The meaning of the seven readings in the Qur’an

The meaning of the seven readings in the Qur’an


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What is the meaning of readings?

Let us go to the dictionaries to search for the meaning of reading, but there are important notes when dealing with dictionaries.

We have to be very careful in our dealings with dictionaries in understanding some of the vocabulary of the Qur’an, because dictionaries are not a reference for the Qur’an. The Qur’an is the first reference for us. It is the one that explains itself. This does not mean that there is no truth in the dictionaries, but we will match it with the verses of the Qur’an and know Does it touch the truth and match our current language?

There is an important benefit in dictionaries in terms of historical research, so that we know the first perceptions of people at that time about the meanings of words in the Qur’an, and match them with the interpretations of people at that time, so that we can know the first attempts at fraud, their purpose, and the timeline. Because, as we know, most of our heritage and texts came out suddenly at one time, and we never rule out the existence of a forgery project.

In Mukhtar Al-Sahhah’s dictionary

Reading is a single infinitive language and its plural is qira’at, and he read the book as qira’ana (with dhammah) and he read something as qira’ana (with dhammah), also pluralizing it and dhammah, from which the Qur’an is named because it collects the surahs and includes them, and the Almighty’s saying {Indeed, it is upon us to collect it and read it}, meaning its reading.

I think that this meaning is very correct for the word reading, but the dictionary says that the meaning of reading is Qur’an, and that the Qur’an is called Qur’an because it is the source of the verb to read.

I completely agree with this interpretation of the meaning of the word Qur’an. Why?

When we read any book, the process is called reading or Quran.

We will give an example

If we imagined ourselves hearing someone reading a literary novel, and when we finished listening and left the place, the professor asked us what you were listening to, our answer would be: We were listening to the reading of a literary novel.

In other words…. The reading book taught in primary schools can also be called the Qur’an book… And in order to remove the confusion between the reading book in schools and the religious book, we can distinguish between them with the word Holy.

The school reading book = the Qur’an

The holy religious book = the Holy Quran

Of course, I do not mean this example as a call to implement this thing, at all……. Rather, I am only trying to clarify the meaning of the word. Until we realize the true meaning.

This is consistent with the verse

{It is upon us to collect it and recite it}

That is, we have to collect it and read it

If we return to the previous example…..we said that if we asked the professor what you were listening to, our answer would be: We were listening to the Qur’an and a literary novel.

Then he asked us to bring him that novel so that he could read it, but in reality we do not have the physical entity. We only listened to the Qur’an (reading) of the novel and went away, but we decided to write the Qur’an (reading) of that literary novel that we listened to in letter and detail. Then it would be We have an exact copy of the literary novel, not the original copy that the person has, but it is the same.

This means that the Qur’an in our hands is a reading or read by another material entity that is not in our hands. That is, the Qur’an is not the first and original material entity, which is the book, but rather an exact copy of the book, and this meaning is consistent with the verse:

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know}

Meaning a book with detailed Arabic reading, that is, a book with Arabic reading, such as the Holy Qur’an.

If we return to the previous example…and the professor returned to his home and wanted to listen to the Qur’an (the version we wrote for him). So he asked his son to read the Qur’an (the narration), but his son is weak in the Qur’an (reading) and reads it incorrectly. He reads it incorrectly (the Qur’an is wrong), so he asks his daughter to read the Qur’an (the narration) instead of him, so she reads correctly without any harm. mistake .

The reading of the professor’s son, even if it is wrong, is also called Qur’an = that is, the reading of the Qur’an by the professor’s son is wrong

The reciting of the correct Qur’an by the professor’s daughter is called the Qur’an = that is, the reciting of the Qur’an (the narration) by the professor’s son is correct.

This is consistent with the verses

{Indeed, it is upon us to collect it and its Qur’an (17) and when we recite it, then follow its Qur’an (18)}

That is, we have to perform Friday prayers and recite it, so if we recite it, then follow its recitation

That is, we are faced with two readings, our reading and his reading, that is…. our Qur’an and his reading. The first is correct and the second is wrong, like the example of the previous professor with his son and daughter.

Therefore, I believe that the first source of the verb to read is Qur’an, but the word Qur’an was made denotative in the name of one book, which is the religious Bible, and another source of the verb to read was derived with the word read and applied to reading any other book other than the religious book, in order to distinguish between The word Qur’an and the word reading.

Let us return to the previous example…….and suppose that the professor came back to us on the second day and said to us: I do not want this copy of the novel that you wrote, I want the original copy from which that person was reading. So we asked about that person, and we arrived at his house after exhausting and exhausting searching, and we asked him to give us the book after we explained the story to him. He was generous with us and gave it to us as a gift from him, and we brought the original book (the literary novel) to the professor… The professor asked us to read the book in front of him.

