What does the printer have to do with the time gap?

What does the printer have to do with the time gap?

7/23/2021 0:00:01

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What does the printer have to do with the time gap with the theories of Fadel Al-Rubaie, Ahmed Dawoud and the rest of the researchers, and people’s lack of awareness of the true history of America and the region?

If we look at this great ancient world, we will find that the invention of the printer will represent a revolution in communication in this ancient world, and the emergence of the printer will have a major role in connecting the world informationally, and bridging the distances between this vast and distant world.

However, despite the appearance of the printer in 1447 according to the official date, this printer was unable to carry out the expected revolution in the world of communication, nor was it able to connect the world informationally, nor was it able to bridge the distance between the world.

Why ?

Because the whole world did not have contact with the American continent during 250 years from the date of the invention of the printer, and the world was not linked informationally to the American continent, and no one went to it during 250 years. Only the West monopolized contact with America and also monopolized information about it, and it is A loneliness to which the distance was close, and no one except the West had visited America in 250 years.

The truth is that there are doubts about the validity of the history of science and inventions, and this problem plays a major role in our lack of understanding of many events in human history.

But according to history…..the printer appeared in 1447 in Europe at the hands of Johann Gutenberg, who is the inventor of the modern printer.

Who is Gutenberg?

Gutenberg was a German inventor, born in 1398 AD and died on February 3, 1468 AD. In the year 1447, he developed letter blocks that were placed next to each other, then paper was placed on top of them and then pressed to form the print. He thus developed the science of printing, which had been invented before that in Korea in the year 1234 AD, and he is considered the inventor of modern printing.

He was born in Mainz, Germany. He is the one who invented polished letters separated from each other, which can be connected and tightened to form a single block on top of which the pages are placed. Gutenberg did not gain anything from his invention. In fact, when he printed the Bible, he forgot to write his name on its pages. He was consumed by problems and issues, then work occupied him, and he proceeded with it without knowing that he had achieved a wonderful achievement for humanity.

(Johann Gutenberg is generally known as the first European pioneer in the art of printing with movable type. The Chinese had previously invented such printing centuries ago, but their invention never reached Europe. Strange as that is, Johann Gutenberg had not heard of him, and his printing press was operating… In the year 1430 AD, if he had known, he would have printed a pamphlet condemning the English for burning Joan of Arc.

It is not certain whether there are books printed by Johann Gutenberg that are still preserved today, but there is a Torah known as Gutenberg’s Torah that was found in a French library in 1760 AD, and in 1901 AD someone discovered part of a calendar or calendar, and it is said that it was printed by him.

How did the printer develop in Europe?

In Europe, raised and movable letters were made, and in the middle of the 15th century the printing press appeared at the hands of the German Johannes Gutenberg.

Around the year 1800 AD, the Earl of Stanhope built the first printing press, all of which was made of iron.

Friedrich Koenig invented a steam-powered cylinder printing press in 1811 AD in Germany. The rotating cylinder pressed paper onto letters arranged on the flat surface of the machine.

The London Times newspaper used a two-cylinder, steam-powered printing press for the first time in 1814 AD and produced 1,100 copies per hour.

In 1846 AD, the American Richard Ho invented the rotary printing press. Printing letters were fixed in a rotating cylinder while another cylinder completed the printing. The first models of printing presses were able to produce 8,000 pages per hour, and later models produced 20,000 copies per hour.

In 1865 AD, the American William Pollock was able to print on continuous lengths of paper, inventing the high-speed rotary printing press, which operates with a continuous paper supply system.

Otmar Margentiller patented the linotype printing press by casting an entire line of lined letters in a single piece of metal.

In 1887 AD, the American Tolbert Lanston was able to invent the monotype printing press, which casts and sets letters into separate pieces.

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How did printing develop in the region?

The Arabs knew printing using wooden blocks that were transmitted to them through the Chinese, approximately three centuries after the emergence of Islam. The Arabs relied on copying books manually in the Arabic script, which they mastered. When printing appeared in Europe, some Arabs were not enthusiastic about it, out of concern for the continuity of writing in the Arabic script that It is familiar to the eye, in addition to the refusal of some Muslims to print the Holy Qur’an on the new machines.

