The Qur’an does not address Muhammad, but rather another messenger

The Qur’an does not address Muhammad, but rather another messenger


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{And thus We have made you a moderate nation that you may be witnesses over the people and that the Messenger may be a witness over you. And We did not make the qiblah which you used to face except that We may distinguish who follows the Messenger from whoever turns on his heels, although it is a grave thing, except for those whom Allah has guided. And Allah is not about to lose your faith. Indeed, Allah is with people, Compassionate and Merciful.}… Great truth of Allah.

In this verse: Allah tells the people to follow the Messenger even if the matter is a big one for the people, except for some of those who are following Allah’s guidance. This does not mean that the people’s faith was lost in vain, as there is no relationship between faith in Allah and this big matter and this great transformation. Which people are not used to.


This is a clear lesson from the Qur’an for everyone. This is a light from the Qur’an that draws a straight and clear path for you and establishes you. This is important before entering into the topic. We should not link belief in Allah with the realization of something radically different, because belief in Allah is innate within you, while any Another belief is not innate, and we should not make something that we practice and that our fathers practiced and then realize its error in the major matter, so that it does not prevent us from surrendering to the truth and certainty supported by the Qur’an.


How will we read the Holy Quran?

● It is assumed that if we want to know a sure and certain truth in our religion, our reference is the Qur’an only, and every hadith other than the Qur’an is not a reference for us.

{These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. So in what hadith after Allah and His signs will they believe? (6) Woe to all your sinful avatars. (7) He hears the verses of Allah recited to him and then persists in arrogance as if he had not heard them.}

Beware of being arrogant about what is in the Qur’an that contradicts your beliefs that have reached you from the books of jurists, priests, and monks, from books of the Prophet’s hadith, books of biography, books of interpretation, books of history, and books of stories of the prophets. Certainty in the Qur’an, because it is the correct reference and basic text.

● When reading the Qur’an, we must deal with the Qur’an as a heavenly revelation, that is, we deal with a logical and non-contradictory awareness throughout the Qur’an, and if we find something illogical and contradictory, the reason is us and not the Qur’an. Previous perceptions make you believe that the Qur’an is contradictory and inconsistent. Logical, also your normal way of thinking is what makes you understand the text illogically, and if we arrive at sound logic that opposes the Qur’anic text, then you are certain that the meaning is different from the meaning you impose on the Qur’anic text.

Now let us read the texts of the Qur’an and try to understand the meaning according to the current perception that we have inherited, and then try to correct it.


{Has the hadith of Musa reached you?}

According to the current scenario, we will try to imagine a scene of Jebril addressing the Prophet Muhammad.

Jebril: O Muhammad, have you heard the hadith of Musa? .

After asking, Jebril narrates the story of Musa to Muhammad.

Jebril: {When he saw a fire, he said to its people, “Stay. I have seen a fire. Perhaps I will bring you a plug from it or find guidance on the fire.” (10) Then when he came to it, he was called out, “O Musa.” (11) Indeed, I am your Allah, so take off your shoes. You are in the holy valley of Tuwa.}

the question :

How does Jebril ask Muhammad whether the hadith of Musa had come to him, and then narrate to him the hadith of Musa?!

How could Jebril ask Muhammad about whether he had received the hadith of Musa, when Jebril knew that Muhammad knew nothing about Musa?

Where would Muhammad have a hadith about Musa without Jebril? Is there an angel other than Jebril who reached Muhammad and told him about the hadith of Musa? So what is the reason for the existence of two angels, for one angel is sufficient?!

If Jebril was asking Muhammad about whether he had received a hadith about Musa from another person, then what was the reason for Jebril to reveal to Muhammad the story of Musa? This means that Jebril’s words to Muhammad were no longer important, so why would he suggest to him then? Is it because this person’s hadith will compensate us for the descent of Jebril and A revelation to Muhammad?

Many questions will confront us, all of which lead to illogical results, and the reason is because the current perception we have is completely illogical, as it is the main reason.

Jebril is supposed to tell Muhammad about the story of Musa without asking the previous question because Muhammad does not know anything about Musa, and Jebril knows that Muhammad does not know, so that Muhammad collects the revelations in a book so that it becomes the book of the people after him and they read the story of Musa to learn life lessons from this story. And for the story to be a sermon and a lesson.

