The West and the Vatican are behind the human massacres in Rwanda

The West and the Vatican are behind the human massacres in Rwanda


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Rwanda, which means the country of a thousand hills. The country of Rwanda is located in east-central Africa in the Great Lakes region. Its capital is Kigali. It is bordered by Tanzania, Uganda, Congo, and Burundi. Rwanda is the source of the Nile River. Its area reaches 26,000 km2, and its population reaches 7 million people, and Ronda is considered among the countries with the largest population density.

Rwanda gained its independence from the Belgian occupation in 1962 AD.

Rwanda is characterized by its picturesque nature, beautiful hills and abundance of wildlife, and tourism is considered the largest economic income in the country.

Rwanda is famous for many things, but the greatest fame that Rwanda acquired is due to the heinous human genocide that took place there in 1994.

Human genocide in Rwanda

In 1993, the Hutu president of Burundi was assassinated. This incident caused major massacres of Tutsis, and more than half a million emigrated to neighboring countries.

In 1994, a plane carrying the presidents of Burundi and Rwanda crashed.

The incident was explained by the fact that the Tutsis were behind it, and the killing began on the same day throughout the country for a period of 4 months.

Militias armed with rifles and machetes spread across the country. People were killing their longtime next-door neighbors, family members were betraying each other, and churches crowded with refugees were being set on fire. Gangs carrying machetes and knives committed massacres and massacres throughout the country, with corpses piled up on piles of firewood. Nearly a million people were killed in 4 months, most of whom were Tutsis, and more than a million people were displaced to neighboring countries.

What are the causes of this disaster?

I think that this is the most important question for understanding that catastrophe, because the issue at its core is not a tribal conflict at all. The issue is deeper. There is a strong reason that led to that catastrophe. There is a strong, logical reason that explains that brutality and hatred…..while the Western media and His followers try to neglect to mention the real side behind these massacres and wars, and try to portray the issue as a tribal conflict.

The real party behind that conflict

Why are some systems characterized by survival and stability as they are, while other systems are subject to change?

That question resulted in many other questions, and led thinking to establish a new science called chaos science, which was concerned with studying and describing random systems mathematically, philosophically, and logically.

In the science of chaos, we encounter many terms. Among these terms is the coefficient of irregularity or the coefficient of chaos. This coefficient describes stable or chaotic systems, and the greater the coefficient of irregularity, the greater the chaos of the system.

There is the term stable systems, which deals with the ways and means by which we can transform a stable system into an unstable system, and how to restore unstable systems that were exposed to external variables that put them in an unstable situation back to a stable situation. This science tells us the fact that all natural systems strive towards stability.

Can this science describe other non-physical systems?

I believe that this science is used today in many aspects, as it can interpret and explain many phenomena around us, and no system is devoid of applications of this science, including social, economic, biological, environmental and behavioral systems. Rather, it is used to engineer societies and peoples and to create chaos.

Here is the danger when playing with cultural and social structures, because it will lead to great disasters and chaos. The state of balance that societies have reached is because of those cultural and social structures, and by that we mean balance, the relationship between man and his social and natural surroundings (man and the environment).

The story of the Hutus and Tutsis

The Hutu and Tutsi are two tribes found in East Africa, specifically in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and Congo. Hutus represent 80% of Rwanda’s population, and Tutsis represent 20%. The two tribes have a history full of rivalry and conflict.

What are the reasons for this conflict between them?

The truth is that the colonizer is the cause of the conflict between the two tribes. Indeed, the most strange truth is that these two tribes were created by the colonizer.

Yes, he created those two tribes and created the conflict between them

how ?

When the colonizer came to that region, he found a stable society governed by social courts that regulated life, but he found in that society just two social systems coexisting with each other. The first was a pastoral system called the Tutsis, who were a minority, and the second was an agricultural system called the Hutus, who were the majority.

The colonizer, as usual, played with these social and economic structures. He favored one of them, the Tutsis, and made them a tool in his hand to subjugate the Hutus. He gave them huge privileges and vast areas of agricultural land, and made them a high class compared to the Hutus.

But the strange thing is that when the European colonizers first came to that country, they were unable to distinguish between Hutus and Tutsis, so they relied on a specific system for the distinctive shape of the face and body, and used that system to issue cards to the Tutsis, who were a minority in number, and to those who did not carry that card. He is a Hutu. Anyone who holds this card is now among the elite and has rights and privileges over the rest of the population. The funny thing about the story is that this standard adopted by colonialism made some members of the same family Tutsis and others became Hutus. According to that card, a census was conducted for the Tutsis in those areas, and whoever holds that card has the greatest social status and the authority of the force dependent on the colonizer.

It is unfortunate that this card was the confirmatory document used by the gangs in the Rwandan massacres to find Tutsi members. The families who carry those cards or inherited those cards from their ancestors are Tutsis, so that card has become an object of fear for those who carry it after it had been a subject of pride.

The colonizer was the real reason behind creating this conflict. Yes, colonialism was the most important reason for this hideous disaster. It was the one who played with the cultural, social and economic structures, and it was the one who created and established discrimination and classifications in society and developed, nourished and amplified them.

The colonizer entered and found a balanced society, then the colonizer left after raising the factor of chaos and disorganization in the orderly society he entered, and the colonizer left the country unbalanced, and it is natural for a conflict to occur between the two groups, especially since that region is considered one of The highest fertility rates in the world, and land is confined to the hands of a small group of society, compared to another group characterized by a high birth rate, and does not own sufficient land to provide food for that increase in births, and this explains the natural principle that any system in which a state of instability increases, He seeks stability, or in other words, he seeks to treat that situation with stability, but the treatment was hideous.

As for the year 1994……… the colonizer was also behind it. France and the Vatican were the first reason behind the outbreak of the conflict and its reaching its peak of brutality.

France knew well the nature of that conflict that the colonizer had created in the past, and it was the one behind the killing incidents that occurred to Russians, through its intelligence to blow up the situation there. The armed militias were receiving support from French forces.

Rwanda still accuses France of being a major supporter of those massacres, and accuses France of covering up some of the leaders of those militias. This is the reason why Rwanda abandoned France and entered the Commonwealth, which was never a British colony.

The Vatican also had a role in those massacres

Most of the population of Rwanda profess Christianity, 48% Catholics and 49% Protestants, and most of the churches had a major media role in inciting feelings of hatred, killing and slaughter before the situation erupted and after the situation erupted, and some priests participated in the killing and some of them hid criminals and killed them. .

The Vatican apologized about two years ago for the Church’s role in the Rwandan massacres. (I apologize and it’s all over)

The world remained silent for 4 months after those massacres

But the brutality and general hatred that covered Rwanda for 4 months did not prevent strange stories from occurring there, which attracted Western research centers to study them, and raised many questions in search of an answer about the reasons for their occurrence, when Muslims from the Hutu tribe sheltered many members of The Tutsis protected them from murder gangs. They were the only ones who did not fall victim to the hatred created by the colonialists. This made the percentage of Islam in Rwanda increase from 1.5% to 14%…… After 1994, many Rwandans converted to Islam.



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