Real History – Muhammad Ali Pasha Al-Albani

Real History - Muhammad Ali Pasha Al-Albani

01/04/2021 00:00

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The truth is that any simple researcher who has a sense of observation and regular observation will see a phenomenon that exists in modern Egyptian history that carries a contradiction. At the same time, he will be surprised to find that it is largely ignored by many Egyptian and Arab historians and researchers, and they do not address it. To explain its contradiction, there are still those who treat it as a beautiful, unique phenomenon in the history of Misr, or within a natural historical context, ignoring the extent of the strange and contradictory things that surround it, and their reflection on the Egyptian historical consciousness.

This phenomenon is the personality of Muhammad Ali Pasha, who ruled Misr, and his family that came after him and ruled Misr until the Egyptian Revolution.

Although the circumstances of the appearance of Muhammad Ali Pasha in Misr are strange and do not have a natural context, there are still those in Misr, to this day, who talk about the era of Muhammad Ali Pasha and his family in Misr in three ways:

1- The first picture

Who talks about it with a kind of pride and nostalgia… and talks about it as a beautiful stage in Egyptian history, and that it was better than ruling Misr.

I believe that this type is approximately the Egyptians who are of Turkish origin and were from the families of the pashas, and the Egyptian revolution came and eliminated their feudal fiefdoms, and I believe that these people, in their talk about Muhammad Ali Pasha and his family, are not in the arena of reading a historical issue in a scientific and objective manner. Rather, their talk is more like a process of promoting a period in which their families lived as a ruling class that owned fiefdoms, and they were dissatisfied with the period of the Egyptian revolution that deprived them of their fiefdoms.

2- The second picture

Whoever speaks about it within a historical context is incorrect….and speaks that Muhammad Ali Pasha is the builder of modern Misr and that the royal family is the one who opened Misr to European modernity.

I believe that this type is roughly the researchers and historians who are influenced by the intellectual, cultural, scientific, and literary production of the Egyptian intellectual elites that appeared during the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha and his family, considering that this production would not have appeared without the openness, modernity, and renaissance that came during his reign.

3- The third picture

It came from someone who speaks about it within the context of the Egyptian Revolution, and speaks with a kind of discontent with the royal family and the royal era…but this picture excludes from its discontent the founder of this family (Muhammad Ali Pasha).

I believe that this type is approximately the ones who cherish the revolution, socialism, and the Nasserist era.

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I will not talk about each of the previous three images and try to criticize them historically, as I am not an encyclopedic researcher and I have more confirmed documents from that era than the Egyptian researcher who is closer to understanding the phenomenon than I am, but I will talk about the common points between those images, which exist in the imagination of everyone. Egyptian, known to any ordinary person.

For example, in the historical mind of the current Egyptian, there are five basic points for understanding that historical era, but they are contradictory. He believes:

– Muhammad Ali Pasha was the one who eliminated the Mamluks

– Muhammad Ali Pasha was the one who introduced the printer to Misr

– Muhammad Ali Pasha, the builder of modern Misr

– Muhammad Ali Pasha became independent in ruling Misr from the Ottomans

– Muhammad Ali Pasha fought Wahhabism

We find that these previous points are a contradiction in the mind of the Egyptian, and we believe that the reason is that the sudden phenomenon of Muhammad Ali Pasha and his family in Misr, which carried with it many contradictions, which led to the emergence of contradictions in the mind. History of man in Misr

Because we believe…that the sudden phenomenon of Muhammad Ali Pasha is the point of contact between the imaginary time and the modern contemporary time of Misr, and that sudden connection process was carried out incorrectly and wrongly, causing an error in the Egyptian’s historical imagination that prevented him from understanding its true historical context. Because of Misr’s current reality, it made the Egyptian interpret history illogically, and it was she who created in the Egyptian’s mind those five contradictory points.

how ?!

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■ Muhammad Ali Pasha was the one who eliminated the Mamluks

Wrong information… Muhammad Ali Pasha did not know the Mamluks nor did he know them.