And when we opened the book, a big problem appeared to us…. The book is written in a handwriting that is not ours, and no one can read this handwriting, because it is not the handwriting in which we write.

The Qur’an (reading) of the book (the literary novel) that we heard for the first time is very understandable and clear to us, in an Arabic language, and there is no problem with it. We memorized it in our chests and then wrote it in our usual script, but the original physical entity, the book (the literary novel), so its handwriting is incomprehensible to us. And we cannot read it (like an illiterate person who cannot read).

Reading (reading) the book (literary novel) in a clear Arabic language without crookedness, meaning that it is an Arabic book, but the script in which the book is written is not Arabic (or you are not accustomed to writing in it).

What is the solution ?

We thought and arrived at a solution… We went over the word in the original book, and read it by looking at the position of the word in our copy that we wrote, and we started reading, and after a while the professor asked us to stop reading the Qur’an. And he said to us: I do not want this method. I want to read directly without looking at your copy.

We asked the professor to give us a deadline……….. We will try to match the copy that we wrote in our familiar handwriting based on the process of our listening to that person’s reading of the book (the literary novel), and we will match it with the original copy of the book that we took (the literary novel). …and after a while we were able to decipher the handwriting in the original book (the literary novel).

We now have all the letters in our possession and we know the sound of each letter in the original book, but we faced the problem that the font the original book is written in does not contain vowel letters as we do. We cannot read well as that person reads, because it is the font we are accustomed to, while we are not. We are accustomed to this method of writing, but the problem will not be difficult or complicated, as the level of difficulty is negligible. The difference in places will be the number of fingers, because the spoken language is Arabic and the meanings we understand well, that is, we will understand the context simply by reading. But we will differ in places by the number of fingers.

We started the Qur’an (reading the book) directly.

This example leads us to the most important question of all: Where is the original physical entity (the original copy) of the Qur’an, because we now have a Qur’anic copy (reading) of the book (of course it is correct), but we want the original copy?!

So…..we have to look for it, search for its location, as in the previous example, and match it with the Qur’an we have.

The seven readings

Our reading of the original copy of the book in the previous example is the correct meaning of the seven readings, and not as the heritage books told us. Of course, I do not want to deny the entire heritage in general, which is wrong, but I just want to revise it, and know what is correct from what is fabricated and what is fabricated. Therefore, I believe that the science of readings is the most important science found in all heritage books, which must be studied and revised, because it is linked to the basic and central text, and because there are important notes in it, which are:

– The names of the narrators of the seven readings are very realistic. I find them to be names connected to our world and not a paradox of reality. Really connected to us, and not from a separate world.

The texts of recitations and the sciences of Tajweed reveal to us that we are not dealing with sciences that revolve around a text that is 300 years old, but rather a very old text.

My talk about the science of readings and its study lies in its importance in another external topic related to the original book, because I believe that the seven readings are the readings of the first Qur’anic text that was written in the book.

We also said that the previous example about the professor and our reading of the original book is the correct meaning of the seven readings and not the meaning that has reached us from the heritage books on the tongue of the Prophet or his companions and his family. Because the Qur’an was transmitted from one ancient script, older than the current script today, and it was not transmitted to us from a script like our current script at all, and it was not transmitted from the current script before the punctuation. The Qur’an was transferred from a script in which there was not yet a letter (t) that resembled the letter (th or b), but rather from a script in which the letter (t) was drawn completely differently from the letter (b and th).

Why ?

I will not talk now about the science of readings that exists in our heritage, but I will try to develop the first concept that is based on the methodology that I follow, and after that we will enter this science.

In a previous article, I talked about a phenomenon found in our ancient inscriptions in the region, and I find it necessary to write it here for those who have not read it.

We said that in any writing system, the writers are the ones who are most knowledgeable about the correct way to read their writing.

Explain more ?

Many do not realize that all the inscriptions of the ancient region did not write vowel letters in their inscriptions…so you find it difficult to spell the correct word…but the original writer knows how to read the text correctly…because it is his writing and he is accustomed to it. That way.

We notice this thing… When we read on the Internet a lot of research on the translations of the Gilgamesh tablets discovered in Iraq, we will find that the translation process takes place in this way… Several vowels are placed after each consonant, and even… Consonant letters. Each letter exists within a group of letters similar to it in sound and similar in sound. Therefore, you can assume tens or even hundreds of thousands of translations of the inscriptions that can be formed in this way.

This phenomenon is as if it were an established culture in the region… and this culture was reflected in the Arabic writing system as well… but Arabic in its current form has dealt with this phenomenon and it appears to be an evolutionary and transitional stage, with the invention of diacritics (fatha and Dhamma, kasra and sukoon).

Example :

If you ask a person who is good at reading Arabic to read this word (books)… he will pronounce it in two different ways:

● He will pronounce it as written (by opening the kaf – kataba). Which means the act of writing in the past.

