The myth of Islamic conquests – the conquest of Persia

The myth of Islamic conquests - the conquest of Persia


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1- The Achaemenid state

It is said that it initially arose in 650 BC in the form of a tribal grouping, but the real founding was in 560 BC at the hands of Chorus, who unified the country.

(650 BC – 330 BC) (approximately 300 years)

(560 BC – 330 BC) (approximately 230 years)

■ The Achaemenids are a Persian royal family, one of the ancient Iranian peoples, who was the last wave of the waves of Indo-European (Aryan) peoples that invaded the lands of Iran at the beginning of the first millennium BC. The Achaemenid family, whose origin is not known, appeared at the beginning of the seventh century BC. .M. It established an empire in Persia in 560 BC. This state seized a large area that included western Anatolia, Babylon, Iran, Palestine, and Misr.

■ Wars (with Athens)

This era was famous for the Median wars between the Persians on the one hand and the Greek cities on the other.

■ The capital of the country (Persepolis)

■ Its first king (Cyrus Cyrus)

■ The most famous kings of this era (Cyrus, Darius, and Ardashir)

The greatest king of this period was Cyrus (579 BC – 530 BC), who was known as Cyrus. He founded the Persian Empire in the year, and among his actions he invaded Babylon in the year (538 BC) and liberated the Al-Yahoud there from Babylonian captivity.

■ Language (Old Persian)

■ Written script (Cuneiform – Aramaic – Fahlawi)

Research suggests that the ancient Persian language was written in an ancient Aramaic script, while the ancient Persian language recorded in the inscriptions on the rocks was written in cuneiform letters.

■ The last king of this era was Darius III (336 BC – 330 BC)

Darius III is the grandson of Darius II. (380 BC – 330 BC). His original name is Artashta and the Greeks call him Kodomanos. He was the last king of the Achaemenid period in Persia and ruled from 336 BC until 330 BC. Artashta adopted Dariush’s name as the referee’s name.

■ Persia fell at the hands of Alexander the Great in (330 BC or 333 BC)

Stages of Alexander’s conquest of Persia

● Alexander headed his army from Syria after its conquest towards the heart of the Persian Empire.

Alexander went out with an army of 35,000 soldiers to invade Iran, and initially headed towards the Syrian coast, where he met the Persian army and was able to eliminate the Persian army on the Syrian coast, so Darius III decided to flee, and Alexander marched his army down the coast, until he reached the heart of Misr and He returned again to the Syrian coast, and from there his army made its way to Mesopotamia.

● Then he crossed the Euphrates and Tigris rivers while Darius was building a very large army, summoning soldiers from the far reaches of the empire. Darius was able to mobilize a greater number of men than all of Alexander’s dreams. The Persian camp also contained a sign that confirmed that the Persians were still in a position of power and might, which were the majestic war elephants.

● Battle of the Gaugamela Coast

There, Alexander met a Persian army numbering ten times his own, i.e. 350,000 soldiers, and was able to defeat it. With an army numbering 35 thousand,

Alexander formed his right front in the shape of a huge wedge and was at the head of the attack that stormed a weak point in the center of the Persians’ front. In the midst of the events, the driver of Dariush’s carriage was killed by a spear stab, and chaos broke out among both parties (by mistake) after they thought that Dariush was the one killed on the cart. As a result of this news, the Persian front collapsed, and Darius fled, along with a group of Bactrian cavalry headed by Bassus, who were able to catch up with him later.

As for the remaining pockets of Persian resistance, they were immediately suppressed. Overall, the Battle of Gaugamela was a huge loss for the Persians, and it was one of Alexander’s greatest victories.

● Darius decided to flee towards the east, to gather another army and confront Alexander, while Alexander headed towards Babylon, and then to Susa. In Babylon, meanwhile, Darius sent letters to his eastern satrapies asking them to remain loyal to him. However, these satrapies had other intentions, so they quickly submitted to Alexander.

● Alexander was received in Babylon with the welcome of conquerors, then Alexander headed to the city of Persepolis and burned and destroyed it in qisas for Persia’s burning of Athens. Then Alexander went out to chase Darius III, until he reached the Alborz Mountains, and there he found Darius murdered by his followers.


