The Qur’an and the Old Testament – one topic in two different languages

The Qur’an and the Old Testament - one topic in two different languages


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Two somewhat similar books on the stories of the prophets, but different in style and language, and it is said that they are of a single origin that emerged from the region.


Why did the region wait, since the beginning of creation, for the Greek language to come into existence and for the first copy of the Holy Book to be written in it? Why did the world wait until the Greek Romans appeared in order to issue political orders to write the Holy Books in Greek?

Which language expresses the region more, Greek or Arabic?

If the first copy of the religious Bible that first appeared in the region and still exists today was written in the Sumerian, Egyptian, Babylonian or Himyarite language, it would be very logical for it to be the first religious book in the region and emerged from the womb of the region and emerged from its reality. .


Why are there two books with 30% similar stories in two different languages? So what is the need for Islam and the Qur’an? It was supposed to be a religious book and there would be a different religion and nothing would change. Or it was supposed to be the religion of the region, or the book of a new religion, without the need for the Arabic language, or the Qur’an would be written in Hebrew and in a style completely different from the Old Testament. Don’t some people believe that Judaism is a copy of Islam?!

But the director of the story was able to find a logical answer to this logical question, so he convinced people that Judaism is the religion of a people or people and it is not allowed to enter into it. But doesn’t Christianity consider the book of the Old Testament to be a holy book?! So how can it then be appropriate for another religion to take a book specific to a nation and a people and express the identity of a people and a people and consider it its religious book and believe in it?!

The director of the story thought and decided afterward, to limit Judaism to lineage and not to proselytize in order to confirm the identity of a people or a nation… in order to increase the difficulty and complexity of the story.

But the truth is that Judaism is only a religion, and not the identity of a nation or people. There are Chinese Al-Yahoud, Russian Al-Yahoud, Arab Al-Yahoud, and Ethiopian Al-Yahoud.

Why, then, did even the Prophet Muhammad, this intelligent and shrewd person, as some claim, who in the space of 100 years made a huge geographical area extending from Spain to the borders of China believe in a book, and also thought of stealing texts from a religious book specific to a people and people and turning them into his book? .

The director of the story found a solution to this logic. The Al-Yahoud and Arabs are cousins, and this means that there is no problem or difference. They are of the same origins, and he planted the story of Ishak and Ismail, meaning that Muhammad is from the same environment as the Al-Yahoud.

Muhammad, this shrewd and intelligent person, could have written a religious book different from the stories of the Old Testament related to the Al-Yahoud, with no need at all for the stories of the prophets, or he could have written completely different stories of the prophets…completely different stories in a radical way, with different names and different events, so that… It makes people suspect that he is just a thief from the Jewish book, and that he is unique from the rest.

Why is he keen to create a new version of the Old Testament, and if the subject, according to Muslims’ belief, is a heavenly religion and a religious book that Muhammad brought according to the will of Allah after a distortion of Allah’s religions, then what is the reason for the presence of the same stories of the Old Testament in the book of the Qur’an? !, salvation is something that has ended and there must be a different topic. What is the benefit of a new religion coming up with stories that are completely similar to the stories in the book of the Old Testament, with the only difference being the language and style of telling the story?

Did Muhammad want to create a religion for the Arabs, as they said, but what would he benefit from creating a religion for them? Is it for the sake of uniting them politically, according to their claim, and why? Then, if he wanted to create a religion to unite the Arabs, he could have created a different religion for them, in a different form, and with topics. Different, and if Muhammad was, as they claim, he was taught by Al-Yahoud and monks, and that is why he wrote a book that resembled the book of the Al-Yahoud, but was it difficult for this intelligent, genius man to learn about other religions and take from them? Rather, why did he take from religions? He could have To invent from his mind and imagination something new that matches his genius. Rather, the question is: Is it possible that the entire world had a religion, except for the Arabs, who do not have a religion, and do not know any belief, so the question of death and existence does not exist for them. The Arabs are a backward people, not even the rest of the world. Until someone comes to them and creates a religion for them and makes them know that this universe has a Creator and that there is another day and life is not in vain… I mean, the Arabs waited from the beginning of creation in a lost world until Muhammad came.

The illusion of imaginary time and imaginary history…the real, first and direct reason for not understanding the origin of the story.

Because the insistence on dealing with the stories of the prophets is evidence that there is a dispute over one ancient sacred religious text, that is, a pre-existing text, and this text is a divine prophecy that requires it to be conveyed in its entirety and without reformulation, arrangement, addition or subtraction.

Then there must be something reference and standard that separates the topic. This reference thing must be an ancient book that had an accurate system (the scale) and through which news of the unseen and religious texts were written, and this scale needs the linguistic system from which it emerged.

{Allah is the One who sent down the Book with the truth and the balance. And who knows? Perhaps the Hour is near.}

This book will reveal to us who is the original book and who is the distorted and forged book.

Also, since the topic is news, we are supposed to find that either the Old Testament or the Qur’an is present verbatim in this book, and then we will discover the deception of time and history, and we will discover the huge project of Rome and the West to falsify the awareness of the region and the world from many centuries ago until today.

{Those to whom We gave the book before it believe in it. (52) And when it is recited to them, they say, “We believe in it. It is the truth from our Allah. Indeed, before it we were Muslims.”}

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