language, and society in Syria does not understand the Jeppe language.

That power that engineered Europe through the Book of the Bible created three engineered societies in the region that believed in the Book of the Bible, in Palestine, in Syria, and in Misr…but each society believed in the Book of the Bible that was written in a different language: a book in Hebrew, a book in Syriac, and a book in Jabbati, and each of these communities does not understand the language of the other community.

This is not a normal situation at all, in one land in which people of one origin live, who have one religion and have one religious book.

The truth is that the languages of the Bible throughout the Earth are not natural languages at all and were never natural and innate languages on the Earth, but rather languages that were designed and engineered by a force to be the languages of a religious book called the Bible, and the Bible is not a natural book at all. It was not a book that appeared on Earth naturally and soundly, but rather a religious project written and engineered by a force on Earth.

This is the truth that the letter of revelation in the Qur’an tells you about

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know. * And among them is a faction who distort the Book with their tongues so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.}

{And those who disbelieved said, “Do not listen to this Qur’an, but distort it in it, so that you may overcome.”}

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed, and none differed in it except those who were given it, after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed to the truth in what they differed in, by His permission, and Allah guides those who He wills to a straight path.}

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