What is the reason for Turkey’s strength in our region and what are the reasons for Turkey’s great and easy influence in our region?!

What is the reason for Turkey’s strength in our region and what are the reasons for Turkey’s great and easy influence in our region?!

5/9/2021 0:00:01

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What is the reason for Turkey’s strength in our region and what are the reasons for Turkey’s great and easy influence in our region?!

The reason is the Turkish history that exists in the imagination of our peoples, which is officially taught in our educational curricula, and presented in our media with abandon.

History is the most powerful soft weapon that Turkey possesses, which gave it this power and influence in our region.

Turkey is well aware of this powerful weapon. If you examine and research, you will find this awareness present….. How?

Throughout approximately 18 years of Erdogan’s rise to rule Turkey, you will find that Turkish cinematic art was clearly focused on producing historical Turkish series related to the history of the Turkish Islamic Empire, which deals with the era of the Islamic Empire, which was the Muslim caliphate from its beginning to its end (Ertugul – Mehmed the Conqueror – Sultan’s harem – Abdul Hamid…etc). These series were dubbed into Arabic and were shown on Arab channels and gained a long and wide audience.

Also, if you follow Erdogan’s meetings and statements… you will find him meeting in front of a crowd of his party in Turkey, which is on YouTube… in which he speaks that Turkey’s history must be corrected, and that the Turk must learn that Turkey’s borders are not these current ones, but rather larger. He says: Turkey has a legacy that is older than these borders… But the logical question is: Does Erdogan mean that Turkey’s borders extend to Europe and that Turkey has a legacy in Europe, or does he mean by his words that Turkey’s borders extend to our region and it has a legacy in our region? ?!

It is logical that Erdogan means our Arab region by Turkish heritage. It is impossible that Erdogan, whose country is a member of NATO, means Europe.

Why is Turkish (Ottoman) history fake and imaginary?!

In the beginning…… Please get out of the worlds of printer’s books and return to reality and embrace it and read the book of reality until you understand well the real history that happened and realize the game you are inside.

How can we be sure of the validity of any date?!

We have to start from an important rule that talks about the relationship between history and understanding reality, and a Western historian spoke about it, saying:

“To liquidate peoples, we begin by erasing their memories, by destroying their books that contain their culture and history, then someone else comes to write other books for them, give them another culture, and invent another history for them, and then after that the people gradually begin to forget, who he is!, and how he was like.” And the world around him will quickly forget him too.”

And the words of this historian are true and true. The people are being liquidated by making them believe in an imaginary history, because you cut off the people from understanding the real context in which they are…and you create for them an imaginary context in their imagination that makes them subject to the illusion because the people have come to believe that this history It is the reality from which they emerged, which makes it easy to drive through this imaginary historical context… by continuing to raise it in the media.

Therefore, we believe that Turkish history is fictitious, and that Turkish history was written in cooperation and agreement with the West, during the period of the entry of Napoleon’s printer, in order to occupy the imagination of the peoples of the region, and to give Turkey a large, enlarged presence in the memory of the Arab person so that he can Turkey allows easy entry into the region at any time… and in order to remove the peoples of the region from reality so that the peoples do not read the reality they are inside and know the game.

Evidenced by the official Western and French history talking about Turkey with this agreement, Napoleon asks permission from Istanbul before his invasion of the region, and France sends letters to Istanbul and addresses it as the guardian of Misr and the region, and French history states that France explains the reasons for Napoleon’s invasion and its fear that Istanbul will be angry. And that he does not respect and value the residents of the region except because he values Istanbul.

Therefore…..there is no path that any person can take except to leave the world of books and go to reality, and search for (does reality match this Turkish history that has reached us)……and does reality support it? This is Turkish history?!

Let’s read reality

■ Before Napoleon’s invasion with his huge army to invade Misr and the region, a major secret meeting took place between the governor of Istanbul and the Turkish ambassador.

■ We, our real, living, authentic popular memory, have only known the Turks for 200 years, since Napoleon’s invasion of the region, or since the appearance of the Western occupier in our region, and our popular memories do not preserve local stories of the name of one of the Ottoman sultans.

■ Note… The Turks do not appear as rulers in our region until after a Western invasion.