The Sasanian Empire (224 AD – 634 AD) (approximately 400 years)

■ The Sassanians are named after the priest Sasan, who was the grandfather of the first Sassanid king, Ardashir I. Sasanian is the name used for the Second Persian Empire. The Sasanian dynasty was founded by King Ardashir I after the defeat of the last Parthian king, Artabanus IV. The Sassanians linked their lineage to the Achaemenids to express their originality and as a legitimate political heir to the country, and their state was established after the elimination of the Parthians.

■ Wars (with Rome)

Throughout their rule, the Sassanids fought wars with Rome

■ The capital of the country (Istakhr in Persepolis, then Al-Mada’in)

Istakhr Persepolis was the capital of the country and then moved to Al-Mada’in.

■ Its first king (Ardashir)

■ Its most famous kings (Kosro I, Yazdger, and Ardashir)

Thirty-four kings ruled this empire, and one of the greatest kings of this state was Khosrau I Ibn Qubad (531 AD – 578 AD), known as (Ansharvan). He carried out agricultural reform in Persia, encouraged education, and translated books from Greek and Sanskrit into Arabic. Pahlavi language. Among his actions was sending a war fleet to Yemen and liberating it from the Abyssinian occupation in the year (535 AD), and sources say (574 AD).

■ Language (Medium Persian)

The Middle Persian language (Pahlavi) was the language of the Sassanian era, until it began to approach its current modern form.

■ Written script (Aramaic Pahlavi)

The Persian language was written in the complex Pahlavi script, and so the language was named after this script (Pahlavi language).

■ The last king of this country, Yazdgir III, ruled between the years (631 AD – 636 AD). He was 22 years old and was killed in the year (651 AD).

Yazdeger III is the grandson of the King of the Sasanian Empire, Khosrau II.

■ The Sassanian state fell at the hands of the Arab conquerors.

In the late sixth century, Khosrow II was able to seize Damascus and Jerusalem and advanced towards Constantinople, but the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius moved and crossed Mesopotamia until he reached Cities, and the matter ended with the signing of a peace treaty between Persia and Byzantium after they were exhausted. Shortly after that treaty, the Sassanian state fell at the hands of the Arab conquerors.

Stages of the Islamic conquest of Persia

● Khalid bin Al-Walid headed from the Levant to Iraq, which was ruled by Hormuz the Persian. He was given the choice between Islam, tribute, or fighting, so Hormuz preferred fighting, and sent to Khosrau asking for supplies, so he provided Hormuz with large supplies. The battle of Dhat al-Silsil took place.

● Battle of the Chains

Khalid adopted a strategy to deceive the Persian army.

At the beginning of the battle, Hormuz ordered his men to tie themselves with chains. After Hormuz was killed, the ranks of the Persians became disturbed, so the Muslims took advantage of the opportunity and inflicted a major defeat on the Persians.

Qabbad and Anushjan, the commanders of the two wings of the Persian army, were able to escape, so Khaled ordered Al-Muthanna to chase the remnants of the Persians.

● When Khalid bin Al-Walid received news of the concentration of Qarin bin Qaryanis’ army in Al-Madhar, Khalid rushed with his army to reach Al-Muthanna. Hormuz had written to Khosrau asking for supplies, so he provided him with an army led by Qarin ibn Qaryans. As soon as this army reached Al-Madhar, he received news of Hormuz’s defeat at Kazma. Then, he soon joined his army with the remnants of the Hormuz army, including Qabbad and Anushgan, the commanders of the Hormuz army, so Qarin made them commanders of the two wings of his army. In 12 AH, the battle began, which the Muslims called the Battle of Al-Madhar or Al-Thani, in which the Muslims were victorious over the Persians.

● The conquests of Muslim leaders continued

● Battle of Al-Qadisiyah (636 AD)

Led by Saad bin Abi Waqqas and Commander Rustam

The number of the Muslim army is 40 thousand and the number of the Persian army is 120 thousand and 33 elephants.

The Arab Muslims advanced to Al-Mada’in and defeated the Persian army, which was led by Rustam. After that, the conquerors headed to the capital of the First State, Istakhar, which was 5 kilometers away from the city of Persepolis, and destroyed and burned it.

After the victory of the Arab Muslim armies in the Battle of Al-Mada’in, the Persian king Yazdgerd III fled to Helwan, then to Isfahan. When the Muslims were victorious in the Battle of Nahavand, he fled to Istakhar. After the conquest of Isfahan, one of the leaders of the conquests went to chase Yazdgerd, but was unable to defeat him.

