The history and origin of Arabic calligraphy

The history and origin of Arabic calligraphy


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What is the history of the current line?

We will collect information from official sources, known to everyone, and no answer given regarding Arabic calligraphy will deviate from this information.


■■■■ History of the Arabic alphabet ■■■■

There are several opinions about the history of the Arabic alphabet.

■ Most opinions indicate that the current Arabic script was derived from the Musnad script. The current script was called the Jazm – Qat’ script – because it was cut off (qat’) from the Musnad script.

The Arabic writing known as the Musnad script appeared in the south of the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen with the emergence of the Kingdom of Sheba before the tenth century BC. Then the use of this script stopped with the seventh century AD, as the emergence of the Islamic era had a major impact in drawing attention to the Arabic writing written in the Quraysh language, which in turn also developed. After dotting it with some distinctive points and movements.

Repeated narratives indicate that Arabic writing was derived from the Himyari script (Musnad), which moved to Iraq during the era of Manadhira, where the people of Al-Hirah learned it, then the people of Anbar learned it, then it moved to the Hijaz, via commercial and literary caravans.

Al-Hafiz Abu Tahir al-Salafi narrated in al-Tayuriyyat, with his chain of transmission on the authority of al-Sha`bi, what supports this, and he said:

“The first Arab to write in Arabic was Harb bin Umayyah. He learned from the people of Hira, and the people of Hira learned from the people of Anbar.”

Abu Bakr bin Abi Dawud said in the Book of the Qur’ans: “Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Zuhri told us, Sufyan told us, on the authority of Mujalid, on the authority of al-Sha’bi, he said: We asked the immigrants, where did you learn to write? They said: We learned from the people of Al-Hira. We asked the people of Al-Hira: Where did you learn to write? They said: From the people of Anbar. ».

Taqi al-Din al-Maqrizi said: “The Musnad pen is the first pen of the pens of Himyar and the kings of Ad.”

It was stated in the appendix to the first part of the history of Ibn Khaldun by the writer Shakib Arslan: “The Frankish scholars, including the orientalist Mortens the German, hold that the origin of writing in hieroglyphic letters was in Yemen, and he believes that the Yemenis were the ones who invented writing and not the Phoenicians who invented it, as is the popular opinion, which is He infers this opinion and says that the Phoenicians based their writing on the Yemeni Arabic writing, then the Greeks took writing from the Phoenicians, and the Romans took it from them, so the Arabs are the ones who created writing in this world, and in this regard, they are the ones who created civilization.

Ibn Khaldun said in his introduction in a chapter that calligraphy and writing are among human crafts:

“The Arabic script was as great as it was in terms of rules, mastery, and quality in the Tubba’a state, when it attained civilization and luxury. It is called the Himyari script, and it moved from there to Al-Hirah, because of the state of the Al-Mundhir family, the Tubba’a’s relatives in tribalism and the innovators of the Arab kingship in the land of Iraq, and it did not The calligraphy was not as proficient among them as it was during the succession, due to the shortcomings between the two states, and civilization and its related industries and other industries were deficient in that. And from Al-Hira, the people of Taif and Quraysh taught him what was mentioned. It is said that the one who learned writing from Al-Hira was Sufyan bin Umayyah, and it is said that Harb bin Umayyah, He took it from Aslam bin Sidra, and it is a possible statement. And what is closest to those who say that they learned it from Iyad, the people of Iraq, is the saying of their poet: A people who will have the square of Iraq if…they all walk with the calligraphy and the pen. It is a far-fetched saying, because Iyad, even if they went down to the field of Iraq, they would not have ceased to do their job of nomadism and calligraphy. Of the urban crafts. To say that the people of Hijaz learned it from Al-Hirah, and the people of Al-Hirah learned it from the Tabu’a and Himyar, is the most appropriate statement. Himyar had a script called the Musnad, with separate letters, and they were forbidden from learning it except with their permission, and from Himyar Misr learned Arabic writing, but they did not They are skilled at it, just like the crafts that occur among the Bedouins, and they are not of strict doctrine or inclined to mastery. The writing of the Arabs was Bedouin, similar to or close to their writing for this era, or we say that their writing for this era was better crafted, because they were closer to civilization and mixed with regions and countries. As for Mudar, they were more ancient among the Bedouins and farther away from urban areas than the people of Yemen, the people of Iraq, the people of the Levant, and Misr, so the script was The Arab at the beginning of Islam did not reach the goal of precision, mastery, and proficiency, nor did he reach the level of mediation in the place of the Arabs in terms of nomadism, savagery, and distance from crafts.”

■ There is another belief that the Arabic alphabet may have developed from Syriac.

■ Some contemporary researchers believe that the Arabic alphabet arose and developed from the Aramaic alphabet, and that the origins of the Arabic letters were taken from the letters of the South Semitic alphabet and that they were transferred to the Arabian Peninsula through the Nabataean language in the south of the Levant. The origin of the Arabic alphabet can be traced back to the Nabataean alphabet in which it was written. Nabataean dialect of Aramaic.

The first known text in the Arabic alphabet is an inscription from the fourth century AD found at Mount Rum (fifty kilometers east of the city of Aqaba), but the first dated text in the Arabic alphabet is an inscription in three languages in Zabadani in Syria in 512 AD.