● The second is “Kutub” (with Damm Al-Kaf – Kutub)…which means collecting a book.

But he cannot determine the correct word that we want… except according to the context of the sentence in which the word appears… because he knows the writing system and understands the correct method of reading, so he is its owner, and this is exactly what was present in the ancient inscriptions.

We will try to bring the meaning closer with another example… so that the meaning of… understanding the correct reading that we mean becomes clear.

If we wrote a sentence in Arabic, but without the dots on the letters, and suppose that the sentence is: Muhammad writes an article, and we erase the dots in the word (writes) and in the word (article), then we ask a person who is fluent in reading Arabic to read… The sentence after we erased the points. You will find that he will not find it difficult to read the campaign and will pronounce it the way we want it…. Why?

Because it is his writing system… and he understands writing because he is accustomed to this written form, and he will not find difficulty in understanding the meaning… and he will read the sentence correctly… even if there is a change in the form he is accustomed to.

What is the ancient writing system used in the region?

1- As we talked about previously… the ancient writing system did not write vowel letters (a and y).

2- All inscriptions in the region are written from right to left.


Now let us return to the topic of the seven readings

There is an important point that must be clarified about the misconception that many people have. When they hear the word readings, they think that it is something completely different, and this is not true at all. If we enter the world of readings, and do a statistics on readings, we will find that:

1 – Number of words that were read on two sides: 1315 words

2 – The number of words that were read in three ways: 105 words

3 – The number of words that were read in four faces: 24 words

4 – The number of words that were read in five faces: 3 words.

So…..the total number of different words in the readings is only 1447 words from all the words of the Qur’an, and when dividing the differences in the readings we will find that they are divided into three types:

1- The word is the same in all recitations, but there is a difference in the pronunciation of the word (asphism, slanting, taqfim, tarqiq, dhamma, kasra), and its percentage is 97.5%.

2- A difference in one letter in the same word from one reading to another, at a rate of 2%.

3- A difference in the entire word itself from one reading to another. by 0.5%

We adopt the readings that currently exist today, and are currently in effect today, because they are the origin and the final agreement, and it is the current reality, and all the other readings that exist in this science I never deal with them at all, except for the sake of interest if I try to research other aspects. Meaning that I can never accept anomalous cases. Or the increase in the word or the presence of a difference in it, for the previous reason. I adopt the readings that exist today, because they are the readings that have been agreed upon, and this agreement is about the highest religious text, and this means that the matter is over. Even if there are narratives that talk about differences, it is of no value. she has .

But if we look at the readings that exist today and are currently in effect today, we will find that most of the differences in the current readings are of the first type and the second type, and in the second type the difference is in one letter within the word, and this letter is one of the vowel letters (a and y).

Now look at the examples

Malak = Malik (letter Alif)

He wrote it = his letter (letter Alif)

Yazirun = Yazirun (letter Alif)

So he doubles it = so he doubles it (the letter alif).

Their offspring = their offspring (letter Alif)

Kafwa = enough (letter waw and alif)

There is a difference between the letters (and Y) as well

This observation confirms to us conclusively that the Qur’an was not transmitted to us as the heritage books told us, but rather came to us from an original copy written in a very ancient script, and it was never written in the current script today, not even in the script before the punctuation, but rather in a completely different script. And there are no vowel letters in it… because if it were like today’s script, the difference in readings in the same word would not always occur, specifically in the vowel letters (a and y).

Meaning that the Qur’an was copied from the first original Qur’an, which was written in a disjointed script, that is, written in a script with syllabic letters, such as the following figure:

1- K T B E

And here the readers who have read stood before this word written in the original copy of the book……. This form can be read in two forms (his book or his books).

The first reader of the Qur’an found the context of the entire Qur’anic sentence in the plural form, so he recited it (his books) {The Messenger believed in what was sent down to him from his Allah, and the believers each believed in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers. We make no distinction between any of His messengers. And they said, “We hear and obey. Your forgiveness, our Allah, and to You is the return.”}, while the other reader knows that The Book of Allah is only one, so recite the word in this form (His Book) (letter Alif between the letter Ta and Ba)

Some view the issue as a problem… while I see the opposite. Rather, I consider this evidence of the existence of a culture that takes great care and extreme caution when dealing with a religious text, even at the level of a single letter, as if we are facing a sacred divine text, and the letter One thing changes human consciousness about a fact, and it indicates that we are facing a very established and ancient culture that sanctified writing, text, and letters in a profound and above-the-ordinary manner, a culture that is very keen on the utterance of the religious text without increase or decrease, and this keenness is evidence that behind the text there is a truth. It is big and must reach people.

This brings us to a related topic about the meaning of sacred and unholy text.