The conquests of Muslim leaders continued and extended to Susa, Babylon, etc

● Yazdgir lived the last ten years on the run, and Yazdgr was killed in the city of Merv by a Persian man. He was killed in the year 651 AD.

The death of Yazdger is the end of Persia


Now notice the great correspondence between the two eras, especially the map of the stages of Alexander’s conquests in Persia, and the map of the stages of the Islamic conquests in Persia.

This clear and funny similarity and identity was tried by the history writer to hide it with a trick. The Sassanians linked their lineage to the Achaemenids to express their originality and as a legitimate political heir to the country.

When the history writer said that the Sassanians tried to link their lineage to the Achaemenids, in order for you to be convinced when you see similarities and congruence, the reason is that the Sassanids tried to link themselves to the Achaemenids, because they considered the Achaemenids to be of Persian origin, and do not make you reach the idea that the topic is just a translation of one novel in a different language and was omitted. On an artificial calendar to create a new time only.

Notice this amazing similarity and match.

● The first king (Kors) —- before the last king (Kisro)

Chorus = kasro

K Vers = K Sarv

Vers = Cypress (reversed)

● The end of the king (Ardeshir) — The first king (Ardeshir)

Arshir = Ardshir (the output of the ta is very close to the output of the dal)

● Chorus liberated the Al-Yahoud of Babylon = Chosro liberated the Al-Yahoud of Yemen

● The last Achaemenid king named (Darius III) = the last Sassanid king named (Yazdeger III)

Holds the title of third = holds the title of third

● The last Achaemenid king was the grandson of Darius II = The last Sassanid king was the grandson of Khosrau II

Grandson of a second-titled king = grandson of a second-titled king

● The last Achaemenid king lived approximately 50 years = The last Sassanid king lived approximately 45 years

● The last Achaemenid king ruled for approximately 6 years = the last Sassanid king who ruled for approximately 6 years

● The last Achaemenid king was defeated in a decisive battle and fled = The last Sassanian king was defeated in a decisive battle and fled

● The last Achaemenid king was not killed by the Macedonians, but by a Persian man = The last Sassanid king was not killed by Muslims, but by a Persian man

● Alexander was an outstanding strategic military leader and famous for his war plans that are still studied today = Khalid bin Al-Walid was an outstanding strategic military leader and famous for his war plans that are still studied today

● The Macedonian conquerors, after victory in the battle, burned the capital, Persepolis = The Muslim conquerors, after victory in the battle, burned the capital, Istakhr, 5 kilometers from Persepolis.

● Alexander initially set off from Syria towards Persia after he conquered Syria = Khaled ibn al-Walid initially set off from the Levant towards Persia after he completed the conquests of the Levant.

● The itinerary of Alexander’s conquests of Babylon – Susa = The itinerary of the Muslim conquests passes through Susa and Babylon.

● The army of the Achaemenids doubled the army of Alexander = the army of the Sassanids doubled the armies of the Muslims

● The army of the Achaemenids was equipped with elephants = the army of the Sasanians was equipped with elephants.


This translated and very identical date is impossible to do, and project it onto a single date, because the game will be exposed. Therefore, separate eras of time with different dates must be created, so the idea of a chronological calendar that starts from zero was invented.. and I will call it the zero calendar. It is a calendar that carries negative values and positive values.

BC and AD = negative and positive

This process will make history a physical thing with a standard unit or real value, while history has a zero result, and it will turn all of ancient time into successive events and disappear or be swallowed up at the zero point, so that time begins again.

But even this process did not change anything. The more the history writer put a negative sign on the first novel… and put a positive sign on the translated novel.

Look now at the correspondence in the numbers, because the translator was following the pattern of a translated novel, and as for the compiler of the dates, he dropped the values of the date on the basis of zero time. Then there will be a match between the numbers of the dates of the beginning of the first novel with the numbers of the dates of the end of the second novel… because the novel is a history. A time period that has a specific time length that will be the same as the time length of the translated novel… and there is a zero calendar between them.

Look with me

● The Achaemenid Empire was established in 650 BC, and the Sassanian state ended in 651 AD.

650 BC = 651 AD

● The greatest king of the Achaemenid state is Chorus Aash (579 BC – 530 BC) = The greatest king of the Sassanid state is Khosrau I (531 AD – 578 AD)

(579 BC – 530 BC) = (531 AD – 578 AD)

● King Chorus liberated the Al-Yahoud of Babylon in 535 BC = King Chosro liberated Jewish Yemen from the Christian Ethiopians in 535 AD.