Muhammad Ali Pasha appeared in Misr after Napoleon’s invasion, and France appeared in Algeria after the story of the Turkish governor who slapped the French ambassador, and in the Levant, the Turkish ruling figures did not appear in the people’s memory until after Napoleon’s invasion, and the history of the battles in Yemen with the Turks is still in the memory. Society until after Napoleon’s invasion.

■ Notice…. There are no stories in our popular memory that deal with direct battles that took place between the Turks and the Western occupiers, even though they were a Muslim caliphate. The one who fought the Western occupier was the population of the region.

It is true that printed history talks about battles between the Turks and the West, but if you notice that the names of their battles have Greek names.

■ Also note… In all the areas where the Turks were present in the region, Al-Yahoud appeared, so you will not find non-Arab Al-Yahoud in Muslim areas.

■ Also note… The largest and most famous Jewish gathering in Türkiye was the Donmeh Al-Yahoud

■ Also note… Jewish settlement began during the Western occupation, and at the same time the Turks were present.

■ Also note… The Turkish ruler was the one who signed a treaty with Napoleon and handed over churches to him in the Levant.

Therefore, the history writer tried to establish an ancient, large, and huge Turkish presence in the imagination of Arab Muslims, and the writer tried to write the story of a comprehensive caliphate for Arab Muslims and that Turkish rule is the historical guardian of the region, in order to preserve Turkish rule in the Muslim imagination.

Note…many things related to Islam are present in Türkiye.

The story of the people of the cave in Türkiye

Nouh’s Ark in Türkiye

Othman’s Qur’an in Türkiye

And Ibrahim in Türkiye

Four pieces of the Black Stone are found in Türkiye

The turban, staff, and hair of the Prophet are found in Türkiye

The Prophet called for Muhammad the Conqueror and his army to conquer Constantinople

The age covenant in Türkiye.

Also note… All the documents that confirm the legitimacy of the presence of Al-Yahoud in our country and that have caused problems for Muslims and Arabs are in Turkey.

– The Omari era that confirms the presence of Al-Yahoud in Jerusalem before Muslims and Arabs is present in Turkey.

– The Othman Qur’an, which confirms the religious legitimacy of the Jewish book before the Qur’an, is present in Turkey

– And Hagia Sophia, who confirms that Christianity appeared before Islam and that other religions have the right to Muslim property in Turkey.

This history appeared with the emergence of the printer, and the printer appeared with the emergence of the Turks and the West.

If you notice… according to history, the Turks banned the printing press from the Arabs, and the truth is that they did not prevent it, but rather the printing press entered after a huge history of the world had been written.

■ Therefore, this new Turkish entry into the region was a Western division with Istanbul, and Istanbul was an agent of the West and Napoleon’s printer wrote this history for them in order for the survival and continuation of this mission.

The societies of the region, from Yemen to Morocco, began to believe the story that the Turks ruled our countries for 5 centuries… which is an illusion and a lie… The Turks entered the region only during Napoleon’s invasion. It was Western-Turkish cooperation, but the printer that Napoleon brought was the one who tried to write the original. They have us so that we continue under their umbrella and do not imagine themselves unless they are under Turkish tutelage.

History’s purpose is to falsify the mind and occupy the imagination of peoples


What problems did this history cause for the Arab in understanding reality?!

Many problems, including:

■ Cause of an obstacle in understanding reality and the true context of our societies

1- Notice… Our people in Algeria have come to believe that the French occupation is because a Turkish ruler slapped a Frenchman, while it is an occupation without the necessity of an excuse.

This history, which the Algerian believes in, causes him difficulty in understanding that the French invaded the world without the need for such a story. He went to invade Misr, the Levant, and Africa without the need to write a reason for the invasion. They came as occupiers for religious and economic purposes. Colonization.

Also, this slap… was not from an Arab Muslim… but from a Turk… and it made the Algerian believe that the Turk was strong and the protector of the Arabs and Muslims, while it is history written by the French in agreement with the Turks.

It made the Algerian completely convinced of this ridiculous justification made by the Turk, and the Turkish became the reason for the invasion of Algeria.

It means that France did not invade Algeria because of the Arab Muslim…..but because of the Turk, as the Arab Muslim has no value and is no equal. He made us surrender that our land was owned by the Turks

Also… the reason for the difficulty in understanding the borders… This history made the Algerian find it difficult to understand that there was no Algeria yet within today’s borders that had a Turkish ruler, and there was no Tunisia, Misr, Morocco, Libya, and Syria within today’s borders.

