Real History – What is the religion of the West?

Real History - What is the religion of the West?

01/02/2021 00:00

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The West is the one who wrote a new history of the Earth and man after he left to occupy the Earth, and the West is the one who created the idea of the Macro-Soft Darwinian Allah, which develops its religion and makes continuous updates to it, and implants it in the mind of the Muslim.

The purpose of this idea that the West invented and implanted in the Muslim mind is:

Convincing the Muslim who lives in the land that his land was the property of the Western religion before the presence of the Muslim on the land, and that the land must return to the West, because the West is the owner of the land and the time that came before the presence of Islam on the land.

■ This is the summary of the Zionist entity project that was established by the West with the legitimacy of the Book of the Bible (the Book of the West), and that the Al-Yahoud are a religion that lived before Islam and they had a state and (the Cholmon Temple) and the Al-Yahoud are still searching for the lost (Cholmon Temple) and are seeking to build it, and they convinced the Muslim that Cholmon is Sulaiman whose name is recorded in the Holy Qur’an.

■ This is the summary of the story of (Mecca)… which the West built for Muslims, to be a new qibla for Muslims and an alternative place to Al-Masjid Al Haram, the first qibla in (Mecca), and the summary of the pivotal intellectual role of (Mecca) in confirming the idea of the gods. Micro-Soviet Darwinism in the Muslim mind, and creating difficulty for the Muslim in getting rid of this idea.

■ And this is the conclusion that our researchers did not understand, and whose stubbornness and arrogance are still riding on them in interpreting reality through imaginary and fictitious images found in the history of printer’s books and the book of the Al-Yahoud, which they believe is (the Torah) that Allah speaks about to Muslims.

These researchers do not know that the Torah is the lines of the book in which the Qur’an was written, and it was hidden from the Muslims so that the West could compose (the Book of the Bible) for Judaism and Christianity, in a way that makes the book resemble the stories of the Qur’an’s news, so that the Muslim would think it and believe it to be a book from Allah and That it is the Torah…then writing a new, hypothetical, fictitious historical story in the printer’s books, calling the Book of the Bible the Torah, and making Judaism and Christianity religions from Allah in the mind of the Muslim and coming before Islam on earth (Allah’s nature), then building Mecca for the Muslims. As a new direction for the purpose of confirming this history and establishing the Book of the Bible as a book from the Allah of the Muslims (Allah) and a religion from the Allah of the Muslims (Allah).

The Bible is a Western religious project, and the Darwinian Microsoft Allah is a Western intellectual project…and this project is to steal truth, history, the land, and mankind for the benefit of the West and its projects on earth.

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