535 BC = 535 AD.

It is said that Persia entered Yemen in the year 574 AD

Now calculate the length of time between Khosrow’s liberation of Yemen from the Ethiopians and the year of his death

578 – 574 = 4

Now go and calculate the length of time between the liberation of Chorus for the Al-Yahoud in Babylon and the year of his death.

535 – 530 = 5

Now look at the length of time between the two, almost equal…there are 5 years and there are 4 four years.



Also, there will be a match between some of the numbers of the end dates of the first novel with some of the numbers of the ending dates of the second translated novel?!

Why ?!

The reason is zero and the beginning of counting

The idea is almost the same as the riddle that says: You have one and a half pills, and the doctor told you to drink half a pill every hour. After how many hours will you finish the medicine?!

Many will say after…three hours

But the correct thing is after…two hours.

This principle. The writer of the dates of the translated novels encountered a problem and made him add another time clock to the date… and the value of this clock is 300 years.

look now

● The last Achaemenid king who assumed power between the years (336 BC – 330 BC) = The last Sasanian king who assumed power between the years (631 AD – 636 AD)

(336 BC – 330 BC) = (631 AD – 636 AD)

Now delete the word (BC – AD) from the previous numbers, you will find that the difference between the two dates is 300 years.

The difference between the two is 300 years = an hour and half a pill in the previous example.

● Alexander eliminated the state of the Achaemenids (330 BC) = The Arabs eliminated the state of the Sasanians (630 or 636 AD).

No. 330 = No. 630

The difference is 300 years


There is important information that many people must realize.

Almost most of the history of the Sassanid Empire and its kings, the complete story of King Yazdeger III, has come to us from Ferdowsi’s book Shahnameh, which was compiled in the year 1000 AD… according to the date presented to us… that is, 400 years after the revelation of the Holy Qur’an.

What is the Shahnameh?

The Shahnameh (Persian: Shahnameh, “Book of Kings” or “Epic of Kings”) is a book written by Ferdowsi Abu al-Qasim Mansur in the 1000s AD. The book consists of thirty thousand verses, and it has been said that fifty thousand verses. The book has a great status among the Persians. It is the record of their history, songs of their glory, and the collection of their language. Lisan al-Din ibn al-Khatib called it the Persian Qur’an.

It is considered the national epic of Persia, and the book represents a great weight for Persian nationalists.

The verses describe the events that took place in Iran over a period of a thousand years, and collect most of the Persians’ awareness of their myths and history from their earliest times until the Islamic conquest. ….It begins by talking about the first humans and the beginning of creation, then it is arranged in a historical order: it mentions the family and begins with its first king, explaining its history, and the events that occurred during his reign, then mentions the second king, and so on.

Ferdowsi was a man who was versed in Greek books…and he was fanatical about his nationalism, and this is what made him write these verses. He is credited with reviving nationalism among the Persians and fanaticism towards the Arabs.

Many historians have relied on the Shahnameh to extract much of Persian history and the story of the Islamic conquests that have reached us.

What does this mean ?

If you notice that most of the popular historians must be well-versed in Greek and Greek books, this means that the topic of translation is included in their writings from those Greek books, but with a local flavor.

If you notice that most of Sassanian history appeared 400 years after the revelation of the Qur’an, and we do not know whether it is real history, rather logic says that no one knew such history for 400 years until Ferdowsi appeared.

You also notice that most nationalist fanatics must write the history of kings and new languages until the beginning of Islam, and then make the issue of conquests a popular weapon that provokes people and supports the history that they wrote, meaning a weapon to accept the history that precedes Islam and not the Islam that came with an Arabic book.

Notice, according to the history that was presented to us, how the Two Peoples Movement used the story of the Islamic conquests as the most powerful weapon to promote its ideas…. And the same thing is true today. If you notice that most of the extremist movements in the region, which raise slogans of identity and carry intense hatred and hatred toward… Arabs and Islam relies on the story of Islamic conquests as a weapon to promote its ideas.

This point was spoken by an Iranian thinker, Nasser Porbirar, who said that the Shahnameh was not written by Ferdowsi, but rather by a secret Jewish group to create a wave of hatred against Arabs and Islam, and that the book of the Shahnameh is merely myths and legends for which there is no material evidence, and all these stories were created in order to confront Arabs and Islam, and that there is no truth to the emergence of the populist movement in history as a reaction to Islam and the Arabs, but rather it is a history invented by the Al-Yahoud to create a gap between the peoples of the region.