I believe that we belong to a culture that sanctified a very ancient divine book, and we did not know anything other than this book, and every text that comes out of this book is like a true and truthful divine text, and every word that comes out of something other than this book does not have any holiness…. ..ordinary human talk.

I put an example in the picture to explain my meaning

The religious text is: “He said, ‘O son of a mother, do not seize my beard or my head. I was afraid that you would say, ‘You have divided the children of Israel,’ and you did not heed my words.”

But if you try to write this text as shown below, it will never be a sacred religious text. It will be an incorrect text that falsifies awareness and hides the truth. There is truth in the sentence (O son of a mother), while the sentence (O my brother) in this situation falsifies the truth, and there is truth in the sentence (Do not seize my beard or my head), while the sentence (Do not blame me) does not express the truth at all, but rather is false. the truth .

Another example

The story of the Prophet Saleh. We notice that in all the verses of the Qur’an that talk about the she-camel, we find there a clear keenness to mention the word (they hamstrung her) and not the word (they slaughtered her), and the Qur’an’s keenness to use the word (they hamstrung her) gives the true meaning and not (they slaughtered her) which falsifies awareness. Noting that many people say that the word “aqarha” is only applied to the slaughter of camels, and this is baseless talk. The word “aqarha” gives a different meaning… and the meaning is for us to search for and not for entertainment and amusement.

{And the Messenger said, O Allah, my people have considered this Qur’an abandoned.}

This makes us raise an important issue today, about the heritage that has reached us and our awareness of this heritage as absolute sacred texts, because I believe that the authority of sanctity towards this human heritage is an alien culture to us, and perhaps it began with our transition to the era in which papers appeared commercially and There was a huge shift towards paper books in various fields. The texts that explain the Qur’an to us became sacred in our consciousness, as well as the texts on the tongues of righteous people and prophets. They falsified our awareness…because in ancient times we only knew one book and one true and correct text. He speaks the truth, and it is the text that comes out of the book.

Why ?

I will explain the story to you

An existential truth that we have lived by since time immemorial has been hidden from us, and this truth is the religious book… This book contains all the names that Allah taught Adam. This book is the book of prophets… the divine Holy Book… and the Holy Qur’an is a prophecy read. Written in the book.

{Say: It is great news. (67) You turn away from it.}

how ?

Imagine that you have a book in front of you consisting of two parts, the first part of which contains the first basic elements (such as the elements of the periodic table) through which compounds can be formed, and the second part consists of many similar compounds (such as chemical compounds).

Part one + part two = book


Elements + compounds = magical substance

Now we will call the first part “Al-Muhkamat” (Umm Al-Kitab), and we will call the second part “Al-Musambihat” (Names).

Mother of the Book + Names = Divine Prophecy (Holy Text).

This sacred text is the first truth, the first reference, and what is written in it is human words that do not express truth, but rather falsify awareness if we consider it as a sacred religious text.

{It is He who has sent down to you the Book, some of which are verses that are decisive, they are the mother of the Book, and others are ambiguous. As for those in whose hearts there is deviation, they follow what is ambiguous in it, seeking temptation and seeking its interpretation. And none knows its interpretation except Allah. And those who are firmly rooted in knowledge say, “We believe in it. It is all from our Allah.” And none remember except those of understanding. (7) Our Allah, do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Indeed, You are the Giver.


This equation makes us understand the reason behind this huge number of books interpreting the Qur’an, including false prophetic hadiths, stories of the Israeli prophets, and the biography of the Prophet, which were all published at the same time, and whose function was to destroy this sacred text, and transform it into sacred texts that reach the status of a sacred text. The first and first reference, in order to falsify people’s awareness in understanding the sacred text, and so that people lose the pure divine truth around us.

{And those who disbelieve say, “Do not listen to this Qur’an, but distort it in order that you may overcome.”}

Rather, this equation makes us understand the most insidious historical game, which is the game of the Book of the Old Testament, and the story of Musa and the prophets in it, which has no basis in truth, because the Qur’an is the author of the first text, and as for what is in the Book of the Old Testament, it is fabricated and fictitious. It was written by seventy people from the Romans after they infused it with texts from the Qur’an, to make it appear that it was a heavenly book, after the Romans designed a satanic project through a malicious game with time and the manufacture of an imaginary history. They made the book of the Old Testament precede the time of the text of the Qur’an, in order to destroy people’s awareness of the Qur’an and The truth and an attempt to circumvent fate. Everyone believed that Musa lived in ancient times, and that he came to the Al-Yahoud and brought a law and religion, and that they were the authors of the first narration and the Qur’an was transmitted from them, while the truth and certainty is that it is merely a prophecy with the same details contained in the Qur’an, no. Increase or decrease.

{And Al-Yahoud said is not Al-Nasarah on anything, and Al-Nasarah said The Al-Yahoud are not upon anything, and they recite the Book. Thus those who do not know say the same as their saying. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed about.}


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