Today’s borders were drawn by the colonial West.

It made the Algerian believe that the Turk had been present in Algeria for a long time, but did the Algerian ask himself, Are there in the memory of our people in Algeria any battles between the Turkish and French army in Algeria, so how did they abandon them to Algeria in favor of France… The reason is known (it became Turkey is sick.

1- Notice… Our people in Misr have come to believe that the Albanian Turk, Muhammad Pasha, became independent from the Ottomans and that he built modern Misr, while he was not an Egyptian man, and perhaps he was not a Muslim, and he was not an Arab, and he came The Western occupier became the ruler of Misr.

This history, which the Egyptian believed in, caused him difficulty in understanding that the Frenchman invaded Misr with a huge army, not in order to leave Misr to a Turk (Mujamd Pasha), but in order to occupy and create a regime in Misr that was subordinate to him and not He wants to get out of it.

Also, this history…made the Egyptian believe that the Turk was the king of Misr…even though he and his family did not know his origin…and he was the one who created feudalism and sold the canal to the French and the British, and he was the one who sold Antiquities of Misr and enacting laws legalizing the theft and tampering with antiquities.

It made the Egyptian completely convinced of this ridiculous history, and the Turk became the king of Misr, not the Egyptian.

Also… the reason for difficulty in understanding the borders… This history made the Egyptian believe that the issue was Albanian independence from Turkey, and he did not realize that the Western issue was the one who created these borders… and made him find it difficult to understand that there was not yet an Misr with borders. Today, there is even a Turkish ruler who is independent of the Ottomans, and there was no Tunisia, Misr, Morocco, Libya, Syria, and Yemen within today’s borders.

Today’s borders were drawn by the colonial West.

It made the Egyptian believe that the Turk had been present in Misr for a long time, and that Misr was their right and their inheritance. Therefore, when Al-Albani came to Misr, he only became independent of the Turks’ inheritance… Misr is the property of the Turks, not the Egyptians… and Al-Albani is the one who He restored Misr to its normal state.

This is why it is extremely difficult to understand why Al-Albani became a ruling king over Misr, and it made the Egyptian not think to ask this question, as he believes that it is an extension of an ancient Turkish right while he has no right.

This date…made the Egyptian believe that the Frenchman had come with a huge army to greet him and leave…and after Napoleon’s invasion, suddenly a Turkish Albanian man appeared who became independent in Misr………. It made Al-Masry exclude the French invasion from his historical imagination, and made him believe that Al-Albani was a legitimate extension of the Islamic Ottoman Caliphate…. But Al-Albani became independent from Turkey…… Funny.

It is not known that the West is the one who created the borders of countries today and that it only installed Turkish rulers……. and there is no truth to any extension of that imaginary history.

■ It caused Turkey to be marketed in the media in the region, and caused difficulty for the collective consciousness in understanding Turkey’s role and its relationship with the West.

1- And you have the reality. The reason for this history is the soft power of Turkey. The emotions of our societies are driven by discussing the stories of the history of the Ottoman Caliphate and the heroics of the Caliphate in the service of Muslims, which are reviewed and discussed through books, programs, serials, and historical cinematic films.

You have the best example. The Muslim Brotherhood in Manqa meets in Turkey and pledges allegiance to Erdogan, the Caliph of the Muslims……..And Erdogan’s screaming and loud stances have become an unfortunate numbness to our societies.

2- Today you also see the shameless Turkish presence in Syria, Iraq and Libya… and people do not know that it worked for the benefit of the West.

This history has made our societies not know that Turkey 200 years ago is the same as Turkey today, and Turkey today is a member of NATO, and the West created Erdogan and continued his survival with this discourse, because they know that this historical Islamic discourse is capable of attracting our societies and facilitating Turkey’s missions in the region are for the benefit of NATO.


Let us analyze for you Erdogan’s positions today and how she is exploiting this heroic imaginary history for her benefit and the benefit of the West.

What is Erdogan’s main purpose in the story of Hagia Sophia?! .

This very strong media paper that Erdogan put out by transforming Hagia Sophia from a museum into a mosque at this time… and the media outcry between him and the West. This indicates that Turkey is on the verge of a very big step in which it needs strong media propaganda to precede it, and Europe is taking action. By raising a media profile claiming that there is a dispute…an agreement between them.