■ There is a belief that the Nabataean alphabet was transformed into Arabic.

■■■■ Pre-Islamic Arabic calligraphy ■■■■

The first blog written in Arabic letters appeared in 512 AD. It was written in three languages: Greek, Syriac, and Arabic, and was found in Zabadani, Syria. This manuscript contained 22 Arabic letters, only 15 of which were different.

About 40,000 manuscripts from the pre-Islamic era have survived. Most of them exist in ancient northern Arabic languages, but they were written in an alphabet adapted from the southern Musnadiya alphabet. Such as: Thamudic, Lihyaniya, Safa’i, Timawiya, and Doumiyya Al-Hasa’i in the eastern side of the Arabian Peninsula.

Traditional Arabic (or the language of the Holy Qur’an) and pre-traditional Arabic have been documented in a number of manuscripts. Perhaps a few of them were in the modern Arabic alphabet. for example:

Archaeological manuscripts of pre-Arabic writing dating back to the first century BC from Qaryat al-Faw. They were written in the southern Musnadi alphabet. Nabataean inscriptions were written in Aramaic and Arabic, i.e. traditional, but in Nabataean letters, which is a form of non-traditional Arabic calligraphy.

There are a number of pre-Islamic inscriptions written in Arabic letters, only five of these manuscripts have been confirmed. These manuscripts do not use dots, which created difficulty in translating them, as many of the letters are similar in shape.

Written here is a list of inscriptions and manuscripts written in the modern Arabic alphabet and others in Nabataean Arabic, where the beginnings of semi-modern Arabic features appear.


Location — Date — Language — Alphabet —- Text

1- Al-Faw village, Wadi Al-Dawasir, Najd – first century BC

Ten lines in Arabic, Musnad alphabet – writing on a grave

He consecrates it with prayers and supplications and asks Al-Lat, Kahl and Ishtar to protect the grave. Ain Abdat

2- Excavation in Palestine between 88 and 150 BC

Four lines in Aramaic, then two lines in Nabataean Arabic with a few intertwined letters, a prayer of thanks to the deity Ubud for saving someone’s life.

3- Umm al-Jimal, west of the Hauran Plateau in Jordan – 3rd century AD

Nabataean Aramaic with many interwoven letters in addition to Greek, and more than 50 pieces have been discovered.

4- The tomb of Raqoush (which is the name of a woman), Mada’in Saleh, Saudi Arabia, 267 AD

A mixture of Arabic, Aramaic, and Nabataean Thamudic vertical script. Some letters have distinctive phonetic signs or dots. The last inscriptions of the Nabataean language. An inscription on the tomb of Raqoush, which contains a curse on anyone who tampers with the grave.

5- Naqsh Namara southeast of Damascus 328-329 AD

In Nabataean Arabic, the letters, more intertwined than before, were written on the tomb:

“This is the grave of Imru’ al-Qaysibun Amr, the king of all the Arabs, who wore the crown. He subjugated the tribes of Asad and Nizar and their kings, defeated Madhaj, led Al-Zafar to Aswarangran, the city of Shammar, subjugated Maadda, and used his sons. He ruled over the tribes and appointed them as Roman knights, but his kingdom has not reached its extent to this day. He died in the year 223 AD, on the 7th of September (Kasul), according to his sons’ happiness, in the year 223 according to the visual calendar.

6- Jabal Ram, east of Aqaba, 3rd or 4th century AD

3 fonts in Arabic, and italics in Thamudic. Some Arabic letters have the distinctive phonetic sign or dots. Temple of Al-Lat. Many thanks to the active person who made his fortune.

7- Sakaka Saudi Arabia – 4th century AD

Arabic Arabic “B-`-S-W Ibn `Abd-Imru’ al-Qais Ibn Mal(Y)K”

8- The Hauran Plateau in Jordan — 4th or 5th century AD

Arabic close to Arabic

“This was written by friends of Aliyah bin Ubaidah, the official of the Augustus II Philadelphia Regiment, and whoever is exposed to it will go crazy.”

9- Al-Zabadani, Syria, south of Aleppo — 512 AD

Arabic Arabic in addition to Greek and Syriac with Arabic. Christian words. The Arabic words say: With the help of Allah, “where Allah wrote, ‘By (Allah)’” Sarkis bin Amma Manaf, Tubi bin Imru’ al-Qais, Sarkis bin Saad and Sattar bin Shurayh.

10- Jebel Sis Syria – 528 AD

Arabic Arabic Record of a military mission by Ibrahim bin Al-Mughira in the name of King Al-Harith (possibly Al-Harith bin Jabla), king of the Ghassanids of the Byzantines, Hauran

11- Al-Lajat, south of Damascus – 568 AD.

Arabic Arabic and Greek, on the grave of a martyr. It is written by Sharaheel bin Zamil, who built the shrine a year after the destruction of Khaybar.


■■■■ Arabic calligraphy after Islam ■■■■

Some believe that with the advent of Islam, the Arabic dialects were unified with the revelation of the Qur’an in the dialect of the Quraysh, and therefore historians tend to believe that the scripts in circulation at the dawn of Islam were the scripts ((Al-Hariri – Al-Anbari Al-Malaki – Al-Madani – Kufa – and Al-Basri)), but the forms of these scripts are not known about them. Something too much for the lack of models.

