The Old Testament is not the Torah at all

The Old Testament is not the Torah at all


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Why is it difficult for many to believe that there is no truth or truthful information in the Old Testament?

Because many will think: Is it possible that a book is specific to a religion and there is no truth in it? So how did they believe in it? At least faith requires the existence of one truth?

They did not understand the extraordinary ability (absolute power) of the head of the pyramid of political power of empires to create and establish religions and religious books. Present history is a witness to that…you have the Baha’i faith and others.

Creating only one generation, after which that religion is passed on to generation after generation.

But there is a natural and innate religion… and regardless of whether it is sound and correct… its existence was not a political industry, it is a natural nature that has been inherited by people since ancient times, like the religion of isolated tribes.

This is the case of Islam.

The peoples of the region have lived by the innate belief in a Creator of this universe whose name is Allah. Since ancient times, since the first human settlement in the region, they had a heavenly book (regardless of whether it was a book from Allah or not, but it is their book and they consider it a book from Allah)…and this book they inherited its holiness.

Until the white man appeared in our area…the Romans.

A major invasion of the region… and caused the fall of the region.

They carried out a diabolical conspiracy

The Romans stole this book… from the place to which the peoples of the region used to make pilgrimages in ancient times… the place they have been visiting since ancient times. This place is the point from which they emerged, migrated, and settled in the region at the beginning of human migration tens of thousands of years ago.

The Romans attempted to translate this book, which was written in a complex and difficult script, and it has an Arabic pronunciation, exactly like the pronunciation of the Holy Qur’an.

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know}

Because the book was not their book, and because their language was not Arabic but rather foreign, the Romans produced a distorted, fictitious, and false translation and a new distorted language (Hebrew) as an alternative to (Arabic).

{The tongue to which they adhere is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.}

{An Arabic Qur’an, without any crookedness, that they may become righteous.}

They composed history, stories, and events about peoples and countries, all of which are fictitious, and news and stories about false kings, fictitious personalities, poems, plays, geography, and names like children’s cartoon series… an entire world that is completely fictitious…. From the imagination of a novelist.

{And among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.}

They included in the book the stories of the prophets found in the original book, which are exactly the same as the text of the Qur’an, without addition or subtraction. It is the true original text before the Old Testament was written.

But because the Romans had a fictional imagination, they turned these stories into novels. Rather, their imagination ran wild and they exaggerated, so they put many details in these stories, including events, visits, meetings, and situations, so that they would then be of a large size. This point is the real reason that suggested to the poor Muslims that the abundance and size The greatness of the story and the many details is evidence of its authenticity and evidence that they are the original authors of the narration, because when a Muslim searches for these stories in the Qur’an, he finds only small texts that do not satisfy his imagination, just as the Romans satisfied people’s imagination with these stories and the details of the imaginary prophets.

{Indeed, this Qur’an relates to the Children of Israel most of that about which they differ.}

{Indeed, these are the true stories}

After that………..they made the Al-Yahoud inside the book travel throughout the region, so that their journey would be like a time travel process to erase the old world from the entire region and replace it with this new narrative.

Then…they made a copy of the Old Testament book and began publishing it in the region. We had poor liberal people who believed the white man, so they believed.

Then…….the Romans then hid the real original book.

{O People of the Book, Our Messenger has come to you, making clear to you much of what you concealed from the Book, and pardoning much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book (15) with which Allah guides those who follow His pleasure to paths of peace, and brings them out of darkness into light by His permission and guides them to a straight path.}

Finally…they falsified the awareness of the region…after they hid a huge archive in the region, and replaced it with a huge forged archive, in religion, history, time, etc.

And they hid from the memory and consciousness of this nation its ancient book and consciousness, this nation that only kept the words of the last prophecies of its book inside its chests, but the truth of its original book has become erased from its memory.

{They sought temptation before and turned things around for you until the truth came and the command of Allah became apparent, and they hated it}

They moved the geography of the Kaaba from Mecca to Mecca.

What is the problem ?

Islam was an innate nature among the people… and not an institution like today that was run by clerics. Islam did not have a religious institution that could invent and falsify things and convince people… It is very difficult and impossible because its religious awareness is an innate nature and not an institution, and this The matter was different among the Romans… The Romans created an institution for a new religion by creating clerics whose holiness reached the holiness of gods… and this religious institution could very easily write any history, even if it was fictitious and forged, and create and produce any time You want it, and it will become a confirmed truth as a result of people’s belief in it… because people’s faith is linked to the institution and not innate nature.

{They took their rabbis and monks as Allah[s] other than Allah and the Massih, son of Maryam, and they were commanded only to worship one Allah. There is no Allah but Him. Glory be to Him above what they associate with Him. (31) They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah refuses except to perfect His light, even if the disbelievers dislike it.}

This is the origin of the story

{And Al-Yahoud said is not Al-Nasarah on anything, and Al-Nasarah said The Al-Yahoud are not upon anything, and they recite the Book. Thus those who do not know say the same as their saying. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed about.}

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