Let’s look for another logical scenario.

Jebril asks Muhammad: Did you reach the hadith of Musa, which he told in such-and-such details?

Meaning that Muhammad received the hadith of Musa from another side that we do not know, so that he could match this hadith with revelation.

But this perception will lead us to many questions:

1- What is the importance of conformity? Is it necessary for Muhammad to believe that he is Jebril and become more certain? Isn’t Jebril’s descent sufficient for Muhammad to believe?

Then how is the matching done when Jebril asks Muhammad whether the hadith of Musa had come to him? Did Jebril not know that Muhammad had received the hadith of Musa?

It is assumed that the conformity comes after the revelation so that certainty increases, meaning that Muhammad received the hadith of Musa, and the revelation comes after him. Then Muhammad, being asked by Jebril, will have had the hadith reach him. Then the question would be in a different form: Didn’t you come across the hadith of Musa?

2- Was Jebril unable to tell Muhammad about another place from which Muhammad could obtain the hadith of Musa?

If the topic concerns Muhammad, then the story of Musa becomes a story specific to Muhammad and does not concern all Muslims, as it was revealed for the sake of Muhammad for a different matter that we do not know about (perhaps something was confirmed or more stable) and the story has no relation to the educational aspect as is known.

But is it possible that Muhammad did not know anything about Musa at that time?! Was Musa’ personality unknown at that time?

Many questions will confront us without a definite answer, and perhaps we should search for another text in the Qur’an that can help us find convincing answers to those previous questions.


{And We gave Musa the Book, so do not be in doubt about meeting him, and We made it a guidance for the Children of Israel}

According to the current scenario, we will try to imagine a scene of Jebril addressing the Prophet Muhammad.

Jebril: We gave Musa the Book, so do not, O Muhammad, be in any doubt about meeting him.

Meet whom??

Who did Haa rely on in his meeting speech: Musa or the Book?

Jebril addresses Muhammad and suggests to Muhammad, and Musa was close to him, or in one period of time.

But how will Muhammad meet Musa when Musa has long died? Could it not be that what is meant by meeting Musa is meeting Musa’ conversation.


Jebril: O Muhammad, do not be in any doubt about knowing the personality of Musa, whose speech matches the story we revealed to you about him.

Then Muhammad will not have had the hadith of Musa yet, but he must not doubt that he met Musa and recognized him. Then the revelation will precede the arrival of the hadith, meaning that Muhammad, after the end of the revelation, will recognize the hadith of Musa.

But this perception would make us believe that Musa’ speech would not be difficult for Muhammad to identify, because Musa is present in his speech among the Al-Yahoud, and there is no difficulty and it does not require Jebril to say to Muhammad, “Don’t be in doubt about meeting him.” He was a very well-known personality at that time among Judaism. Everyone knows it, while Jebril’s conversation with Muhammad suggests well that the issue is somewhat difficult regarding Musa’ meeting and conversation. It indicates that the hadith of Musa was unknown and not well-known in the time of Muhammad, but Jebril told Muhammad not to be in doubt about reaching it.

Or perhaps the distraction is accustomed to the book, meaning that there will be a revelation

Jebril: O Muhammad, do not be in doubt about meeting the Book which We have made a light for the Children of Israel

Then we will have answers that seem logical to the previous questions

Is the hadith of Musa consistent with the stories that Jebril revealed to Muhammad in order for Muhammad to reach the book that Musa had, which is light?

It may be logical…but this leads us to many questions

Was Jebril unable to tell Muhammad the location of the book? The topic is easy without needing all this difficulty. He tells him the book. And it’s over

But if it was for Muhammad to reach the book, then what is the Qur’an?

Isn’t the Qur’an a book from Jebril to Muhammad? Isn’t it enough?! So what is the need for the book of Musa, and if the matter needs the book of Musa, then what is the reason for the story? Wasn’t Jebril the one who inspired the book to Musa? So the issue is not difficult for Jebril to reveal to Muhammad the same thing as he revealed to Musa, so that he would give Muhammad the same book as Musa. The problem was solved easily.