Nasser Borbirar says:

The truth is that the Al-Yahoud are carrying out a historical movement that later became the basis for division and discord between the peoples of the region.


Now let me quote to you a conversation by a Jewish Zionist orientalist, and a strategic thinker in the American government, who drew up division maps for the region on which American policy is based…Bernard Lewis, as he speaks about this history:

The Iranian view of the Arab-Islamic conquests was mixed: some viewed it as a blessing bestowed upon the country by Allah, if people knew the true religion, and the era of ignorance and idolatry would end; others viewed it as a humiliating national defeat, as the empire collapsed at the hands of immortal foreign invaders. Persia has a connection. Both views are correct, of course, based on the point of view of those who propagate them… The Iranians did convert to Islam, but they did not Arabize. The Persians remained Persians. After a while of silence, Iran came back to emerge again, in a different and distinctive appearance within the Islamic world, to add at the end “The end is a new element to Islam itself.”

Haha… Look at how a strategic thinker and the owner of the maps dividing the region, who wants to prove those conquests and that history on which the two peoples were based… wants to confirm the history of the Shahnameh, which was written by the Al-Yahoud, and how he looks at this history from the perspective of Arabization, Islam, and Nationalism and belonging between geography, and how to think with a border, national and linguistic mentality in understanding this history.

Look now……….How do the words of the Iranian thinker Nasser Porbirar about the Al-Yahoud making a historical movement to create a gap between the societies of the region agree with the reading of this history by the Jewish Zionist Bernard Lewis?

Are you surprised?! ………… The astonishment will disappear when you know that this man belongs to the entity that wrote this history… and the history was written in a relatively recent period.

They know history well… They know the story well that happened, and people must get out of their fictional narrative… The book of reality is better than this heritage that was written by unknown people and reached the Muslims and Arabs from the Ottoman printer.


Now…………. After you saw this previous correspondence, did you understand well the meaning of the saying attributed to Al-Mamun, which he said after he translated the Greek books: Our goods were returned to us.

Our history is really translations…not our real history. This phrase was put in place in order to convince Muslims and Arabs in a historical period that what was delivered to them is their truth and must be accepted because it is our property and our goods. While the truth is that these are only translations…….of one novel, but the translations were formulated with décor, furniture, geography, and characters with Arabic names only and have no truth to them. The goal was to create a new memory for the peoples of the region.

The goal was what a Czech historian said:

“To liquidate peoples, we begin by erasing their memories, then we destroy their books that contain their culture and history, then someone else comes to write other books for them, give them another culture, and invent another history for them, and then after that the people gradually begin to forget, who he is!, and how. “It was! And the world around him will quickly forget him too.”

And this goal……….. creating a new memory for the peoples is what the power to which Bernard Lewis belonged did, in order to control the peoples through their imaginations for the benefit of the power they work with.

Note: The previous saying was not said 1000 years ago… and there is no one safe to say it… Rather, it was written 250 years ago, as part of a project of translations that will be presented to Arabs and Muslims at the time of the appearance of the printer, to make the saying as legitimate from within the structure of culture to accept such things. Translated books as truth for people.


the last

This correspondence between the conquests will explain many things in history to you.

It makes you know the reasons for the great similarity in many ancient historical figures and many historical events.

Failure to realize this matter……. leads to mistakes by researchers in history…….. while they study a historical figure or historical events (S)… when they go back too far to an earlier time in History and they read from other historical sources that contain the character and events of (A)… and they find (A) completely similar to (S), so they believe that (S) is nothing but (A), and they come up with new results that history The real one is (A).

For example, they produce results:

(S = Arabic character) is (A = Greek character)

(S = Arabic events) is (A = Greek events)

(S = Arabic place) is (A = Greek place)

(S = Arabic story) is (A = Greek story)

(S = Arabic Hats) is (A = Greek Hats)

The truth is that (S) and (A)… are nothing but one hypothetical novel written at one time…. but it was translated into different languages and different decorations were applied to it… and it was projected into multiple times. Multiple places.

This is what a German researcher named Hans Zelmer arrived at when he reviewed previous research… and concluded that ancient historical records were created in a single period, approximately with the advent of the printing press, and were dropped over ancient times, through repetition.

Bernard Lewis knows this fact.

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