Al-Masry Al-Youm believes that Muhammad Ali Pasha was the one who eliminated the Mamluks… and the most famous historical incident that is deeply rooted in the Egyptian’s mind and which makes him believe that Muhammad Ali Pasha was the one who eliminated the Mamluks, is the massacre of the citadel that Muhammad Ali Pasha planned and invited the Mamluks. To the castle and killed them.

I am not now in the realm of our belief about the fact that the Mamluk era in Misr is imaginary, and that Misr did not have a Mamluk era according to history…. But if we assume for the sake of argument that the Mamluk era is real, then the logical question is:

Q: Were the Mamluks ruling Misr before Napoleon’s invasion of Misr in 1798 AD?! When Napoleon came as an invader to Misr, according to the official French history, did he come to eliminate the Mamluks?!

A: Yes

Napoleon came with fifty thousand soldiers armed with firearms that the Egyptians lacked, a huge number of warships, and a large number of scientists, and he stayed in Misr for 3 years… during which he combed the entire land of Misr.

He founded many scientific institutions in Misr.

Do you agree?!

This means… that after three years, Napoleon will have eliminated the Mamluks and erased them from existence.

This is evidenced by the fact that Napoleon, after three years according to history, only faced the British as an external threat coming to him, and there was no internal danger in Misr.

After the British victory over Napoleon, Misr became under British guardianship, and British soldiers were stationed in Misr.

The loss of Napoleon from Britain occurred in 1802 and Misr became under British guardianship. Three years later, Muhammad Ali Pasha appeared in Misr and became ruler of Misr in 1805.

Question: Where are the Mamluks in Misr now until Muhammad Ali Pasha eliminates them again, after Napoleon’s invasion, the largest in modern history, and after Misr became under British tutelage and British military garrisons were stationed there, and after the state in its modern form was established in Misr? By European colonialists?!

There was no longer any logical and realistic presence of the Mamluks in Misr when Muhammad Ali Pasha became ruler of Misr.

■ Muhammad Ali Pasha was the one who introduced the printer to Misr

a wrong information

Al-Masry Al-Youm believes that Muhammad Ali Pasha was the one who introduced the printing press to Misr…and the name of the most famous printer that is firmly established in the Egyptian’s mind, and which makes him believe that Muhammad Ali Pasha was the one who introduced the printer, is the Bulaq Press.

The truth is that Napoleon was the one who introduced the printer to Misr and was the first to introduce it. Before the invasion of Misr and the preparations for the invasion, Napoleon was very keen to take the printer with him and with Arabic letters. He brought with him two French and Arab printers, a French printer for campaign soldiers and scholars to print newspapers and an Arab printer to print Arabic books.

Whoever goes to invade a country lives a simple life and carries a printer with him, he carries it in order for it to remain in the country.

The story of the printer with Muhammad Ali Pasha is completely similar to the story of the Mamluks with Muhammad Ali Pasha.

The printer was brought by Napoleon, but the historical Egyptian mind attributes it to Muhammad Ali Pasha, and the Mamluks were eliminated by Napoleon, but the historical Egyptian mind attributes the elimination of the Mamluks to Muhammad Ali Pasha.

Why does the Egyptian historical mind want to forget Napoleon, and try to make his invasion a passing event that has no role in shaping Misr currently?

■ Muhammad Ali Pasha, the builder of modern Misr

a wrong information

First… The reason for this idea, according to what we talked about, is because Muhammad Ali Pasha is the point of contact between the imaginary time and the modern time. Had it not been for the history that Napoleon’s printer wrote for Misr and attached to the imaginary time, this belief would not have reached the Egyptian today.

Because the Egyptian feels that he has lived all that time that came to Misr (the era of the Fatimids, the Ayyubid Mamluks), until he reached the era of Ali Muhammad Ali Pasha, and the Egyptian did not find himself except in the era of Muhammad Ali Pasha, and he found that all the things from his era were attributed to Muhammad Ali, so he believed That this modernity is because he built modern Misr.