The picture is beginning to become clearer somewhat, but it has also led us to many questions without a definite answer, and therefore I think that the matter requires us to search for another text in the Qur’an that can make the picture clearer and answer those previous questions.


{And when We sent to you a group of the jinn to listen to the Qur’an, then when they attended it they said, “Listen. Then when it was finished, they turned back to their people as warnings. (29) They said, ‘O our people, we have heard a book revealed after Musa, confirming what was before it, guiding to the truth and to a straight path.’ (30)}

According to the current scenario, we will try to imagine a scene of Jebril addressing the Prophet Muhammad.

Jebril: We have sent to you, O Muhammad, a group of jinn to listen to the Qur’an. When they were present to listen, they said, “Listen.” When the recitation ended, they turned to their people and said to them, “We have heard a book revealed after Musa that guides to the truth.”

After Musa?!!!!!!

Was Muhammad’s prophecy after the prophecy of Musa and not after Jesus?

This verse makes the picture clearer and answers many of the previously illogical questions

So this verse confirms that the purpose of the story of Musa was for Muhammad to realize the location of the book and reach it, and this means that Muhammad reached the book of Musa as Jebril had revealed to him…..and the same previous questions are repeated with us about the complexity of the story before. Jebril to Muhammad, Jebril is supposed to tell him the place and the problem ends without him having to tell the story.

But where is the Book of Musa?… Only the Qur’an that was revealed to Muhammad reached the Muslims, and the Book of Musa did not reach the Muslims and there is no mention of it.

But wait

The jinn were listening to the Qur’an, and when they went to their people, they said, “If we hear a book that was revealed after Musa.”

Is the Holy Qur’an the spoken word of the Book of Musa? Meaning, when a person reads the Book of Musa, he reads it in the same way as he reads the Qur’an

It means more

The Qur’an = the book of Musa read

Is the Qur’an found in the Book of Musa?

So what is the benefit of Jebril in giving Muhammad the same revelation as Musa? He could have brought him a copy of the book of Musa and the matter would be over? What is the reason for this story?

Rather, what is Jebril’s motivation? We can obtain a copy of the Book of Musa and it will be the Qur’an?

Is it possible that Muhammad would not be able to find the Book of Musa, except after he knew the story of Musa and matched it with the hadith that would reach him, because when it reached him, he would find with Musa a book written in a complex and different script and he would never be able to read it and he would not realize that the Book of Musa was The Qur’an, then Jebril must tell Muhammad the story of Musa so that he can be sure that he is the one meant by the book? .

When Musa went to his people and called them to Islam, and gave them this book to confirm to them that they were wrong and that they should worship Allah? Is the book spoken in the same way as the Muslim Quran?

The issue is getting bigger and more complicated

Didn’t Islam come after Judaism? Didn’t the Arabic language come after Hebrew? So how?

Questions that are outside the norm and common to everyone, and require logical answers

We must search for another text that will save us from this complexity and complex questions. Perhaps there is another text that will solve all the previous questions.


{And thus We have revealed to you a spirit from Our command. You did not know what the Book or faith is, but We have made it a light by which We guide whomsoever We will of Our servants. And indeed, you guide to a straight path.}

According to the current scenario, we will try to imagine a scene of Jebril addressing the Prophet Muhammad.

Jebril: We have revealed to you, O Muhammad, the spirit of Our command, and you did not know what the Book is or what faith is, but We made the Book a light by which We guide whomsoever We will of Our servants, and that you guide to a straight path.

So really… the topic revolves around the book, and the purpose of the story of Musa is to match the revelation with the story of Musa that will reach Muhammad, in order to obtain the book.

This explains the real reason why the story of Musa is mentioned so often and repeatedly in the Qur’an. Musa is the main axis around which the story revolves, because the book is the goal. Repetition of the story is a sign of alertness and focus

But was Muhammad’s acquisition of the book what made him know the faith? . Is faith linked to the book?…… Did Muhammad not believe in Allah, Jebril, and revelation, but rather he needed the book of Musa in order to know faith?

We were certain that the subject was indeed the book, and we began to find certain answers, but we faced other difficult questions, and we must search for another text that would clarify the picture more and remove the complexities of the questions.


{Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those with him are harsh against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You will see them kneeling down, prostrating, seeking bounty from Allah and satisfaction. Their mark is on their faces from the effect of prostration. That is their likeness in the Torah, and their likeness in the Enjil is like a crop whose shoots are brought out, so strengthen it, and it grows thick and becomes firm on its stems, admiring the sowers, to anger the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those who believed and worked. The righteous deeds among them are forgiveness and a great reward.}

According to the current scenario, we will try to imagine a scene of Jebril addressing the Prophet Muhammad.

Jebril: Muhammad and his companions are harsh against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. You see them, O (Muhammad), kneeling down in prostration, seeking favor from Allah, with signs on their faces from the effect of prostration. This is their example in the Torah, but their example in the Enjil is like a plant.

Jebril describes (to Muhammad) the descriptions of (Muhammad and his companions)

Is it possible that Jebril addresses Muhammad directly, and describes Muhammad and those with him to him?

The whole picture is revealed in this verse, and the matter does not require difficulty, as the speech in the Qur’an is not for Muhammad at all, the speech is for someone other than Muhammad.

This confirms to us that Muhammad and his companions are the true companions of the Torah and the Enjil , and that the Qur’an addresses another messenger, presenting him with descriptions of Muhammad and his companions, who are present in the Torah and the Enjil , so that he can produce the book.

I believe that we have finally reached the desired text, which reveals the ambiguity, removes the complications, and answers all the previous questions.

Now….we can draw the real and logical picture.

♣ The Qur’an is the revelation that the next Messenger will receive so that through the revelation he can produce the book.

{We narrate to you the best of stories by what We have revealed to you this Qur’an, even though before it you were among the heedless.}

♣ The revelation is the Qur’an, and the story of Jebril is that he took the form of a human and revealed to the Messenger a false and fabricated story. The Qur’an is the revelation that the Messenger will receive and understand well until the book appears capable of extricating the illiterate from this great delusion behind which stands an ancient satanic entity.

{Allah indeed favored the believers when He sent among them a messenger from among themselves, reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and the wisdom, even though before they had been in clear error.}

♣ The story of Musa is just a very old prophecy that will happen in the future, events that never occurred in the past according to the fictitious Jewish narrative or according to what reached the Muslims from the Roman rabbis and priests who falsified the minds of the Muslims with books of interpretations and stories of the prophets.

And that the Roman time game that took place was a satanic project to extinguish the light of Allah and deceive fate, and this deception required a major project in order to falsify the awareness of the region and the world.

{Have Musa’s hadith reached you?}

{Has the news of the adversary reached you when you surrounded the mihrab?}

Hadith = news

♣ Musa brought to his people a copy of the book that already existed before the birth of Musa, that existed before Musa, and Musa read the book, and he found in the Torah words from Allah inspired to go to his people.

♣ This confirms to us, definitely and conclusively, that Judaism was actually just a project by the Romans, or more clearly an ancient political project. They created a religion and wrote the book (the Old Testament) in order to eliminate prophecy, in order to stop time, in order to Defrauding fate and time, in order to create a religion based on the prophecy of another religion, in order to subvert the truth, in order to subvert the awareness of Muslims and the world as well, in order to penetrate the region intellectually and religiously.

{They sought temptation before and turned things around for you until the truth came and the command of Allah became apparent, and they hated it}

♣ The function of the story of Musa for the sake of the Messenger… to match the conversation he will receive with the revelation, that is, to search for such events to match them with the revelation, so that he can confirm them and be certain of the matter and become certain so that he will reveal to the people the truth that the criminals are hiding from them. Muslims.

{And each of us will relate to you the news of the Messengers that which we may strengthen your heart, and this truth will come to you, and an admonition and a reminder for the believers.}

♣ The story of Musa is not the same as the charming Greek story that now exists in everyone’s imagination. It is completely different from what Muslims today always repeat. Its interpretation is very realistic and everyone will know it clearly.

Finally: We can now read history correctly and well, through the Qur’an, and understand the entire story that took place over many centuries until today, as we are witnessing the approaching fall of the imaginary Western time.

But in another article…

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