The groups that hate believers the most

The groups that hate believers the most

5/13/2021 0:00:01

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It is natural that if one of the makers (Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah) of the groups has the greatest hatred for believers, this level of intensity of hatred will be transmitted directly to the group that created it.

It is also known that French Orientalism is the most hateful of Muslims and Arabs out of all European Orientalism, and it is also known that the French occupation of the countries of the world was the most brutal, torturing, bloodshed and erasing of knowledge….. Therefore, it is natural that this level of The intensity of hatred and hostility will be transmitted directly to the non-religious and secular groups towards Muslims and Arabs.

This is well observed……. when reading the pages of the group of secularists and non-religious people who were raised or read from the humanities curricula of the French intellectual school (languages, religions, history, sociology) on social networking sites or in their meetings, dialogues, or… In their intellectual production…you will find very clearly the level of intensity of hatred and hostility towards what is Islamic and Arab…hatred and hostility is completely unnatural.

Example :

1- Nabil Fayyad, President of the Secularists and Non-Religious People in Syria

2- Identity groups in countries that were occupied by France.

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