The truth is that any ruler who would have appeared in Misr during that period would have been the builder of modern Misr in the eyes of the Egyptian, because it was the beginning of the era of the industrial revolution that caused a revolution in all the countries of the world, not in Misr, but in all the countries of the world whose rulers would be the builders of the state. Modern.

The story, then, is the industrial revolution that emerged from Europe and caused a revolution in all countries of the world.

Secondly…the truth is that Western colonialism, which brought the industrial revolution to the world, is the builder of modern Misr and is the founder of the structure of the modern state in Misr, and the West is behind the construction of most of the infrastructure and buildings during the era of Muhammad Ali Pasha.

And their step… is to restructure the country in order for it to become linked to its ruler whom it installed over Misr, to make it easier for him to manage it and make it easier for him to control it… then to establish the new reality with all its new names that were attributed to the imaginary time. ….so that the Egyptian believes that those eras of time have passed in ancient Misr.

For example…the Citadel of Saladin, the Church of St. Catherine, and the Al-Muizz Al-Fatimi Mosque…all of them were built during the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha…but Napoleon’s printer was the one who gave it an imaginary date and an imaginary time that it was built during the reign of the Ayyubids and During the era of the Fatimids and during the era of the Roman states that passed through Misr… until the Egyptian lost understanding of his current context.

Evidenced by… that you find all the antiquities attributed to the era of the Fatimids and the Ayyubids. They bear one architectural character (domes)… Even churches bear the same character (domes)… which made some describe the architecture of those churches as a marriage of Coptic and Islamic art… And the truth is that it is one French architectural school, built in the same age. During the era of Muhammad Ali Pasha… most of the engineers were French.

Also, as it is known, Egyptian law is French law, and the structure of the judiciary, courts, and prosecution in Misr is the same as that in France.

Where is the builder of modern Misr, Muhammad Ali Pasha, for Misr, and everything from France’s construction, from the state institutions and structure, to the buildings and buildings?

■ Muhammad Ali Pasha became independent in ruling Misr from the Ottomans

a wrong information .

Although Muhammad Ali Pasha is not Egyptian, and he appeared in Misr suddenly after the West’s invasion of Misr, the Egyptian still believes to this day that he has become independent in ruling Misr from the Ottomans.

Where is the contradiction?

Napoleon invaded Misr, then Napoleon left after his defeat at the hands of Britain, but the Egyptian believed that the matter was over, but after that Misr became under British guardianship, and Britain placed military garrisons in Misr.

First… Is it possible that a country is still under the guardianship of the West, which occupied the entire world, and then under the guardianship of the West a non-Egyptian person appears and goes to Misr suddenly, and his origin and origin in Misr are not known, and then he becomes king of Misr? (His mother invited him), and then we believe that this strange, non-Egyptian person has become independent in his rule from the Ottomans?!

Al-Masry Al-Youm still does not understand that the West has come to the region in order to divide the region among itself, and has divided the region into small pieces, and has installed a Turkish ruler over each piece to manage his piece, and Misr is among those divided pieces, and a ruler has been installed over it. A Turk (Muhammad Ali Pasha) took over the administration of Misr.

Before the invasion of the West, people were not aware of and understood the issue of political borders, as the land was one for them.

But the Egyptian was not intended to understand this story and this true historical context, so the West invented a story for him and planted it in his mind, that Misr had gained independence from the Ottomans.

One of the reasons for the difficulty in the failure of Al-Masry and other residents of the region to understand this fact… is that when the West occupied the region… it installed a Turkish ruler over every country that was divided, so the Muslims believed that the Turks were the rulers of the caliphate, as evidenced by their existence as rulers, and they did not know that they were rulers. They were just figures brought in by the Western colonialists to implement the partition plan.

Secondly….. Wasn’t Misr, according to the printer’s history, ruled by the Mamluks, and the Mamluks were independent from the Ottomans and there were wars between them?!