In the time of the Messenger, Islam was linked to the Arabic language and Arabic calligraphy. Arabic calligraphy appeared through copies of the Holy Qur’an, and it spread among the Arabs in the Islamic world. People used to exchange letters, and they also spread quickly, especially in the letters that the Messenger, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, sent to the kings of the Romans and Persians. When the Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, resided in Medina, he built a mosque to learn in and commissioned a number of companions to teach in it. Thus, Arabic calligraphy continued to develop over time until the present day.

Othman’s Qur’an

It is a Qur’an that was ordered to be collected by Caliph Uthman bin Affan, and it was one of the first written copies.

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq is considered the first to compile the Qur’an between the two tablets (during his caliphate) after it had been scattered in pieces of bone, lumber, stone, and leather. The Qur’an was deposited with Abu Bakr, then with Omar bin Al-Khattab during his lifetime, then with Hafsa bint Omar, who was good at reading and writing.

However, in his disagreement with Othman, Othman decided, based on the advice of Hudhayfah bin Al-Yaman, to compile the Qur’an into unified copies, due to the large number of people’s differences in readings. He sent to the Mother of the Believers, Hafsa, to send Abu Bakr’s Qur’an so that he could order it to be copied. Othman bin Affan entrusted Zaid bin Thabit, Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr, Saeed bin Al-Aas, and Abdul Rahman bin Al-Harith bin Hisham with the task of transcribing the Qur’an. When the scribes finished copying and writing the Qur’an, Othman ordered the burning of all other private Qur’ans that the Companions had kept.

The Uthmani Qur’an is a copy of the six Qur’an copies that were copied by order of Uthman ibn Affan. Then four of them were sent to the cities, so he was sent to Kufa, Basra, Mecca, and the Levant. Two of them remained in Medina, a Qur’an for the people of Medina, and a Qur’an that he reserved for himself. It was said that this Qur’an is kept in the library of the books of the Al-Fadhiliyya School. It was built by the virtuous Sultan Abd al-Rahim al-Bisani al-Asqalani in the Ayyubid era. Then Sultan King al-Ashraf Qansuh al-Ghuri transferred it to the dome that he built in front of his school, and he also transferred the prophetic relics to it, and he made his own cover for the Qur’an.

The Top Qapu Saray Museum in Istanbul keeps a Qur’an written on parchment, and they say that it is the same Qur’an that was in Uthman’s hand on the day he was martyred, and that traces of blood are still visible on its pages to this day. But referring to the description of the Qur’an, it becomes clear that these red dots, which they claim are traces of Uthman’s blood, are nothing but inscriptions and circles with geometric lines inside them. This confirms that the Qur’an has no relation to the Ottoman Qur’an. Plastering and dotting were not among the characteristics of these Qur’an manuscripts

■■■■ The development of Arabic calligraphy in current drawing ■■■■

The current script was written without punctuation, as the Arabs used to write the letters mostly without punctuation, and they used to distinguish them from each other by slang and according to the context. When the tongue differed as the Arabs mixed with the non-Arabs, melody and distortion appeared in the tongues and in the recitation of the Qur’an. There has become an urgent need to develop writing.

Abu Al-Aswad Al-Du’ali, at the request of Ziyad bin Abiyah – the Emir of Iraq – (in the year 67 AH), placed marks in the Qur’ans with a different dye. He made the fatha a dot above the letter, the kasra a dot below the letter, and he made the damma a dot on the left side. The nun of tanween was written, so he replaced it with two dots according to the vowel movement. Letter.

During the reign of the Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, similar Arabic letters were punctuated, and Nasr ibn Asim and Yahya ibn Ya`mar did this on the orders of al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf al-Thaqafi (who was proficient in the Qur’an and Arabic, so he ordered the scholars to count the verses and letters of the Qur’an and then apply the well-known punctuation. They also arranged the alphabet letters in order The alphabet (A, B, T, D…).

After that, Al-Khalil bin Ahmed Al-Farahidi saw the difficulty of the matter, as there was a lot of mixing of dots in writing in his days, due to the lack of distinction between the dot of the letter or the dot of the shape. Al-Khalil replaced the form that Abu Al-Aswad Al-Du’ali had established, as he wanted to get rid of the dot system in the form. The ḍammah was given a small waw, and two waws were given for the ḍammah. He placed a small line above the letter for the fatha, and made two letters for the tanween. He put a small line under it for the kasra, and made two letters for the tanween.

The oldest extant document that definitely uses the notation system is also the first document in Arabic on papyrus and is dated Jumada al-Awwal of the year 22 AH – 643 AD. Dripping was not mandatory during that period.

■■■■ Types of Arabic fonts ■■■■

Arabic scripts took several approaches to naming. Some of them were named after the names of cities, such as Nabataean, Kufi, Hijazi, and Persian, or the names of their creators, such as Al-Yaquti (Al-Musta’sami), Al-Rayhani, Al-Riyasi, and Al-Ghazlani. They were also named by the ratio of the calligraphy’s quantities, such as the one-third, one-third, and two-thirds, in addition to calling it a ratio. To the tool that draws it, such as the dust line, and also to the form of the line, such as the serial line.


