Where did Judaism get its sources from?

Where did Judaism get its sources from?

7/16/2021 0:00:01

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Can you, for once in your life, while searching for the answer to a difficult problem that you have not been able to solve, ask yourself a question: [What if the information surrounding the issue that I believe in is the reason that made the issue seem difficult in my mind? What if… The method that I follow is the reason that prevented me from reaching a solution to the issue. Why isn’t the problem that I rely on wrong information and wrong approaches while the issue is easy and its solution is easy? Why don’t I trust myself and trust this mind that I carry, and search for reliable information surrounding the issue, I am trying to formulate my own accurate scientific method and rely on it to solve the problem.

Isn’t this a logical question that should be asked seriously if we are faced with a difficult issue and it has taken a very long time without finding a correct and convincing answer?!

I think that many people have asked such a question in their lives in solving family or practical problems, etc.

This question was also asked by scientists in solving many of the difficult scientific issues they faced, and it resulted in searching for other information and formulating laws and methods different from the previous ones.

Now…a friend uploaded a picture of three people in an examination hall, and each person bore the name of one of the three religions. So they made Islam cheat from Christianity and Christianity cheat from Judaism, while Judaism does not cheat from anyone, meaning that Islam stole from Christianity and Christianity stole from anyone. From Judaism… Then a question was raised in this form: The question that has puzzled academics remains: Where did Judaism get its sources from? .

According to him, it is a question that has puzzled academics. He talks about the difficulty he and others have in solving this question… Perhaps because he is among those who adopt a new theory every time about the origins of Judaism and its book, but he quickly abandons it in favor of another new theory, and then after For a while he abandoned it, until it became confusing to him: Where did Judaism come from and what is the origin of its book?

So why don’t we look for the reasons for his difficulty and ask him the previous logical question?

Now… What information and methods do they rely on to solve the issue?

– the information

It is based on several pieces of information surrounding this difficult and puzzling issue.

1- His belief in the order in which religions appeared according to Roman times. Judaism appeared first, then Christianity, then Islam, and from there came the logic of the image that that person raised.

2- His belief that the book of the Al-Yahoud is called the Torah.

– Curriculum

It relies firmly on purely Western scientific methods of thinking and research, and its basis is based on the Darwinian theory of evolution, which imposed its logic on all the human sciences… sociology, anthropology, linguistics, comparative religion, etc.

1- The concept of religion……. It was defined according to the Western definition, as a development from previous religions, and religion began with magic and sorcery, and the belief began with the worship of ghosts, natural phenomena, and gods.

This definition and the theories that emerged from it are used to study the reality of religions on earth.

2- The concept of language… It was defined that it began with animal sounds and developed into words, sentences, and a complete language. This is how the language was formed, and other languages splintered from it throughout the earth, and linguistic families were formed in certain parts of the earth.

This definition and the theories that emerged from it are used to study the reality of languages on Earth today.

3- The concept of the history of civilization… It was defined as that it began with the primitive state close to the absent animal, and the state developed until it reached the legendary ancient civilizations in the region, then it developed to the Greek state in which the mind was present, and thus the state developed over the Roman calendar according to Human history up to the present day.

This definition and the theories that emerge from it are used in studying societies on Earth today.

4- The concept of man…. It was defined that he appeared before Homo sapiens, and man evolved until he reached the current rational state, from which races split, and tribal ethnic groups were formed.

This definition and the theories that emerged from it are currently used in the study of humans on Earth.


We will ask the author of the post the logical question: What if the information you are relying on is incorrect? And what if the methods on which you rely on thinking and searching for explanations for things are also wrong? … What if the information and methods are the reason for your difficulty in reaching the solution to that question?!

Now… What if we search for information other than the information on which it is based, and what if we search for another approach to thinking and research that is different from the Western approaches on which it is based?

There is a scientific method of proof, which is (refuting the hypothesis). We try to assume anything and try to refute it. If no one is able to refute it, then it is true.

Example :

Suppose that the chronological order of religions is incorrect, and assume that the correct order is Islam first chronologically, then Christianity, then Judaism, and let us also assume that the book of the Al-Yahoud is not the Torah.