Establishing the idea of the Zionist era and the idea of the existence of Judaism before Islam, the idea of a Jewish temple in Palestine and that Jerusalem was a Jewish temple, and facilitating Turkey’s entry into the region in a way after this dose of anesthesia.

They want to steal you… in short. And the legitimization of theft and occupation.

The topic of Hagia Sophia is a Zionist topic……… It aims to consolidate the false Zionist awareness and presents an indirect message from religion that there is a legitimate document for the West regarding Muslim property.

Muslims do not know that Hagia Sophia was never a church, that Jerusalem was not a temple, and that the religion of the West did not have any presence on earth before Islam… because of this historical illusion written by the French-Turkish printer.

The West has little religious, historical, or linguistic origin in our land…and it is trying to find a origin for itself in our region, so it came up with Napoleon’s huge project in cooperation with the Turks.

The Muslim… did not realize… that Christianity and Judaism came after Islam… but the Western and Turkish occupation that brought the printer was the one who implanted the idea that Christianity and Judaism came before the Muslim… to steal the Muslim and Stealing land, tongue, religion and land.

O Muslim… Understand what is happening around you… Notice that all the property of Muslims and Arabs has become the right of Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah… The Great Mosque in Damascus was a Christian church, Hagia Sophia was a Christian church, The mosque in Jerusalem was a Jewish temple, the Sanaa Mosque was a Christian temple, Jerusalem was called Jerusalem, which was written in the book of the Al-Yahoud, Misr was named Misr, named after Christian Copts, and Palestine was the land of the Al-Yahoud who stole the land and displaced the Muslims from it. Everything is the right of the Christian-Jewish West.

Understand and stop the printed history books… This whole project is to steal you and steal the land, tongue, religion, soul, mind and heart from you… Understand all this project because of the story of the Dirar Mosque, and they have made the Dirar Mosque for you and you do not know it. .

{And those who have made a mosque out of harm and disbelief, and to cause division among the believers, and as a shelter for those who waged war against Allah and His Messenger before. And they will swear, “If We will The best. Allah bears witness that they are liars. (107) Never stand in it. A mosque that was founded on piety from the first day is more deserving of you standing in it. These are men who love That they should purify themselves. Allah loves those who purify themselves. (108) {Their structure which they have built will remain a doubt in their hearts unless their hearts are cut off. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.}

In short… Hagia Sophia is a Zionist media issue in cooperation between Turkey and the West… Just as the Western Zionist media is in control of the world media today, and it was also yesterday in control of the world media with its character that Napoleon brought and Which published the fake history books that established today’s consciousness.

The West did not spread the printer in the world until after it had written a false historical narrative for the whole world (Shaytan’s project to seduce them all) and after building edifices and buildings (Hagia Sophia) in many countries in order to attribute it to this fake history.

Do not believe the story of the Byzantine state, the story of Muhammad the Conqueror, and the Ottoman Sultans…….. It is all a world made by Napoleon’s printer. They make fun of you and wink at you.

What is called the Byzantine Empire is a name given to what is said to be the Eastern Roman Empire. This name was given by a German historian named Jeronimus Wolff in the year 1559, that is, more than a century after its fall, in reference to the name of a small ancient Greek city whose ruins are located on The shore of the Bosphorus, Byzantium. The empire lasted for twelve centuries, and ended at the hands of the Ottoman Mehmed the Conqueror in 1453.

Think with me…… A country whose name history decided to change to a new name 100 years after its fall.

I mean, if we assume that America has fallen today… is it possible that after 100 years, one historian decides to call it a different name (Byzantium) and all the history books agree with him… and we change all the history books in naming it?

Or what makes sense is that in that period the history of a country was created for the first time in order to publish it in the world, especially since it was a period identical to the period of the appearance of the printer, which is credited with the appearance of all these books that are in our hands.

Turkey is a fake historical game created by the West… and has been ruled by an elite affiliated with the West for centuries.

Do not believe the shouting between Erdogan and France…….. Turkey is a member of NATO, and they are allies and partners in the ancient invasion and occupation 200 years ago, and they are partners to this day.

And do not believe that Turkish history is a lie… It is a history written in cooperation and agreement with the West, during the period of the entry of Napoleon’s printer… in order to give Turkey a great imagination in the memory of the Arab person so that the Turks can have easy and continuous entry into the region to implement projects. the West .

Ottoman history is fake, in order to control and prevent Muslims from leaving the story of the Dirar Mosque.

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