It is the oldest and most ancient Arabic script ever. It originated and was adopted in the era of the Prophet due to the need of Muslims to write down the Holy Qur’an. It is still known to this day as the Kufi Qur’an, and it is attributed to the first city established by Muslims, which is Kufa. Ibn al-Nadim is considered the first to mention the name of this script in writing the Index.


One of the clearest Arabic fonts ever, it is distinguished by the clarity of its letters and the completeness of its formation, which facilitates the reading process and ensures correct pronunciation. The Qur’an was written in this script during the era of Ottoman calligraphers.

The Naskh script appeared most likely around the year 800 AD, but it developed around the year 1678 AD at the hands of the calligrapher Al-Hafiz Othman (1642-1698 AD), who introduced a new style of his own in the Naskh script that differed from the method of Sheikh Hamdallah. The Naskh script reached its peak with the emergence of two independent schools. The school of Judge Askar Mustafa Ezzat (1801-1876 AD) and calligrapher Muhammad Shawqi Effendi (1829-1887 AD), where the latter developed a method of Naskh script that distinguished him from his previous calligraphers.

Many Ottoman and contemporary calligraphers were famous for their proficiency in this calligraphy and their abundant production with it, such as: the calligrapher Hassan Reda (1849-1920) and the calligrapher Haj Arif al-Bakal (1836-1909).

The patch

It was called this in reference to the rqā’, which is deer skin. It was invented by the Ottoman calligrapher Mumtaz Bey and was established in the Ottoman Caliphate’s offices to unify the writing script among state employees. The rqā’ script is considered the daily writing script.


The most beautiful Arabic calligraphy is characterized by its liveliness and flexibility, as if its letters were dancing on the paper. It is said that the first to set its rules and define its scales was the calligrapher Ibrahim Munif. This calligraphy was officially known after the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror conquered Constantinople.

It was used to write medals, badges, and appointments, which is why it was called the Diwani, in reference to the government offices. At its beginning, it was one of the secrets of the palaces in the Ottoman Empire.


It appeared in Persia in the thirteenth century AD. It is called (Taaliq font) and it is a beautiful font whose letters are characterized by precision and elongation. It is also characterized by its ease, clarity, and lack of complexity. It does not bear the formation, despite its difference with the line of the patch.

The Taghari

“Tura” or “Tughra” or “Tughra” is a beautiful form written in Thuluth script in a special form. Its origin is a royal sign written in royal decrees, on Islamic coins, or otherwise, and the name or title of the sultan is mentioned. Taha Al-Bustani said: “The sultans and governors took from the Turks, Persians, and Tatars to protect their seals. The sultans might replace the seal by drawing the royal tughra on patents and publications, and it had its own collections, although the tughra in most cases did not print of course, but rather drew and wrote, and its printing on coins was used to take the place of the drawing of kings when “The Franks.”

The origin of the word Tughra is a Tatar word containing the name and title of the ruling sultan, and it was first used by the third sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Murad I.

¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ End ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

This is a summary of information about Arabic calligraphy that is known to all researchers, and no academic researcher will deviate from this information that I took from official sources.


The story of this current script says that the Qur’an was revealed in Mecca, then the first Qur’an was written in this script without punctuation, then a process of development took place on it, due to the entry of the non-Arabs into Islam, who were unable to differentiate between letters that were similar in drawing, then the script was punctuated, then it developed. To put diacritical marks, which is the current drawing.

Why is it called the Hijazi script?

Is it because the Qur’an was revealed in Mecca, and the first Qur’an was written in that region, and it is the script that reached the residents of the region? Is it because the scenario of the historical story imposes a logical link that his name be Hijazi?!

What I mean is: Did we call it the Hijazi script, or did the residents of Mecca call it the Hijazi, or did the residents of the region at that period call it the Hijazi?!

If the residents of Mecca were the ones who gave him this name, then it is a historical fabrication and false, because the name Hijaz was not popular at that time. Did this word (Hijaz) appear in the biographical books printed by the Ottoman printer….. No.

Secondly… the line cannot be attributed to geography, because this designation imposes that the name Hijaz is a political, cultural, etc. component, and the Hijaz mountains extend to Yemen and the Levant.

Also, the affiliation of the script to geography assumes that society has been established in comparison with other geography, and logically, the rest of geography must have a written script, that is, there is the Najdi script, the Yemeni script, the Levantine script, and the Iraqi script.

But if this script was launched by the other, then it is illogical in the consciousness of that period because the other used to give the lines of the region names that were not attributed to geography… The Musnad script was not called the Yemeni script, and the hieroglyphic script was not called the Egyptian script. The cuneiform script was not called the Levantine or Iraqi script.

But this imposes a point because Mecca is geographically surrounded on all sides and knows how to write: Yemen, Misr, Iraq, and the Levant.

So……..this name was given to this script at a later time, and its purpose, in my personal opinion, is to create an origin for this script and for the script of the region, in addition to the new origin of the Meccan religion.

But the very important question is: What did the Messenger and the Companions call this script?! …Because at that time the residents of Yemen called their written script the Musnad script?!

Arabic calligraphy, for example?!

This script in which the Messenger wrote must have had its own name, well-known and common in that period, as the area surrounding Mecca had special names for scripts.