Now….. try to overturn these assumptions…. with your first approach, and see your results, and if your approaches do not fit…… try to search for other, different approaches. Or in other words, let us assume that these approaches are wrong from the beginning, and suppose that there are different approaches in studying human phenomena that depend on the laws of the movement of reality, and depend on the wisdom and inheritance of societies, which are the results of historical knowledge accumulation.

Let’s postpone the information, and let’s go to the new approach.

When you want to study a phenomenon, we must study the structure of reality in which the phenomenon is located.

Therefore……..Judaism can never be separated from Christianity in studying the phenomenon in reality….both religions have one religious book…and it can never be said that the book of the Al-Yahoud is a purely Jewish religious book, because it is A book that the Western world also believes in.

As we know that the West believes in a book of the Old Testament that is different from the Qur’an in which the region believes, meaning that the nucleus of the West is the Book of the Old Testament and the nucleus of the region is the Qur’an, and therefore it is natural that the West is a cultural structure different from the cultural structure of the region.

⚫ Reality

– If the Western cultural structure… had set out a period of time ago to occupy and kill other peoples and continues to do so in an unnatural manner, relying in its life on theft, plunder, exploitation of other peoples, deception and deception.

Can such a Western cultural structure have a natural core (the Old Testament), or does it have an unnatural core stolen from the texts of an original book on earth, out of deception and deception?!

– If this Western cultural structure… came to occupy the region and to steal the land from its inhabitants, by settling Al-Yahoud and creating an entity for them with the legitimacy of its nucleus (the Old Testament), which resembles the nucleus of the cultural structure of the region (the Qur’an).

Can such a Western cultural structure have an original nucleus (the Old Testament), or does it have a false nucleus stolen from an original nucleus present in the region?

– The Al-Yahoud were in an outsider’s position throughout the region. We did not see a Jew in the region who worked in agriculture, and they did not have isolated villages in which they gathered, but rather small gatherings in cities, the outskirts of cities, and large villages.

Is it possible for the Al-Yahoud to believe that such a reality existed as the first original religious document?

– Not long ago, all the Al-Yahoud on Earth did not speak Hebrew, and Hebrew was limited to their religious text, in which the clergy were responsible for teaching them the texts of the Bible, and no isolated gathering of Al-Yahoud speaking Hebrew was formed anywhere on Earth.

The Al-Yahoud were a community on earth that had a religious book written in a language, but they did not speak its language despite a huge project to make the language of their religious book a living language with the establishment of the Zionist entity.

Is it possible to believe that the first original religious document was written in the Hebrew language like this?

⚫ The wisdom of ancestors

The wisdom of the ancestors says that all of the original things are original (his land, his house, his religion, and his language), and the non-authentic have all his things fake or stolen (his land, his house, his religion, his language).

If the Muslim is the original one in his land, then all the things of the Muslim are original (his land, his home, his religion, his language)………. And if, to this day, you are still coming out to the world with theories about the origin of the Al-Yahoud, and you do not know, to this day, the origin of the Al-Yahoud The Al-Yahoud are an inauthentic society and all of its things are inauthentic.

All real logic says this, and verification of the matter cannot be through paper records through which it is not possible to understand the time of the texts… because logic also says… that a global game was played out on the cultural structure of the region during the period of its occupation by the structure. Western culture, and this game cannot be played except after hiding an original document (nucleus), and this original document can only be an old book, from which Muslims memorized the Qur’an.

⚫ Ancestors’ inheritance

If the author of the publication relies on the information found in the core of the cultural structure of the West (the Book of the Al-Yahoud) as scientific facts, then it is better for him to have the character of the scientific method and also rely on the information found in the core of the cultural structure of the region as scientific facts as well.

Because the cultural structure of the region has a nucleus (the Qur’an), and this nucleus is a sacred inheritance from the ancestors, and this inheritance contains within it important information that answers the puzzling question written by the author of the post.

His question: Where did Judaism get its sources from?