There was no printing in the Arab world other than woodblock printing at the beginning of the tenth century AD, and the first Arabic printing letters appeared at the hands of “Martin Roth” in 1468 AD, who printed a translation of “Bernard Breidenbach’s” book about his journey to the holy places, and the second attempt was in Spain. In 1505 AD, the book “Means for Learning to Read and Know the Arabic Language” was published. In 1516 AD, the book “Psalms” was published in five languages, including Arabic. The third attempt was to print the Bible in 1591 AD. In Lebanon, the Psalms were printed in Arabic in 1610 AD, and the first printing press was established in the year 1751 AD, and it was preceded by Turkey, where the first printing press appeared in 1727, provided that the Holy Qur’an was not printed there. Aleppo was the first Syrian city to introduce printing, and then it moved to Damascus.

According to the history of the printer, a doctoral dissertation by a Tunisian researcher, the first printed books in Arabic letters appeared in Europe before the region. European libraries keep printed books that were old before the printer entered the region.

The first modern printer appeared in Misr during the French campaign. It was a printer brought by Napoleon in 1798 AD, which was known as the propaganda printer, because Napoleon wanted through it to win the Egyptians to him through propaganda. This printer printed campaign pamphlets and decrees. This printer was known by different names, such as the Oriental printer or The French Oriental Printer, when it settled, became known as the National Printer.

Printing entered Iraq late due to the harsh conditions of Ottoman rule in it at the time, as the first stone printing press was established in Al-Kadhimiya in 1821 AD, but printing appeared in a real way in 1856 AD when the Dominican monks established a printing press in Mosul and established a special department for binding and gilding in it. In 1869, the Ottoman governor established Medhat Pasha. The state printing press is used to print the official Al-Bilad newspaper in Arabic and Turkish. It is a commercial printing press, but it was later neglected for a period of time and only the government newspaper was printed.

The first modern printer appeared in Yemen in 1877 AD when Sultan Abdul Hamid II imported it in March 1877 AD. He ordered the issuance of the Sana’a newspaper as an official newspaper for the state of Yemen. A weekly newspaper was issued in the year 1297 AH, corresponding to 1878, and was published every Tuesday. It was the first official newspaper in the Arabian Peninsula with the aim of serving government interests. It initially appeared in 4 pages and then in 8 pages. It was also concerned with international news and the politics of the empire. The most important discoveries.


If you notice that the period of time needed by the modern printer (Gutenberg’s printer) to make a qualitative change is…. 350 years.

However, despite the long period of 350 years, Europe never kept a single book from the printing press that Gutenberg invented, only one book, and this book is located in France, from which the first modern printer for the region emerged.

Imagine with me this funny paradox. ….Europe in the modern era and the era of great possibilities of paper and the printer was able to preserve one book during 350 years, and at the same time it preserved a very impressive amount of Greek books that are 2000 years old, and which reached us through the printer.

How could they explain to us 350 years since the advent of the printer?

They said… that the Ottomans prevented the printer from entering the region based on a legal fatwa forbidding the printer. This is the simple explanation that was given to us.

But there are lands in the region that were not under the rule of the Ottomans according to the history that was written to us, such as the Mamluks in Misr, and this means that the Mamluks also banned the printer.

Forget the region, and look at the rest of the world that was not under the rule of the Ottomans. Were the printers banned from them during 350 years? Many countries did not have access to the printer either, and they did not prohibit the printer. Otherwise, any Arab person would be able to print any book from… Any other country that was not under the rule of the Ottomans.

So what is the true history of the printer, and why did the printer come to us under conditions of Western occupation and through the occupier, and not under conditions of peace?

I believe that the modern printer that Napoleon brought was old, and it was the first modern printer, but the West postponed its production until it took two historic steps on the ground:

1- The first step is to occupy the world below the region

He did not take out the printer to the world until he had completed the first step, which was to occupy America and carry out a process of erasing knowledge and changing the religion and language of its inhabitants. During this period, he would compose a large number of texts such as a new history of the world, literature, religion, and theories of science. humanity, before going to the second step.

2- The second step is the occupation of Misr and its environs

The West is coming out to occupy the region, and it is carrying with it the modern printer that will print for the people in the region and the rest of the world, all the texts that it wrote throughout the 250 years of its occupation of America.

Therefore, the reasons for the West to occupy the region in the second step, while carrying the printer with it, are because of the book found in the region. If it were not for this book, the region would have been the first step for the West, because how will people interpret the presence of Muslims in America.