We have not received any information from the story of Mecca found in the books of biography and hadith and the rest of the books that speaks even a small reference to the name of this line, because not mentioning it is illogical, as if he wanted to say that this line is the line of all the inhabitants of the earth, and the line of all the inhabitants of the region and There is no need to have a distinct name for it, because it is one script… while the reality is that Mecca was surrounded on all sides by clear, prominent and standing scripts, and this forces it to give it a name to distinguish it from the rest of the scripts.

This point made them invent another name…which is the Jazm script, on the pretext that this script came out of the Musnad script through a process of subtraction from it.

The logical question: This name was invented to create a name for the font, but at a long time later, so why try to come up with a name for it when it does not have its own initial name?!

Then what is the meaning of Jazm?! …He called it the cutting line and the matter was over, so why this difficulty in naming it?

Or why is it not called Arabic calligraphy?! ..Is the topic difficult?!

I think yes, because if it was called Arabic script, it must be the origin of the first Arab script, while the reality is otherwise. There, Yemen has an older and different script, and according to history, Yemen is the origin of the Arabs. From this point that we reached, the idea emerged that this line emerged from the Musnad line.

Now the important question: You have the current line and the Musnad line, and make a comparison between them. Does the current line seem to have departed from the Musnad line?!

There is no relationship or any logical link between this font and the Musnad font. Even if you perform any external operations on the Musnad font, cutting, merging, splitting, or rotating the symbols, it is not possible to produce from the operations any shape similar to the letters of this font.

I have reason and vision……..even if prophetic hadiths or statements of scientific genius were attributed to scientists in the past, and it was said about them that they were among the founders of sociology, language, or grammar….and you say that this line departed from the line The musnad…is either a donkey, a madman, or a lying person trying to convince me of this idea through the trick of attributing the words to the Prophet or attributing the words to an imaginary time so that for me it becomes a binding ancestral inheritance. They said this information and we must listen to them and surrender to their logic.

So what is the origin of this line?!

It is said that the origin of the script is Syriac.

But the logical question is: Why did people not take the Syriac script literally as it is?! Is it because Roman times told us that the Church of Rome came before Islam, so all the elements of Islam must have come from the Church of Rome, the white man’s church?

The closest place to the people of Mecca is Yemen, very close and full of Musnad writings, and their trade goes to Yemen all the time… and they can take the script from them.

It is said that its origin is the Aramaic script, but the logical question is: Is there a people remaining until today called the Aramaeans who write in their first script so that we can compare and confirm that it actually emerged from the Aramaic script?

If I said that the current script has its origins in the Musnad script, perhaps it would be more logical than saying that the origin of the script is Aramaic, because Yemen contains many inscriptions in the Musnad script and they are very clear as the sun. But who are these Arameans and where did they live? Do they have antiquities like antiquities? Yemen, Misr, or Iraq, so that we can trust the existence of a long period of time in which a people called Aramaeans lived and who had their own writing?!


All the inscriptions that are said to be Aramaic are as numerous as the number of fingers on a hand, and are unclear and lacking in accuracy like the rest of the inscriptions in the region, and there is no care given to them, as if they are not authentic scripts, or as if they are like a quick, travel-friendly, and insatiable (sandwich). Three of the samples of these inscriptions contain a unique case and a strange coincidence, which is the presence of this Aramaic script next to the Greek script in three inscriptions.


It is said that the origin of the script is Nabataean.

Is he nabati?! …….. The truth is, I do not know to this day who these Nabataeans are and what their story is, and I have never been able to understand it until today. Therefore, I will not be able to refute this statement until now, unless I understand the story of the Nabataeans. .

The important question: Was this script written before Islam?!

According to sources, 44,000 documents written before Islam speak in an ancient script similar to this script.

44000?! ……a very imaginative number. Perhaps the Greeks themselves or the entire Vatican Library do not contain such a volume of archaeological manuscripts.

Where are those documents?!

In addition to this information, there are ten stone inscriptions that talk about the beginnings of this script.

Western archaeological history has provided us with approximately ten inscriptions that speak of the beginnings of current Arabic calligraphy. But what is funny is that the Rosetta Stone is repeated with us in an inscription in the Levant, and it was found written in three scripts: Arabic, Syriac, and Greek… and this inscription written in three scripts is the clearest example of the current script, but the strange thing is that this inscription only appeared in The Levant and it did not appear in Mecca or Hijaz. Rather, the strangest thing is that this inscription is as old as the beginning of Islam.

I don’t know why the Greeks are following us everywhere in the region lol, and they place a stone inscription of three lines, including Greek, for us everywhere. Through these Greek stone inscriptions, the lines are deciphered, all the inscriptions are read, and the date that we received through the printer is confirmed. lol

Everywhere in the region you find an inscription consisting of three lines, including Greek.

This inscription is as old as the narration of Islam… It is as if the writer of the inscription wanted to give us a chronological document confirming the history of Islam at the same age, or to tell us that the emergence of Islam began with the appearance of this script… so that we can be reassured.

I mean, I am surprised that very clear inscriptions of the current Arabic calligraphy do not appear when they are, for example, 500 BC or 700 BC.. I do not know why there must be extreme chronological accuracy in all the discovered inscriptions so that they match the Roman calendar (the white man’s calendar).

These ten inscriptions pose an important and logical question to us:

If you search anywhere in Yemen, you will find countless antiquities that are not restricted to a specific number, and there is no restriction on the number of inscriptions. So why is the origin of this script restricted to five inscriptions, like a sandwich? I travel quickly, and I am not satisfied… Why? With the number of fingers, where is this origin that is not restricted by conditions and a specific number? Why is the origin not an endless number of inscriptions?! .