And when Napoleon eliminated the Mamluks in Misr, this meant that Misr was originally independent from the Ottomans during the Mamluk era, and did not need at all the appearance of Muhammad Ali Pasha to make it independent from the Ottomans. Rather, Misr needed someone to make it independent from the occupation of France and Britain.

Therefore, Napoleon’s printer invented the idea of independence from the imaginary history of the Ottomans…to convince the Egyptians that this man was the one who created their current independent state according to this current division.

So the West was smart in their historical programming. Instead of raising the idea of Misr’s independence from Western occupation in the mind of the Egyptian, they planted another idea that the reality of Misr under the rule of Muhammad Ali Pasha was independent from the Ottomans.

The truth that most Egyptians do not want to understand… is that Muhammad Ali Pasha was just a personality brought by the West from an unknown place outside Misr and planted in Misr, and installed by a king and his family after him over Misr, to take over the administration of the province of Misr for the benefit of the West only… He was never an Egyptian, but rather he was the one who stole Misr for the benefit of the West, and he was the one who established all the tampering and corruption in Misr, which the Egyptian Revolution forgot to remove.

what is the evidence ?!

● Note all the historical production that appeared during the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha and after it, (Napoleon’s invasion) is called by the nice name (Napoleon’s campaign)… Is there a person who is independent in ruling Misr and loves his people and fears for them who would allow Napoleon’s invasion to be called ( Napoleon’s campaign?!

Indeed, most of the writings that talk about Napoleon’s invasion, which appeared during the period of Muhammad Ali Pasha and those after him, talk about Napoleon’s invasion in a beautiful and gentle manner, and are full of conversations with jokes and wise, heroic, and scientific stances on the part of the French.

● Also note… that most of the cultural elites that appeared in Misr during the era of Muhammad Ali Pasha and after him, are cultural elites who learned in France, due to the educational mission to France that Al-Albani introduced.

Is it reasonable that a person independent of Misr and France would send study missions to the country whose country was occupied?!

All these elites were sent by Al-Albani for the purpose of an intellectual washing operation, so that these elites would be the tools that would promote the new awareness and new history that Napoleon brought through a major European project.

Also note that Misr did not import applied sciences from France, but rather imported pure humanities and they were established in Egyptian universities to be the new awareness.

● Also notice……….. how Muhammad Ali Pasha allowed France to translate ancient Egyptian inscriptions that are found in every inch of Misr, and he treated them with all welcome and imposed them on the Egyptians, even though he was not Egyptian and He had no right to allow this work at all, and such work requires permission from every Egyptian, but he allowed it as if he had the right to do the matter.

Indeed, the intellectual production of the cultural elites that appeared during his reign dealt with the West’s translation of Egyptian inscriptions with a kind of pride and boasting about this French work. It even reached the point that the Al-Albani family intended to build a huge statue of Champollion in Misr in his honor, and for a huge sum.

Indeed, Al-Albani and his family… enacted laws granting Western researchers and archaeologists a 40% share of any discovery they make.

● Also note…. This family is the one who granted agricultural lands in Misr to Turkish pashas as feudal Allah[s].

● Also note….. This family is the one who granted France and Britain the right to own the Suez Canal.

● Also note…. This family is the one who gave the Mujahideen rotten weapons in 1948 when fighting the Zionist occupiers of the West in Palestine.

● Also notice… how France and Britain revolted against this unknown family after the Egyptian Revolution, and how they launched a war against Misr after the nationalization of the Suez Canal.

■ Muhammad Ali Pasha fought Wahhabism

False information.

Al-Masry Al-Youm believes that Muhammad Ali Pasha fought Wahhabism and the House of Saud… and the most famous historical incident that is firmly entrenched in the Egyptian’s mind and which makes him believe that Muhammad Ali Pasha fought it, is the military campaign that Muhammad Ali Pasha sent to the Hijaz and Najd and the killing of one of them. Al Saud family. The advocates of enlightenment and secularism in Misr are exploiting this history, out of the necessity of fighting Wahhabism, which has tampered with Misr.

But the logical question:

Q: Is Wahhabism a British project?