The answer: From an original book present in the region from which the Muslims memorized (the Qur’an)… and this book was hidden from the residents of the region, at the beginning of the occupation of the region and the translation of ancient written documents in the region, for the sake of the survival and continuation of the game of the Western cultural structure in The region, and the continued confusion of the author of the post in answering this question, and in order for people to remain lost within the Western human sciences and their curricula whose function is washing.

{And they followed what the devils recited to Sulaiman’s kingdom, and Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic.}

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know (O), and among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah, while they know.}

(Indeed, the religion is with Allah – Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after Allah had come to them. In envy between them, and whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then surely Allah is quick to reckon. So if they dispute with you, say, “I submit.” I have directed my face to Allah and to those who follow us, and say to those who have been given the Book and to the unlettered ones, “If you have accepted Islam, then indeed, if you have accepted Islam, then it has been lost.” They will guide you, but if they turn to you, then it is only upon you. convey the message, and Allah is All-Seeing of His servants.)

(Say: Who sent down the Book which Musa brought as a light and a guidance for mankind? You will make pieces of writing on it, annihilating them and disguising your And you were taught what you did not know, you and your fathers. Say, “Allah.” This is a Book that We have sent down, blessed, confirming what is in its hands, and that you may warn the mother of towns and those around her and those They believe in the Hereafter. They believe in it. And they guard their prayers.)

(People of the Book, indeed, Our Messenger has come to you, explaining to you much of what you feared of the Book.) It has been reported from many: There has come to you from Allah light and a clear writing, with which Allah has guided whoever follows His approval. And He brings them out of darkness into light by His permission and guides them to a straight land.)

Now…. Return to our previous assumption (Islam is chronologically first in existence, then Christianity, then Judaism – the book of the Al-Yahoud is not the Torah).

Try to refute this assumption from those previous rules (reality – ancestral wisdom – ancestral inheritance) which are based on a scientific approach, which is: [There is a first nature that existed with man on earth and it must continue until today.]

Through this approach, you will become well aware of the scientific laws spoken by the Qur’an, and that the Torah is the lines of the book that was hidden from all people, and that Islam was the innate nature of all people on earth…and you will know that the Western cultural structure is running a great satanic game. On earth, and that the nucleus of their structure (their religion and book) is nothing but a project to create a religion and book parallel to an original religion and an original written text, there is oppression, deception and deception among them.

You will realize that Judaism is a relatively modern industry, and Christianity is also a Western project to spread a modern religion throughout the earth, and you will understand well the reason for the strange reality of the Al-Yahoud in the region, which is unnatural engineering, a society created from nothing and engineered by Western minds by creating a new language and religion. For them and create a new land for them at the expense of indigenous people who possess an original religion and an original language in the land. Indeed, you will know well the reasons for the strangeness of the small population of adherents to the Christian religion in the region, and the reason is that they are a modern religion in the region that entered the period of occupation of the Western cultural structure that emerged. To disrupt the entire Earth, change the religion and language of the Earth’s inhabitants, and spread its new religion.

Finally… you will actually know that the Roman calendar is fake and was designed to wash the minds of people on earth

(Faqim and Jahk for the religion of Hanifa. Allah created those who created mankind. Do not change them for the creation of Allah. To Him is the religion of Yayim. ـــَــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ),

(It is He who sent among the unbelievers a messenger from among themselves who recites His verses to them and purifies them and teaches them The Book and the wisdom, although before they were in manifest error. And others among them would not have followed them. And Allah is the Mighty, the Wise. This is for you the bounty of Allah. Like those who were burdened with the Torah. Then they did not carry it like a donkey carrying its burdens. Miserable is like the people who have denied the signs of Allah. By Allah, He does not guide the wrongdoing people.)

(The people were a community and a unit, so Allah sent the prophets as bringers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the book in truth. How many people have disagreed over it, and none disagreed over it except those to whom it was given, after the clear had come to them. You transgressed against them, so Allah guided those who believed in what they differed from the truth, by His permission, and Allah is the One This is whom He wills To the straight road)




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