Something illogical.

If we count these discoveries, you will find that most of them were discovered in Saudi Arabia and the Levant.

Question: Why specifically these places and not appear elsewhere?!

Is it intended to say that the origin of the script appeared there in Saudi Arabia in order to give a written origin also to that region, just as a religious origin was given to it?

In Yemen, you will find artifacts written in hieroglyphic script, and note the very large distance separating Misr and Yemen, and yet you find artifacts in Yemen, so why have we not discovered any trace of such inscriptions outside those areas?

Ten inscriptions, without any care, and written in a cursive manner, do not constitute scientific evidence to say that these inscriptions are the first beginnings or the first origin of the calligraphy.

Why ?!

Compare the Musnad script and the hieroglyphs. You will find, logically and scientifically, that the hieroglyph is the first origin of the Musnad script. But look at the size of the inscriptions in Misr, they are countless, and look at the size of the inscriptions in Yemen, they are countless, and any sane person will say that There are a people in Misr who wrote in hieroglyphics over a very long life, and there are a people in Yemen who wrote in Musnad over a very long life.

Where and how long does it take to produce ten separate and unclear inscriptions and travel work? And where is this society that lived for a long time writing in these scripts?!

Ten inscriptions are not considered scientifically or logically by any sane person or researcher as real evidence. Rather, in the eyes of any researcher, they are considered to be highly suspicious of the fact that someone created inscriptions for a purpose in the soul of Yaacoub.

Rather, notice the time difference between the inscription lines. You will find that the difference is a very small time, but there is a qualitative shift in the calligraphy, which does not indicate or express at all that this shift is the result of 40 years, requiring a longer period.

According to the history that was presented to us, near the emergence of Islam in Mecca, the people of Yemen were writing in the Musnad script on stone, and we have the Ibraha inscription written on the rock, and to this day no paper books have reached us in the Musnad script, so why did only forty years pass since the Ibraha inscription, so let us find a narration. Islam tells us about a society in Mecca that writes on paper, sends paper letters, and writes on paper and leather?!

Is it possible that Yemen is an area of ancient and deep urban stability, and in communication with the outside world, as evidenced by the fact that Yemen’s Musnad inscriptions were cut from the hieroglyphic script in Misr? Is it reasonable that Yemen at that time was backward and was the people of writing and had never written on paper like the society of Mecca, which Its area is 5 kilometers, it is a narrow and small place.

There is a time discrepancy here.

But the strange thing is that Yemen was written in the Musnad script at that time, and any script that emerges from the Musnad script requires a very, very long time, until a change in form occurs in it. This is assuming that some say that the current script emerged from the Musnad script is correct.


So how did the Prophet write the Qur’an and how did Uthman write the Qur’an?

Or what is the original script? If the narration said that the script was an invention of the Messenger and Mecca, it would be very logical, as it is an invention and has no origin except Mecca.

Why did they invent this line and not take the Yemen line, unless Mecca, this very narrow place, believes politically and culturally that it does not belong to Yemen?

According to history, the first Mushaf was the Uthman Mushaf. It was compiled by Uthman and called the Uthmani Mushaf. The Qur’an was not recited at that time.

But there is information in the sources that talks about finding a dotted Qur’an from the first century AH.

We will leave this information and will not adopt it.

We previously raised a topic related to this matter, and we refuted this story and its time, for reasons, the most important of which are:

● The Holy Qur’an is not a book, but rather a readable book

– Whose name is the Qur’an, not a book, and the Qur’an means (reading a book)

– The Muslim is very keen to read the Qur’an, which has been passed down and memorized by the ancients, and not from the drawing of the Qur’an.

● The Holy Qur’an was not written in this script, and this script is not my arrest

If it had been written in this script, the entire region would have been flooded with ancient manuscripts of the Qur’an in this script.

– If the Qur’an had been written in this script 1400 years ago, no Muslim would have been illiterate….. because the extreme care taken by a Muslim in memorizing the Qur’an by heart requires extreme care in learning the rhyming letters of the Book of Allah, but this did not happen.

– If the Qur’an were written in this script, the verses at the beginning of the surahs of the Qur’an would be written in fragments and not connected.

– A Muslim considers the inherited, metaphysical memorization of the Qur’an to be arbitrary and binding, while the drawing of the Qur’an does not consider it to be arbitrary and binding.

● The Holy Qur’an was contained in a book written in broken letters

The verses at the beginning of the surahs of the Qur’an are evidence of this.

The two readings currently available confirm that the readers read the Qur’an from a book with disjointed letters, because the differences between the two readings are in the positions of the vowels, and this phenomenon exists in ancient writing.

● The Holy Qur’an was taken by the early Muslims from one book, of which only one copy exists, and it reached Muslims in the world through memorization from the beginning.

– The phenomenon of Muslims memorizing the Qur’an by heart, and passing on this memorization from generation to generation.

The Muslim considers the inherited, metaphysical memorization of the Qur’an to be binding and binding, while the current memorization of the Qur’an is considered non-descriptive and non-binding.