A: Yes

So…how can a normal mind, well aware that Wahhabism is a British project, believe that a person installed by Britain and France in Misr (Muhammad Ali Pasha), had gone to fight the Wahhabi project, which was created by Britain and the West? ?

Is it possible that Britain is fighting itself?

Convinced me

If you read the history of this story, you will find that it is not realistic and contains logical errors.

Why does he go to fight Wahhabism?

They say that the Hijaz belonged to Misr, and that Wahhabism began to cause problems and began to try to control Mecca?

The truth is… If we look at the population of Najd in 1950, you will find that it reached 150 thousand. In your opinion, what would their population be 150 years ago during the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha?

Approximately 30 thousand……. Is it possible that this number represents a problem for a country and an empire?

Random primitive Bedouin people who do not have any modern weapons, in front of an organized state armed with modern weapons and money.

But the exaggeration of history is great…… It makes the Ottomans interested in eliminating Wahhabism, and it also makes Muhammad Ali Pasha interested in eliminating them.

Muhammad Pasha carried out two campaigns, the first under his leadership and the second under the leadership of his son. During his son’s campaign, a member of Al Saud was captured… and taken to Turkey, and his head was cut off. Joy spread throughout the Ottoman Empire and Misr, and cannons were fired in joy at this victory. .

Although history says that Muhammad Ali was independent from the rule of the Ottomans, at the time of the campaign of Ibn Muhammad Ali Pasha, Ibn Saud headed to Istanbul and not to Misr. Does this mean that Misr still belongs to Turkey?

How did Misr gain independence from the Ottomans?

Rather, notice the exaggeration of history and Al-Jabarti talks about that campaign and the huge celebration in Misr and Turkey, and Turkey and Misr did not celebrate battles with major powers greater than this primitive Bedouin absurdity.

A foreign historian even describes the incident of Ibn Saud’s beheading in Turkey… and says that he was a witness to it, in a way that tries to confirm this event, and the same historian describes that Bedouin as a state.

Imagine that the history of the enemy of Wahhabism (Turkey and Muhammad Pasha) and the West at that time deliberately described it as a state, and did not call it a militia or a gang of bandits.

Is it possible that the Saudi media, currently, will allow its media channels to describe the Houthis in Yemen as a state, or will it label them as militias or the Houthi gang?!

How is it possible that the Turkish and Egyptian rulers would then allow the media (history books) to call it the Saudi state?!

Then the Saud family seized Hijaz, and it became their possession, and the Al-Albani family in Misr did not move or demand it. On the contrary, the Saud family would go to Misr to Qibla the hands of Muhammad Pasha’s family, and without any anger on the part of the Al-Albani family, with Misr is supposed to claim the Hijaz.

This indicates that Turkey, Albany, and the West wanted Wahhabism to be a de facto state, and their media is trying to exaggerate the appearance of Al Saud, and trying to portray them as enemies and wars have taken place with them, while they are all friends and one project… make a mosque. Harmful to Muslims.

Yes…the manufacture of Dirar Mosque (Mecca)

The truth is that Muhammad Ali Pasha, one of his jobs in Misr as part of the Western project, was to move the Qiblah from Misr to Mecca, in cooperation with the House of Saud.

Muhammad Ali Pasha was the first to inaugurate the Hajj to Mecca as a culture in the modern era. He was the first to go there for Hajj.

Muhammad Ali Pasha was the first to enact an official tradition in Misr in making the covering of the Kaaba of Mecca, and made it a huge popular tradition with great rituals and a royal guard, and it involved a kind of great exaggeration and exaggeration in front of the people’s eyes.

And the campaigns of Muhammad Ali Pasha to the Hijaz…were nothing but campaigns to inspect the location of the new qibla in Mecca for Muslims, an alternative to the first qibla in Misr.

This is the truth…Muhammad Ali Pasha and his family were among the Bedouins who dressed like the people…so they created difficulty for the people in understanding the reasons for their sudden appearance, how they became rulers, and their true role in their countries within the devil’s project that the West brought through. Napoleon and his army to Misr.

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