Therefore, when the West went out to occupy the region, it came carrying with it, in addition to soldiers and heavy weapons, an army of scientists, engineers, and experts, and it was carrying a printer. During the occupation of the region, he translated a very, very old book found in Misr, and he forged it, then a printer was brought out. The West forges books in printed books and books that provide an imaginary, hypothetical knowledge context for people.

Now…let us analyze and dismantle that hypothetical cognitive context present in the printer’s books in order to know the history of man according to the material of writing, to discover the truth that the printer tried to hide.

– It is logical and natural……….that people in ancient times wrote on tablets, and then later they began writing on paper, and this transition to writing on paper represents the zero point, between before and after.

– According to the historical cognitive context present in the printer’s books, it says that there was a Greek king who invaded Misr, and there he wrote a royal decree on a stone tablet (the Rosetta Stone), meaning that people were writing on stone tablets, and then after that, in a sudden and illogical manner, the same king almost rose. By translating a Jewish religious book (the Old Testament) onto paper stationery, and placing it in the Library of Alexandria, which was all stationery.

This transition represents the zero point, between pre-crates and post-plates.

– According to the contemporary historical cognitive context that is relevant to us today, a western ruler, Napoleon, came to invade Misr, and discovered there a stone tablet (the Rosetta Stone) written by that Greek king (Ptolemy), who carried out that work. This is a surprising move, and that transition is illogical in writing according to the printer’s books. This same Western ruler, Napoleon, was the one who came up with the stationery printer, which the region had not known before his invasion.

This rapid and sudden appearance of the printer represents the zero point, between before the printer and after the printer.

– According to the contemporary historical cognitive context that is relevant to us today, Napoleon’s invasion of Misr translated the hieroglyphic writing on stone tablets into hieroglyphic writing on paper, along with its translations (Champollion’s dictionary), very quickly and suddenly.

This rapid transition to writing material, hieroglyphic writing, represents the zero point, between what was before (Champollion’s) stationery dictionary and what came after it.

Those zero points… are not different points in time, but rather one zero point in time… because some of those points are nothing but virtual zero points that came from the stationery printer’s books.

That single zero point is our turning point and cognitive and historical reversal…a reversal from the real cognitive context to the hypothetical cognitive and historical context.

At that zero point, the oldest book on Earth was hidden, and the Roman calendar was created as a reality for people by a Western project to stabilize and consolidate that transformation.

What is the importance of this book?

Because this book is the book from which the first man on earth emerged, and in it is recorded all the information of the first man on earth, and in it is written the religion and tongue of the first man on earth that spread throughout the earth, and it is the book from which Muslims memorized the Qur’an.

The printer’s books (crates) were created in order to hide this modern game, and so that he could hide the truth about the Book of the Bible (the Old Testament), which he composed and published on earth, by creating an ancient virtual historical memory for people and creating an ancient virtual cognitive context in the imagination of people. The mind of the Muslim, until they believe that this modern reality around him is ancient, so this reality becomes entrenched in his mind, and the Muslim can never get out of it and get rid of it, and he suffers from extreme difficulty in dismantling it.

Therefore, this magical historical knowledge project that the printer taught people will cause many people to produce magical historical theories to explain reality… such as the theories of Fadel Al-Rubaie, Ahmed Daoud, and other researchers who follow the wave (geography of Jewish writers in Yemen).

This is the magic that the Western occupier (Pharaoh) brought through his printer, and this is the temptation that took place after Musa.

{He said: What is the matter with the first centuries? * He said: Their knowledge is with my Allah in a Book.}

{And We gave Musa the Book after We had destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind and guidance and mercy so that they might remember.}

{He said, O Musa, I have chosen you over the people with My messages and with My words, so take what I have given you and be of those who are thankful. (144) And We wrote for him in the tablets of everything an admonition and a detail of everything, so take it firmly and command your people to take the best of it. I will show you the abode of the transgressors.}

{Say, “Who sent down the Book that Musa brought, you make it into writings that you reveal and you conceal much, and you learned what neither you nor your fathers knew.” Say, “Allah.” Then leave them in their midst playing. (91) And this is a Book We have sent down, blessed be it, confirming what is before it, and that you may warn the Mother of Cities and those around it. And those who believe in the Hereafter will believe in it, and they will believe in it. They maintain their prayers (92)}

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail. We recite it in Arabic for a people who know. * The tongue of the one to whom they turn is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.)

{The religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves}

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed, and none differed in it except those who were given it after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves.}

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