– If the Qur’an were written in this script, it would be called the Book and not the Qur’an, and the region is supposed to be filled with ancient manuscripts of the Qur’an dating back 1,400 years. This indicates that there is a book from which Muslims have memorized it in secret and have inherited its memorization.


But let’s leave the above, because there is an important observation.

According to history, the calligraphy went through four stages, the first undotted stage, then the dotted stage (the signs of dhamma, kasra, and fatha) carried out by Abu Al-Aswad al-Du’ali, then the dotting of the letters by order of the Umayyad dynasty, then changing the dots of (damma, kasra, and dhamma) to different signs ( Italics, small waw, etc.) via Al-Farahidi.

This development took place over a period of approximately 250 years

The logical question: Is it possible that this development took place over the course of 250 years, while the inscriptions presented to us by the West are separated by a very long life and there is no development that has occurred to reach this stage that Al-Farahidi has reached, for example…at least the dotting of the letters.

Also, is it possible that a person like Abu Al-Aswad, who developed calligraphy, instead of removing the confusion between similar letters, went to a far away place and put dots as vowels?!

Is he a donkey or a fool and a crazy person?!

Then who is this character who imposed his logic on a large nation, for example?

The first job that any donkey or crazy person does is to remove the confusion between similar letters. Who is this dummy, for example?!

Secondly…. What is the reason for putting dots in the first place? Why did it not occur to them to invent other letters?!

Is it because the line is suspended?!

If the calligraphy had been arbitrary, they would not have made this modification to the script, and this negates the fact that it was arbitrary in their minds during that period, because they were supposed to adhere to the drawing of the Messenger as it was.

The fact that the script was initially without dots, then dotted to remove confusion in reading after the Persians converted to Islam, denies the fact that this script is of Persian origin, because they can read it and there is no need for dots.

What is the origin of the calligraphy then?!

The Islamic novel that presented the Muslim tried to create evolutionary stages for the calligraphy, in order to create an initial origin for the calligraphy, a historical depth, and a historical logical process of consolidation to establish this script, just as archaeologists tried to create a historical origin for the calligraphy through ten inscriptions to give this script a historical dimension and initial origins. He came out of it.

Because the logical question that was not asked in this history that was presented to the Muslim and the Arab: What is the true origin of the drawing of letters, what is the idea that created the written letter?!

To draw a line and then modify the letters is not considered a realistic history of the origin of the line at all.

Drawing a line, then making inscriptions that include modifications to the line, to express the evolutionary stages of the line, is not considered historical or chronological logic at all.

That we discover a calligraphy as a first stage and we are unable to find any logical relationship within the letters of the calligraphy, then after a while we discover inscriptions similar to the calligraphy, does not mean at all that time and reality produced those inscriptions and those lines.

Also, the story presented to the Muslim about the development of the calligraphy is false and fabricated, from the imagination of the Ottoman printer, because this development began from a non-dotted line, and the non-dotted line forces us to ask a logical, respectful and sane question: On what basis were the letters drawn in this way, without dots? Why was there a huge inability and a very large disability in writing letters that are similar and there are no differences between them?

Was it a stupid society?!

C H F E G R Z D D D B T Th R Z T Z

Imagine it without dots

Where did the society of Mecca come from, this ass and foolish society, to write in this stupid way, and to write letters that are similar in drawing and there is no difference, but different in pronunciation?!

My brother… Mecca society is surrounded by a very respectable environment. They have a wonderful and respected writing culture and a great historical asset, and they are supposed to benefit from them, especially since the story of the Ottomans made the people of Mecca travel to the Levant and Yemen and look at their writings.

So the story that the calligraphy began without punctuation is a lie, to create a primitive origin for the calligraphy only in the Muslim’s consciousness, and does not make him raise a question about the first origin of the calligraphy.

The first real appearance of this script………a complete back, complete with this form, dotted and marked with diacritics, etc., and it reached the Muslim for the first time in this form and this dotting.

Why ?!

The script must have a primitive origin, and there must be a logical external link between its letters, not an internal one.

If we do not find this origin and external logical link, or we find a primary origin and internal logical link, then it is an initial invented line, meaning that the line is originally the first, the beginning, and the end, and there is no beginning or origin before it.

Let’s make a comparison between this line and the datum line

You will find that the Musnad script, each symbol is different from the other, and is not similar, and it has an origin found in Egyptian writing, and within its symbols there is an external link.

As for the current line

There are similar symbols inside it… and only a point differentiates between a symbol and a symbol, and the criterion of difference is the point, and there is no external logical link between its symbols, but rather there is a logical link within it.

Yes, there is an internal link between its symbols

And it is the sound

Whoever invented this calligraphy invented it based on the sound and the position of the tongue in the mouth. See how Al-Aswad Al-Daali talks about the sound and he tells everyone about the reasons for developing the calligraphy.

This means that if you notice, for example, that there is no logical connection between the letter (d) and the letter (dha) in the way it is drawn in the Musnad script, assuming that Western translations of the Musnad are correct, but in the current script you will find that the letter (dha) is similar to the letter (dha) and differs from it. With just a point, and when you ask yourself why the two letters are drawn in such a close manner, you will find the answer in your tongue when pronouncing the two letters, the tongue is in a very close position.

