Vocabulary of the Qur’an and the dialect of the inhabitants of Yemen (Ibb region) 3

Vocabulary of the Qur’an and the dialect of the inhabitants of Yemen (Ibb region) 3


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Vocabulary of the Qur’an and the dialect of the inhabitants of Yemen (Ibb region)


Our dialect: [Bring us dye]…Bring us something to eat with the bread

Anything eaten with bread is called sabbah, and anything eaten without anything is called sabbah, or what is called in the Egyptian dialect (ghous).

Cheese with bread…. dye

Beans with bread….dye

Olive oil with bread….dye

The Qur’an: [And dye for those who eat]… Any tree that produces something to be eaten with bread, such as dye.

{And a tree that emerges from Mount Sinai that produces oil and a dye for those who eat} [Al-Mu’minun: 20]


Our dialect: [The house is built on top of a row]… The house is built on a solid, smooth, hard stone floor.

The solid, smooth, hard stone area is called Safa

The Qur’an: [Al-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the symbols of Allah]… Is there a solid, smooth and hard stone floor in the area of Al-Bayt Al-Haram in Misr, next to what are falsely called the pyramids?

{Indeed, Al-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the symbols of Allah. So whoever makes the Hajj to the House or performs the Umrah, there is no blame on him if he circumambulates them, and whoever volunteers good, then Allah is Grateful, All-Knowing.} [Al-Baqarah: 158]


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