So whoever created this script placed it on the basis of the tongue, and it is impossible for this mind that thought to invent this script to write the letter (d) and write the letter (dha) without a dot. That is, the inventor will logically invent two similar drawings for the two letters, but something else must be distinguished between them.

This completely negates the story that the current calligraphy had its beginning without punctuation, meaning that the first beginning of this calligraphy was completely in the same ready-made form as it is today.

Who is the first inventor of this line?!

The Ottomans, not the Prophet, not Othman, and not the Arabs.

If you look at the sources we have provided, you will find that most of the Arabic calligraphy was made by Ottoman calligraphers, and you will find that the first drawing of the Qur’an in this calligraphy (naskh) was drawn up by a Turk named Othman.

We spoke previously…that the age of this calligraphy is very recent and not ancient.


The Ottomans or the Ottoman calligrapher, any one of them, are behind this script that they imposed on the region, after they decided to write the Qur’an in this script, and because the Qur’an was written in this script, this script later became obligatory for the Muslim and the Arab to write in it.

This fact was well known to our ancestors, and they used to call it the Uthmani Qur’an, named after the Ottomans. However, this fact must not remain in memory or be passed on from generation to generation…it must be erased permanently.

Why ?

Because the continuation of this fact will destroy the game that must be played in the region, and the continuation of this fact means that the Qur’an was originally written in a script other than this script.

Therefore….the Muslim and the Arab must realize that this is the first stop line of the Qur’an.

What is the solution ?

I believe that implementing this task on the collective memory of societies requires conducting an experiment on memory.

The nation is a living entity, but it is abstract, and it does not have a physical brain, but a memory of it can be created by writing its history in books.


When I change the script of the Qur’an and create a new script, and spread it in society, then society will be aware that it is an Ottoman invention, and that the Ottomans collected all the Qur’an inside a paper Qur’an and gave it to them in a script of their own invention… Therefore, I want to Doing something that makes this society completely forget this fact and not pass it on, and the following must be done:

We observe society for one generation or 40 years.

Then we create a historical novel for him, which we write in books so that we make it his memory and create an ancient chronological age for him… so that it is recorded in the ancient memory of society, and the importance of making its time ancient so that it becomes well engraved, then we write in history the story of a person whose name is similar to the name of the Ottoman, and it will be His name is Othman, and he collected the Qur’an… Then we begin to publish it to the community, and make the community consider it its history… until a new generation is formed that believes in this new narrative.

Why ?

Until the old name of Othman and the new name of Othman are erased from reality and consciousness. Until the old name of Othman is erased, the new name of Othman is from the collective memory. There is a connection and overlap between the virtual ancient time and the real modern time.


If information or any continuous indication appears in society about the previous fact that the Qur’an was written and compiled by the modern Uthmani, due to the remains of inheritance and transmission in society, the new generation will reject it and will only accept the story stored in the memory of society that we created for it (the books), because it is It carries a time older than the immediate, connected reality.

There will be continuous confusion in society……….and there will be an overlap between names, between the story of the ancient Othman and the story of the modern Othman, between the plural of the old Othman and the plural of the modern Othman…and there will be a union between the two times, between the times. What is close to the Ottoman (reality) and between the old virtual time that exists in the memory of the old Othman (the books).

And the final result……… Society will reject the time of the immediate reality and this truth, and will find a logical explanation for this confusion that society has begun to confuse the new Othman with the old Othman due to the similarity of the names….. and will only accept the image. In the old memory we created for him.

And with time and generation after generation…the realistic truth will disappear and fade away, and the transmission and inheritance of this truth by society will cease, in favor of the image in the old memory, which will be inherited and transmitted from generation to generation…because it is a memory that exists in matter. It does not deteriorate or expire, it is constantly printed, unlike a person whose memory ends with his death.

Society (the Ottoman Caliphate) will reject the truth and reality, and will constantly and continuously call it (Caliph Othman).

This process… required writing books that established a historical origin for this script, and it also required embodying the illusion with material objects, by making travel inscriptions in the region, and making it the first historical origin of the script.

And in order to understand this temporal game over memory… look at how the Ottomans still preserve to this day the first Qur’an written by Caliph Othman (according to their claim)… and it is located in the Istanbul Museum.

Funny……… All the documents that are 1400 years old are in the museums of the Ottomans, and they are the basis of the affliction, absurdity and corruption that befell us…… Because they are fake documents to embody the fictitious history that they wrote for Muslims and Arabs. .

The current script is a purely Ottoman invention, and the current Qur’an is called the Ottoman Qur’an, because the current script in which I am writing now, which is the same script as the Qur’an, is originally a purely Turkish Ottoman invention.

Realizing this fact is very important for Muslims and Arabs, so that they can understand the game and the true meaning of the Quranic verse:

{That is the Book about which there is no doubt – a guidance for the righteous}

That book….that is, the original script in which the Qur’an was written before this script, before the Ottomans wrote the Qur’an in this script and imposed it on Muslims and Arabs.

The real goal that the Qur’an wants the reader of the Qur’an to reach in terms of (that book)… is the original writing of the Qur’an…… so that the Muslim obtains his true memory and this nation reaches its original memory…….. He wants May Allah remove the Muslims from the fake memory that Al-Othmani wrote for you with this script that he invented and imposed on them, and he printed for the people through his printer and his handwriting all this fake history.

He wants the Muslim to emerge from darkness into light.



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